University of Tasmania Definition of Research Active In 2005, the Research College Board endorsed the following definitions of Research Active: Base Definition: Stage One STAGE ONE (for implementation in 2007) 1. The publication in the preceding THREE years of 2 refereed DEST category publications as reported in the Higher Education Research Data Collection OR the publication of a research book in the past FOUR years OR a combination of at least 2 patents, refereed designs, creative works or major exhibitions in the preceding THREE years OR Two research outputs comprising a combination of DEST category publications, designs, patents, creative works or major exhibitions. NOTE: For any combination of research outputs described in Section 1, one of these outputs must satisfy a quality requirement appropriate to the discipline, eg quality of journal, esteem of gallery etc. AND EITHER 2. The supervision to successful completion of a RHD student in the preceding four years or the current supervision of at least one RHD student. OR The receipt of an external research income grant worth at least $10K over three years in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Faculties of Arts, Commerce, Education and Law) or $25K over three years in the Natural and Biomedical Sciences (Faculties of Science, Engineering and Technology, and Health Sciences). OR Publication of an additional ONE DEST publication or ONE patent, refereed design, creative work or major exhibition in the past THREE years. 3. 4. Base Definition Stage Two STAGE TWO (for implementation in 2008-09) 1. The publication in the preceding THREE years of 3 refereed DEST category publications as reported in the Higher Education Research Data Collection OR the publication of a research book in the preceding FOUR years OR a combination of at least 3 patents, refereed designs, creative works or major exhibitions in the preceding THREE years OR Three research outputs comprising a combination of DEST category publications, designs, patents, creative works or major exhibitions in the preceding THREE years. NOTE: For any combination of research outputs described in Section 1, one of these outputs must satisfy a quality requirement appropriate to the discipline, eg quality of journal, esteem of gallery etc. AND EITHER 2. The supervision to successful completion of a RHD student in the preceding four years. OR The receipt of an external research income grant worth at least $25K over three years in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Faculties of Arts, Commerce, Education and Law) or $100K over three years in the Natural and Biomedical Sciences (Faculties of Science, Engineering and Technology, and Health Sciences). 3. Research Active status for each academic staff member is to be based on research outputs of the preceding period, i.e. Research Active status for 2005 to be based on research outputs during 2002-2004 (for outputs with a 3-year requirement), and Research Active status for 2007 to be based on research outputs during 2004-2006 The Research College Board endorsed the following definition of a “High Performance Researcher”: Stage One (for implementation in 2007) 1. The publication of an average of at least 3 refereed DEST category publications per year assessed over a three year period OR the publication of two research books in the past FIVE years OR at least three patents, refereed designs, creative works or major exhibitions per year OR a combination of these categories equivalent to 3 publications per year. NOTE: At least half of the research output are to be in high quality publications. AND EITHER 2. The successful supervision to completion of two RHD students in the preceding four years OR The current supervision of at least five RHD students OR The receipt of an annual external research grant income worth at least $25K in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Faculties of Arts, Commerce, Education and Law) or over $100K per year over three years in the Natural and Biomedical Sciences (Faculties of Science, Engineering and Technology and Health Science). A definition for “High Performance Research” at Stage Two has yet to be developed.