14 Year - Presentation Skills

Crawford County 4-H Dairy Skills
14 year old
Presentation Skills
A presentation is the act of showing and telling others how to do something. By doing
presentations, soon you won’t be afraid to speak to a group anywhere or anytime. A presentation has
numerous values for the Presenter:
It provides the opportunity for members to:
 Develop poise and self-confidence
 Talk and perform before a group
 Plan and organize
 Work on something they like
 Learn new information and methods
 Work with parents in preparation
How Do I Plan a Presentation?
 List the important steps you plan to talk about and present.
 Arrange the steps in logical order as they would naturally be done.
 Outline what you need to say in order to explain each step.
 Plan an introduction that will attract the attention of your audience.
 Repeat the major points to summarize your presentation.
 Plan posters that will add to the clearness and effectiveness of your presentation.
 Make a list of the necessary materials and equipment you will need.
What parts should be included?
Body of the Presentation: In the body of the presentation, show all the necessary steps. Develop
one central idea or procedure thoroughly and show how to do each step in logical order. For each step,
tell what is being done, how it is being done, and why this method is used. Tell something about the
material or equipment used.
The Introduction: The introduction is the part that says, “Listen! I’ve got something important to
tell you?” It is designed to catch the attention of your audience – so be original! Make your audience
want to know more about what you will show and tell them.
Summary: Wrap up your presentation by:
 Emphasizing the main points – those which you want the audience to remember.
 Encouraging the audience to use the information or method
 Showing the completed article and giving the audience an opportunity to sample or
examine the article
Question Period: Ask your audience if they have questions. We hope you will know the answer.
But it you don’t just say so. You might suggest where the answer could probably be obtained or offer to
find the answer after your presentation.
Using Materials: Arrange small equipment on trays so that it is easy to find and move. The tallest
items should be toward the back, close to the presenter. Keep your arrangement neat and all items
visible to the audience.
Visuals: Posters will help your audience understand and remember what you say. If you use
posters, be sure the people in the back of the room will be able to read them. The letters or illustration
should be large. A well-made poster is an asset to a presentation.
Presenter: You should look neat and clean. People are more likely to be interested in hearing
what you say. Practice good posture. Stand up tall and on both feet. Keep hands clean at all times, away
from your face and out of your pockets. Hair should be neatly combed. Wear clean and well-pressed
clothing which is appropriate for the presentation. Avoid excessive jewelry, make-up, and flashy and
distracting clothing. Speak clearly and distinctly. Talk loud enough to be heard by everyone.
SMILE! Remember, your smile and pleasantness is your most important salesmanship!
1. Name the four parts to a presentation:
a. _____________________________________
b. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
d. _____________________________________
2. What part of a presentation lets the audience know that you have something important to say?
3. What do you need to remember in arranging your materials? ___________________
4. What do you need to remember regarding posters? __________________________
5. What is the most important part of salesmanship? ___________________________