Domain I: Library Planning, Management and Evaluation– (LA6) Component 1a: Demonstrating Supervision of staff and volunteers LMS Supervisor Level of Performance – Rating Sheet Element Helps hire, directs, organizes, and supervises the personnel and services essential to a unified library media program centered on students' needs and the instructional goals of the school. Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Accomplished LMS displays little understanding of leadership role in hiring, training, directing, or evaluating staff and volunteers; does not integrate essential library services that are centered on students' needs and instructional goals of the school.ď€ LMS displays basic knowledge of leadership role in hiring, training, directing, or evaluating staff and volunteers; integrates some essential library services that are centered on students' needs and instructional goals of the school. LMS displays solid knowledge of leadership role in hiring, training, directing and evaluating staff and volunteers; integrates most essential library services that are centered on students' needs and instructional goals of the school. LMS displays extensive knowledge of leadership role in hiring, training, directing, and evaluating staff; integrates all essential library services that are centered on students' needs and instructional goals of the school; and continuously searches for best practice in regard to these roles to create a unified library program. Comments: Copies Teacher Personnel file Date