
BSUFA Meeting 10/4/2010 4:00 p.m. Hagg-Sauer 100
Present: Virgil Bakken, Dave Benson, Jim Brouwer, Cheryl Byers, Mark Christensen, Phil Dahl, Laurie
Desiderato, Tom Fauchald, Mark Fulton, Jeanine Gangeness, Troy Gilbertson, Heidi Hansen, Mike Herbert,
Bonnie Higgins, Butch Holden, Ellen Jones, Christel Kippenhan, Tim Kroeger, Mark Lawrence, Doug Leif,
Co Livingston, Keith Marek, Tom Murphy, Dianne Narum, Bud Nestel, Miriam Rivera-Hokanson, Karl
Salscheider, Mehdi Sheikholeslami, Kathryn Smith, Jennifer Swanson, John Truedson, Jeffrey Ueland, Rose
Weaver, Derek Webb, Pat Welle, Jim White
Absent: Jennifer Atteberry, Craig Hougen, Brian Ludlow,
BSUFA Meeting 9/10/2010 Minutes approved
BSUFA Pres Report – Troy Gilbertson: Center of Excellence Summit 10/13/2010 -Don Larsen asks for faculty representation: Jim McCracken/Vince Vohnout
BSUFA approves asking JimM & VinceV
Summer school schedule for 2011 soon to commence formation
Tom Fauchald MNSCU responds to BSU Minnesota Transfer Curriculum:
BSU prefixes Acct, BuAd, PE, Health-Ed Nursing, TS, Ed CS removed by MNSCU in MTC – They are still
included in BSU Lib Ed
Karl Salscheider will compile BSUFA resolution in response to MNSCU removing targeted BSU prefixes
from MTC – 10 day deadline
Re-rostering not being planned at this time
Tom Fauchald: Prior to 11/15  Targeted BESI proposals for individuals may come down from
Pres. Richard Hanson
Recipient programs are probably in line for cuts
Advised to accept at last possible dates, prior to deadline, to make your best decision
OPINION of BSUFA Budget Committee: BSU will not withhold BESI to faculty if Amin believes they are
going to retire anyway (Admin will act in good faith)
Bill Maki informed BSUFA Pres Troy Gilbertson: Hagg Sauer repair funding opportunity appeared with
little/no notice -- take or leave it, so BSU took it. Apologize for odor.
Ellen Jones raised concerns of toxicity and liability, but more importantly solving it for students, faculty,
staff and admin
M&C: BSU currently pausing faculty searches while undergoing further review, at this time
Spring-2011 fixed term and adjunct positions with budgeted funding will remain through spring
Pres. Richard Hanson and VP Bill Maki will be holding TWO informational gatherings to update everyone
on our current situation: 10/6/2010
9am &
BN 100
Curriculum Report - John Truedson: Current process requires notification of and not approval from other
programs sharing that part of the curriculum being proposed for modification; this is a cause for concern
for some
Kathryn Smith moved to require, in the curriculum process, an opportunity for such program to respond to
the proposed curriculum modification. Karl Salscheider 2nd
Curriculum committee will implement and bring back to BSUFA for fine-tuning & formal approval. Passed
Curriculum committee & grad curriculum committee & lib ed committee recommended approval of
curriculum modifications as previously digitally distributed. Passed.
Lib Ed Committee Report – Tom Murphy: BSU Lib Ed Areas I thru X satisfy MTC
BSU Lib Ed Area XI satisfies BSU Lib Ed only
Parking Committee Report – Derek Webb: Request Barry Stephens be approved as member to fill
remaining unopposed seat. Passed.
Other Business:
Mark Fulton: Seeks clarification of list of courses not offered in past five years
Troy Gilbertson: Purely informational  Faculty can move to action as they deem necessary
Kathryn Smith: Requests exec committee re-clarify this at next M & C
Jeff Ueland: Student survey approval seems to be provided by University and thought it should
be Human Subject Committee
Lori Desiderato: Believes VP Lisa Erwin wishes to be informed and not so much approving / disapproving
Pat Welle: Human Subject Committee should render decisions and notify VP Lisa Erwin instead of VP
signing off on projects involving surveys. More discussion.
Kathryn Smith: Shared on-going IFO concerns with MNSCU over ownership of copyright and intellectual
property created by membership. Also shared concern of administrators going online to sense/monitor
online classes delivered via D2L, while in progress
Pres. Richard Hanson requests specific BSUFA members for University Recalibration/Advisory Task Force
& Budget Task Force
Cheryl Byers: If task forces are indeed filled in this manner, then both genders, and all colleges should be
represented – which currently are not the cases
Doug Leif: Cautions proceeding without knowing specific and full purpose / charges
Kathryn. Smith: BSUFA already has committee to serve these purposes. Does not favor task
Tom Fauchald shared concerns of BSUFA serving on these task forces. Believes discussion have occurred,
decisions possibly made, & communication will be forthcoming
Mark Lawrence & Jeanine Gangness favor the concept for communication purposes and not for faculty
decision-making purposes as to actual recalibration specifics
Ellen Jones moved exec committee consult with IFO leadership concerning Pres. Hanson’s request. Tom
Fauchald’s friendly amendment: BSUFA feedback IFO’s advice to BSUFA.
Cheryl Byers 2nd. Discussion. Passed.
Tom Fauchald moved to extend meeting ten minutes, at 5:15pm
Jeff Ueland 2nd. Passed.
Christel Kippenhan moved BSUFA to ask President Hanson for charges of said task forces
Kathryn Smith 2nd. Passed
Doug Leif moved to adjourn. Passed.
5:25 p.m.