Guide to exercise 2 Brief examples Tefko Saracevic 1 Objectives • Using fields and different operators • Explore federated searching on Dialog – called OneSearch • Here we will give limited examples – the rest is in the Exercise for unit 2 • And a few useful operators Tefko Saracevic 2 Truncations: variation of terms Tefko Saracevic 3 Proximity operators: phrases and terms in neighborhood Tefko Saracevic 4 Stop words Tefko Saracevic 5 note on fields in Dialog Dialog has two kind of indexes & they allow for searching in different fields: Basic Index: when a search term is entered the whole Basic Index is searched by default to search only a given field, e.g. title then the search is for xxxxxxx/TI Additional indexes: to search for an author or journal the search term is AU=xxxxxxxx or JN=xxxxxxxx Combined search is possible: select search AND engine? AND AU=xxxxx select search engine?/DE AND JN=xxxxx Tefko Saracevic 6 OneSearch by steps Getting to OneSearch – searching a number of databases simultaneously AKA federated search 1 Tefko Saracevic 7 Choosing databases already selected in given broad areas 2 Tefko Saracevic 8 3 One can select all or clear selection and then select any one or few If Select All then the command line shows the command. Click on Submit. 4 Button selections show in command line, not only in Dialog but in many other vendors Tefko Saracevic 9 search for variations & restrictions on search engines – three databases searched simultaneously •S3 = ss search AND engine? • in that search S1 shows no. of items for search and s2 for engine? •S6 = no. of items after duplicates were removed •S8 = ss S5 and publication years 2008 and 2009 • S7 shows how many items for these years were included • S8 = 48 items published in those years with a descriptor search engine ? Tefko Saracevic 10 Variations on the theme for author searching •S1 = zero because no author was mentioned only like that •S2 = there was only one entry that had Saracevic, T. •S3 = 99 entries of author Saracevic, T?, meaning any variation after letter T •S4= removed duplicates from 3 databases searched •S5 = all kinds of authors with the last name Saracevic •S6 = duplicates removed Tefko Saracevic 11