lecture 5.pptx

Lecture 5
Trends in Atomic Properties
Energies and sizes
-The first ionization energy (IE) of an atom (M) is
the energy required to form the positive ion
M+ + eThe IE value reflects the energy of the orbital
from which the electron is removed, and so
depends on the principal quantum number (n)
and effective nuclear charge (Zeff)
IE= Z2effR/n2
The average radius of an orbital depends on the
same factors
<r> = n2a0/Zeff
-Smaller orbitals generally have more tightly bound electrons
with higher ionization energies.
Horizontal trends
-Increasing nuclear charge is accompanied by
correspondingly more electrons in neutral atoms.
-Moving from left to right in the periodic table, the
increase of nuclear charge has an effect that
generally outweighs the screening from additional
-Increasing Zeff leads to an increase of
IE across each period, which is the most important
single trend in the periodic table .
At the same time, the atoms become smaller.
the first ionization energy of boron is smaller than beryllium, and the first
ionization energy of oxygen is smaller than nitrogen. Ionization of boron
removes an electron from a 2p orbital, which is less tightly bound than the
2s involved in lithium and beryllium. Thus the IE of B is slightly less than
that of Be
Be: [He] 2s2
B: [He] 2s2 2p1
For N and O: The electrons removed when nitrogen and oxygen are ionized
both come from 2p orbitals. But we have to think about Hund’s Rule: in
oxygen, the orbital is slightly destabilized, as there is energy required to
pair the electrons. Thus the electron in oxygen is lightly easier to remove
than the one in nitrogen
N: [He] 2s2 2p3
O: [He] 2s2 2p4
Ionization energies (IE) and electron affinities
(EA) for the elements Li-Na.
Vertical trends
-The IE generally decreases down each group of
- for hydrogen and the elements of group 1, all of which
have the (ns)1 outer electron configuration. The main
influence here is the increasing value of principal
quantum number n.). There is a substantial increase of
nuclear charge between each element, and although
extra inner shells are occupied, they do not
provide perfect shielding. Thus, contrary to what is
sometimes stated, effective nuclear charge
increases down the group.
Ionization energies for elements with (ns)1 outer
electron configurations.
In the resulting balance between increasing n
and increasing Zeff
the former generally dominates, as in group 1.
There is, however, nothing inevitable
about this, and there are occasions in later
groups where Zeff increases sufficiently to
cause an increase of IE between an element
and the one below it.
- the group 11 elements Cu, Ag and Au, where an ns electron is
also being
ionized. The increase of IE along period 4 between K (Z=19)
and Cu (Z=29) is caused by the extra
nuclear charge of 10 protons, partly shielded by the 10 added
3d electrons. A similar increase occurs
between Rb and Ag in period 5. In period 6, however, the 4f
shell intervenes giving 14 additional elements and leading
to a total increase of Z of 24 between Cs and Au. There is a
more substantial increase of IE therefore, and Au has a higher
IE than Ag Similarly irregular trends in IE may have some
influence on the chemistry of p-block elements
Orbital radii also depend on n2 and generally increase down
each group.
- There is another interesting feature of vertical trends, arising
also from the way in which the
periodic table is filled. For orbitals of a given l there is a more
significant change, both in IE and
size, between the first and second periods involved than in
subsequent cases.
- for s orbitals, where the IE decreases much more from
hydrogen (1s) to lithium (2s) than between the lower
elements. Such a distinction is reflected in the chemical
properties of group 1 elements,
hydrogen being nonmetallic and the other elements metals).
- although less dramatic, differences are found with 2p and
3d. Thus period 2 p-block elements are in many ways
different from those lower in the p block, and 3d series
elements distinct from those of the 4d and 5d
States of ionization
- The successive energies required to create more highly charged ions,
M2+, M3+ …are the second, third,…IEs. The values always increase
with the degree of ionization.
When electrons are removed from the same shell, the main effect is
that with each successive ionization there is one less electron left to
repel the others. The magnitude of the change therefore depends
on the size of the
orbital, as electrons in smaller orbitals are on average closer together
and have more repulsion.
Thus with Be (2s)2 the first two IEs are 9.3 and 18.2 eV, whereas with Ca (4s)2 the values are 6.1 and 11.9 eV,
The third IE of both elements is very much higher (154 and 51 eV, respectively) because now the outer shell is exhausted
and more tightly bound inner shells (1s and 3p, respectively) are being
ionized. The trends are important in understanding the stable
valence states of elements.
Electron Affinity
- Electron Affinity is the energy “required” to
put an electron into an atom:
M + e-  M-This is an exothermic process.
Energy is released upon the addition of an
electron (in most cases); this will be a negative
• For most species except the noble gases
(Group 18), alkaline earth metals (Group 2),
and Group 12 (Zn, Cd, Hg) the process is
exothermic (positive EA and energy is
released) and stable ions are formed
In general, and with a couple of exceptions,
EA increases across a period
• Groups 2, 12, and 18 have negative EA values
because the added electron must fit into a higher
energy orbital and this requires expenditure of
Alkaline earths are all ns2; the added electron must go –
into the higher energy np orbital.
Inert gases are all ns2 np6; the added electron must go –
into the higher energy (n+1)s orbital.
Group 12 are all ns2 (n-1)d10; the added electron •
must go into the higher energy np orbital
* We know from the previous discussion on
shielding that as we are filling a period, the
added electrons do not shield a full nuclear
charge and the dominant force is the
increasing nuclear charge. As the nucleus
becomes more highly charged it is able to
stabilise added electrons more effectively.
This is why the EA increases across a period.
• For each period, EA becomes smaller when
moving from Group 14 to Group 15. By way of
example, EA for C is larger than for N. Again
this can be rationalised by considering where
the electron goes:
C: 1s2 2s2 2p2
N: 1s2 2s2 2p3
* Adding an electron to C allows it to go
unpaired into the one empty 2p orbital.
Adding an electron to N however means that
it must pair for the first time in a p orbital.
This makes the process a little less favourable
for the creation of N- and so EA is less than for
the creation of C-.
Ionization energies (IE) and electron affinities
(EA) for the elements Li-Na.