PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Division of Psychiatry & Applied Psychology School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences Project Title: ……………… ……………… …………………… …………………… …………..… Researcher: [Name] ………… [e-mail] ……………… Supervisor : [Name] ………… [e-mail] ………… Ethics Reference Number: … [to be inserted following ethical review] This is an invitation to take part in a research study about … [Describe the topic in terms which participants can easily understand]…… This information is designed to tell you what it will involve. Your participation is voluntary, and you may change your mind about being involved, or decline to answer a particular question or (for interview studies) stop the recording at any time, and without giving a reason. You are free to withdraw at any point before or during the study. For anonymous questionnaires, once you have finished the questionnaire and submitted your answers it is not possible to withdraw the data. What is the project about? ………………… [A brief summary of the aims of the research in layperson’s language] Who is being asked to take part, and why? ………………… [Explain how and why participants have been identified or chosen. Do not name other participants.] What will I be asked to do? ………………… [explain the processes and topic of your method: e.g., interview or questionnaire. Avoid technical jargon. Specify duration. Ensure that direct or indirect coercion is avoided – for example, where questionnaires are distributed in an organisation owned by a member of the researcher’s family, taking care to assure that non-participation is not identifiable and/or will have no impact on the individual. ]. Will the research be of any personal benefit to me? ………………… [if not, explain whom it might benefit in the future – but be careful not to over promise what others may decide to do with the results.] [Insert version number in the footer: Every time you make changes to the participant information sheet you will need to update the version number] 1 What will happen to the information I provide? ……………… [Explain how confidentiality (who has right of access to the data provided by participants) and anonymity (concealing the identities of participants in all outcomes resulting from the research, and assuring that they cannot be indirectly identified via location or demographic data) will be assured. Say who will have access to personal data provided? Explain how the data will be stored and what will happen to the data at the end of the project. For interview studies, explain that persona details/references will be avoided or removed when the recordings are transcribed to ensure anonymity. Say what will happen to the recordings after the interview – ie. transcribed by the researcher or an approved transcriber, and uploaded into a password protected database or analysis using XXX software. Explain the use of quotes if relevant: eg. “We would like to be able to quote what you say in our report or a publication. We will make sure that your anonymity is protected. But if you do not wish us to do so, please tell us.”] What will you do with the data? ………… [Give details of the likely assignment, thesis, report or any other outcome – for example a summary to managers or a summary page placed on an organisation’s website – providing the organisation has given permission. Explain how participants can learn about the results of the study] If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. We can be contacted before and after your participation at the above address. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION If you have any queries or complaints about this study, please contact the student’s supervisor in the first instance. If this does not resolve the query to your satisfaction, please write to the Administrator to the Division of Psychiatry & Applied Psychology’s Research Ethics Committee (, +44 (0)115 8232214) who will pass your query to the Chair of the Committee [Include for internet studies] We believe there are no known risks associated with this research study; however, as with any online related activity the risk of a breach is always possible. We will do everything possible to ensure your answers in this study will remain anonymous. We will minimize any risks by…” [Describe how confidentiality will be secured, maintained, and when raw data will be destroyed]. [Insert version number in the footer: Every time you make changes to the participant information sheet you will need to update the version number] 2