BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-Minutes Wednesday – March 27, 2013 314 Sattgast Hall

BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-Minutes
Wednesday – March 27, 2013
3:00 – 4:00 pm
314 Sattgast Hall
Committee Website:
Members Present: Heidi Hansen, Christel Kippenhan, Michael Urban, Tammy Bobrowsky, Virgil
Bakken, Angela Hahn, and Joan Miller
Members Absent: Carla Norris-Raynbird (Conference), James McCracken, Mark Christensen, John
Gonzalez, Patricia Rogers
1. Minutes approved needed for Dec. 18, Jan. 23, Feb. 20, and Feb. 27.
Christel moved to accept all minutes (Tammy 2nd). Motion carried.
2. New Program Form 6 revision (Joan)
There were a few items that need to added to the BSU Curriculum Form (Form 6) they are:
a. Under type of program to be established: add Applied Masters
b. Add the 50% rule for 6000 level courses needed; Competency Requirement; and Written
Examination Requirement. Joan will provide to the committee the exact wording from MnSCU
on the 50% rule and the graduate catalog verbiage for the Competency and Written Examination
c. It was also asked that the verbiage be added as to how the capstone requirements will be met
as per the current graduate catalog.
The revised Form 6 will be sent to each committee member for a response. Once at least 6 votes have
been received for the revisions, Joan will send the document back to Wendy Larson to be added to the
Senate Agenda.
3. MnSCU Graduate Deans’ - we need to answer the following questions (Joan):
a. Does the document reflect the current MnSCU graduate education?
b. De you see yourself/program reflected in the document? If no, what needs to be
c. What do we want from the system office related to graduate education?
These questions may not be addressed until the committee has the proposed MnSCU Mission
Statement for Graduate Education. Joan will secure this document for a future agenda item and
discussion for the committee.
4. Continue with Graduate Faculty Orientation Review
a. New Graduate Faculty Nomination Form
Christel moved to accept the revised Nomination Form as presented (Heidi 2nd). Motion carried.
b. Review Item #3, The Job of the Graduate Faculty Representative
It was suggested that a Q & A section be created for this section of the Faculty Orientation. Specific
questions were provided by Christel; these questions will be sent to the committee for adding others as
well as each selecting a question to answer. Joan will compile the questions, send them to Christel for
review, and then out to the committee.
5. Other
6. Adjournment and Next Meeting
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. The next meeting will be Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 3 p.m. in
Sattgast 314. Please be prepared to discuss the questions for the Q & A section and also to address #4.
Advising a Thesis or Research Paper.
Joan Miller, Reporting Secretary