Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu Budapest, 29 August 2008 EACEA – Unit P7 Citizenship Support to projects initiated by civil society Avenue du Bourget, 1 (BOUR 00/13) B-1140 Brussels - Belgium Email : eacea-p7-civilsociety@ec.europa.eu Final Report Name of the beneficiary: Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete, Corvin tér 8. HU-1011 Budapest (HACD Hungarian Association for Community Development) Decision number: 2007 – 1530/001 - 001 Project number: CSP 2007 / 152 Duration of project: - N° of months: 10 - Start date: 01/09/2007 End date: 30/06/2008 1. Executive summary The ’European Dialogue – Longlasting Networking for European Integration through Encouraging Citizens’ Participation’ transnational project has been implemented successfully, and it has greatly contributed to the development and future co-operation of the two Community Organizing and Development networks in Europe: the CEE CN Central-Eastern European Citizens Network and the CEBSD Combined European Bureau for Social Development. The project that was initiated and implemented by the HACD Hungarian Association for Community Development, member in both networks, and its partner organizations, the CEE CN and the CEBSD, has reached the range of organizations and people previously planned. Through its 2 national and 3 transnational workshops it has enhanced the interest towards the European integration. The project launched the European Dialogue Booklet, organised an opening ceremony and a press conference with the participation of the representatives of foreign embassies active in Hungary and the media, on the Europe Boat on the River Danube, in Budapest. The organisers have evaluated the work that was done by the representatives of participating organisations. The ED workshop was held with the participation of representatives from 23 organisations from 17 countries (15 from European member countries, 1 EFTA-country Norway and 1 non-European country, Georgia), coordinators from the two networks and 10 Hungarian community activists. The results of the European Dialogue have been published on HACD’s journal, Parola 2008. Vol. 2 and its website www.kka.hu (see European Dialogue), and sent to the participating organisations, asking them to publish and disseminate them in their own countries and among the related international organisations and networks they are active in. The project throughout its planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up entirely kept to the basic principle of community development, the principle of participation and complete stakeholder ownership. The HACD and its partners, CEBSD and CEE CN, undertook the roles of initiator and professional support. Both networks are in a process of structural change, which influences strategy, membership, policy issues, as well as the activities. It seems the ED project came in the right time, as this cooperation can be a focus in the development processes in the close future. Strongly emphasized issues: There was respect for each other but gaps in knowledge and understanding. 1 Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu Differences in culture, experience and terminology were identified. We need to be in the forefront of actions, but we also have to balance this with long term process. It is important to keep an eye to be both professional and movement oriented. Some proposals for future co-operation: 1. Match-up the CPW Citizens’ Participation Week and EWLD European Week of Local Democracy 2. Possible joint leadership meetings between CEBSD and CEECN. 3. Use, refresh, review the Budapest Declaration lobby. 4. Capture best practice where this has already been done. 5. Surveys analysing the levels of citizen’s participation in decision-making processes. 6. Common training issues, especially within the Training and Learning CD European project. 7. The policy implications of the experience and practice especially the issue of intercultural dialogue, involvement of youth. Embedding the experience practices in the structure, creating culture, not only projects! 8. European Future Forum: it would retain a commitment to European Dialogue and hold a conference between two bodies every 4 years to look at what has happened and what is projected into the future. The project has enhanced the strengthening of the co-operation networks, their reputation and willingness to co-operate. As a result of the project, several resolutions, co-operation agreements have been established, and joint project planning has been launched among the co-operating partners and the participants. Contact: CEE CN Anna Karailieva anna@ceecn.net www.ceecn.net CEBSD Kirsten Paaby kirsten.paaby@idebanken.no www.cebsd.org 2 HACD Ilona Vercseg vercseg@kka.hu www.kka.hu Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu 2. Final report of the project European Dialogue 9-10 May 2008 Kunszentmiklós-Kunbábony, Hungary Main Patron: Kinga Göncz Minister of Foreign Affairs Further Co-operating Organizations: Civil College Foundation, Civil Radio, Hungarian Institute for Culture and Art Sponsors: Co-financed by the European Union within the programme "Europe for Citizens" 2007 – 2013. 3 National Civil Fund Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu WHO The HACD Hungarian Association for Community Development is a registered (registration number 356), nationwide organisation, founded in 1989. The objective of HACD is the development of the capacity of citizens to initiate and act in the community. This goal is designed to be achieved through increasing participation of citizens in their own and in their common affairs, through improving the community-related conditions for local action and through building-up the local institutions of democracy. HACD joined CEBSD in 1991, the CEE CN in 2002. see www.kka.hu The CEBSD Combined European Bureau for Social Development, a network of organisations in Europe which promotes Community Development, was set up on 3.7.90 and has been registered as a non-profit organisation in the Netherlands since 29.5.96. Members supports exchanges, networking and policy work through projects, seminars, working groups and conferences. CEBSD has succeeded in developing and strengthening links between organisations and associations working on shared values and principles of Community Development within Europe. See www.cebsd.org The CEE CN Central and Eastern European Citizens Network was registered in January 2005 in Slovakia but organized its activities under the assistance of the Center for Community Organizing in Slovakia from 2000. The mission is to promote citizen participation in CEE and provide opportunities for grassroots initiatives to learn and exchange experiences and ideas. Activities: joint activities of grassroots initiatives; exchanges; annual training for citizen activists; conference every two years; development and maintenance of an active web site. See www.ceecn.net Participating Organizations BELGIUM Samenlevingsopbouw Vlaanderen vzw, Brussel BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA CCI Centers for Civic Initiatives, Banja Luka BULGARIA C.E.G.A. Creating Effective Grassroots Alternatives, Sofia CZECH REPUBLIC CCO Center for Community Organizing, Prerov Agora Central Europe, Society for Democracy and Culture, Prague DENMARK KSS Kristeligt Studenter-Settlement, København FRANCE IR DSU Inter-Réseaux Développement Social Urbain GEORGIA International Association „Civitas Georgica”, Tbilisi GERMANY PBW, Paritaetisches Bildungswerk Bundesverband, Frankfurt a. M. HUNGARY HACD Hungarian Association for Community Development, Budapest NETHERLANDS MOVISIE, kennis en advies voor maatschappelijke ontwikkeling, Utrecht 4 Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu NORWAY Stiftelsen Idébanken, Oslo ROMANIA RACD Romanian Association for Community Development, Vrancea Community Foundation, Sibiu Pro Democracy Association Brasov Branch, Brasov Association for Community Partnership, Brasov Associatia CRONO, Craiova SLOVAK REPUBLIC CCO Center for Community Organizing, Banska Bystrica VOKA Rural Organization for Community Activities, Banska Bystrica SLOVENIA CNVOS Centre for Information Service, Cooperation and Development of NGOs, Ljubljana SPAIN FDC Fundacio Desenvolupament Comunitari, Barcelona SWEDEN CESAM Stiftelsen Centrum för Samhällsarbete och Mobilisering, Örebro UNITED KINGDOM Community Development Foundation, London Note: Georgian and Norwegian organisations are not eligible in this project, thus they were supported by other resources. WHAT The organisers of the ’European Dialogue – Longlasting Networking for European Integration through Encouraging Citizens’ Participation’ transnational project have successfully implemented 3 transnational and 2 national workshops in Hungary, launched the European Dialogue Booklet (Newsletter), organised an opening ceremony and a press conference with the participation of the representatives of foreign embassies active in Hungary and the media, on the Europe Boat on the River Danube, in Budapest. Furthermore, the organisers have summarised and evaluated the work that was done by the representatives of participating organisations. The results of the European Dialogue have been published on HACD’s website www.kka.hu and sent to the participating organisations, asking them to publish and disseminate them in their own countries and among the related international organisations and networks they are active in. The European Dialogue project undertook to organise the first network meeting of two European community organizing and development networks, the CEE CN Central-Eastern European Citizens Network and the CEBSD Combined European Bureau for Social Development, with the participation of representatives from 23 organisations from 17 countries (15 from European member countries, 1 EFTA-country Norway and 1 nonEuropean country, Georgia), coordinators from the two networks and 10 Hungarian community activists, so that these two civil society development networks contributed to the development of citizenship in the European Union. The project had been initiated by HACD (applicant) which is a member in both networks. The project successfully organised the following events: 5 Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu 1. Preparatory, coordination workshop – national: 03/09/2007 – 04/09/2007, Budapest, Hungary 2. Planning Workshop – transnational: 16/11/2007 – 17/11/2007, Budapest, Hungary 3. European Dialogue on the Day of Europe – transnational: 08/05/2008 Budapest – registration, opening ceremony and press conference. Main Patron: Kinga Göncz, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs (her welcome is enclosed!) 09/05/2008 - 10/05/2008, Kunszentmiklós, Hungary Day of Europe and the following day: European Dialogue 4. Coordination workshop - national. Evaluation and preparation for the follow-up 1: 23/05/2008 – 24/05/2008, Budapest, Hungary 5. Follow-up – transnational workshop. Evaluation and preparation for the follow-up 2: 06/06/2008 – 07/06/2008, Budapest, Hungary Call for participation, Application form, ED-info form, lists of participants, programmes for each event, notes and evaluation sheet are enclosed! WHY The aim of the project was to help the members of the two European community development networks, which have been working independently, but for the same goal - the development of civil society and participative democracy -, to get to know each other, to learn from each other, to reinforce each other’s efforts, to jointly seek the European dimension of their work while they inspire each other to seek potential ways of cooperation. The basis for future cooperation between the two networks can be the agreeing of their aims and the integration of these into one pan-European aim: the promotion of active European citizenship, the joint promotion of participation and democracy at the European level, the strengthening of the European sense of identity, the definition of possible ways and future projects to achieve this, creating closer and more regular cooperation between the two networks. WHERE The project was implemented in Hungary, by the Hungarian Association for Community Development and its partner organisations, in Budapest, at the venue of the HACD and on the Europe Boat on the River Danube, and in Kunszentmiklós-Kunbábony, in the residential community centre of the Civil College Foundation, Hungary. HOW The project throughout its planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up entirely kept to the basic principle of community development, the principle of participation and complete stakeholder ownership. The HACD and its partners, CEBSD and CEE CN, undertook the roles of initiator and professional support. This means that the project did not operate along pre-defined patterns, but provided a thoroughly thought through and operational framework to facilitate the creative cooperation of project participants. At the 2 transnational and the two HACD workshops the project participants applied the usual cooperation, planning and evaluation techniques, with additional discussions, work in groups on a rotation basis. The ED transnational workshop was implemented in partnership cooperation, in the framework of the Café Dialogue method (see the detailed description of the project at the enclosed booklet of the project!) Cross-fertilization – mutual learning, information exchange and international cooperation prevailed during the implementation of the project. 6 Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu 3.Target group(s) Direct target groups In the European Dialogue workshop 17 countries (15 from EU-member countries, 1 EFTA-country Norway and 1 non-European country, Georgia) and 23 organisations were represented, among which: - CEE CN was present with 13 participants (including a Georgian representative), representing 7 countries and 13 organisations + the coordinator of the network, Anna Karailieva (Slovakia). A total of 13 persons were supported by this project. - CEBSD was present with 10 participants (including a Norwegian representative), representing 10 countries and 10 organisations + the coordinator of the network, Margo Gorman (Ireland). A total of 9 persons were supported by this project. - 10 Hungarian professionals and volunteers. Problem: lack of travel costs (CEE CN) which many participants just could not afford, but in the end there was still a good turn-out. Indirect target groups It has been noted several times by the participants that their members have shown a high level of interest towards working on the European level in the future. Hence, the estimated number of the indirect target groups was correct (15000 European citizens: organisational members and project activists + we can count with approx. 1000 persons in the new activities indentified by this project). Participants proved to be committed towards the EU, its institutions and values, and they were ready to bring them closer to the local people. 4. Impact The ’European Dialogue’ transnational project has been implemented successfully, and it has greatly contributed to the development and future co-operation of the two Community Organizing and Development networks in Europe: the CEE CN Central-Eastern European Citizens Network and the CEBSD Combined European Bureau for Social Development. The European Dialogue workshop helped a lot to give some perspective about the future cooperation. There was also considerable caution and a sense that while it was a good step, we need to do a lot more together to get to know each other better. Both networks are in a process of structural change, which influences strategy, membership, policy issues, as well as the activities. It is difficult to project the concrete changes and their effects at the moment, but it seems the ED project came in the right time, as this cooperation can be a focus in the development processes in the close future. Project or issue orientation seems to be a preferred way of working from both sides, which is also a possibility to build short or longer term co-operations around certain topics. High expectations at the beginning but we also have to relate those to our capacities and what we are able to do. Some of the issues are very big and some even utopian but we also have smaller steps that are more realistic. We should bear this in mind for the follow-up. Small and simple is beautiful. HACD has analysed evaluation results from individual participation. Most of the participants (around 90%, 3031 persons) has been very satisfied or satisfied with the transnational elements of the meeting (contribution, sharing roles and responsibilities, information, understanding objectives, aims - 91 %), with the organisation and structure of the meeting (contribution, sufficient clarity, content, range and balance of activities, mixture of activities, adequate information prior to the meeting, materials were relevant, meeting ran to time - 87 %), the overall experience (venue, accommodation, special requirements, social programme, catering, other resources 88 %). Participants have rated certain statements on a 4-point scale: 7 Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu General overview: - “there was a well balanced selection of information given” ( 78 % rated 4; 12 % rated 3), - “the usefulness of the outcomes from individual session, e.g. learning value, possibility of transfer of approaches” (78 % rated 4; 13 % rated 3), - “the given time to build co-operation was appropriate (85 % rated 3), - “the meeting provided adequate networking opportunities” (82 % rated 4; 4 % rated 3), - “the number of participants during sessions was comfortable” (91% rated 4). Discussion groups: - “the content of discussions was appropriate and informative” (85 % rated 4; 7 % rated 3), - “the outcomes from discussions were useful and valuable” (78% rated 4; 12 % rated 3), - “the presenters and facilitators spoke credibly on the topic” (82 % rated 4; 8 % rated 3) - “the time for questions and discussion was adequate” (82 % rated 3; 8 % rated 4) Most of the participants thought, that the event hosted a forum for discussion of the core elements of a common framework for future co-operation of the CEE CN and CEBSD. In the 10 % (3-4 persons) there were negative comments. Most frequently was the comment that there was not enough time to get to know each other better and too many people who have no clear overview of both CEBSD and CEECN. Some people said that there was not enough self-introduction or enough information about the country. We would have needed more time for that. The booklet was good as it gave this information. Some questioned results of group work. The last session of the ED workshop, the Speed Dialogue, provided the opportunity for feedback from groups, for some points for evaluation. Strongly emphasized issues: There was respect for each other but gaps in knowledge and understanding. Differences in culture, experience and terminology were identified. We need to specify what we do now and that we have a clear commitment and desire in closing the gaps between the two networks. The two networks want to do concrete things together one first project could be an exploration of how we measure these differences. How to make differences and commonalities as strength and not always as problem? The anxiety level was too high as there were some key people who would have made a significant difference to sharing the responsibility. It created a problem. We really missed some of their experience and we have to find a way how to get them on board with the process and follow-up. We need to be in the forefront of actions such as Citizens Participation Week, but we also have to balance this with long term process. We should keep an eye on this – how do we have longer term learning from each other and yet still have action? From the organizational aspect, it is important to keep an eye to be both professional and movement oriented, while we are developing networks and wide scale future cooperation Results of the groupwork for future steps 1. Match-up the CPW Citizens’ Participation Week and EWLD European Week of Local Democracy First step: Follow-up Possibility of linking the “People and Politics” meeting in Hungary during CPW with CEECN network to build links. The goal is to extend the Citizens’ Participation week to the West. 8 Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu This needs a longer and shorter-term perspective. The People in Politics meeting in September in Kunbábony is a starting point. Politicians could be invited. Should the Council of Europe be invited to this too? The role of HACD as a team in organizing this event should be considered. 2. Possible joint leadership meetings between CEBSD and CEECN. Once a year to have a joint meeting. 3. Possibility of an International Seminar which is in partnership with ALDA and held in Slovakia and this provides an opportunity to work together on the theme: the role of local authorities and civil society in the promotion of EU development policies in the new member states. Our proposal is that we focus on the Budapest Declaration and participatory budgets within this theme. Funding for up to 60 people. 4. Use, refresh, review the Budapest Declaration lobby. Link the declaration to TLCD Training and Learning for Community Development project practice and other practice that arose from it. Explore how to theme it. 5. Capture best practice where this has already been done. Visit and See: how to visualize best practice better and how to make best practice more visible? Write it down – share and learn Brochure Electronic news sheet Notes: Now People in Politics Grundtvig-project are collecting case studies and methods on issue of communication and co-operation between citizens and politicians. ARCD have also experience drawn from European projects on good practice. Link CEECN Best practice database, case studies CEBSD good practice. Refer to Budapest Declaration and proposal for European Ideas Bank. 6. Surveys analysing the levels of citizen’s participation in decision-making processes – CEE and WE. 7. Common training issues, especially within the Training and Learning CD European project. 8. The policy implications of the experience and practice especially the issue of intercultural dialogue, involvement of youth. Embedding the experience practices in the structure, creating culture, not only projects. 9. European Future Forum: Create space for discussion of community development and participation possibility: European Future Forum would retain a commitment to European Dialogue and hold a conference between two bodies every 4 years to look at what has happened and what is projected into the future. What is changing with the perception of the different realities. What is happening in WE and CEE? What is happening in structures, in civil society? What are the trends? 10. The life stories methodology as a concrete follow-up for example in the next meeting between CEBSD and CEECN to deepen understanding of the two realities, learning the method. 9 Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu Common Priorities 11.. CPW 22.. Joint leadership meeting and International Seminar ALDA 33.. Budapest Declaration 44.. Best Practice Kirsten Paaby will take feedback on priorities to CEBSD and Chuck Hirt will take priorities to CEECN. Both networks, the CEE CN and the CEBSD are working on with the results of the project, with the following immediate priorities: 11.. The European Social Forum will take place on 18th September to 21st September. CEBSD has suggested a joint workshop of CEBSD and CEECN during the European Social Forum. 22.. The Citizens’ Participation Week will coincide with a meeting of the People in Politics group to get them closer from 26th to 28th September to Hungary. Some people will come to the closing seminar of CPW from CEECN. 33.. The work on the Training and Learning for Community Development project which will continue in the Laboratory in the autumn. The Budapest Declaration and the points that are linked to training and learning should be included in the discussion at the Laboratory and to the Consortium in Palermo in November 2008 and to the Dissemination Seminar in Sofia in April 2009. 44.. October 21st 2008 is deadline for Best Practice. 55.. Autumn 2009 the proposed ALDA conference in Slovakia is an opportunity for both bodies to work together again. We should find ways to explore follow-up at this conference e.g. do more work on the Budapest Declaration and to explore ideas for European Future Forum. Policy and lobbying implications of Budapest Declaration and embedding it in mainstream structures. This is the plan for the coming 1,5 years, but it is obvious from the follow-up that the ambitions go even further: “creating culture, not only projects” through those ways that are described in 4. Impact. It has been confirmed that the relationship between CEE CN and CEBSD is a long-term and strategic one. Implementation depends on many factors: European, national and organisational ones, the development of democracy, civil society, European values, CD professional development, and, of course, the existence of proper and available funds. The participating organisations and representatives are very committed to all the above, and if it is up to them, the process will go on in the long term, from now up to 6-7 years. As it has already been mentioned, both CEE CN and CEBSD are in a process of structural change, which influences strategy, membership, policy issues, as well as the activities. Both networks will include the results and priorities of this project to its strategic, medium and short-term goals. European Dialogue Seminar helped give some perspective 10 Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete Association for Community Development Association du Développement Communautaire 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8. 1251 Budapest, Pf. 42 E-mail: kofe@kkapcsolat.hu Telefon: (36-1) 201 57 28, Fax: (36-1) 225-60-13, www.kka.hu 5. Visibility and Valorisation The dissemination/publication of the project information was already started during the implementation phase of the project, and is still in progress. HACD has published a type of Newsletter – booklet – for the ED Seminar and distributed it to the participants and media and embassy representatives (enclosed). All the documents and the results of the European Dialogue have been published on HACD’s website (www.kka.hu European Dialogue), and sent to the participating organisations, asking them to publish and disseminate them in their own countries, through their own communication channels, as well as among the related international organisations and networks they are active in. The professional journal of HACD, the Parola, will report on the European Dialogue Workshop in its coming issue, 2008/Vol. 2. (enclosed) The project has enhanced the strengthening of the co-operation networks, their reputation and willingness to cooperate. As a result of the project, several resolutions, co-operation agreements have been established, and joint project planning has been launched among the co-operating partners and the participants. 6. Partner(s) Both the CEE CN and the CEBSD, the partners, have been duly represented at all the transnational events of the European Dialogue project: at the Planning and Follow-up meeting and of course, at the European Dialogue Workshop itself, where they have fulfilled the tasks defined by the project and more closely, by the Planning Workshop: group leading, presentations, making notes, summaries, etc. The co-operation has been particularly enjoyable and fruitful. Contact: CEE CN Anna Karailieva anna@ceecn.net www.ceecn.net CEBSD Kirsten Paaby kirsten.paaby@idebanken.no www.cebsd.org Thanks for all of those who have made this possible. Ilona Vercseg Project Manager 11 HACD Ilona Vercseg vercseg@kka.hu www.kka.hu