Coordinating and Representative Team (CT and RT) Meeting Banja Luka

Coordinating and Representative Team (CT and RT) Meeting
Banja Luka
March 9 -11, 2007
Friday, March 9 – CT meeting
Coordinating Team meeting
Friday afternoon, March 9 - RT meeting
 Committee meetings
We will try a new format for our Representative team meeting to provide the opportunity
for each of the Teams to meet and prepare their issues for the whole group later in the
weekend. A number of members are already part of one or more Teams but others who
will be coming who are not currently assigned to a Team may select a group you would
most like to work with. Teams will consist of:
Tallinn Conference
Citizens Participation Week
Information Technology Initiatives
 Evening activity and introduction &dinner
Please, come prepared to up date the work of all members’ organizations within your
country that you represent and share with the group one or two most interesting/successful
activities, which you were involved with last year. Also share one failure from which you
learned as well. It would also be valuable and interesting to hear what is your perspective
about the state of citizen participation in your country and how we, as members of CEE
Citizens Network, could support each other.
Saturday, March 10 – RT meeting
 Current level of development of the CCE Citizens Network and its activities in
comparison with plans – general information from Director of the Network Chuck
Hirt + discussion about addition of Community Development to the work of CEE
Citizens Network
Election of new CT member
Training 2007 – discussion led by Giorgi Meskhidze, chair person of the training
team, on possible topics, date and place for the training
Citizens Participation Week 2007 – discussion led by Mate Varga, chair person of
Citizen Participation Week
Best Practice database – its evaluation, follow up and presentation on the
E-newsletter – discussion led by Majda Brehem Stojanov, e-newsletter editor
Information Technology initiatives – discussion led by Krzysztof Leonczuk and
Csaba Madarasz, chairs of IT team
Conference 2007– discussion led by Helmut Hallemaa, chair person of the
Conference team, on final preparations for the May 2007 event
Social evening &dinner
Sunday, March 11 – RT meeting
Conference 2007– continue of discussion led by Helmut Hallemaa on final
preparations for the May 2007 event
Citizen forum – information about the project proposal submitted by HACD to the
European Commission
Suggestions of joint partnership projects for Network members through EU and
other possible funding sources
Pro-active plan – how to continue and expand pro-active role
Creating and approving the 2007 work plan