PRODUCTION ECONOMICS TOOLS FOR FARM MANAGEMENT AAE 320 Paul D. Mitchell Learning Goal • Many tools for farmers exist, review a few for WI • Show how they work • Show that the production economics principles we learned underlie them • Mostly show in class on computer • Links on class web page • Some accessed as part of problem sets • Play with the tools on your own Corn Seeding Density • Getting A Handle on Corn Seed Costs (Problem Set #1) • Guidelines for Managing Corn Seed Cost • Both require calculating the price ratio: seed:corn as • • • • • $/1,000 seeds to $/bu WHY? 2014: about $300/bag or 300/80,000 x 1,000 = $3.75/1,000 seeds and $5.50/bu, so 3.75/5.50 = 0.682 • 0.682 is about half way between 0.50 and 0.75 Figure 1 in Getting a Handle: 34,500 Figure 2 in Guidelines: 35,000 seeds/ac for non-Bt corn and 37,000 seeds/ac for corn borer Bt corn Corn yield response to seeding rate is a quadratic function (See Stanger and Lauer 2006, Agron. J. Corn and N Fertilizer • Corn Nitrogen Rate Calculator or Mobile App • In Wisconsin, choose your soil type and previous crop • Choose fertilizer type & price ($/ton) combo, and the corn price ($/bu), tool determines N Price • Why do the prices matter? • Tool reports optimum and range • Yield response to nitrogen is a quadratic response and plateau: rises as a quadratic parabola until it hits the maximum, then yield stays at this plateau at higher nitrogen rates Soybean Seeding Density & Seed Treatments • Economic Risk & Profitability of Soybean Seed Treatments • • • • • at Reduced Seeding Rates (Gaspar et al. 2014) Figure 1: Yield response to soybean seeding rate an exponential function, with a shift due to seed treatments Figure 2: Net returns at different seeding rates with different seed treatments and soybean prices Table 1 and Table 2: economically optimal seeding rates with & without seed treatments for $9 & $12/bu soybeans Insecticidal seed treat: 94,000 or 100,500 seeds Untreated or fungicide only: 111,000 or 119,000 Dairy: Corn Feeding Strategies • Spreadsheet: Enter milk & corn price, calculates price ratio: WHY? • Holding other feeds fixed, how much corn to feed? • Estimates DMI (dry matter intake) based on % alfalfa (hay) & % corn in ration & week of lactation • Pick your ration and lactation week on this table • “Marginal Milk Production to Corn (lbs milk/lbs corn)” We call this the Marginal Product • MP estimated based on experiments • Tessman et al. (1991) & analysis Earleywine (2001) Dairy: Corn Feeding Strategies • “Marginal Value of Milk to Corn ($)” = (p x MP)/r What is this? • Economic optimum: p x MP = r • Divide by r to get (p x MP)/r = 1.0 • Economic optimum is the 1.0 dotted line, above means VMP > r, below means VMP < r • Example: $24/cwt milk and $3.50/bu corn, 21st week of lactation: what’s the optimum? • 48% alfalfa and 34% corn (top right) and 18 lbs of corn (bottom right) Income over Feed Costs • Enter Milk $24/cwt, alfalfa $180/ton, corn $3.50/bu and soybean meal $475/ton • Plots show income over feed costs for a variety of lactation weeks and set diets • Diet 1 “best”: 48% alfalfa, 40% corn, 10% soybean meal • Documentation: shows is profit max problem, with quadratic production function in protein intake