DIALOG Program is developed by Pro Democracy Association Brasov branch with the aim to involve citizens from Brasov in the decision making process at the local level in order to solve community problems.
As a result of various projects developed by DIALOG Program in partnership with local administration, City Hall of Brasov encourages owners associations to develop community projects targeting the rehabilitation of public spaces with in-kind contribution of their own.
During 2003 DIALOG Program in partnership with budget department, Citizens Information
Center, owners associations representatives and Public Works Department agreed to modify previous Local Decision no. 222/2001 adopted by Local Council in order to facilitate and make easier the access of owners associations to public money for community projects.
Thus, a new and more transparent Local Decision no. 112/ 29th of March 2004 was adopted by Local Council of Brasov.
Mainly DIALOG Program and Municipality of Brasov adapted the regulations to the requirements owners associations asked for.
About the organization
For detailed information about the program and organization, please visit www.apd.ro
Objectives and activities
to enhance the management capacity for 20 owners associations from Brasov City in order to involve them in community projects elaboration and implementation in partnership with local administration;
to provide technical assistance and consulting for owners associations representatives in order to implement a number of 20 community projects conceived and unfolded by owners associations’ representatives in partnership with local administration in neighborhoods from
Description of the implementation
In order to achieve these objectives, the DIALOG staff organized the following activities:
Problems identification and neighborhoods selection. Identification of the target group members formed by 20 opinion leaders of owners associations;
training sessions for owners associations representatives on various issues such as community project writing, project management, strategic planning and others;
assistance, consulting and monitoring for community projects implementation;
Publications. Within the project in the “Decisions for Community” brochure will be edited and printed in 1,500 copies;
Impact, Results and Lessons learned
Playground for children in Fundatura Harmanului district
“Speranta” owners association
“Speranta” owners association is placed in an industrialized area of Brasov city. A number of
140 families with about 150 kids live here. Because this association is isolated, few local administration representatives paid attention to their needs. Kids were using inappropriate ways to play and also unprotected.
The president of the association Mr. Andrei Gheorghe contacted DIALOG Program. Together with him DIALOG staff started the process of designing and implementing a playground for children financially supported by Local Council. All the stages were passed; many inhabitants
of the association offered their support in order to develop the project, working for implementation. These actions strengthen the local community.
One of the sponsors, VECTRA S.A. provided 2 trucks full of vegetal earth for greening the area.
This is one of the projects, which entirely transform the area, making it a comfortable place both for parents and children.
“Pavilioanele CFR 100” owners association. Citizen Advisory Committee in Craiter district
In 2004 Dialog program started cooperation with Citizen Advisory Committee in Craiter district, formed with Citizen Information Center support.
In a first stage the committee was able to initiate a community project in that area but not completing it. DIALOG staff contacted the committee representative, Mr. Virgil Popa and with necessary assistance a number of 3 community projects were designed with four owners associations as beneficiaries: “Pavilioanele CFR 100”, “Saligny 16 “Saligny 18” and
CEFDAC - Ceferistilor Association.
The projects targeted the construction of playground for children, recreational facilities and rehabilitation of a public space.
The sponsor FOREX SRL provided necessary materials for two projects in order to equip the area as a recreational park.
In the park area located near Pavilioanele CFR 100 Association a number of 40 pines were planted and a football terrain was made.
Also, for this objective, VECTRA SA provided 6 trucks with vegetal earth for the pines and football terrain.
Indirect results obtained during collaboration with Citizens Advisory Committee
During collaboration between DIALOG staff and Citizen Advisory Committee “Craiter” emerged the necessity of rehabilitation for a kindergarten and a park. Although these projects were not eligible for the public – private partnership program, DIALOG staff advised CAC
Craiter members to address a request, enclosed with the needs of the inhabitants and a proposal of refitting the area, to City Hall of Brasov. The area being under Railway Company jurisdiction, the Mayor of Brasov, George Scripcaru managed to collaborate with the company in order to design a refitting of the area situated near railways.
Playground - Cefdac Condominium
This project too resulted from the cooperation with the Citizen Advisory Committee of
Some of the owners have planted trees in the park near their building at their expense while the playground was fitted by the municipality at Dialog’s initiative.
Rehabilitation of 5 recreational areas - Loco 66 Condominium
Condominium Loco 66, situated in the ASTRA I district is an association of 4 condominiums.
The president of Loco 66, Mr. Mihail Colþãnel has contacted us at the suggestion of a
Municipal Inspector in order to get support for the refitting of 5 parks.
Following the consultations we concluded that 4 areas around the buildings were to be fitted as parks and in the 5th area, away from the buildings, a playground would be set up for children.
Contacts information
Andreea Bianca Stinghe
Pro Democracy Association Brasov Branch
Str.Mihail Sadoveanu 3
500030 Brasov
Tel/fax: ++4 02 68 410 192
E-mail: apdbv@brasovia.ro