Petrologic Reconstruction of Magma System Variables and Processes A Systematic Approach Jon Blundy (University of Bristol) Kathy Cashman (University of Oregon) Step 1: Find a Volcano Volcán Colima, Mexico Da’ Ure, Ethiopia Mount St. Helens, USA Shiveluch, Kamchatka Observational Petrography Textures provide constraints on eruptive processes 1 mm - transitions in lava flow morphology - onset of fragmentation - changes in eruption style Hawaiian lava flows transitions from pahoehoe to `a`a morphologies relate to... Hawaiian lava flows pl + px ves glass ol changes in crystallinity during flow Quantitative Petrography BSE Al map Fe map Plag Qui ck Ti me ™ an d a Gra ph i cs d ec om pres so r a re ne ed ed to s ee th i s pi c tu re. Opx •X-ray mapping (various scales) •Mineral modes (phenocryst + groundmass) •Crystal size distributions (multi-phase) Example: nucleation-dominated crystallization in lava channels DOWN CHANNEL VENT Crystallinity increases by addition of small crystals Example: nucleation-dominated crystallization in lava channels DOWN CHANNEL VENT 16% 1% CSD has a constant slope (size) and changing intercept/slope (number) LAVA LAKE SURFACE Example: growth-dominated crystallization in lava lakes Crystallinity increases by crystal growth LAVA LAKE SURFACE Example: growth-dominated crystallization in lava lakes CSD has a variable slope (size) and constant intercept/slope (number) Mineral Geothermometry Two-pyroxene 1200 1100 1000 1100 900 Brey & Kohler (1990) aad=62°C 800 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Experimental temperature (°C) 1200 aad=36°C Two-oxide Calculated temperature (°C) Calculated temperature (°C) 1300 Holland & Blundy (1994) Thermometer B Hb-Plag 1000 900 800 700 Calculated temperature (°C) 1100 600 1000 n=298 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Experimental temperature (°C) 900 • Ensure phases are in textural equilibrium, ideally touching 800 • Different mineral pairs have different closure temperatures 700 Andersen & Lindsley (1985) with Lindsley & Spencer (1982) 600 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Experimental temperature (°C) 1200 • Accuracy << Precision Degassing-induced reduction - why fumaroles are more reduced than phenocrysts -10 -11 -10.4 Mount St. Helens Mount St. Helens -10.8 -12 NNO log10 fO2 log10 fO2 -13 -11.2 -14 -15 -18 -12 -12.4 -16 -17 -11.6 Cryptodome May 18, 1980 (Plinian) May 25, 1980 to June 1981 High-T fumaroles -12.8 -13.2 -13.6 680 720 760 800 840 880 920 960 Temperature (°C) NNO Cryptodome May 18, 1980 (Plin.) May 25, 1980 Jun 12, 1980 Jul 22, 1980 Aug 7, 1980 Jun 1981 Jun 1984 May 1985 May 1986 820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 Temperature (°C) Fe3+ (melt) + S2- (melt) = Fe2+ (melt) + S4+(vapour) 7 pre-1980 (bulk) 1980-86 (bulk) current (bulk) 1980-86 (MI-plag) 1980-86 (MI-hbl) 1980-86 (MI-opx) 1980-86 (MI-cpx) 1980-86 (gm) current (MI-plag) current (MI-hbl) current (MI-opx) 6 5 wt% K2O Redrafted from Hammer & Rutherford (2002) 4 3 2 1 0 45 50 55 60 65 70 wt% SiO2 75 80 85 Glass composition as a barometer Blundy & Cashman (2001) Data from Martel & Schmidt (2003) Melt inclusions - clues to magma ascent •Analysis of H2O and CO2 by SIMS, FTIR or microRaman •Plagioclase-melt thermometryof embayments •Incompatible elements in glass yield crystallinity Solubility of H2O as a Barometer 600 Calculated pressure (MPa) 500 Mangan et al Gardner 07 Gardner et al 99 Larsen & Gardner Scaillet et al 400 1:1 300 200 VolatileCalc Newman & Lowenstern (2002) 400 Calculated pressure (MPa) Humphreys et al Martel et al Pichavant et al Gardner et al 95 Martel & Schmidt Mangan & Sisson 1:1 300 200 100 100 Liu et al. (2005) 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 Experimental pressure (MPa) 0 100 200 300 400 Experimental pressure (MPa) •pH2O - aad ≈ 23 MPa •CO2 is much less soluble and can contribute significantly to Ptotal How do melt inclusions form? Melt composition is locked-in at the moment of occlusion. Use ion-microprobe data to calculate: • P (from H2O and CO2) •F (from incompatible trace elements) •T (from plag-melt thermometry) Decompression-driven versus cooling-driven crystallisation 7 6 II. Isobaric H O-undersaturated 2 I. Isobaric H O-saturated wt% H2O 5 2 4 3 IV. Syn-eruptive degassing III. Decompression H O-saturated 2 2 1 0 68 70 72 74 wt% SiO2 (anhyd.) 76 78 Inclusion populations record ascent trajectories. Time and pressure Decompression-driven crystallisation Apr-10 (plag) Crypto (plag) Crypto (opx) May-18 (plag) May-18 (hbl) May-25 (plag) Jun-12 (plag) Jul-22 (plag) Aug-7 (plag) Aug-7 (opx) Oct-16 (plag) Oct-16 (hbl) Dec-27 (plag) Dec-27 (cpx) Jun 1981 (plag) May-18 (gm) 1980 (gm) 7 6 wt% H2O 5 4 3 ruptured inclusions 2 1 0 66 1980-81 68 70 72 74 wt% SiO2(n) 76 78 80 Much faster than crystallisation driven by cooling Linking thermometry and barometry -10 250 pH2O (MPa) 200 150 100 -11 log 10 fO2 Cryptodome 18-May-80 (Plin) 25-May-80 12-Jun-80 22-Jul-80 7-Aug-80 16-Oct-80 27-Dec-80 18-Jun-81 19-Mar-82 -12 Cryptodome 18-May-80 (Plin) 25-May-80 12-Jun-80 22-Jul-80 7-Aug-80 18-Jun-81 amph-out -13 NNO 50 -14 0 820 940 900 860 Temperature (°C) 980 820 860 900 940 Temperature (°C) 980 Blundy et al. (Nature, 2006) Magma heating by decompression crystallisation at Mount St. Helens Latent heat release ≈ 2.5 °C/% Volatile Systematics 350 1200 Late Oranui 300 250 MPa Early Bishop 150 MPa Mid Oranui Middle Bishop 1000 Early Oranui 250 MPa Late Bishop 250 ppm CO2 ppm CO2 800 200 50 MPa 150 350 MPa 600 150 MPa 400 100 50 200 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 wt% H2O 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 wt% H2O •Simple degassing trends are rarely observed •Melt inclusion record is not a static snapshot 6 7 Simple degassing-crystallisation scenarios 0 600 50 500 100 ppm CO2 Pressure (MPa) 400 150 200 decompression only isobaric vap. sat'd isobaric vap. undersat'd slow decomp. xtlln fast decomp xtlln 250 200 100 300 350 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 wt% crystallised 60 70 1 8 600 7 500 2 3 4 5 wt% H2O 6 7 8 60 70 parents 6 400 ppm CO 2 parents wt% H2O parents 300 5 4 300 200 3 100 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 wt% crystallised 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 wt% crystallised Basaltic systems - Mt. Etna 0 Data from Spilliaert et al. (2006) 4 H2O (wt%) Pressure (MPa) 100 200 300 400 500 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 QuickTime™ and a0 TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Crystallinity (%) 5000 2002 60 Crystallinity (%) 4000 CO2 (ppm) CO2 (ppm) 40 5000 2001 4000 20 3000 2000 3000 2000 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 1 2 H2O (wt%) 3 4 20 40 Crystallinity (%) Decompression crystallisation, but data are scattered 60 A model magma chamber roof 0.6 0.03 150 0.5 200 wall 0.4 interior Pressure (MPa) Xg=0.02 0.01 0.3 250 0.2 Xc=0.1 volatile saturated 300 unsat'd floor 750 800 850 Temperature (°C) 900 Spatial variation of intensive parameters and fractions of crystals and gas Melt inclusions potentially sample this complexity 700 8 325 MPa 275 MPa 225 MPa 175 MPa 125 MPa 600 field of melt inclusions 7 parent wt% H2O ppm CO2 500 400 300 field of melt inclusions 200 Melt Inclusion Diversity 6 5 4 parent 100 0 3 4 5 6 wt% H2O 7 3 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 wt% crystallised 70 80 Can inclusion populations be used to map out storage regions? 700 8 600 field of melt inclusions 7 parent 6 ppm CO 2 wt% H2O 500 5 400 field of melt inclusions 300 200 parent 4 100 3 750 800 850 Temperature °C 900 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 wt% crystallised 70 80 Large silicic systems Oruanui and Bishop Tuff 7 6 H2O (wt%) 5 1600 CO2 (ppm) 1400 4 3 1200 2 1000 1 800 0 Oruanui (early) Oruanui (middle) Oruanui (late) Bishop (early) Bishop (middle) Bishop (lat e) 0 600 20 40 60 Cryst allinity (%) 400 1200 50 MPa 200 1000 0 1 2 3 4 H2O (wt%) 5 6 7 CO2 (ppm) 0 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 Crystallinit y (%) Data from Wallace et al. (1999); Liu et al. (2006) 60 Trace Element Chemistry of Minerals Diffusion-moderated record of open system processes Smith et al (in press) Experimental Reconstruction Crystallinity 200 MPa, 850 °C Plag/Hbl SiO2 (gl) Al 2O3 (gl) CaO (gl) XAn (pl) Al 2O3 (hb) 3.5 4.0 Data from Costa et al. (2004) 4.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 bulk wt% H2O •Careful choice of starting materials •Concept of reactive volume •Matching of multiple petrological parameters 6.5 7.0 Experimentallydetermined kinetic parameters Log plagioclase Nv (/mm3) 7 6 50 MPa 5 125 MPa 4 3 0 200 400 600 Time (hours) Growth (Y) and Nucleation (I) rates From Hammer & Rutherford (2002) Plagioclase Number Density (Nv) as as a barometer Data from Couch (2003) Links to Volcano Monitoring Mount St Helens, USA Volcan Colima, Mexico Cadavers and Clinics Calculating P (and z) from H2O and CO2 For comparison to earthquake depths depth below sea-level (km) 21-Oct-86 17-Jun-84 7-Feb-83 19-Mar-82 18-Jun-81 27-Dec-80 16-Oct-80 7-Aug-80 12-Jun-80 18-May-80 -3 10-Apr-80 Petrology vs Seismology at Mount St. Helens 0 3 6 9 12 15 100 1000 Days since 17 March 1980 earthquakes P = 1.287 pH O tot May-Dec 1980 = period of high gas flux, deep melt inclusions and few earthquakes… P tot 2 = pH O + pCO 2 2 Petrologic Gas Flux vs Observed 2.0 0.3 3 Melt Inclusions 2 0.2 1 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Days since 17 March 1980 SO2 flux (kTe/day) wt% SO2 in MI Flux observed SO 2 flux (kTe/day) 0.4 1.5 16-Oct-80 12-Jun-80 1.0 7-Aug-80 18-Jun-81 27-Dec-80 0.5 21-Oct-86 14-May-82 0 2500 19-Mar-82 18-Aug-82 7-Feb-83 0.0 0.0 24-May-85 0.5 1.0 1.5 calculated SO2 flux (kTe/day) Plinian eruptions have excess gas; effusive eruptions do not 2.0 Calculating conduit dimensions from melt inclusions r Mount St. Helens 1980-82 27 Dec 80 V 12 Jun 80 20 15 22 Jul 80 25 5 0 100 20 Mar 82 10 h Chadwick et al. (1988) 25 May 80 Conduit radius (m) 30 18 Oct 80 7 Aug 80 35 200 300 400 500 600 Days since 17 March 1980 700 800 r V z Essential, but hard-to-constrain, parameter for numerical modelling Conclusions • Petrology is a powerful tool for unravelling conditions and processes • Phase chemistry allied to quantitative petrography • Underpinned by experimental constraints • Temporal and spatial variability • Inputs to dynamical modelling • Links to monitoring signals