Enquiries (MS Word Document 343.9 KB)

Financial Services
Responsible Position:
Manager - Financial Operations
Approved by:
Director Financial Services
Date of Effect:
June 2010
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................. 2
PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
COVERAGE ................................................................................................................................................... 2
ONESTOP ENQUIRIES .............................................................................................................................. 3
TRANSACTION ENQUIRY .............................................................................................................................. 3
TRANSACTION ENQUIRY – POS ................................................................................................................... 6
TRANSACTION ENQUIRY – STUDENT NUMBER ............................................................................................. 7
TRANSACTION ENQUIRY –SURNAME/COMPANY NAME ............................................................................... 8
TRANSACTION ENQUIRY –TRANSACTION CODE........................................................................................... 9
TRANSACTION ENQUIRY –DISTRIBUTION ....................................................................................................10
DATA FILE ENQUIRY ...................................................................................................................................11
RELEVANT POLICY AND GUIDELINE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................14
OTHER RELATED DOCUMENTS..........................................................................................................14
PROCEDURES AND GUIDES ..........................................................................................................................14
FORMS ........................................................................................................................................................14
CONTACTS .................................................................................................................................................14
REVIEW ......................................................................................................................................................14
FINP 4.1 – Invoicing and Receivables PolicyFinancial Management Unit
July 16
Policies and Procedures Practice Manual
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This Work Instruction provides the steps required for making the main types of
enquires in OneStop.
This Work Instruction applies to all University Cashiers and staff with OneStop Enquiry
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Policies and Procedures Practice Manual
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OneStop Enquiries
Transaction Enquiry
The Onestop Transaction Enquiry is used to search for all receipts processed
through Onestop including BPay, Web and Australia Post payments
1. To access, the enquiry, select Receipts > Transaction Enquiry from the menu
(or the Enq? shortcut button on your toolbar if you have one)
Select the search type from the criteria available. These are selected from
the ‘Search for’ dropdown shown below:
Some reference information is not currently collected by UTAS on Receipts, e.g.
Housing Invoice, Loan ID Code, and Contractor code. Receipts created outside
of Onestop (e.g. Bpay, and APO payments) are loaded to Onestop nightly.
Enter the search
The fields available to
enter additional criteria
will be determined by the
type of search that has
been selected. In all
cases however, the same
‘optional’ criteria will be
displayed, allowing the
user to specify a date
and/or time range to
apply to their search as
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well as other information such as the amount and User ID of the cashier.
Entering 0 in a date field will be interpreted as today’s date when the user tabs
out of the field. Similarly, entering -3 will be automatically converted to the date 3
days ago.
The Surname/Company Name is not case sensitive. Therefore, the field will only
accept upper case characters, but the search will return names that match
regardless of case.
4. To send your search results straight to a file that can be viewed in Excel you
may do so by selecting the File Output option after entering your search criteria.
You will then need to name the file and select Save as shown above.
Search by option has
been selected, and
search criteria entered,
the Scan button is
selected to perform the
transactions matching
displayed as follows:
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5. You may then either:
Double click on a transaction to view details
Select Output all to export the search results that appear on the current
search result screen to a csv (spreadsheet) file (the user should select C drive
and then type in a file name when asked)..
Select Print all to have the search results printed in a report format via their
default laser printer. Ensure that under the Printer Setup option you select
landscape format.
Select Go Back to return to the search criteria screen to either Quit or modify
your criteria and search again.
If your search has returned too many results to appear on the screen, the
Continue button will appear allowing you to scroll to the subsequent pages of
results. Note that Output all will only export the results currently appearing on
the screen to a file. To output results that carry over multiple screens select Go
Back then File Output on the Search Criteria screen.
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Policies and Procedures Practice Manual
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Transaction Enquiry – POS
The POS Transaction search is typically used when the receipt number is known, or
the transaction being searched for does not relate to any particular customer
reference (such as Student/Debtor/Invoice number etc.) – and only the amount
and/or time and/or location at which the receipt took place is known
When POS Transaction is chosen from the Search By list, the Campus number
should be entered before the POS or receipt number.
The following screen is displayed:
In the above example, the search will show all transactions that took place at
Student Administration Hobart on 17th August 2007.
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Transaction Enquiry – Student Number
The Student Number search is typically used when the type of transaction would
have required a Student no. to be collected (e.g. Student Fees, Graduation
ceremony etc) or the Student Number is known.
When Student Number is chosen from the Search For list, the following is displayed
allowing the user to specify the known values:
In this example the search will find all transactions that occurred between the 21st
and 31st August 2007 at Student Administration Hobart for Student 946130.
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Transaction Enquiry –Surname/Company Name
The Surname/Company Name search is typically used when the customer’s name
is known and most likely would have been recorded for the relevant transaction.
When Surname/Company is chosen from the Search By list the following is
displayed allowing the user to specify the known values:
In this the search will find all transactions for the surname Smith, processed at
Hobart Student Administration on any date, for any amount.
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Transaction Enquiry –Transaction Code
The Transaction Code search is used when the Transaction Code is known.
When Transaction Code is chosen from the Search By list, the following is
displayed allowing the user to specify the known values:
In the above example, the search will find all receipts for transaction code 001
(student fees) processed at Student Administration Hobart between the 21 st and
31st August 2007.
Care must be taken when performing searches such as this, as student fees can
have a large volume of records.
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Transaction Enquiry –Distribution
The Distribution search is typically used when part or all of the G/L code the funds
were receipted to is known. OneStop requires that all elements prior to the search
field be sequentially entered
When Distribution is chosen from the Search By list the following is displayed
allowing the user to specify the known values:
In this example the user is searching for all receipts processed to project 65322 and
account 0000 for the 17th August 2007. Note that the entity, fund and budget centre
had to be entered as well.
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Data File Enquiry
The Data File enquiry (also called validation enquiry) in Onestop allows users to
 Student Invoices (loaded nightly)
 Accounts Receivable Debtors
 Accounts Receivable Debtor Invoices
The steps to follow when using the enquiry are:
1. Select a ‘Search For’ option
Choose the option from the Search For list (on the left hand side) that describes
what you are searching for (e.g. choose ‘Student Number’ if you are searching
for a Student). What you choose will determine what options are then available
in the Search by list.
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2. Select a ‘Search By’ option
Choose the option from the Search by list (on the right hand side) that describes
the information you wish to use to narrow your search (e.g. if you are searching
for a Student Number, and you wish to narrow the search by specifying part of
their name, choose Name).
3. Enter Search Value
Enter all or the first part of the value to be used to restrict the search (e.g. if
searching for a Student Number by Name, enter part or all of the Name in the
Name field).
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4. Search for Matching Records
Select the Search push button to initiate the search. All matching records will
then be displayed in the lower part of the screen.
Shortcuts for Searching
If you have searched for a debtor or student number, and now wish to search
for their invoices you can do so without having to note down the
debtor/student number as follows:
Highlight the relevant debtor/student in your search results by selecting it
with your mouse
Choose either Student Invoice number or Debtor Invoice number from
the Search For list (depending on whether you searched for and
highlighted a Student or Debtor)
Select Debtor Number or Student Number from the Search By list. The
Student or Debtor number highlighted in your previous search results will
populate the Student/Debtor Number field
Select the Search push button to initiate search & display results
Copying Search results into a Transaction
If you have found a student or debtor number and wish to copy this for
a transaction, use [shift][F1] when you return to the POS details screen, to
copy the number into the receipt transaction.
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July 16
Policies and Procedures Practice Manual
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Relevant Policy and Guideline Documents
FINP 4.1 Invoicing and Receivables Policy
xx.x Cashiers Back Office Guidelines
xx.x Cashier and Revenue Collection Guidelines
Other Related Documents
Procedures and Guides
xx.x Work Instruction: OneStop Daily Tasks
xx.x Work Instruction: OneStop Quick Open and Close
xx.x Work Instruction: OneStop New Transactions
OneStop Easy guide
New User Request
OneStop Product/Service Request Form
The contact officer for this guideline is:
Manager - Financial Operations
Financial and Business Services
This Work Instruction will be reviewed as required by changes to operations.
FINP 4.1 – Invoicing and Receivables PolicyFinancial Management Unit
July 16
Policies and Procedures Practice Manual
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