Orixá Spirits page 1 of 2 YEMANJÁ (Lemanjá, Janaína) Amerindian female spirit of the sea and of most of the other Orixás; Protectress of homes; Yoruban spirit Lemanjá. OXALÁ OXAGUIAN Lord of the Sky The orixá and the last one are different aspects of the same spirit, on is young and the other is older. YANSÃ (Iansan, Iansã, Yansan) Female spirit of winds and storms; impulsive, a warrior, passionate and adventuresome; bisexual. Syncretism: Syncretism: Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Metal: Instrument: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Metal: Sign: Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Our Lady of Compassion); Virgin Mary Odoiyá Dandalunda, Pandá Saturday White and light blue Sea and fishing Silver Instrument: Abebé (a silver fan) Pisces Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Metal: Instrument: Sign: OXALÁ OXALUFAN Lord of the Sky The orixá and the next one are different aspects of the same spirit, on is young and the other is older Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Metal: Instrument: Sign: Jesus, Lord of Bonfim (Good Ending, associated with Bonfim’s church in Salvador) Epa Baba Exe Ê Oxalufan (the old Oxalá) Friday White The creation of the Universe Tin, silver, platinum Opaxorô (cane) Lion Jesus, Lord of Bonfim (Good Ending, associated with Bonfim’s church in Salvador) Epa Baba Exe Ê Oxaguian (the young Oxalá) Friday White The creation of the Universe, the sky, procreation Tin, silver, platinum Sword and Ossun (pestle) of silver Lion OXÓSSI (Oxóce,Oshosi, Ochosi, Ososi, Oxosi, or Osawsi ) King of the Forest, Master of Animals and Plants Syncretism: St. George Salutation: Okê Arô Names: I bulamo, Gogobira Day: Thursday Colors: Green or blue Realm: Forests, the hunt Metal: Brass Instrument: Ofá Sign: Libra Sign: St. Barbara Êparrei Yansã Oiá Yansã, Matamba Wednesday Red and Black Rain, winds and storms Copper Dagger Eruexim (duster made of an ox-tail) Sagittarius NANÃ (Nanan) Female spirit of rain, spirit of creation, life and death Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Instrument: Sign: Nossa Senhora de Santana (Our Lady of Santana); St. Anne Saluba Nanã Burucu Saturday Purple light The waters of swamps Ibiri (a woven and curved wand) Scorpio Orixá Spirits OSSAIN ( Ozain, Osain, Osanyin) Lord of Magic Potions Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Instrument: Eu Eô Ossanha, Ossanhê, Catende Saturday Green Herbs and medicines Seven iron prongs with a dove in the middle page 2 of 2 LOGUNEDÉ Prince of the forests. Six months of the year it is male, other six months is female. Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Metal: Instrument: OMOLÚ Male spirit of smallpox, and illness in general Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Instrument: Sign: St. Lazarus, St. Roch Atôtô Baluaê Obaluaiê , Xampanã Monday White, black and red Health and diseases (guide for the dead, god of the inside of the Earth) Xaxará (a stiff woven wand) Capricorn Sign: St. Expedito Lossi, Lossi, Logun Logun, Congobila Saturday and Thursday Blue and yellow Forests and waterfalls Brass Abebé (mirror) of Oxum and Ofá (bow and arrow) of Oxossi Taurus and Libra XANGÔ (Shangó, Changó), Lord of Justice, lightning and thunder Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Instrument: Sign: St. Jerome Kawô Kabiesilé Sogbo, Kibuco Wednesday Red and white Fire and Justice Oxé (two sided hatchet) Sagittarius OGUM (Ogoun, Ogun) God of War and Pathways Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Metal: Instrument: Sign: St. Anthony (Sr. Jorge) Ogunyiê Gun, Sumbo, Mutacalombo Tuesday Dark blue Paths, war Iron Obé (iron sword) Aries EXÚ (Eshu, Esu) Guardian of temples, houses, cities and persons Eshu is the messenger between the human and divine worlds, god of duality, crossroads and beginnings, and also a phallic and fertility god (a god of life) and the deliverer of souls to the underworld (a god of death). Eshu is recognized as a trickster and child-like. He is a median spirit, a messenger of higher spirits, good and evil. Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Instrument: Sign: OBÁ Warrior Queen (Shango's wife, divinity of marriage and domesticity, daughter of Iemanja) Syncretism: OXUMARÉ (Ochumare, Oshumare) Syncretism: Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Instrument: Sign: St. Bartolomue Arro Bo Boi N Tyana, Dambalah Tuesday The rainbow colors The rainbow, snakes Iron snake Aquarius St. Gabriel; in umbanda he is Satan or the Devil. Laroê Exú Exú-Elegbá, Exú-Alaketo Monday Red and Black Virility Bludgeon (Ogo) short stick that has one thick end and is used as a weapon Scorpio Salutation: Names: Day: Colors: Realm: Metal: Instrument: Sign: Nossa Senhora das Neves (Our Lady of Neves), St. Joan of Arc Obá Xirê Obá is the Yoruban female spirit of the river Obá Saturday Red and white Water falls, rivers Copper Spear and shield Virgo