Global Studies Poster Session: Students may use PowerPoint, or any other electronic media form. PowerPoint presentations should not be more than 1 dozen slides. You may create a hard copy poster, using posterboard provided by GSC. Your presentation should include the following elements: Name Major(s) Minors (s) Other certificates, in addition to Global Studies Language(s) studied A global theme or issue that may have emerged as a result of your studies/experiences. Your global concentration and courses taken to meet the requirement Your regional concentration and the courses taken to meet the requirement Include any transregional course work Title of capstone paper and brief synopsis/findings/conclusions…. Other relevant courses Co-curricular experiences relevant to your global and/or regional concentrations (internships, research, student group participation, employment) Study abroad (if any) Reflection (any themes that have emerged from your studies that you want to pursue, how your views have changed, etc) Future Plans Make it interesting and engaging! Connectedness Content Presentation 3 –excellent Language, region, and global concentration are very related and show a clear connection to capstone paper or global issue summary 2 - proficient Language, region, and global concentration are generally related and show some connection to capstone paper or global issue summary 1 – does not meet criteria Language, region, and global concentration are not related to each other or capstone paper or global issue summary Student studied more than one language and related that to capstone paper or global issue summary Student’s language study is related to capstone paper or global issue summary Student’s language study is not related to capstone paper or global issue summary Student demonstrates clear connection to capstone paper or global issue summary through participation in numerous co-curricular activities on or off campus Student demonstrates some connection to capstone paper or global issue summary through participation in some co-curricular activities on or off campus Student does not demonstrate connection to capstone paper or global issue summary through participation in co-curricular activities Student evidences more than one professional experience (internship, employment, etc.) related to capstone paper or global issue summary The main idea and purpose of the capstone paper or global issue summary is clearly stated as is a rationale for this topic Student evidences at least one professional experience (internship, employment, etc.) related to capstone paper or global issue summary The main idea and purpose of the capstone paper or global issue summary is generally stated Student does not evidence any professional experience (internship, employment, etc.) related to capstone paper or global issue summary The main idea and purpose of the capstone paper or global issue summary is not stated well or not stated The capstone paper or global issue summary is very The capstone paper or global issue summary is relevant, thoughtful, and well-researched. generally relevant, thoughtful, and researched The capstone paper or global issue summary provides no evidence of relevance, thought or research The capstone paper or global issue summary evidences analytical and critical thinking and provides a thoughtful conclusion. No analysis or conclusion is provided for the capstone paper or global issue summary The capstone paper or global issue summary provides some analysis for the topic and a conclusion The capstone paper or global issue summary is very The capstone paper or global issue summary is well-organized (introduction, presentation of generally organized (introduction, presentation of data/argument, analysis, conclusion) data/argument, analysis, conclusion) The capstone paper or global issue summary is not organized well or not organized Student provides a thoughtful description of what s/he learned (implications, consequences, individual growth) as a result of this paper/summary The poster is clearly laid out and easy/logical to follow in the absence of a presenter Student provides some description of what s/he learned (implications, consequences, individual growth) as a result of this paper/summary The poster contains all required elements Student does not describe what s/he learned as a result of this paper/summary The text is very concise, legible, and free of errors The text is generally concise, legible, and error-free The text is not concise or legible or too many errors Photographs and other art/media are very effective and engaging and enhance overall poster appeal Some photographs or other art/media are used to increase the overall poster appeal No photographs or other art/media are used The poster is missing one or more of the required elements