APPLICATION FOR (please tick where applicable): COMPUTING ALUMNI ASSISTANCE AWARD (CAAA) COMPUTING STUDENT DEVELOPMENT FUND (CSDF) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please write legibly in BLOCK LETTERS. Complete all sections and indicate ‘NA’ for items not applicable. 2. Certified true copy of your birth must be submitted together with this application form. Testimonials and other relevant documents must be produced when requested. 3. Submission of false particulars and suppression of material or facts will lead to disqualification or, if awarded, termination of the award. 4. The School will not enter into correspondence with regard to the reasons for non-selection of applicants. Passport-size Photograph CUMULATIVE AVERAGE POINT (CAP) COURSE & YEAR OF STUDY Student Number : _______________________________ Course and Year of Study :_______________________ NUS CAP (most recent one) :_______________________ PERSONAL PARTICULARS Full Name in BLOCK Letters: ___________________________________________________________________________ (Underline surname, include aliases) Name in Chinese Character : ____________________________________________________________________________ (If applicable) Race: ______________________________ Religion: ________________________________________ Date of Birth:_________________________ Sex: *Male / Female _______________________________ *NRIC (Pink) / NRIC (Blue)/ Passport No.: _________________ Citizenship No (If any) : ____________________________ Country of Birth: *Singapore / Malaysia / Others:_____________________________________________________________ Citizenship (Singaporean/PR): __________________________ Previous Citizenship (if any): ________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Tel No (Home): __________________________________ Tel No (HP/Pg): __________________________________ E-mail Address : _____________________________________________________________________________________ Type of residence in home country (please tick): Owner Occupied-fully paid : Owner Occupied – Instalment Rented: Rental/Instalment* per month : ____________ (in S$) 1 CAAA-CSDF Award CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Sports / Uniformed Groups/ Society & Club Activities Period (month & year) From To Describe Your Participation AWARDS, COMMENDATIONS, PRIZES, CERTIFICATES, ETC. Year Awarded Type of Award OTHER SOURCE OF FUND (SCHOLARSHIP/FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) Source of Fund (Name) Name of Awarding Organisation Date Received Value of Award/ Fund Received (SGD) Duration (per year/ semester/ entire course of study) COMMUNITY SERVICE DETAILS Organisation ______________________________________ Period of Service rendered _____________________ Position held ______________________________________ Contact Person Details_____________________________________________________________________________ Nature of Community Contribution rendered (please specify and provide supporting documents) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 CAAA-CSDF Award GENERAL Language Proficiency: Spoken ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Written ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Hobbies & Interests -- Level of Proficiency (if applicable, e.g., Piano Grade V) 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY DETAILS (Please provide the particulars of all immediate family members, i.e., parents and siblings. If you are married, please provide your spouse and children’s.) Name __________________________________ Relationship _____________ Age ____ Citizenship ___________ Marital Status _________________ Occupation ____________________ Current Salary per Month ______________ (Including commissions) Name of Employer / School _________________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________ Relationship _____________ Age ____ Citizenship ___________ Marital Status _____________ Occupation ____________________ Current Salary per Month ________________ (Including commissions) Name of Employer / School _________________________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________ Relationship _____________ Age ____ Citizenship ___________ Marital Status _________________ Occupation ____________________ Current Salary per Month ______________ (Including commissions) Name of Employer / School _________________________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________ Relationship _____________ Age ____ Citizenship ___________ Marital Status _________________ Occupation ____________________ Current Salary per Month ________________ (Including commissions) Name of Employer / School _________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME/INITIATIVE TO BE FUNDED BY THIS AWARD Name of education programme/initiative ___________________________________________________________________ Purpose of programme (please include a short write-up of the programme) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Organiser (including name of contact person and contact details) Duration _____________________to _________________ _____________________________________________ Country host ____________________________________ Cost /Expenses incurred (Please provide in a separate sheet on the breakdown of the cost): _____________________(SGD) 3 CAAA-CSDF Award What do you hope to learn from the programme? (please indicate how the programme will help achieve your personal goals or enhance your competency) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL STATEMENT Please provide a personal statement to describe, in less than 300 words, your personal goals and an exceptional achievement that highlights your academic interests and intellectual capacity that would be of value to the NUS/SoC community. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 CAAA-CSDF Award CHARACTER REFEREES Name ____________________________________ Occupation ____________________________________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Organisation ___________________________________________________ Contact No._________________ No. of Years Known ___________ In what capacity has the referee known you __________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________ Occupation ____________________________________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Organisation ________________________________________________ Contact No.___________________ No. of Years Known ___________ In what capacity has the referee known you __________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION (*delete accordingly) General Information 1. Have you ever suffered or are you suffering from medical condition, illness, disease, mental illness or physical impairment? Yes / No* 2. (a) Do you have a criminal record in Singapore? Yes / No* (b) Have you ever been convicted in a court of law in any country (excluding parking offences or criminal records disclosed above)? Yes / No* 3. Have you been charged with any offence in a court of law in Singapore or in any country for which the outcome is pending (excluding parking offences)? Yes / No* 4. Are you aware of being under any current police investigations in Singapore or in any other country following allegations made against you? Yes / No* 5. Have you been or are you under any financial embarrassment, i.e., (a) an undischarged bankrupt, (b) a judgement debtor, (c) have unsecured debts and liabilities of more than 3 months of last drawn pay, (d) have signed a promissory note or an acknowledgement of indebtedness? Yes / No* 6. If your answer to any of the above questions is “Yes”, please give details. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ DECLARATION I declare that the information given in this application form and any sheets attached is correct and accurate and I have not wilfully suppressed any material facts. I understand that submission of false particulars or wilful suppression of material facts will disqualify me from the application process or result in the termination of the scholarship if I am so offered. Signature of Applicant ________________________________________ Date _____________________________ 5 CAAA-CSDF Award SoC_Checklist001 Supporting Documents Checklist Name _____________________________________ Student Number ___________________________ Section A: All applicants are to submit a photocopied version of the following documents, where applicable: Document: Compulsory in respect of: Check 1. Identity card (both side) or birth certificate or document certified by government official indicating nationality and existing home address Applicant 2. 3. IR8A Form or latest income tax assessment stating income for the year Declaration Form A1 All employed (including self-employed) family members(s) Self-employed family member(s) 4. Latest salary slip Employed (excluding self-employed) family member(s) 5. Letter from employer stating gross monthly salary Employed (excluding self-employed) family member(s) who are not able to produce documents in (2) and (4) 6. Retrenchment letter stating benefits and/or retrenchment payout Retrenched family member(s) 7. Latest IR8A Form or income tax assessment and CPF statement or pension document Retired family member(s) 8. Last drawn salary slip or letter from former employer and Declaration Form A2 - 9. Insurance Claims Family member(s) receiving insurance payout proceeds Retired Family member(s); and/or Unemployed family member(s) (excluding housewife and student) 10. Medical report from certified general practitioner or specialist doctor Family member(s) suffering from any of the following: Critical or terminal illness Physical or mental disability 11. Death certificate Deceased immediate family member(s) 12. Notice of bankruptcy Family member(s) declaring bankruptcy 13. Divorce or separation deed and/or alimony documents Applicant’s parents who are divorced or separated Section B: In addition to the above, applicant who reported no (zero) family income will need to provide a letter explaining how the family manages without income, if zero income is declared and attached copied version of the following documents, where applicable. Documents Check 1. Letter on how family manages without income 2. Latest copy of the utilities and phone bills for the household 3. Vehicle loan agreement or payment advice (if applicable) 4. Latest insurance premium payment advice (if applicable) 5. Latest credit card bill (if applicable) Section C: Supporting documents on Testimonials, Co-curricular activities, Awards received/Attending educational programme 1. Testimonials, Co-curricular activities record, proof of Awards received, etc. 2. Supporting documents on the invitation to attend educational programme 6 CAAA-CSDF Award RULES AND REGULATIONS (1) Eligibility 1a. COMPUTING ALUMNI ASSISTANCE AWARD (CAAA) Students must have completed at least one semester of studies at School of Computing before they can apply for this Award. Applications for the Award must be made using the prescribed form by end January / August each year. Applicants will be selected on a deserving basis and the criteria for the award will include: a. Scholastic achievement of the applicant (with minimum CAP of 3.2); b. Community contributions of the applicant*; c. Financial status of the applicant (family household income, other mitigating factors, etc); d. Significance and potential value of the educational purpose; e. Priority will be given to students not holding any other financial assistance or award; f. Priority will be given to Singaporean students; and g. Any other attributes of the applicant that may provide an assessment of the character and the potential for leadership or contributions to the NUS community. *Community contributions include service to the community at large through volunteer work, service to the university through participation in university activities (such as student clubs and societies among others) and service to the School through participation in the School or Computing Club’s events and activities. 1b. COMPUTING STUDENT DEVELOPMENT FUND (CSDF) Students must have completed at least one semester of studies at School of Computing before they can apply for this Fund. Applications for the Fund must be made using the prescribed form by end January / August each year. Applicants will be selected on a deserving basis and the criteria for the Fund will include: a. b. c. d. e. f. Students with CAP of min. 2.0. Financial status of the applicant (family household income, other mitigating factors, etc); Significance and potential value of the top academic conferences, overseas study trips and/or certification courses; Priority will be given to students not holding any other financial assistance or award; Priority will be given to Singaporean students; and Any other attributes of the applicant that may provide an assessment of the character and the potential for leadership or contributions to the NUS community. Equal weighting will be given to the criteria (a) to (c). (2) Nature and Value of Award 2a. CAAA The Award will subsidise special educational expenses and/or other financial requirements of selfcontained educational programmes as determined by the Selection Panel for a one-off assistance up to a maximum value of THREE THOUSAND dollars (S$3,000.00) per award. The Award to a candidate may be extended subject to a review and recommendation of the awarding body at the end of the academic year. Depending on the availability of funds, a maximum of FIVE (5) such awards will be given per academic year. 2b. CSDF The Fund will subsidise students’ overseas study trips and certification course such as those by SAP, IBM, Oracle and Sun and to send graduate students to participate in top academic conferences as determined by the Selection Panel for a one-off assistance up to a maximum value of ONE THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED dollars (S$1,500.00) per student per academic year.. 7 CAAA-CSDF Award (3) Period of Award CAAA : The tenure of the Award is one year. (4) Application Procedures Applicants are required to complete the application form attached with 1 passport size photo and enclose 1 non-returnable copy of the following documents, where applicable in the following order stated in the checklist (SoC_Checklist001) (incomplete application will not be processed): - (5) Others a. b. c. The recipient is also to assist School at least once a semester, in either School events/publicity efforts or Students’ Club events, or activities organised for Alumni. The award will be withdrawn if it is found that the information given in the application form is not true or inaccurate. The decision of the selection committee will be final. (6) Date of Application All applications are to be submitted to the Dean’s Office, Student Life Division at COM1-03-27 (Attention to Ms Nur Arifah) personally during office hours on or before end January (for Semester 2 applications) and end August (for Semester 1 applications) annually. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. (7) Date for Interview Applicants will be notified of interview schedule if required. These rules and regulations have been approved by the School of Computing Management Committee, who reserves the right to make any amendments or improvements from time to time, where necessary. 8 CAAA-CSDF Award DECLARATION FORM A1 This form is to be completed by self-employed family member of the applicant. All information must be clearly stated as required. This form must be submitted with other supporting documents (if applicable) upon completion of application form by the applicant / student. Incomplete form or late submission of form will affect the processing of the financial aid application. Name of Applicant: (A) Student No.: INCOME INFORMATION OF SELF-EMPLOYED FAMILY MEMBER I, Mr / Mdm / Ms* Identity Card / Passport* No.: Relationship to applicant: hereby declare I am working as (Full-Time/Part-Time*) (please specify – e.g. taxi driver, tailor, stall holder) and my total monthly / annual* salary is (B) . BUSINESS (COMPANY/SHOP/STALL) INFORMATION Name of Business: Business Address: Business Telephone no.: (C) TAX ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT STATUS (Please tick where applicable) I have attached the latest tax assessment document to support the income declaration. I am unable to provide the latest tax assessment document due to the following reason(s): (D) DECLARATION I declare that all the information stated in this form is true and I have not willfully suppressed or misrepresented any material fact pertaining to this declaration. Signature: Date: *delete where applicable 9 CAAA-CSDF Award DECLARATION FORM A2 This form is to be completed by unemployed/retired family member of the applicant. All information must be clearly stated as required. This form must be submitted with other supporting documents (if applicable) upon completion of application form by the applicant / student. Incomplete form or late submission of form will affect the processing of the financial aid application. Name of Applicant: (A) Student No.: EMPLOYMENT HISTORY OF UNEMPLOYED / RETIRED FAMILY MEMBER I, Mr / Mdm / Ms / Miss / Dr* Identity / Passport* No.: hereby declare the following: a) I am currently unemployed / a retiree*. b) I have never been employed / I was an employee / I was self-employed *. c) My previous employer / business name* was (Write “N.A” if you have never been employed) d) My previous job designation was (Write “N.A” if you have never been employed) (e.g. Director, Manager, Techinican, etc) e) My last earned monthly income was (Write “N.A” if you have never been employed) (In Singapore Dollars) f) My last earned income date was (Write “N.A” if you have never been employed) (DD/MM/YYYY) g) I intend / do not intend* to seek employment. If you do not intend to seek employment, please indicate reason(s) below: (B) SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Please tick accordingly: I have attached my last tax assessment and/or other relevant documents to support this declaration. I am unable to provide any documents to support this declaration due to the following reason(s): (D) DECLARATION I declare that all the information stated in this form is true and I have not willfully suppressed or misrepresented any material fact pertaining to this declaration. Signature: Date: *delete where applicable 10 CAAA-CSDF Award