Elite Athlete Recognition Application To apply, complete this form and email to the University of Tasmania EAFU contact officer elite.athlete@utas.edu.au or return a hard copy to the Student Centre at your relevant campus to the attention of Unigym Elite Athlete Coordinator. This form is to be completed annually. .au PERSONAL DETAILS TITLE SURNAME GIVEN NAME(S) DATE OF BIRTH RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS GENDER __ __ / __ __/ __ __ __ __ (DD/MM/YYYY) FEMALE MALE UNSPECIFIED TELEPHONE No. (H) __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ TELEPHONE No. (M) __ __ __ __ POSTCODE __ __ __ __ __ __ EMAIL ADDRESS UTAS PERSONAL Member Tasmanian Institute of Sport YES/NO Cricket Tasmania YES/NO Other organisations/institutions___________________________ COUNTRY OF BIRTH NATIONALITY SPORT DETAILS SPORT CLUB/LOCATION/TEAM CURRENT LEVEL ACHIEVEMENTS Note: These details will be checked annually by the UTAS EAFU contact officer STUDY DETAILS STUDENT NUMBER FACULTY COURSE TITLE FULL TIME PART TIME DISTANCE LEARNING YEAR COMMENCED CAMPUS COMPLETION YEAR (Approx) I FOUND OUT ABOUT THE ELITE ATHLETE OPPORTUNITIES VIA: University of Tasmania website Unigym Coach CDE staff UTAS student My faculty Other_________ A LETTER OF REFERENCE FROM YOUR SPORTING ORGANISATION (signed by a coach, trainer or program administrator), IS TO BE SUPPLIED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Please list your Referee below. For a letter of reference example, please refer to page 2 of this application form. REFEREE NAME POSITION TELEPHONE EMAIL PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF SPORTING EVENTS (e.g. Competitions, meets, interstate trips etc). If additional room is required, please attach a separate document detailing events. Please note that the below sporting schedule does not need to be completed by TIS scholarship students or Elite Athletes at Cricket Tasmania. January February March April May June July August September October November December STUDENT SIGNATURE. I agree that the information on this form is true and correct. I also agree to assist, where possible, with University media, marketing and research studies (photos, surveys, interviews etc). Date __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ SIGNATURE OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Approved By Contacted by Added to database PRIVACY COLLECTION STATEMENT The information on this form is collected for the primary purpose of the Elite Athlete Friendly University program. If you choose not to complete all the questions on this form, it may not be possible for UTAS to assist you as a student athlete. Personal information may also be disclosed to University of Tasmania faculty contacts. Elite Athlete Recognition Application – page 2 THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A LETTER TO BE SUPPLIED BY A COACH, TRAINER OR PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR TO SUPPORT YOUR APPLICATION. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS LETTER DOES NOT NEED TO BE SUPPLIED BY ATHLETES WITH A TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT SCHOLARSHIP, OR BY CRICKET TASMANIA RECOGNISED ELITE ATHLETES. Authorising Organisation’s Letterhead [DATE] EAFU Contact Officer University of completed Tasmania form via email to careersevices@utas.edu.au Please return Private Bag 45 HOBART TAS 7001 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN RE: Endorsement of [Athlete’s Name] for Elite Athlete Status This letter confirms that [Athlete’s Name] is currently competing as an Elite Athlete in [their nominated sport] during [year]. I confirm that [Athlete’s Name] meets the EAFU guidelines provided for Universities assessing non-identified athletes for Elite Athlete status (please tick all that apply): Is currently representing Australia in their given sport Has recently qualified for a major event such as a world championships Is representing their state in a senior team Has a high level of training, competition and travel demand related to their sport e.g. over 15 hours per week Other [please give details] Regards, [Signature] [Printed Name] [Job Title & Organisation Name]