Principles of Searching [17:610:530] Exercise 11: Invisible web Objective: Much information is not easily accessible through the mainstream search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. This exercise will expose you to a tool and sources that will reveal a small portion of the resources that are available outside of the scope of mainstream search engines and directories. Deliverable: For each of the four questions in the “Exercise Tasks” section, prepare brief written summaries with what information is found, how it was found, and source. Submit summaries. Tools: Review the “Invisible Web” site at (from Sherman & Price). There are thousands of databases linked to this clean and simple menu interface. Exercise Tasks: Authors Chris Sherman and Gary Price call the information sources outside of the scope of mainstream engines and directories “The Invisible Web,” and their work to uncover information of this sort is documented in their book The Invisible Web: Uncovering Information Sources Search Engines Can’t See. Please use “Invisible Web” site to explore, and answer the questions: a. The Invisible Web provides an alternative to the professional version of LexisNexis, which for public libraries and school libraries is not a practical system to use. Look for “Public Records” in the I-Web. Show the links. One of the (mostly) free public records databases linked here is Search Systems ( Review this site, and look at the databases available for New Jersey. You can check to see if a doctor, dentist or other licensed professional has a license and if any legal action has been taken against that person. Look up your own dentist or doctor. Is he or she listed? (Use your own state if you don’t live in New Jersey). Check to see if he or she has a current license as shown in Search Systems, and report and submit the results. b. There is an interesting meta search engine for health and illness issues that is available through the “Invisible Web” site by searching Health and Medical Information with the sub heading Healthcare Professional Resources. The database is Use this site to search on a Principles of Searching – exercise 11 2 particular condition or illness, and use TRIP to see how the results differ from those you have found using other search engines. Report and submit the results of your search for a condition or illness and comparisons to other search engines. c. Look under the category U.S. and World History. Find the Making of America project, a digital library containing primary source historical material. See if you can find any work by Harriet Beecher Stowe, other than Uncle Tom’s Cabin. What did you find? Comment on the interface. Cite one work other than Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Briefly describe interface. Report and submit the results. d. Do one additional search of your own choosing using an Invisible Web category. Report and submit on the results.