Exposure to Lead and Specific Attentional Problems in Schoolchildren Barbara Minder, Edith A. Das-Smaal, A pilot study was carried out to investigate the relationship between exposure to lead and attention in children. The participants were 43 boys, 8 to 12 years of age, attending special schools for children with educational and/or learning problems (so called LOM schools). Children with probable causes of attentional or memory problems other than lead contamination were excluded from the study. Various aspects of attention were measured using neuropsychological tests. As an assessment of body lead burden, lead concentration in the boys' hair was measured by means of the Synchrotron Radiation-Induced X-ray Fluorescente technique (SXRF). Information was collected about variables that possibly could influence attention and/or body lead burden (confounding factors). A multiple regression analysis was used to determine the contribution of lead to variante in performance, after correction for confounding factors. The results showed that children with relatively high concentrations of lead in their hair reacted significantly slower in a simple reaction-time task than did children with relatively low concentrations of lead in their hair. In addition, the former were significantly less flexible in changing their focus of attention, even after correction for the influence of their delayed reaction time. A ttentional deficits are are ongoing topic of interest for many researchers from a diversity of disciplines because these deficits represent one of the most prevalent childhood problems. Although there has been much speculation as to the cause of attentional problems, little is certain on this point. It is clean, however, that children with an attentional deficit do not foren a homogeneous group (Quai, Routh, & Shapiro, 1987). The selection of a treatment approach depends on a proper assessment of the nature and cause of the problem; therefore, it is very important to discriminate among various sub-types of deficits and to sort out the underlying factors. as a causative factor. Lead, and occasionally some other heavy metals, has been mentioned for its possible ad-verse effects on cheldren's behavior and cognitive functioning (e.g., Moon, Marlowe, Stellern, & Errera, 1985). Studies on this topic have been critically reviewed by Rutter (1983), Lansdown (1986), Grant and Davis (1989), and others. As these reviews indicate, most of the research fendings suffer from methodological and statistica) shortcomings. Hówever, considering the results from different types of well-designed studies, both human and anima), it can be concluded that the weight of evidence points to some link between low-level exposure to Lires of research on etiological factors lead and performance. A recent range from neurologica) to socialmeta-study by Needleman and Gatsonis (1990) has added to the evidence. pedagogical studies (Ross & Ross, 1982). One possible hypotheses focuses on environmental polluting influences Eddy E J. M. Brand, and Jacob E Orlebeke In examining the relationship between exposure to lead and children's behavior, many transsectional studies have used a "broadband" approach and measured a variety of behavioral effects in a relatively shallow way. Often, questionnaires were used, or measures such as IQ, which is an integrated score that reflects various cognitive functions together. In a relatively uninvestigated area like the present one, such studies are important in providing first indications. One important cognitive function that seems to be implicated is the attentional factor (David, Hoffman, Clark, Grad, & Sverd, 1983; Fergusson, Fergusson, Horwood, & Kinzett, 1988; Needleman et al., 1979; Selva, Hughes, Williams, & Faed, 1988; Yule, Urbanowicz, Lansdown, & Millar, 1984). The next step should be directed at further specifying the relationship between low-level exposure to lead and attention. Measures of attention other than questionnaires should be used and a further distinction be made among different aspias of attention. This is an important issue for further envestigation. Another point is that the relationship between low-level exposure to lead and cheldren's performance seems to be a very wenk one when measured in samples that are representative of the JOURNAL OF LEARNING DISABILrrIES VOLUME 7J, N U M B E R 6 , J U N E I J U L Y 1 9 9 4 PAGES 393-399 394 whole population (Fergusson et al., 1988). Although even a very small effect on the whole population may not be without socioeconomical consequences, the issue may be more relevant to some subgroups of children. Within specific groups of children with some behavioral or cognitive impairment, especially impairment with no known etiology, the relationship may show up in a more distint way. The present study investigates lead contamination as a possible specific cause of attentional problems among a selected group of children. With our selection process we hoped to provide a more efficient design for estimating the possible effect of lead on attention, independent of any other adverse effect on attention. The examination was intended as a pilot study for more intensive investigations. The subjects were selected from a group of children with learning and other school-related problems, for which they attended a special education school. At special schools there is a substantial number of children with attentional problems, the causes of which often remain unidentified. The selection of children implies a screening in advance of possible causes of attentional problems other than ecologica) factors, but not of attentional problems themselves. These were later measured by the test- procedure. As a result, a group of children were examined whose attentional problems, if any, were of unknown etiology. It was hypothesized that for the children with attentional problems in this group, lead played an important role in the etiology. n a t is, it was expected that the effect of lead would show up in disturbances of attention, and that this might be further specified in particular aspects of attention. Attention is not a unitary concept, and it is generally accepted that various types of attention can be distinguished. Important aspects are selective attention, divided attention, sustained attention, and flexibility of attention. The relevante of such a distinction has been demonstrated, JOURNAL OF LEARNING DISABILITTES both regarding attentional problems at school (Brand, Das-Smaal, & de Jong, 1992; de Jong, 1991) and among various clinical groups with attentional deficits (e.g., Brouwer, 1985; Derix, 1991). In the present study, we were interested in whether attention is related to lead exposure, and if so, what aspects are implicated. To our knowledge, no results are known on the lat-ter topic. For each attentional aspect, we chose a test for which neuropsychological studies have already indicated a sensitivity in discriminating children with attentional problems from control children (Berndsen-Peeters & van der Vlugt, 1986; Lezak, 1983; Rourke, Bakker, Fisk, & Strang, 1983; Spreen & Strauss, 1991). In addition, we measured reaction time as a direct indicator of processing time. Pazental and teacher questionnaires provided an indication of behavior at home and in school. Furthermore, a body of information was collected with respect to possible confounding factors that appeared to be important in other work on this subject (e.g., Fergusson et al., 1988). Relevant factors were statistically controlled. Blood lead concentrations, dentine lead concentrations, and hair lead concentrations are generally used as estimators of lead exposure. Each of these measures has its limitations. Current level of blood lead reflects exposure over a short period of time, as the halflife of lead in human blood is about 30 days. Dentine lead estimates suffer from other problems, for example, varying lead concentrations in different places in the same tooth, differences in lead concentrations among tooth types in the same mouth, and differences in the age at which children loose their teeth. Furthermore, measurement of the possible behavioral effects of the lead exposure may come at a much later time than the loss of the teeth. Lead concentration in the hair com- pared to in the blond is relatively insensitive to short-term fluctuations of lead exposure. On the other hand, lead enced by exposure from the environlevels in hair are also directly influment. Along with the structure of hair, its color and washing procedures may influence lead concentration. Nevertheless, in this study hair analysis was chosen as a diagnostical tooi to estimate exposure to lead because of its advantage of being noninvasive, and being more easily obtained than other estimators. We took the precautions of using stainless-steel scissors and taking the sample from the nape of the neck, as close to the scalp as possible. Method Subjects Subjects were boys, 8 to 12 years of age, from two special education schools (Grades 4 to 8). The following categories of children were excluded: children with a history of pre- or perinatal complications, serious infections, feverish convulsions, acute poisoning, concussion or head trauma, meningitis, or frequent otitis media; children on medication; or children having oude physiological, visual, auditory, or motor defects. Children with the following in their family history were excluded: a hereditary factor for attentional problems (i.e., parental attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder), obvious Jack of educational opportunity, low socioeconomic status (SES), or problems at home. Finally, the child's IQ had to be within the range of 80 to 130. The selections were made by the school doctors and principals; 45 children were chosen. Of this group, 43 children were allowed by their pazents to participate in the study. They were aged 8.3 to 12.0 years (mean = 10.2); their (total) IQ ranged from 85 to 123 (mean = 100). Tests A battery of psychometric tests covering various aspects of attention, memory, and motor speed was used. The battery contained both computerized and paper-and-pentil tasks. These 1. Eye-Hand Coordination. In this task, fill in the code corresponding to each a sine-wave-shaped lire projected digit. Underlining. A target pattern must induded selected tests from the Neurobe memorized. Next, this pattern behavioral Evaluation System (NES) (Baker & Letz, 1986) and the Wechsler 7. must be underlined on a form with Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised a series of different patterns. A (WISC-R) (Wechsler, 1974). limited time period is allotted. The NES is a computerized battery ofStroop Test. Color names are printpsychometric tests, adapted fored in conflicting colors on a card. The task is to name the color of the use in the Netherlands by Emmen, 8. print and to r e s t distraction from Hoogendijk, Hooisma, Orlebeke, and the conflicting word name. Uijtdehaage (1988). The following tests were employed: Trail Making Tests A and B (TMTA and TMTB). In TMTA, circles on a computer screen must be 9. con- digits 1 to 15 scattered moved vertically by a joystick in over a piece of paper are to be consuch a way that a horizontally nected as quickly as possible. In moving dot stays as close as posTMTB, the child is asked to altersible to that lire. The task consists nately connect circles with digits of four trials; the first trial serves and letters, in counting order and as practice. alphabetical order, respectively. 2. Simple Reaction Time (RT) Task. Beert' Test. In this paper-and-pendl Subjects are asked to react as test, the child has to copy figures quickly as possible to the appear- 11.of increasing complexity. The figance of a square on the screen by uren remgin in sight. pushing a button. A total of 72 Dichotic Listening. In each trial, foor stimuli are presented at intervals digits are presented via headvarying between 2.5 and 5.0 secphone to the left ear and, simul13. onds. The first 28 stimuli serve as taneously, four are presented to practice. the right ear, at a rate of two pairs per second. The child is asked to repeat as many digits as possible 3. Choice Reaction Time Task. Letters from both ears. This test contains are projected one by one onto a 16 trials. computer screen with a fixed inter-val of 1 second. The letters flash for about 50 milliseconds on the display. The child has to Table 1 summarizes the tests respond as quickly as possible that were used, their origins, the exclusively to a previously psychological aspects they were specified target let-ter and is intended to measure, and the kinds asked to make no mis-takes. A of scores derived from them. total of 60 target stimuli are presented; the first 4 stimuli serve as practice. Psychological Factors 4. Mazel. In this paper-and-pencil test, the child is asked to trace a mate as quickly as possible, and with few errors, without entering into blind alleys. The complexity of the mazel increases. 5. Digit Span. Series of digits increasing in length are given auditorily. The child is asked to repeat the digits in the same order. 6. Coding. Several digits are shown. Below each digit is a visual code. Afterward, the child is asked to VO LUM E 77, NUMBER 6, JUNEIJULY 1944 Information about psychologica) factors was derived from teacher and parental questionnaires. The teacher questionnaire used was the Dutch School Behavior Questionnaire (de Sonneville, 1988). This checklist consists of 28 items measuring the following leven factors: attention, activity, verbal impulsivity, motivation, personal appearance, self-confidence, and variable task application. The list was supplemented by nine questions about 395 flexibility of attention, impulsivity, and emotional problems. For the parental questionnaire, the two questions with the highest loading for each factor Erom the teacher list were adapted for the home environment. Confounding Factors Information about potential confounding factors was obtained Erom school records and from the parental questionnaire. This questionnaire contained 27 questions about potential confounders. The following factors were implicated: IQ (WISC-R), SES, school, pica (history, frequent'), passive smoking, environmental noise, television viewing habits, sleeping habits, emotional problems, restless behavior, allergy, place in birth order, and family site. Hair Analysis Hair samples were analyzed by means of Synchrotron Radiation-Induced X-ray Fluorescence (SXRF), under the supervision of Dr. R. D. Vis of the Department of Physics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The procedure for determining trace elements with this method has been described elsewhere (van Langevelde, Tros, & Vis, 1989). Bulk analysis was performed, and the hair samples were examined for lead concentration. Procedure The children were tested individually by two test assistants in separate rooms at school. The tests ware administered in the following order: Eye-Hand Coordination, Simple Reaction Time, Choice Reaction Time, Dichotic Listening, Underlining, Stroop, Coding, Digit Span, Mazes, Trail Making A and B, and Beery. On the day of testing, hair samples were carefully collected from the nape of each child's nacc, as dose to the scalp as possible, using stainless-steel scissors and the appropriate means to further treat the hair samples. The sam- 396 JO UR NAL OF LEAR NING D IS ABILITIES TABLE 1 Tests Used in the Study Test Origin/reference Aspect of psychological functioning Eye-Hand Coordination NES Visual-motor functioning, processing speed Simple Reaction Time NES Visual-motor functioning, processing speed Choice Reaction Time NES Selective and sustained attention Mazes WISGR Digit Span WISGR Coding WISGR Underlining Test (shortened version) Stroop Test Trait Making Tests A and B Beery Test Dichotic Listening Test Measure Accuracy Speed variability Speed variability, number of false responses Planning behavior Short-term memory Number of correct responses Concentration, visual search Rourke & Petrauskas(1977) Selective and sustained attention Hammes (1978) Response-inhibition, sensitivity to interference Accuracy Number of correct responses Number of correct responses Speed Flexibility of attention Reitan & Davison (1974) Visual-motor integration Beery & Buctenica (1967) Speed Divided attention Number of correct responses Bakker, Vlugt, & Claushuis (1978) Total correct responses (left and right) Note. WISGR = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; NES = Neurobehavioral Evaluation System. pies were subsequently submitted to the Department of Physics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for lead analysis. Results able was taken into the multiple regression model if p < .10 for the correlation with lead and/or a neuropsychological measure. Irrespective of this, because of their putative importance, age, SES, IQ, and pica were taken as covariates into the regression equation. Mean lead concentration in hair was 1.26 parts per million (ppm), with a One outlier with a high concentra- standazd deviation of 1.09. Lead contion of lead in his hair was removed centration range was 4.10 ppm. SimErom the dataset. An outlier was de- ple Reaction Time ranged Erom 288 to fined as a case falling at least 3 stan- 580 milliseconds. dazd deviations Erom the mean hair lead concentration. As far as necessary, the raw scores of the variables were From the correlational analysis the transformed to approximate normal following results were obtained. Lead distribution. The same transformation hair concentration was significantly was employed in variables of the same correlated with performance time on test if they were measured in the same three tests: Simpte Reaction Time (r = unit (e.g., speed in Trait Making A and .37, p = .008); Trail Making Test A (r B). Next, correlations between vazi- = .29, p = .032); and Trait Making Test ables were calculated. The influence of B (r = .40, p = .004). Correlations beother factors on the differences in per- tween lead concentration in hair and formance was paztialed out in a sub- the possible confounding factors were sequent analysis. In this analysis, the not significant, although lead concencontribution of lead to performance tration in hair tended to be lower in the differences was calculated by mean of older children (p = .097). There was a multiple regression analysis. A varialso a tendency for older children to have lower IQs in the present sample (p = .090). The following was found regarding the correlations between the test van ables related to lead (i.e., RT, TMTA, TMTB) and the possible confounding factors. TMTB and RT showed a negative correlation with age (p = .022 and p = .001, respectively). This means that the older children completed both tests more quickly. Furthermore, the children with lower IQs tended to execute Trail Making Test A more slowly (p = .082). None of the three test vaniables showed a significant relationship with any other possible confounding factor at p < .10. In the multiple regression analysis, age, SES, IQ, pica, and, as the last vanable, lead (Pb) were entered into the model. This analysis revealed that after correction for confounding factors, significant correlations existed between lead and reaction time and between lead and speed on Trait Making Test B (p < .05). The higher the lead con- 397 V O L UM E 27, N UM B E R 6, J U N E / J U L Y 1 9 4 4 centration in hair, the longer the reaction time and the poorer the performance on Trail Making Test B. After correction for reaction time, the correlation between TMTB and lead was stil) significant (p < .05). This implies that the higher the lead concentration in hair, the slower the execution of Trail Making Test B, even after correction for the possible influences of age, SES, IQ, pica, and reaction time. Table 2 shows to what degree the variables explained the differences in performance among children. The table shows the proportion of test-score variance among children explained by age, SES, IQ, and pica together; the proportion of test-score variance among children explained by these variables but including lead; the proportion of test-score variance among children explained just by lead after removal of the contribution of the other variables ("increase by Pb"); and the p value of the additional variance explained by lead. From Table 2 it can be seen that 21.4% of the variance in performance of the Simple Reaction Time Task was explained by age, SES, IQ, and pica together. Lead alone explained another 8.3% (p = .046). After correction for age, SES, IQ, and pica, the contribution of lead to explaining the variance in performance on Trail Making Test A was not significant. For Trail Making Test B, however, lead explained 11.7% of the variance in performance (p = .022), in addition to the 14.7% of variance explained by the four confounding factors. Even after correction for reaction time, lead explained another 9.9% (p = .037). Discussion This study aimed to Eind out whether ecologica) factors are relevant to the investigation of causes of specific attentional problems. The investigation focused on lead, as this heavy meta) has been frequently mentioned for its supposed adverse effects on cognitive functioning. Results show that, with- TABLE 2 Variance of the Test Scores in Proportions, Explained by Variables Age, SES, IQ, pica RT TMTA TMTB TMTCa 21.4 9.8 14.7 16.5b Idem +Pb 29.7 14.8 26.4 26.4 Increase by Pb 8.3 5.0 11.7 9.9 Sign of increase (p value) .046 .155 .022 .037 out correction for possible confounding factors, performances on Trail Making Tests A and B and the Simple Reaction Time Task had significant negative relationships with lead concentration in hair. Two confounding factors were identified, the most important one being age. Some test variables appeared to be related to age, which is not surprising Biven the age range of the children (8 to 12 years). It is known that in that age range, tasks are performed better as children age. The second confounding factor was IQ. It appeared that for the older children, IQ tended to be lower. This phenomenon is not unknown in special education schools (van den Bos, 1988); van den Bos attributed it to a stagnation of verbal development that increases with age in these children, due to differences in learning strategies. In the present study, performance did not seem to be influenced by SES. A possible explanation could be that in the population investigated, the children's SES was rather homogeneous. Also, pica was not of influence. In all, the results on confounding variables showed that in the analysis of the test results, it was important to correct for age and IQ. At the risk of overcorrection, a correction was also made for SES and pica because this is usually done in this type of study. After this correction, a small but significant effect still seemed to be attributable to lead in the Simple Reaction Time Task and in Trail Making Test B. Children with a relatively high concentration of lead in their hair had a slower reaction speed on the Simple Reaction Time Task. This has allo been found in other studies (e.g., Hunter, 1985; Needleman, 1979). Speed of reaction may affect speed of performance on Trail Making Tests A and B. In a study on the factor structure of standard attention tests for children, de Jong and Das-Smaal (1991) showed that common attention tests measure either perceptual speed or working memory functioning. The laffer factor has been identified with attentional control (Baddely, 1986). Thus, the speed factor should be distinguished Erom attentional control. In the present study, after correction for reaction speed, Trail Making Test B was stil) significantly correlated with lead, which mean that apart Erom speed, attention was less flexible in children with higher hair lead levels. Considering the small number of children and the low variance in lead concentration, these results are remarkable. However, it should be noted here that the present methodological approach (Le., the selection of a specific sample) heightens the chance of finding a relationship. A consequence of this approach is that the results can be generalized only to a comparable group of subjects. The relationhip with reaction time shows that lead effects can be found at a basic level. Reaction time provides a reliable and valid measure of the functional integrity of the centra) nervous system. Simple reaction time is probably less sensitive to learning and confounding social factors than are other measures of psychologica) functioning. This is an important advantage be- 398 JO URNAL OF LEAR NING D IS ABILITIES cause confounding factors can severely hamper conclusions in studies on the subtle effects of low-level exposure to lead (Yule, 1986). ABOUT THE AUTHORS Apart Erom reaction time, flexibility of attention, as measured by Treil Making Test B, was related to lead. Flexibility of attention is an aspect of attentional control (Stuss & Benson, 1986). An attentional-control deficit in connection with lead has also been shown in experiments with monkeys (Rice, 1984, 1985). Lead-teeated monkeys made a significantly greater number of errors than nontreated monkeys in a matching task that required the monkeys to remember a stimulus and subsequently choose it out of three samples. The errors of the treated monkeys turned out to be due to interference Erom responses made on previous trials (Rice, 1984). Moreover, in a spatial-memory task in which responses had to be alternated after increasing delays between trials, treated monkeys were deficient compazed to controls. They tended to perseverate after the Longest delay time (Rice, 1985). Perseveration refers to a failure in shifting attentional focus when that is required. It is generally considered to be the opposite of flexible attentional control (e.g., Shallice, 1988). In con-trast to experiments with humans, the animal experiments reported here pro-vide evidence for the causality of the relationship between low-level lead exposure and flexibility of attention, as a group of animals was exposed to lead and subsequently compared to a nonexposed group. Rice's (1985) results and those of the present study converge on the specific influence of lead on flexibility of attention. her PhD thesis, which is in the area of behavioral toxicology. Edith A. Das-Smaal is an de Jong, P. F. (1991). Het meten van aandacht assistant professor in cognitive psychology and [The assessment of attention]. Unpuba senior investigator at Vrije Universiteit of lished doctoral dissertation, Vrije UniAmsterdam. She is cosupervising several re- versiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the search projects on attention and attentionl Netherlands. deficits. Eddy F. J. M. Brand is a research as- de Jong, P. F., & Das-Smaal, E. A. (1992). sistant and PhD candidate at Vrije Universiteit Factor structure of standerd attention tests for of Amsterdam, working on a thesis on the meachildren: A distinction between perceptual surement of different types of attentional deficits. speed and working memory. Unpublished Jacob F. Orlebeke is a professor of physiological manuscript. psychology at Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, cosupervising several projects in the areas of Derix, M. M. A. (1991). Neuropsychological stress, behavior genetics, attention, and attendifferentiation of dementia. Unpublished tional deficits. 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(1988). Blood lead, intelli- Yule, W., Urbanowicz, M., Lansdown, R., & Millar, I. B. (1984). Teacher's ratings of children's behaviour in relation to blood lead levels. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2, 295-305. NOTICES Connecting Employers with Qualified College Students: AHEAD's National College Resume Database The National College Resume Database, a project of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), connects qualified college students and employers. Students with disabilities and students Erom underrepresented populations are especially encouraged to participate in the project. AHEAD members are the more than 1,700 disability service professionals on over 1,000 U.S. and Canadian campuses. Database registration forms are distributed to students through the disability service provider locally and AHEAD nationally. For the second year, AHEAD's database is being sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Industry-Labor Council (ILC). Human resource personnel in all nine NASA installations have access to AHEAD's database. Close to 900 students Erom across the United States have registered with AHEAD's National College Resume Data-base. Their career interests range Erom aerospace engineering to fine arts to small-business management. They represent all levels-from freshmen to PhD candidatesand seek internships, co-op positions, and part-time and full-time employment. Students pay no fees to participate in the database. To receive a database form, students should contact the disability service office on their campus or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to AHEAD, PO Box 21192, Columbus, OH 43221-0192; 614/488-4972 (V / T). Information for employers seeking to purchase the database is also available through AHEAD.