DEANS COUNCIL RETREAT JANUARY 6, 2014 10 AM - 5 PM DEPUTY 301A 1. MAP UPDATE & CORE OF BSU/COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS, SERVICE, REGIONAL STEWARDSHIP ETC. / AAC&U INITIATIVES & MAP MARTIN Reviewed and discussed the president’s addition to the Strategic Plan; working towards a directional document to expand the conversation about the University’s direction for the next 5 years. Suggestions for tying the MAP to the Strategic Plan? Importance of recognizing the work done by the UPC. Does there need to be a separate conversation about the future of BSU as a residential campus? Could this be part of the larger direction given as part of this review of the plan? Discussion of what is distinctively BSU and if that should also be a foundational question to focus on in the conversation. Bob shared a draft of work plan for a Center of Community Partnerships. Focus on service learning – defining, supporting and increasing opportunities. This is in both the University strategic plan and the MAP. Important step to be identified as a Carnegie community engaged University. Helpful way to coordinate all faculty and staff who already have these connections across campus and help coordinate these efforts. Next steps? Determine if this is a direction to move in for the University. Should get people together who are already doing this to increase efficiencies of maintaining the connections. Service learning could be part of a larger focus – coordinating internships, study abroad and service learning. Summary of what we already do – may be a helpful starting point. Smaller group conversation with Bob, Jeanine, Colleen. 2. BUDGETS FOR FY 15 MARTIN Freshman target of 850 for fall; need to hit over 800 to keep budget balanced. Probationary lines were taken out of budget for bottom dollars. Conversation about how to allocate dollars that are available. Reviewed college requests as a starting point. Should not count on additional summer profits to cover any shortfall. Will have a conversation with Bill about any options for covering the gap; however the gap equals the recent budget reduction made by academic affairs. Patrick will forward out the revised requests and asked that all colleges review as discussed. There is some carry forward to cover gap for a year. Supply and related budgets – operating on the assumption the budgets will be the same for next year. 3. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION POLICY SHAWN Reviewed draft shared by Shawn. Intention is not to make this mandatory but instead to have a policy available for faculty if they choose to use it. Title could address all electronic devices; policy would be more specific to devices and could be edited as needed by instructors. Needs to go through Meet and Confer process before it can be used in syllabi. Discussion on how to balance the need to involve students in the class with students using laptops and tablets in the course for note taking, etc. Does this need to come from the “Office of the Provost”? Will take draft language to faculty and students for feedback. 4. FACILITATING MORE COLLEGIAL DEPARTMENTAL RELATIONS - BOOK COLLEEN Reviewed the summary Colleen shared via email. Focus on role of department chairs; and conflict management. Takeaways included the hiring process – do we ask about collegiality,etc? Support systems for academic chairs – mentoring, orientation, etc. 5. COURSE EVALUATIONS & CURRICULUM DISCUSSION PATRICK The MAP indicates a valid course evaluation will be made available for all faculty/departments to use. Proposal to begin offering a campus-wide course evaluation to departments by Spring of 2015, with a pilot in the Fall of 2014, using IDEA evaluations for all courses with more than 20 students. Departments can also use their own evaluation instrument if approved by the dean. Students are also asking for course and faculty evaluation. Results may be used by faculty in their PDPs. Number of students on wait lists and students taking courses from other campuses may be evidence that there is an opportunity to increase our enrollment internally. What are the appropriate course enrollment caps? Or offering another section if wait lists show demand? Colleges and departments should review spring semester wait lists to see if any adjustments can be made to open additional sections. 6. THESIS ADVISING JIM There have been some Masters research proposals moved forward that need additional work before approval. Some faculty may need more training or information to serve in a grad committee chair role. CPD would be interested in providing training on this. Would like to increase rigor in graduate research. Suggested Graduate Studies and CPD work together to provide campus wide workshop. May also be a symptom of departments that don’t have capacity to work with graduate students. 7. ACADEMIC PROCEDURES/POLICIES JIM Faculty handbook online reviews university policies, for example, class cancellation. Student handbook also lists policies from a student perspective. Good idea to review these sites and policies, especially for new faculty. Suggest CPD add a review of this to new faculty orientation. 8. TENURE AND PROMOTION REVIEW MARTIN Postponed 9. AGENDA FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS FORUM MEETING MARTIN Will add to the agenda: reminder of where policies and procedures are posted; assessment. 10. ONGOING CLASS SCHEDULING DISCUSSION JIM Possibility of bringing in a consultant to help increase the effectiveness of the semester course scheduling process. Value in taking an overall look at the entire schedule vs dept by dept planning; a systematic review of a course schedule that would minimize conflicts for students. Perhaps the problem could be solved in house, i.e. review of prerequisites. Jim and Shawn will set up a phone call with the consultant, and invite Michelle, to learn more about how this might be helpful and if he might be able to improve the efficiencies of the schedule. Timing may not be useful for Fall courses. 11. REVIEW OF ALL CLERICAL SUPPORT ACROSS THE COLLEGES/SCHOOL, CLASSIFICATIONS - NEEDS JEANINE Postponed until all information is received from HR. 12. HIRING OF NEW FACULTY AND MAP / POSITIONS FOR FY 15 /INTERVIEW QUESTIONS MARTIN Need to include interdisciplinarity in the interview questions for new hires. Include a faculty from outside of the department on hiring committees? Part of MAP; in the future we need to include willingness to work across dept in position descriptions and have non-departmental faculty on search committees. Also should ask about interdisciplinarity as part of interview process. 13. DISCUSSION OF SOCIAL WORK PROPOSAL FOR A 4TH POSITION (FIXED-TERM) JIM Request for re-naming Social Work program to a department; strong department with growing need and programs. No objections noted; needs to happen quickly to be announced by March 1 for the next academic year. Also have requested a 4th faculty line to address growth of online SOWK program and growing demand for LADC courses. Jim shared budget information from the dept, including a plan for sustainability. Also aligns with the MAP. Agreement that this is a good investment; numbers need to follow to maintain this line in the future. 14. OTHER Review vacancy packet as posted in the J drive. Unclassified Position Request form needs to be filled out and signed by everyone to answer questions as the position goes through the hiring process. Decision to bring in candidates to interview made by Dean, with AA. Hiring decision made by dean in consultation with Academic Affairs. Packet will go to Meet and Confer this month. Review hires for FY 15 – asked Deans to send updates to Patrick.