BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES Wednesday – May 1, 2013 314 Sattgast Hall


BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES

Wednesday – May 1, 2013

3:00 – 4:00 pm

314 Sattgast Hall

Committee Website:

Members Present: Tammy Bobrowsky, Christel Kippenhan, Carla Norris-Raynbird, Michael Urban, Mark

Christensen, Virgil Bakken, James McCracken, Angela Hahn, Heidi Hansen

Members Not Present: John Gonzalez

Non-Members: Patricia Rogers and Joan Miller (both present)


Minutes approved needed for April 24, 2013.

Michael moved (Tammy 2 nd ) to approve minutes as is. Motion carried.


Curriculum: ED (MAT) 12-13 #18)

Christel Kippenhan moved (Carla 2 nd ) to approve with the changes listed below. Motion carried.


Area of Emphasis should be listed as 15 credits and not 16 (page 6).


Page 6…under Open Study…change (e.g., a community college physical therapy teacher) (change teacher to aide)

Joan will notify Wendy Larson.


MnSCU Graduate Deans’ - we need to answer the following questions (Pat/Joan); the document referred to in the following questions is the proposed MnSCU mission statement that was distributed last week. a.

Does the document reflect the current MnSCU graduate education? b.

Do you see yourself/program reflected in the document? If no, what needs to be changed? c.

What do we want from the system office related to graduate education?

Some departments have provided input; all other comments should be electronically submitted to Joan by Friday, May

3. Comments will be compiled and distributed to BSU Graduate Committee; comments will also be passed on to the

MnSCU Graduate Deans at the May 24 th meeting scheduled in St. Cloud.


Continue with Graduate Faculty Orientation Review a.

Item #3, The Job of the Graduate Faculty Representative/Q & A….committee is not adverse to repeating one week….three week…..etc. No later than to the GR….Joan will go through and make

sure wording is consistent… b.

Item #4, Advising a Thesis or Research Paper: tabled till next year.


Adjourned at 4:55 p.m.; next meeting will be in the early Fall term of 2013.

Joan Miller, Reporting Secretary
