DRAFT: [cover letter] Service Definitions for the Pennsylvania Mental Retardation Program

P.O. BOX 2675
Deputy Secretary
Office of Developmental Programs
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (717) 787-3700
FAX: (717) 787-6583
Dear Colleague:
Please find enclosed the draft bulletin entitled “Service Definitions for FY 11/12
for the Pennsylvania Mental Retardation Program.” and related attachments. The
related attachments to this document were contained in the FY 10/11 service
definitions. Due to comments from the field regarding the length and redundancy of the
service definitions document, the draft FY 11/12 service definition packet reflects
changes to attempt to address those concerns. These changes resulted in the
following four attachments. Attachment 1: Draft Definitions for Services, Attachment 2:
Management Information System Requirements, Attachment 3: Relative Policy, and
Attachment 4: Travel Policy.
The following list is being provided to highlight what ODP considers to be the
most notable proposed changes reflected in this draft. It is important to note that there
are a number of items included in the list below that are actually policy clarifications to
the existing fiscal year 10/11 service definitions. These items are included in the fiscal
year 11/12 service definitions and will also be clarified in either a re-issuance of the
10/11 service definitions or in separate policy clarifications. The items are asterisked
Supports Coordination:
 Added TSM – Supports Coordination and Base-Funded Supports Coordination.
Home and Community Habilitation Unlicensed:
 *Added language that everyone receiving and providing this service must be
 Reduced the number of hours an individual can receive the service to a
maximum of 10 hours per day.
*Alternative therapies, sessions and lessons (i.e.; massage, horseback, aqua,
art, music, dance, karate etc ;) are not permitted to be provided under this
service definition.
Unlicensed Residential Habilitation Services:
 Removed this as an eligible service under the Person/Family Directed Supports
Licensed Residential Habilitation Services:
 *Added language that relatives and family members, legal guardians and legally
responsible individuals, spouses, (including spouses of the individual, relatives,
legal guardian or legally responsible individuals) may not be the host family.
 Removed bed reservation and permanent and temporary vacancy information
due to proposed changes within residential rate setting (Occupancy Factor).
 Removed respite procedure codes related to residential respite (W9591, W9592,
W9593 and W9594).
Companion Services:
 Removed the word minimal from the definition. (Possibly add a second level of
companion service).
Prevocational Services:
 *Added language that individuals receiving this service must have an
employment outcome.
Supports Broker Services:
 Revisions made to clarify the role of the supports broker and expand the
availability of providers. (Includes recommendations that were made by the
Stakeholder Planning Team, Power to the People Workgroup)
Nursing Services:
 Added language to clarify that Individuals can only receive waiver funded nursing
services if they are age 21 or older.
 *Added language that an SC must obtain a written denial to verify that the State
Plan and/or private insurance limitations have been exhausted prior to funding
through the Consolidated or P/FDS Waiver.
Therapy Services:
 Removed Behavior Therapy as a service covered under the waivers.
 *Added language that an SC must obtain a written denial to verify that the State
Plan and/or private insurance limitations have been exhausted prior to funding
through the Consolidated or P/FDS Waiver.
Respite Services:
 *Added language that the regular care giver can be present in the setting in
which the respite is provided.
 Added language related to respite in a residential vacant bed.
 Deleted respite ineligible procedure codes.
Assistive Technology Services:
 Added a discreet list of eligible items.
 *Added language that an SC must obtain a written denial to verify that the State
Plan and/or private insurance limitations have been exhausted prior to funding
through the Consolidated or P/FDS Waiver.
Specialized Supplies:
 *Added language that an SC must obtain a written denial to verify that the State
Plan and/or private insurance limitations have been exhausted prior to funding
through the Consolidated or P/FDS Waiver.
Administrative Services:
 Revised W0026; deleted W0027.
Family living:
 *Clarified that a spouse may not be the host family.
Other Policy changes:
 *Relative policy: Added language that relatives/legally responsible individuals,
who function as the employer or managing employer through an FMS, may not
provide supports broker services to the individual who they are employer or
managing employer for. In addition, relatives, legal guardians and legally
responsible individuals may only provide the services listed in this policy
regardless of the capacity they provide the service (agency employee, provider
agency, support service worker (SSW), individual/practitioner, volunteers etc.).
 Travel policy: Added language that the provision of home and community-based
services during travel is limited to no more than 30 calendar days per fiscal year.
This document is being forwarded to you for review and comment. Your input
will assist the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) in the completion of a final
bulletin. In order to assure timely review and revision of the draft bulletin and
attachments, please provide comments via email to:
ra-odpcomment@state.pa.us, with a subject line of ‘FY 11/12 Service Definitions’.
You can also provide written comments to:
Office of Developmental Programs
Attn: Policy: Service Definition Comments
Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Room 502 Health and Welfare Building
P.O. Box 2675, Harrisburg, Pa. 17120
Comments will be accepted no later than close of business, December 1, 2010.
All comments received by that date will be considered in preparation of the final bulletin.
Thank you in advance for your input.
Kevin T. Casey