American University of Beirut Olayan School of Business Year 1 Experiences and Observations Nelson King Assistant Professor Information & Decision Systems Olayan School of Business September 2006 General Advice Smell the flowers – see Lebanon Take AUB for what it is (and can be) – don’t dwell on what it lacks Research can be done – take advantage of AUB/regional strengths Who are AUB Students? New Faculty Knowledge Base Project INFO 230 Knowledge Management Class Project – Spring 2006 by Alfred and Maude Interviews/surveys of faculty and students Focus on Lebanese students (>85% of students) Student Background American vs French education (F/S view) French emphasis (critical thinking, writing and memorization skills) but adjustment to American communication and team orientation Academic Performance findings (F) Able to perform well But lack of interest in studies and effort Student Background (continued) Communication skills (S) Ethics (S) Good oral skills Little participation Many “free-riders” in group work Cheating/plagarism prevalent esp. in competitive faculties Average respect for rules Politics (S) Campus politics reflects national politics – students take offense to faculty bias Recommendations to Faculty (from students) Try to encourage class discussions and involvement Provide interesting classes by making use of relevant and real-life cases Highlight the benefits of the course in one’s own career Include group projects while paying careful attention to the elimination of “free-riders”. Severely stress on AUB’s code of conduct and regulations and make it very clear that plagiarism and cheating will NOT be tolerated. Make use of AUB’s anti-plagiarism site “” Take strict measures when a code of conduct breach takes place such as a Dean’s warning or probation Do not raise political or religious sensitive issues