Oxygen Isotopes in Mantle and Crustal Magmas as revealed by Single Crystal Analysis Ilya Bindeman (University of Oregon, Eugene) Perspective • Oxygen is the major element in rocks, magmas, waters • It provides “surface” (hydrosphere) signature to igneous rocks • Underutilized in the past 10-20 years • New microanalytical approaches gave a new start: - Laser fluorination on single crystals 0.4-1 mg, ± 0.05‰ - Ion Microprobe spot analysis 2-30 mm, ±0.18-0.24‰ 18O/16O ratios of important ox ygen-conta ining rese rvoirs (from Hoefs, 1 99 M meteoric water ocean water sedimentary rocks metamorphic rocks high-18O magmas low- 18 O magmas granitic rocks basaltic rocks, mantle -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 18O, in ‰ 18O = [(18O/16O) Sample _ (18O/16O) (18O/16O) Standard Standard: sea water Standard ] x 1000 40 Experimentally-determined Isotope fractionation between minerals and melts as a function of temperature T, °C 1000 700 13 500 400 300 12 11 10 Quartz-Magnetite 1000 ln 9 1000 ln ≈ D18OMineral-Melt = 8 Albite-Magnetite 7 18Omelt – 18Omineral = Anorthite-Magnetite 6 5 6 10 = 2A T Quartz-Zircon 4 Anorthite-Olivine 3 Rhyolite-zircon 2 Basalt-Olivine Quartzrhyolite Albite-Muscovite 1 0 1 2 106/T2, K-2 3 4 Isotope fractionation as a function of temperature 5.9 Plagioclase C D18Omelt-Plagioclase 18O, ‰ 5.7 5.0 m e l t B D18Omelt-olivine A Olivine T, °C Tq Isotope Equilibria: D18Ogroundmass-olivine = 18Ogroundmass – 18Oolivine D18Ogroundmass-plagioclase = 18Ogroundmass – 18Oplagioclase D18OPlagioclase-olivine = 18Ogroundmass – 18Oplagioclase An Equilibrium magma system: Bishop Tuff Individual phenocrysts in individual pumice clasts quenched in air 9 Quartz 18 O ‰ VSMOW 8 7 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Calculated Melt 6 Zircon 5 CPx 4 3 2 1 700 Magnetite 725 750 775 800 18O(Qz-Mt) T, °C, DT°C Bindeman and Valley, 2002, CMP 825 ©Julie Roberge The most diverse magma system: Yellowstone 18O zircon anatomy of latest Yellowstone volcanism 8 LCT Quartz 6 MBB DR SBB Glass Eq zircon ±2s normal-18O magmas SCL 4 2 0 -2 Caldera Collapse 18O ‰ VSMOW Zircon Core s: CF SP Central Plateau lavas Upper Geyser Basin lavas -4 0.60 0.5 0 0.45 0.25 0.2 0 0.10 Age, Ma Ion Microprobe Data on zircons Bindeman et al. JPet, 2008 Single Crystals and in situ methods - what’s new and are we “there” yet? 1 mg Spot diameter (x depth), mm 1.0 0.5 0.3 10 30x6 0.1 2 Typical Igneous Crystals NanoSIMS Small radius Large ion radius microprobes ion microprobes 0.4 Continuous flow GSMS analysis Dual inlet GSMS analysis UV laser fluorination 0.1 Conventional Ni rod bombs CO2 laser fluorination Precision Precision, ‰, 1 st dev 1x1 Single crystal radius or spot size, mm 0.05 4 100 picograms 0.01 0.1 1 Sample size, mg 10 Effort (time, $$$, goal) Toward the Equilibrium: Processes governing Isotope exchange: - Intracrystalline diffusion - Solution-reprecipitation Which is more important? 18O, ‰ 6 0.69±0.03Ma 1 4 7 4 2 3 0 2 5 6 -2 0 50 100 Distance, mm 8 T, °C Diffusion Coefficient, m2/s 1200 -15 -14 1000 Cations in olivine Fe-Mg, Mn, Ca, Ni -16 Olivine - Oxygen diffusion coefficients span four orders of magnitude Quartz Albite - Crystal sizes span >1 order of magnitude (e.g. 0.2 mm -2 mm) Anorthite -18 Diopside X2 Sphene -20 Zircon -22 6 7 Diffusion 750 8 9 10 10000/T Data is from: Zircon: Watson and Cherniak, (1997) wet; Sphene: Morishita et al. (1996); Quartz: Farver and Yund (1991), wet; Olivine: Ryerson et al. (1989), QFM; Diopside: Farver (1989); Anorthite and albite: Elphick et al. (1988; 1986) wet. 2 X ~Dt t~— D An example of quantification the isotope reequilibration by diffusion by successive air abrasions: retrieving cores airabraded 7 core Zircon 1 ky 5 ky core 18 O, ‰ 6 10 ky 20 ky 5 30 ky 50 ky 4 0 20 40 rim Radius ( mm) Solved numerically for diffusion in a sphere. Diffusion coefficients are from Watson and Cherniak, 1997, T= 850°C Solution-Reprecipitation Evidence for Solution-Reprecipitation: Crystal CL or zoning: Concave up CSD indicative of annealing: Quartz Zircon Crystals extracted from quenched individual pumice clasts Recognizing Oxygen Isotope disequilibria: -single crystal analysis: diversity -coexisting minerals and groundmass: D18O at equilibrium? -In situ analysis of crystalline domains: zoning or no zoning Using Oxygen Isotope disequilibria: • Identify crystal sources • Quantify rates • Origin of magma, its assembly, its residence time • How shallow or how deep Case Examples - Silicic and basaltic magmas are assembled in isotopicallydistinct batches, with distinct crystal populations - These crystals reside for 100-1000 years exchanging oxygen with the assembled melt before eruption - Large volume magma chambers can form rapidly in very shallow crust, affected by meteoric hydrothermal systems, uniquely fingerprinted by low-18O values Olivine-melt isotope disequilibria in Basaltic systems (1) Large fissure eruptions of Iceland Laki: The smallest large igneous province… Laki, 15 km3, 1783-4 AD “The cause of this universal fog is not yet ascertained,…: or whether it was the vast quantity of smoke, long continuing to issue during the summer from Hecla in Iceland, or that other volcano…..” Franklin B. (1784) Meteorological Imaginations and Conjectures Manchester Lit. Phylos. Soc.Mem Proc 2, 122. Grimsvötn-Laki system Laki Impacts: •June 8, 1783 to February 7, 1784 •15km3 of magma •122 Mt of SO2, 8Mt F2 •1.3°C cooling of the Northern Hemisphere •French Revolution? American Independence? Subparallel fissure systems of Iceland and associated central volcanoes Grímsvötn Vatnajökull Laki Pleistocene Hyaloclastites and Holocene basalts Burfell table Mt ICE 3000 BC lava 3.12‰ 7000 BC lava 3.6‰ Mantle: 5.5‰ Hyaloclastites 0-2‰ Hyaloclastite texture Grimsvötn-Laki system: Mantle melt 18 OOlivine : MORB Iceland Plume 18O, ‰ 5.0 Glass Plag 4.0 Olivine Cpx 3.0 Eq. Plag Equilibrium Olivine 2.0 1455 1200 1505 1783-4 Calendar Year, AD 2004 1996 1998 18 O, ‰ Grimsvötn-Laki system: - Individual Olivine “pheno”crysts in15km3 Laki basalts span 3‰ range - Exhibit compositional Fe-Mg homogeneity Fo75 - Diverse 18O plagioclase in tephras from the subglacial Grimsvotn caldera. 18 O Olivine 96-Laki MORB Iceland Plume L36 5.0 : Sing le crystals and size fractions: L14 Glass P lag 4.0 Olivine Cpx 3.0 Eq. Plag Equilibrium Olivine 2.0 1455 1200 1505 1783-4 2004 1996 1998 Calendar Year, AD Bindeman, Sigmarsson, Eiler 2006, EPSL “Pheno”cryst-melt 18O disequilibria in other fissures 6 Laki Veidivotn Eldgja mantle olivine Olivine, 18O, ‰ 5 4 • Severe 18O heterogeneity and zoning in olivine • Olivine-groundmass disequilibria • Plagioclase-olivine disequilibria 3 equilibrium 2 3 3.5 4 4.5 Glass, 1818O, Groundmass, O,‰ ‰ Ion p robe olivine Laser Ol Laser Pl Bindeman, Gurenko et al 2008 GCA low 18O, Fo core Other Large volume fissure basalts: Fe/Mg and 18O zoning in olivines High 18O, Fo core Oxygen vs Cations Exchange @1160°C 1 18O/16O Laki, Eldgja exchange: Ol bulk Ol cores Ol, Fe-M g, bulk Ol, Fe-M g, cores Ol, Ni, bulk Xenocrysts 1000 10000 time, yrs 100 10 1 Ol, Ni, cores 0.1 0.1 0.01 Vol. Fraction Exchanged Mineral-Diffusive timescales: Short olivine residence time Other large volume basalts (2) Olivine-melt disequilibria in high-18O basalts of Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka Severe olivine-melt disequilibria in high-18O basalts -basalts have high- 18O values -diverse through time -mixing between high-Al, high-Mg basalts, cumulates from Auer et al. 2009 (3) Hawaii: QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Hawaii: From Garcia et al. 1998 Single crystal isotope analyses demonstrated far greater diversity of melts than bulk methods 40 HH95 E01 Frequency 30 Hawaii 20 Kamchatka 10 Iceland 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 O(Olivine), ‰ 8 9 Silicic Igneous Systems: 18O diversity in zircons from major tuff units 4 rims 4 ±1st dev cores 2 3 ±1st dev 2 900 km3 0 2.5 3 3.5 4 18 O‰ 1000 km3 3 4.5 5 Lava Creek tuff cores ±1st dev 4 rims 4 18 O ‰ 5 6 Huckleberry Ridge tuff Member-C 4 Number 6 Number 2500 km3 1 0 8 Ammonia Tanks tuff Huckleberry Ridge tuff Member-A Number 300 km3 6 Number 5 Mesa Falls tuff Number 8 2 ±1st dev 3 2 1 0 2.5 3 3.5 4 18 O ‰ 4.5 0 3.5 4 4.5 5 18 O ‰ 5.5 6 Equilibrium zircon value Zircon diversity with respect to 18O vs eruptive volume 6 300 HRT LCT MFT 100 0 CP. late 40 CP, early 3 time AT Number of Batches residence UB, Canyon flow 18O zircon diversity in ‰ Batch 1000 2500 Erupted volume km3 Summary: What have we learned? • Tremendous isotope heterogeneity and disequilibria - blessing or a curse? – Identification of sources - high, low, normal 18O – Identification of the process (e.g. hydrothermal) – Timescales - duration of magma segregation/residence Xenocrysts vs. Antecrysts vs. Protocrysts vs. Phenocrysts • Phenocrysts = xenocrysts “annealed beyond recognition” • Isotope heterogeneity on the order of 0.1-0.2‰ is always present in nature Single crystal and in situ isotope analysis address bigger questions: • Short magma generation timescales • Diverse sources of crystals • Recycling of crust • Shallow magma petrogenesis How to Proceed? • Best to proceed by single crystal analysis to demonstrate: - equilibrium mineral-melt and mineral-mineral relationship - lack of crystal-to-crystal heterogeneity • Isotope heterogeneity is usually found in rocks that are fingerprinted by either high- or low-18O AND • Oxygen isotope is the only evidence - Normal 18O rocks may have the same origins and processes but we just simply cannot recognize them Shallow Crustal Petrogenesis Shallow - need to do significant mass transformation in the upper crust -Taboo for thermal modelers Rapid processes - Need to segregate magmas rapidly in the order 100-1000 years However, they may erupt or reside and anneal for 100ky or more QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. September 9-13, 2009 Penrose conference: “Low 18O rhyolites and crustal melting: growth and redistribution of the continental crust” 10,000 km3 of low-18O rhyolites Klyuchevskoy volcano in winter Spasibo! Thanks to: Kathryn Watts Erwan Martin Jim Palandri Andrey Gurenko John Eiler John Valley Fred Anderson Olgeir Sigmarsson Axel Schmitt Paul Wallace Maxim Portnyagin High Silica large-volume rhyolites: Hard to produce Easy to recycle 900 San in, liquidus 850 T, °C 1.5 kbars 3wt% water Mr = DTbC +DXbL Mb DTrC 800 Qz in 750 Plag in water in "bulk" melting Qz+San+Plag 700 650 0 25 50 % crystals 75 18 O, ‰ Short melt residence time: Yonger than 8000 yr Older than 100 y (226Ra/230Th)= 1.11 (210Pb/226Ra)= 1.00 18 O Olivine 96-Laki MORB Iceland Plume L36 5.0 : Sing le crystals and size fractions: L14 Glass P lag 4.0 Olivine Cpx 3.0 Eq. Plag Equilibrium Olivine 2.0 1455 1200 1505 1783-4 2004 1996 1998 Calendar Year, AD Quantifying rates of solutionreprecipitation Annealing quartz and zircon in Bishop Tuff Simakin, Bindeman JVGR 2008 Isotopic zoning in zircons from Yellowstone Caldera 5 4 18O, ‰ Core 9 1 3 2 5 10 1 0 Rim 8 -1 4 3 2 11 -2 0 50 100 150 200 250 Distance, mm 18O, ‰ 6 0.69±0.03Ma 1 4 7 4 2 3 0 2 5 6 -2 0 50 100 Distance, mm 8 Yellowstone Calderas 1. Huckleberry Ridge tuff HRT, 2 Ma, 2500 km3 2. Mesa Falls tuff, 1.3 Ma, 300 km3 3. Lava Creek tuff, LCT, 0.64 Ma, 1000 km3 Nested calderas of Yellowstone: collapses and post-caldera lavas I collapse Pre-2.1 Ma landscape 0.64 Ma caldera rim III collapse Floor of Yellowstone caldera, lake sediments post-caldera West Yellowstone rhyolite flow, 50 km3, synglacial Post caldera voluminous rhyolites Origin of Yellowstone volcanism 0.64-0 Ma MFT batholith? HRT batholith? Variable 18O magma batches ~305ka that represent variably hydrothermally altered (variably 18O depleted) rocks Plutonic example of batch assembly? Idaho Batholith (King and Valley, 2001) Natural variability vs. Analytical precision: Is there a threshold? • In Isotope Geochemistry we “look through” fractionation effects to fingerprint sources • ~0.1‰ precision is routine • Isotope heterogeneity on the order of 0.1-0.2 permil is always present and is unavoidable and is due to: “Closed” system processes – Minor interaction with hydrothermally-altered carapace – Residual zoning due to inheritance and annealing of xenocrysts – Inheritance of “hot” or “cold” protocrysts into magma and insufficient time to reestablish isotope equilibria – Early “closure” of high-closure crystals – Differing paths of crystallization-differentiation (P and PH2O) – Magma “auto”mixing – Rapid volatile loss and volatile-driven crystallization – Kinetic fractionation vs equilibrium fractionation – … Effect on 18O (?) Average of single crystal analyses will provide better constraint on the overall question about sources Timescale 2: Burial The Shallow Recycling Machine: Iceland, Yellowstone, Early Earth STACKING B U R I A L -Progressive burial by caldera collapses, rifting and overloading - Hydrothermal alteration serves as a flux to cause melting - Glassy, porous nature of these rocks makes remelting and disaggregation easier REMELTING REACTIVE ASSIMILATION LOOSE COHESIVENESS RECYCLING Timescale 1: Remelting-Eruption We need to build thermo-mechanical models that will explain large and growing number of observation on shallow crustal remelting On volcanic-plutonic connection and origin of high-silica rhyolites Positive 18O vs. Forsterite correlation: assimilation of evolved composition, and magma mixing 6 System, lava, Sample Thordarhyrna, Nuprahraun 29 18 Olivine, O, ‰ 5 Elgja 10-11 Vedivotn, Vatnaoldur, 900AD, 13,15 Vedivotn, 7000 BP, 17 4 Vedivotn, 3000 BP, 18 Vedivotn, 2000BP, 14 Pre-Laki hyaloclastites, 27-28 3 Laki, 96-Laki 65 70 75 80 Fo, % 85 90