Breadth Unit Expression of Interest Template Please refer to the Breadth Unit Funding Guidelines when completing this application. The application must be completed, printed and signed by the appropriate staff before being scanned and submitted as a PDF document to To complete this document, please place your cursor in the grey block text areas and type a response. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students & Education) on 6226 1926. SECTION 1: PROPOSAL DETAILS Proposed Breadth Unit Title List the Faculties, Institutes and/or Divisions involved in unit delivery (Add in/delete rows as needed). Lead Applicant Given Name Surname Academic Level School/Section & Faculty/Institute/ Division: Telephone: Other Participants (Add in/delete rows as needed). Given Name Surname Email Academic Level: School/Section & Faculty/Institute/ Division: Telephone: Given Name Email: Surname Academic Level: School/Section & Faculty/Institute/ Division: Telephone: Email: SECTION 2: PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION Category of Breadth Unit Proposal Development of a new breadth unit Conversion of existing unit to a breadth unit Proposed Semester/s of Offering Please Select ☐ ☐ Semester 1 Please Select ☐ Semester 2 ☐ Other (specify) ☐ Breadth Unit Level Lower: 1st and 2nd year students Please Select ☐ Higher: 3rd year through to honours students ☐ Proposed Year and Semester of Introduction A Breadth Unit can be defined as: 1. Targets the University’s overarching graduate quality statement rather than specific subjector-discipline-based learning outcomes, must not be bound (i.e. led, designed or delivered) by a single faculty and must have a global relevance; or is commissioned to target the University’s overarching graduate quality statement and addresses a specified skill that is applicable across disciplines and with a global relevance. 2. Can be delivered consistent with the University’s Blended Learning model, either fully on-line or both fully online and face to face. 3. Can be readily adaptable to Open Educational Practice to build on the University’s ambition to be recognised as a premier University for Open Educational Resources (OER) Unit Details Unit Description (Including intended learning outcomes) Graduate Quality Statement (Provide a description of how this unit will address the Graduate Quality Statement and the assessment modes that will be used to measure attainment). Mode of Delivery (All Breadth Units are to be offered fully online or in a mixed mode of delivery. Please specify how you plan to include high quality resources, synchronous and asynchronous interaction and high impact learning experiences). Infrastructure (Please comment on the technological requirements for the breadth unit and their current accessibility. These might include decisions you have made in relation to learning spaces, library and personal technologies for students.) Unit Coordination (Provide a description of the intended processes for breadth unit delivery and coordination across participating organisational units) Evaluation and Improvement (Provide a description of the proposed mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of the breadth unit. Your description should address curriculum/learning design, delivery and the student experience). Open Educational Practices (How will your Breadth Unit address OEP, this statement may include resources that you will source and those you intend to create). Development Timeline (Confirm alignment with standard development timeline or advise of reasons for deviation and alternative timeline). Please provide the key elements of your development timeline, this should include initial scope proposal, engaging with an educational developer, learning design timeline, creating and sourcing content, online development and peer review. Development Funding Distribution (Provide details of the agreed split of the initial $25,000 in development and incentivisation funding across participating Faculties, Institutes and/or Divisions) Learning Design (Detail the framework that will be used to inform new unit design) Marketing Plan (Include marketing strategies and student demographic target group) Summary of proposed Funding Allocations (refer Breadth Unit Budget Template) Faculty/Institute/Division Allocation - Unit Development (used to allocate Central Funding) Faculty/Institute/Division Allocation - Teaching (used for ongoing Unit splitting - EFTSL and Income) SECTION 3: PROJECTIONS Anticipated Enrolment Numbers Semester Year 1 Year 2 Other (specify) Minimum Semester Enrolment Quota Maximum Semester Enrolment Quota Proposed Field of Education Please complete the budget template attached with support from your Finance Business Partner. The budget template includes modelling based on projected income and expenditure across the first two years of delivery. The allocation of income and incentivisation funding will be based on distribution of relative total expenditure across participating Faculties, Institutes or Divisions. SECTION 4: PROPOSAL CERTIFICATION Certification of Proposal Certification by Lead Applicant I certify that all details in this application are correct and complete and I agree to fulfil the obligations of recipients as described in the Breadth Unit Funding Guidelines. I certify that all persons listed have participated in the development of this proposal and agreed on the final contents. Signed: Date: Endorsed by Faculty Deans and Directors of Institutes/Divisions participating in the teaching of the Breadth Unit (remove or add rows as required) (Name) (Signature) (Faculty/Institute/Division) (Date) (Name) (Signature) (Faculty/Institute/Division) (Date) (Name) (Signature) (Faculty/Institute/Division) (Date)