4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Conference Call Minutes Thursday, June 26, 2008 University Park: Christy Bartley, Sandy Smith Southwest Region: Joanne Stoltzfus (Somerset County) Northwest Region: Marlene Kaltenbach (Venango County) Central Region: Jen Fleck (Mifflin County) Capital Region: *Ed Bender (Adams County) Northeast Region: Jeannine Richlin (Sullivan County) & Michael McDavid (NE Reg Dir) Southeast Region: Helaine Brown (Delaware) *Ed Bender, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. I. PROGRAM DIRECTION & PLANNING A. Review Advisory Council Responsibilities Page 2-2 Refresh committee as to responsibilities of group Respond to items Christy e-mails out to committee Bring forward: issues, concerns, new items Please give feed back in timely manner and participate as much as possible Report back to your communities the issues, topics, discussions made from out meetings. Should you not be able to attend a meeting please feel free to add a substitute in you place. E-Mail will now look like: SUBJECT: 4-H ADVISORY COUNCIL:________________________ B. Children, Youth & Families Update- Marilyn Corbin Up for the Challenge training offered Training great for EFNEP/4-H Educators to work together to combat obesity and other challenges that our kids are facing Up forthe Challenge Resource book Available Living with less – website- Adult focused Curricula has been recommended by Christy C. Program Plan Update: March Discussion about who might chair Healthy Living Meeting Team members survey – identified 6 work area Nutrition, Health, Physical Activity, Safety, Clothing textiles Meeting today to identify information and determine how to move forward Cultural Competencies Important addition as to what we do! Positive Youth Involvement Group Meeting to talk about curricula that is currently distributed Essential elements of 4-H Tools of the Trade Reading Makes Cents SET Group Broken down 2 Groups: Animal Science – including looking at rest of science Engineering & Tech Volunteerism Establishing volunteer management Focus on education & Training of volunteers Moving towards master volunteers March in-service We will meet as the large Natural Work Group and then break down into program teams D. 4-H Strategic Plan Doc sent to you first – before being posted on SharePoint site, consider document as a guide and that changes can be discusses as needed Vision/Mission - No comments Rest of document – youth development – Program Review Report 6 key issues: Commitment to Youth, Strong State Leadership, 1. Commitment to Youth a. Emphasis on goals – and how we report about youth that are reached. 4-H Youth Data Base, Kids are documented twice b/c only way we have info 4-H reframing process – not sure what this is going to look like – may be it will be a two system opportunity that will place the info on the two databases automatically b. Goals: keep general with details being added by program team plans 2. Strong State Leadership a. Goals to increase visibility at state level b. Goals that state leader work with Admin Workgroups c. State Leaders Office- 110 Ferguson – one place people can go to have questions answered d. Goal 6: State Staff Team- Christy, Phil, Mya e. Meeting and getting work done to benefit program – Build team to have consistent info back to educators f. Brand identity Staff development opportunities at in-service week Comments Goal 3- Mike recommends simple change – regardless education, funding, all educators are educators period, needs to be accepted across state. 3. Appropriate Goals and Accountability a. Looks at quality of Program – and assures that our program is quality – and how we can continue to grow our program Best way to find this is through our programs; Quality over Quantity Enrolment benchmarks made by S.E. Region – some changes have been made The major focus for the Club program in year 1 is to increase membership. School enrichment enrollment does not change because educators need to focus on finding volunteers and bettering the club program Goals broken down to initial year and 2-5 years Curricula used should be those that are at the State Level and approved by program work groups, county projects approved at state level – first need to be looked over Comments Mike sensing from others as to how accessible these goals actually are County example – Build your own county Strategic plan hire people so educators can actually educate S.E. Region chose conservative numbers because some counties will have more success than other achieving these goals for state program. b. Should goals be directed to just the clubs and get rid of the other goals Frustrations: Club programming is the way to go, but puts most stress on counties Some sort of goal needs to be set otherwise we are not striving for anything or a bar to work towards No higher than 3%- too much stress on the more rural communities, or smaller counties Goals must be reached to get back to the communities Take out club units and focus on growth in the clubs that are already established Mike commented that he is always concerned about how much stress we put on the state educators and expectations. 4. Strong Program Supports Leader/Volunteer- how to grow Try to increase capacity to address national mission mandates We might be ahead of game when national funding becomes available National 4-H may help as we link with their curricula Standard training for volunteers – online resource, expectations 5. Marketing Campaign – Technology a. March in-service, Julian, Jonathan will be discussing marketing info available through the college 6. Staffing & Professional Development a. Hiring the best staff and train so they can give the best in their programs b. In-service in 1 year to program teams to … c. Biggest void State-wide – Whole process needs to be looked at to revise for state wide training II. PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION & MANAGEMENT A. B. Grade -vs- Age This will go back to the counties for input before a decision is made by council: Should PA 4-H program consider 4-H membership on (K-12) rather than age (5-18 as of January 1)? Seniors too old to be 4-Her’s – May be held back a grade, don’t qualify for scholarships because they aren’t currently enrolled o S.E.- Many kids involved as freshmen in college – go on to be leaders or camp counselors They don’t want to lose the freshmen in college Extend eligibility 1 year past senior year S.E. does not support grade eligibility o Capital – Insurance Affected? – NO Should this be a county by county decision? o State Requirements and why this decision cannot be a county by county decision 5-18, Enrollment in county, working on county project – all for insurance reasons Kids over 18 can be participants but cannot go to shows, they can gain knowledge and do projects o No Exhibit in Fairs, shows, competitions E-Data Systems- Deb Burrows Deb: Pilot E-Data Jan 30 and came about on recommendation made by 1. Volunteer 4-H, staff members concerned about time to process paperwork 2. Communication break-down 3. Held better volunteer development It’s also a communication tool. E-data allows educators to pick and choose recipients (club or county affiliation) to email. 4-Her’s can see the activities upcoming for them based on interest. No forms because 4-Her is a user in the system and their information is only stored once. The data system helps to streamline information. For example: Clinton county homepage has a link to the e-data system and you can take a tour. Questions: o Cost? The cost is nothing – The Central region has put up the money for the Pilot Phase 5 will allow for online payments for registrations – will work for counties who will not allow credit card payment There is no hard copy of the phase developments because development is going fast, and phase development is not going in order. Cost seniors- cost structure- ball park figure? This system will be as cost effective as possible Actual cost is still in development phase o Phase 1- Enrollment Registration: Done o Phase 2- Everybody other than 4-H: Done 3- Online payment phase 4- Livestock Program 5- Horse Program Phase 3-5 not in any final order, next phase to be completed will be chosen after phases 1 and 2 to are complete Goal is to have E-date fully working by December 31, 2009 Deb Burrows, 25 years developing education data software systems for Pennsylvania Education Medical information only piece of form 4-Her cannot fill out due to server security at UPworking toward expectation What resources are we saving county staff and what responsibilities can be reallocated o EDAP system being built to show all databases- info can be pulled on demand – over annual reports o Eliminate repetitious work from extension staff and save time for the staff o Also no more YDAR report if system works o Huge savings in paperwork reduction For more information Deb’s email is: dcb3@psu.edu o o o Phase Phase Phase C. Curriculum Storage space reduced by 40% and all college publications are being asked to downsize Curriculum o Non-movers- publications on shelf since 1977 – never been reprinted 4-years – no one has requested more than 10 copies o Phil will be contacting faculty to let them know of the non-mover status, and alert faculty of next steps, then alert counties that curriculum is now available in hard copy and will be online o Slow-movers: order form sent to counties and orders will be placed once a year – distributed directly to counties so these would be ordered each year by counties no extra copies will be housed by distribution center for on demand access. III. EVALUATION AND TROUBLESHOOTING A. Funding available for reasonable accommodations The University Access Committee (UCA) has limited funds available to assist Penn State departments for costs associated with requests for reasonable accommodations that enable people with disabilities to participate in Penn State Programs and events. The funds are intended to be used for reasonable accommodations that do not involve classroom or work-related accommodations, although exceptions in either of those cases will be considered in situations that involve unusual expense or unique accommodation needs. Accommodations difficult for counties to fund: contact ADA office at PSU for support Specifically dealing with new ADA requirements o Sending a kid to Capital days who is hearing impaired who needs an interpreter that costs the county $500 a day IV. OTHER ITEMS A. 2009 Meeting Dates- June 18, October 8 B. Ag Progress Days a. S.E. Traditional Ag, not a S.E. Audience i. Spend the $ when this isn’t their audience? ii. Difficult for S.E. to continue to support Ag. Progress A large audience from across the state attends and each region is asked to provide this service once every four years. Centre region should not be tasked with Ag Progress Days every year simply because of location; they have other responsibilities asked by state office. Recruiting for across the state occurs at these events. Could college students cover? At least 2 people for 3 days is needed to cover booth for Ag Progress days. Since the semester has not yet started, college students are not available. C. D. E. Lodging and food expenses are covered Issue Regional Event happening at same time as Ag Progress but volunteers can be recruited for this event. Many are already attending horse or other events at APD. Capital Days Lack of info- in order to register kids, wanted specific information Meet and attract new members Fair funds PDA- lot of things happening that could affect the 4-H program Budget is tentative, not a lot going on until July 1, 2009 Ag & Rural youth funding zeroed out o You may be getting contacted for stories on how you have used these funds o Fair Funds – significantly lower, and PDA is not thinking about how the money will be distributed until budget is approved If this is your only method for funding you should begin looking for other ways to support programming Everything is in negotiation at the moment Jackie’s Position Every vacant position goes back to the Dean; Christy is creating a document agenda to show strategically why this position is important to the program. Christy is also working with Tracy to write Jackie’s position in to the Department Strategic Plan to assure and show how vital her position is to the 4-H Program. Jackie is also writing. Currently we cannot cover everything o If we do, we will prove we don’t need this position and it will not get refilled by the Dean