Bemidji State University School of Graduate Studies Bemidji State University #48 1500 Birchmont Drive NE Bemidji, MN 56601-2699 Toll free: 1-888-386-8464 Phone: 1-218-755-2027 Fax: 1-218-755-2258 Master of Arts – English Form 2 - APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY Name Mailing Address Street Address City Telephone State Zip BSU (H) Student ID # (W or C) Current Email Experience-(list last two assignments) Location Type of Position Program Plan: (check one) Years Plan A (Thesis) Plan B (Creative Thesis) Transfer Credits-(A maximum of 10 semester credits may be approved for transfer.) Dept. & Course# Name of Course College/University Sem. Cr. Hrs. Term or Session Grade Signed Director, School of Graduate Studies Has the Departmental qualifying exam/written exam been given? Yes No THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE STUDENT, ADVISOR AND/OR GRADUATE COORDINATOR (IF APPLICABLE), AND DEPT CHAIR BEFORE SUBMITTING TO GRADUATE STUDIES. Date Candidate's Signature Check if sent by email: I approve the proposed program and recommend this student for candidacy for the Master's degree program: Date Advisor Date Major Coordinator/Chair Date College Dean Comments: Date Director, Graduate Studies Deficiencies, if any, to be removed MA in English Form 2 - APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY PAGE 2 This section must be completed with the assistance of your advisor. List all courses completed (including transfer courses) and courses yet to be taken. At least 50% of all graduate course work (less the Thesis/Research credits) must be at the 6000 level. See the catalog for program requirements. I. Required Core Note: Contact the English Department Chair about the ENGL 5580/ML5430 requirement. Dept. & Sem. Year, Sem. Course # Title of Course Hours & Session ENGL 5580 The English Language 3 credits OR ML 5430 Linguistics 3 credits ENGL 6277 ENGL 6270 ENGL 6680 ENGL 6260 ENGL 6270 ENGL 6680 Problems of Literary Criticism Choose one course in American Literature: Seminar in Literature (American Theme) Interdisciplinary Seminar (American Theme) Choose one course in British Literature: Shakespeare Seminar in Literature (British Theme) Interdisciplinary Seminar (British Theme) II. Required Electives in English (Select with consent of advisor) Dept. & Course # Title of Course Select sufficient courses to bring final credit total to 30. Instructor 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits Semester Hours Required Sem. Hours Year, Sem. & Session Semester Hours Required III. Thesis Requirement Dept. & Course # Title of Course ENGL 6990 Thesis 9-12 Credits Instructor Grade 12-15 Credits Sem. Year, Sem. Hours & Session Instructor 6 credits Semester Hours Required 6 Credits Substitutions (A maximum of 10 semester credits may be approved for substitution.) Dept. & Sem. Course # Title of Course Hours Year, Sem., & Session Substituted Semester Hours Total Minimum Semester Credits Required for Degree: 30 Credits MnSCU 50% Rule is met by 12 @ 6000 level credits Grade Total Semester Credits: Sub. for Course # Grade Grade 0-10 Credits