American University of Beirut Institutional Review Board Application to Conduct Research on Human Subjects (For proposals submitted for expedited or full committee review only) In order to approve research involving human subjects, the IRB must determine that the research design is scientifically sound, that the risks associated with the research are reasonable and are justified by the expected benefits, that informed consent will be obtained from the subjects or their legally authorized representatives, that the participants’ privacy is respected, that confidentiality of the collected data is protected, that adequate monitoring will be performed to ensure the safety of participants, that vulnerable subject populations will receive additional protection, and that the selection and recruitment procedures are equitable and just. Title of proposal: A. Principal Investigator Name Degree Title Department Faculty Submission Date Phone # Pager # E-mail B. Study Coordinator Name Degree Title Department Faculty Submission Date Phone # Pager # E-mail C. Key Study Personnel – include all people responsible for the design and conduct of the study (if collaborators at other institutions go to “D”) Name Dept or Role in Study CITI course Affiliation completed Yes No h Yes No h Yes No h Yes No h Yes No h Page 1 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 D. Collaborators and IRB involvement at other institutions Name Affiliation Role in Study IRB approved? Yes No h Yes No h Yes No h Yes No h Yes No h Provide information on how samples, information and data among the various collaborators will be handled. Provide copies of IRB reviews, approvals and consent forms. E. Funding Is this research funded? Proposed Annual Budget: Yes No Specify the Source of Funding/Sponsor name: Starting Date of Study: Expected Date of Study Completion: Site where the study will be conducted: AUB Outside AUB (specify) F. Requested review __ Expedited __ Full Committee (If requesting exemption from IRB review, do not fill this form; submit the exemption coversheet) If you are applying for expedited review, please indicate the category of research by checking next to it: ____ Collection of blood samples by finger stick, heel stick, ear stick or venipuncture. For adults, normally not > 450 ml during an 8 week period, and not than twice a week. For children and those < 50 kg, not more than 50 ml or 3 ml/kg whichever is less during an 8 week period and collection may not occur more frequently than 2 times per week. ____ Prospective collection of biological specimens for research purposes by noninvasive means, e.g.: non-disfiguring hair and nail clipping, excreta and external secretion, placenta at delivery, Page 2 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 amniotic fluid obtained at the time of rupture of the membrane prior to or during labor; mucosal and skin cells collected by buccal scraping or swab, skin swab or mouth washings, etc. ____ Collection of data through noninvasive means (not involving general anesthesia or sedation) routinely employed in clinical practice excluding x-rays and microwaves, e.g.: ECG, EEG, MRI, ultrasound, echocardiography, electrocardiography, electroencephalography, ultrasound, Doppler blood flow, thermography, body composition assessment, moderate exercise by healthy volunteers, muscular strength testing, weighing testing, sensory acuity. ____ Research involving materials already collected (data documents, records and pathological or diagnostic specimens) or will be collected solely for non-research purposes (such as medical treatment or diagnosis). ____ Collection of data from voice, video, digital or image recordings made for research purposes. ____Research on individual or groups characteristics or behavior such as perception, cognition, motivation, identity, language, communication, cultural beliefs or practices and social behavior, test development where the investigator does not manipulate that subject’s behavior and no stress to the subject may occur, or research using survey, interview, oral history, or quality assurance methodologies. (some research in this category can be exempt) H. Check which of the following categories applies to the study: __Placebo controlled trial __Randomized study __Blinded study (Describe) __ Investigational drug or device (non-approved for use): attach investigator’s brochure I. Provide an abstract of the study not exceeding 500 words written in language understood by LAY PEOPLE. This abstract which is different from that provided in the scientific proposal should include: 1. Scientific context 2 Hypothesis/aims 3. Experimental design, subject selection/recruitment, procedures involving human subjects 4. Justify involvement of human subjects 5. Describe risks and benefits, and risk/benefit ratio 6. Discuss privacy and confidentiality issues Do not use technical language. The abstract should be understood by people whose specialty is non-scientific/non-medical. Page 3 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 J. Informed Consent 1. Specify all languages to be used for the informed consent form: __ Arabic __ English __ French __ Other: specify _________ Page 4 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 2. Describe the setting in which an informed consent will be obtained 3. Provide the names of those who will obtain informed consent from the subjects Name Qualifications CITI course completed Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No h h h h h h 4. Does the person obtaining consent have any relationship with the patient (e.g. personal physician)? __Yes __No If yes, describe the relationship and indicate ways of protecting against undue influence or coercion. 5. Will you request a waiver of written informed consent or omission of any requirements (e.g. non-disclosure of information to subject)? (Check criteria under “IRB Policies and Procedures”) __Yes __ No If yes, justify the need for waiver or non-disclosure. 6. If oral consent is to be obtained, provide the IRB with the script that will be used and describe means to document oral consent. (Check criteria for oral consent under “IRB Policies and Procedures”) Page 5 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 K. Subject Selection and Recruitment 1. Number of subjects to be recruited: Whole study: First year: Total:_______ at AUB only: ___________ Total:_______ at AUB only: ___________ 2. Identification and recruitment of subjects: describe the procedure, the location/setting and the time frame (e.g. provide script for personal or phone contact). 3. Will you use advertisements to solicit participants? __Yes __No If yes, provide a copy of the advertisement and choose the applicable category from below: __ Letter __ Mass E-mail __ Newspaper __ AUB publication __ Telephone __ __ __ __ __ Flyers Internet Posters Departmental Bulletin Boards AUB Publications (specify) __ Other (Describe) 4. Describe the subject population. 5. Vulnerable groups: i) Specify which, if any, of the following vulnerable groups will be included as research subjects? Page 6 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 __ Children/minors __ Cognitively impaired __ Comatose/Traumatized __ Elderly __ Terminally ill participants __ Others, specify: __ Pregnant women/fetal tissue/placenta __ Prisoners __ Subordinates/employees at institution __ Students __ Emergency unit patients ii) Describe why it is necessary to include these groups in the study. 6. Criteria for inclusion/exclusion of potential subjects. 7. Justify the exclusion of any group based on age, sex, ethnicity, and social or economic factors. L. Specimen Collection i) Blood drawing: describe amount per drawing, frequency, and total amount. ii) Other tissues; describe iii) If genetic tests to be done describe and use genetic template language in informed consent form. iv) Distinguish between procedures that are part of normal clinical practice from those being conducted specifically for research purposes. Page 7 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 M. Risks 1. Risks: Describe the potential risks associated with the study. Risk includes physical, psychological, social (potential stigmatization e.g. HIV), legal (research on illicit behavior) or financial (cost of study). Describe the frequency and magnitude (minimal1, severe, potentially fatal, etc…) of the risks. 2. Are there other methods to run the research that might minimize these risks? Describe and justify not using them. 3. Will ionizing radiation be used as part of this study? __Yes __No If yes, please fill the applicable forms. (Refer to X-ray form, or unsealed radioactive material form) 4. Describe how you will ensure that privacy will be respected and that confidentiality of the information will be maintained. Describe the tools to be utilized in collection and storage of data. Who will have access to it? Will any codes or locks be applied? When study is concluded, how will the documents/files be disposed of? 5. Describe your plan for data safety monitoring and for reporting adverse effects to the IRB. 1 Minimal risk is defined as one where the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort are not greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests. Page 8 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 6. If this is a therapeutic trial, list the therapeutic alternatives. 7. If this involves use of placebo, the risk related to these must be mentioned in the protocol and informed consent form. Check the applicable justification for use of placebo: __ No alternative standard therapy __ Alternative standard therapy exists but risks of placebo are minimal (discuss) __ Alternative therapy exists, risks of placebo are > than minimal, but plans for intervention exist (Describe plans for intervention should adverse effects occur) __ If none of the above is applicable, justify the use of placebo N. Benefits 1. Describe the anticipated benefits to the subject. If no direct benefits are expected – state so and include in the consent form. (Monetary compensation is not considered a benefit) 2. Describe any anticipated benefits to the group or class to which the subjects belong. 3. Describe benefits to society or to science/medicine as a whole. Page 9 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 O. Risk/Benefit Ratio Assess the relative weights of the study’s risks and benefits. Where appropriate, discuss provisions for ensuring medical or professional intervention in the event of adverse effects to the subject, (e.g. an unblinded co-investigator in a high risk Phase I study). Discuss why the risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to the anticipated benefits to subjects and in relation to the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to be gained. P. Compensation or Costs to Subjects 1. There are very limited circumstances under which study participants may be responsible (either directly or via their insurance) for covering some study-related expenses. If the study participant or their insurer(s) will be billed for any portion of the research study, describe this added expense (e.g. extended hospitalization, extra laboratory tests, travel…) and provide a justification as to why this is appropriate and acceptable. 2. Describe what compensation there is for participating in the study whether as cash or gifts, and how it will be pro-rated. The IRB will not approve a study where there is only a lump sum payment at the end of the study because this can be considered coercive. 3. For research with more than minimal risk, describe any medical treatment, insurance and/or compensation available to the subject if he/she is injured as a result of participating in the study. Page 10 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 Q. Personal/Financial Interest Disclose any personal or financial interests in the research and the extent of such interest in the sponsor of the study if applicable. R. Bibliography and References: List up to five relevant publications that, in your opinion, would be helpful to the IRB in reviewing this study. Page 11 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009 Principal Investigator’s Assurance Statement 1. I certify that the information provided in this application is complete and accurate. 2. I understand that as principal investigator, I have ultimate responsibility for the conduct of the study, the ethical performance of the project, the protection of the rights, safety and welfare of the human participants, and strict adherence to the study protocol and any conditions or modifications stipulated by the AUB Institutional Review Board. 3. I will submit modifications of the protocol and/or the informed consent form and/or any other documents to the IRB for approval prior to applying those changes in the study. 4. I agree to abide by the policies and procedures of the AUB IRB regarding the protection of human subjects including, but not limited to: o Ensuring that all personnel involved in the study have completed the human subjects training online course o Ensuring that the study will be conducted by qualified personnel only o Obtaining informed consent from participants or their legally appointed representatives or guardians, using the informed consent form stamped with approval by the IRB and providing a copy of the signed form to the subject. o Reporting adverse events or other unexpected problems and risks involving human subjects to the IRB promptly o Promptly complying with IRB decision to stop or discontinue the research o Obtaining approval for continuing with the study after the end of the approval period by submitting a request for renewal before the study expires. I understand that if I fail to apply for renewal, the study will automatically expire and all activity must cease until IRB approval is granted. o Maintain accurate and complete research records including all informed consent documents, for at least 3 years from the date of study completion o Fully informing the IRB of all locations in which participants will be recruited for this study, and being responsible for obtaining and maintaining IRB approvals and letters of cooperation from non-AUB sites. o To fill the “Patient enrollment form” for Patient recruited in clinical trial & to maintain a copy of this form in the corresponding medical record. _____________________________________ Principal Investigator’s Signature ________________________ Date _____________________________________ Department Chair’s Name and Signature ________________________ Date Page 12 of 12 Institutional Review Board Version #2, April 2009