Curriculum Vitae (Complete)

Associate Professor, 01/02
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
NATURE OF APPOINTMENT: FT, regular, tenured, Associate Professor
Director, Master of Library and Information Science Program (August 2005 – present)
Director, Information Technology and Informatics Major, (July 2002 – June 2005)
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey: Visiting Associate Professor 01/01 – 12/01
University of Technology, Sydney: Lecturer 07/90 (Tenurable Track)
Tenure awarded: 1994
Promoted to Senior Lecturer with Tenure 07/95
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Technology, Sydney.
Thesis title: "Information utilisation: a cognitive analysis of how girls
utilise drug information based on Brookes' Fundamental Equation K[S] +
I = K[S + S]" . (Supervisors: Professors Mairead Browne and Susan
Associate of the Australian Library and Information Association
Master of Arts (Library Science), Kuring-Gai College of Advanced
Education, Lindfield, NSW. (Outstanding Student Award).
Thesis title: “Information load and choice behaviour: an experimental
study of high school students when selecting books in a school library.”
(Supervisors: Professors Hilary Yerbury and Susan Edwards)
Graduate Diploma in School Librarianship, Riverina College of
Advanced Education, Wagga Wagga, NSW. (Now Charles Sturt
University) (With Distinction, and awarded University Medal). Major in
School Librarianship
ATCL (Speech and Drama), Teacher's Diploma: Associate, Trinity
College of Music, London, UK. Major in speech and drama
Bachelor of Arts, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD.
Majors in Modern History and Geography
Certificate of Secondary Teaching, Townsville Teachers' College,
Townsville, QLD. Dux Award. Major in Secondary Education (History,
Geography, French)
School Library Media Services and Curriculum;
Adolescent’s Information Seeking Behaviour;
Theoretical Foundations of Information Science;
Information Seeking and Information Utilization;
Information Technology and Informatics;
Research Methods and Data Analysis;
Education for Library and Information Science;
Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (CISSL).
Spring 2007: Qualitative Research Methods (PhD)
Fall 2006:
Human Information Behavior (MLIS)
Spring 2006: Human Information Behavior (MLIS)
Fall 2005:
Human Information Behavior (MLIS)
Spring 2005: Human Information Behavior (MLIS)
Fall 2004:
Information Technology and Informatics 103 (ITI Major)
Spring 2004: Qualitative Research Methods (PhD)
Fall 2003:
Information Media and Curriculum (MLIS)
Spring 2003: Information Technology and Informatics 103 (ITI Major)
Fall 2002:
Information Media and Curriculum (MLIS)
Summer 2002: Information Technology and Informatics 103 (ITI Major)
Spring 2002: Information Technology and Informatics 103 (ITI Major)
Human Information Behavior (MLIS)
Fall 2001:
Information Technology and Informatics 103 (ITI Major)
Information Media and Curriculum (MLIS)
Spring 2001: Information Technology and Informatics 103 (ITI Major)
University of Technology, Sydney 1986 - 2001
September 1997 – December 2000
Senior Lecturer, and Chair of Department of Information Studies
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
1995 – September 1997
Undergraduate Course Adviser for:
Bachelor of Applied Science in Information Studies
Bachelor of Education (Teacher Librarianship)
Promoted to Lecturer B Level: Senior Lecturer with Tenure, July 1995
UTS Tenure appointment at Lecturer A Level (Assistant Professor),
Department of Information Studies, University of Technology, Sydney
1991 - 1993
UTS Tenurable appointment at Lecturer A Level (Assistant Professor),
Department of Information Studies, University of Technology, Sydney
July 1990 - December 1990
Contract appointment as full time lecturer, Lecturer A Level
School of Information Studies, University of Technology, Sydney
1986 - 1989
Part time lecturer and tutor
School of Library and Information Studies, Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education
(merged to UTS in 1988)
Secondary School Teacher-Librarian, 1981 – 1989
1984 – 1990: Teacher-librarian; full time, St Ursula's College, Kingsgrove, Sydney NSW,
1981 - 1984: Teacher-librarian; full time, Avondale High School, Cooranbong NSW,
1973: Teacher-librarian; part time, Dalby State High School, Dalby, QLD, Australia.
Secondary School Teacher, 1971 – 1981
Teaching fields included Modern History, Geography, French
I976 - 1984: Avondale High School School, Cooranbong, NSW, Australia
(Demonstration School for Avondale College of Higher Education)
1974 - 75: Longburn College, Longburn New Zealand
Demonstration School for Longburn Teachers College)
1973: Dalby State High School, Dalby, QLD, Australia
1970-1972: State High School, Charters Towers, QLD
SCILS - LIS Department. Distinguished Achievement in Service Award,
Rutgers University.
Honorary Membership, Outstanding Service & Support to School Library
Media Centers. Presented by Kentucky School Media Association.
SCILS - LIS Department. Distinguished Service in Support of Teaching
Award, Rutgers University.
SCILS - LIS Department. Distinguished Service in Support of Research
Award, Rutgers University
OELMA (Ohio Educational Library Media Association) Certificate of
Appreciation: Notable Service and Significant Service to the Ohio’s
School Libraries.
AASL (American Association of School Librarians) Certificate of
Commendation: Center for International Scholarship in School
Libraries, SCILS, Rutgers University.
Regula Lecture Award. In honor of Congressman Ralph Regula,
(US House of Representatives, R-Ohio). Presented by Institute for
Library and Information Literacy Education, Kent State University,
Kent, Ohio.
OELMA (Ohio Educational Library Media Association) Certificate of
Appreciation: Notable Service and Significant Service to the Ohio’s
School Libraries.
SCILS – LIS Department. Distinguished Service in Support of
Teaching Award, Rutgers University.
John Hirst Award, Australian School Library Association (NSW), for
Services to School Librarianship in Australia
Visiting Professor, Department of Information Management,
Shanxi University, Taiyuan, People’s Republic of China.
3 week program.
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Apple Teaching Fellow, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Technology,
Sydney, Australia
Association of the Australian Library & Information Association
Outstanding Student Award, Master of Arts (Library Science)
Kuring-Gai College of Advanced Education, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Outstanding Graduating Student, School Library & Information Studies,
Kuring-Gai College of Advanced Education, Lindfield, Australia
College Medallion, with Distinction, for Academic Excellence
Graduate Diploma in School Librarianship, Riverina College of
Advanced Education, Wagga Wagga NSW, Australia
Associate of Trinity College of Music, Speech & Drama, London, England
(ATCL) Teacher's Diploma
Bachelor of Arts, University of Queensland, Australia
Dux, graduating class, Certificate of Secondary Teaching,
Townsville Teachers College, Townsville, QLD, Australia
Loertscher, D., with ROSS J TODD. (2003) "We Boost Achievement! EvidenceBased Practice for School Library Media Specialists." Salt Lake City: Hi Willow
Research & Publishing.
Edited Books:
TODD, R. (2003). "Humanizing Information Technology: From Ideas to Bits and
Back” Proceedings of the 66th ASIST Annual Meeting. Volume 40. Medford, NJ.:
Information Today, 2003.
Book Chapters:
TODD, R. (2007). Chapter "Evidence Based Practice and School Libraries: From
Advocacy to Action" in Harada, V. & Hughes, S. (eds.). Principles & Practice
Volume 3 "School Reform and the School Library Media Specialist", Libraries
TODD, R. (2006). Chapter 5 “Negotiating the Web: Language, Critical Literacies
and Learning” in Gibbs, D. & Krause, K. (eds.) Cyberlines 2.0 Languages and
Cultures of the Internet (2nd edition), James Nicholas Publishers. ISBN: 1 875 40842
TODD, R. (2006). Forward for “Making the Writing & Research Connection with
the I-Search Process: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Teachers & School Librarians (2nd
edition) by J. I. Tallman & M. Z. Joyce.
TODD, R. (2005). Chapter 32 “Information Intents” in K. E. fisher, S. Erdelez, & L.
McKechnie (eds.) Theories of Information Behavior: a Researcher’s Guide,
Information Today, Medford, NJ. Available at:
TODD, R.(2005). “Irrefutable evidence” in B Woolls and DV Loertscher (eds) The
whole school library handbook, American Library Association, P.157-160.
TODD, R. (2004 Refereed). “Adolescents’ information seeking and utilization in
relation to drugs” in MK Chelton and C Cool (eds) Youth information seeking:
theories, models and approaches” Scarecross Press.
TODD, R. (2004). “Information seeking behaviour”. In Mary Manning and Susan La
Marca, (Eds). Reality bytes: Information literacy for independent learning. Carlton,
Vic.: School Library Association of Victoria.
TODD, R. (2002). "Introduction" to "We solve it: Approaches to information
literacy" edited by M. Punshon. Carlton, Vic: School Library Association of Victoria.
TODD, R. (2001). "Knowledge management: The human dimension of collection
management". In: K. Dillon, J. Henri & J. McGregor (Eds). Providing more with less:
Collection management for school libraries. 2nd Edition. Wagga Wagga, NSW:
Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, 2001, P. 75-92.
TODD, R. (2000). "Library Services in New Zealand: Confronting the future or
confronting futures" In R. McCahon & G. Olliver (eds): Informing New Zealand:
Libraries, Archives and Museums. Wellington: Open Mind Publishing. P.161-169.
ISBN: 1 74020 242 2
TODD, R. (2000). "Becoming a savvy searcher". In: Information and research skills
for assessment success: Your step by step guide to HSC success. Compiled and edited
by Australian Library and Information Association, School Libraries Section (NSW
Group). Sydney: Pascal Press, 2000. P. 1-9. ISBN: 1 74020 242 2
TODD,R. (2000). "Negotiating the Web: Language, critical literacies and learning"
In: D. Gibbs & K-L. Krause (Eds) Cyberlines: Languages and cultures of the Internet.
Melbourne: James Nicholas. P.103-122. ISBN: 1 875408 266
TODD, R. (2000). "A theory of information literacy: In-formation and outward
looking" In P. Candy & C. Bruce (Eds) Information Literacy around the world:
Advances in Programs and Research. Charles Sturt University Centre for Information
Studies. P.163-175. ISBN: 0 949 060 887
HOUGHTON, J. & TODD, R. (2000). "Overcoming images: strategies for librarians
in the new millennium." In. Pat Ensor (ed.) The Cybrarian's Manual. 2nd Edition.
Chicago: American Library Association. P. 282-290. ISBN 0 8389 07776
TODD, R. (1999). Preface: In C. Markuson: Effective libraries in International
Schools. Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1999. P.9-12. ISBN 0901577324
TODD, R. (1997). "It began under the mango tree". In R. Ballantyne and J. Bain (ed)
Reflections in university teaching. CAUT Commissioned Project. Canberra:
Australian Government Publishing Service. P. 329-336. ISBN 0 644 47287 1 P.
(Selected to be included in the Handbook of 40 top lecturers in Australian
TODD, R., LAMB, E., & McNICHOLAS, C. (1997 / 1993). "The power of
information literacy: unity of education and resources for the 21st century." In:
HAYCOCK, K. & WOOLLS, B. (eds) School librarianship: international issues and
perspectives. Seattle: International Association of School Librarianship, P. 41-60.
ISBN 1890861227
TODD, R. (1996 / refereed). "Integrated information skills instruction: does it make a
difference?" in Laurel A. Clyde (ed.) Sustaining the vision: a collection of articles and
papers on research in school librarianship in honor of Jean E. Lowrie. Castle Rock,
Co.: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 1996, P. 35-45. ISBN: 0 931510 65 1
TODD, R. (1996/ refereed). "Independent learning and information literacy: an
essential partnership for learning". In Maureen Nimon (ed). Learning resourcefully:
challenges for teacher librarians in the information age. (Library Challenges Series
Number Nine) Adelaide: Auslib Press, 1996, P. 3 - 18. ISBN: 1 8751454 19
TODD, R. (1996). "Teaching: the information superhighway or building
infobridges?" In Teaching excellence - the practitioner's voice: addresses by UTS
staff who received Awards for Excellence in Teaching in 1993. Sydney: Centre for
Learning and Teaching, UTS, 1996, P. 33-51. ISBN: 1 86365 310 4 .
TODD, R. (1995). "What research will be required to lead and support the future
information professional?" (Chapter 17). School Library Media Annual. Edited by
Betty J. Morris. Volume 13, 1995. Englewood, Colorado. Libraries Unlimited, P.
139-144. ISBN: 1 56308 3884
TODD, R. (1995). "Information literacy: a sensemaking approach to learning". in Di
Booker (ed.) The learning link: Information literacy in practice. Adelaide: Auslib
Press, 1995, P. 17-26. ISBN: 1 875145 38 9
TODD, R. (1992 / refereed). "A study to investigate the effects of varying
information loads on the choice behaviour of high school students when selecting
books in a school library". Changes and Exchanges: transition: information theory
into practice. Compiled by Ann Jones & Lisa Allen. CRISP, UTS. P. 38-40. ISBN: 1
96365 074 1
Research Reports:
Todd, R. (2005). "Report of Phase Two of Delaware School Library Survey: Student
Learning through Delaware School Libraries", Part 1 Background, Theoretical
Framework, Methodology and Findings". Delaware: CISSL.
Todd, R. (2005). "Report of the Delaware School Library Survey 2004 - On behalf of
the Governor's Task Force on School Libraries", Delaware: CISSL.
Todd, R. & Kuhlthau, C. (2004). “Student learning through Ohio school libraries:
Background, methodology and report of findings”. Columbus, OH: OELMA.
Additional online reports on this research study may be found at
TODD, R. & Kuhlthau, C. (2003). "Information Utilization for Learning Through the
School Library." Gill St. Bernard School, Bernard Township, NJ: CISSL.
Web Site:
(CISSL) Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries Web Site Featuring
Report “Guided Inquiry: A Framework for Learning Through School Libraries in 21st
Century Schools.” Available at:
Scholarly Journal Articles (Refereed):
TODD, R. (2006). School Libraries and Evidence-Based Practice: An Integrated
Approach to Evidence. School Libraries Worldwide , 12 (2), 31-37.
TODD, R. (2006). From information to knowledge: Charting and Measuring
Changes in Students' Knowledge of a Curriculum Topic. Information Research, 11
(4). Available at:
TODD, R. (2006). Reflections & Actions: School libraries and the VELS: Great
minds at work. Synergy, 4 (2), 5-6.
TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C. (2005). Student learning through Ohio school
libraries, Part 1: How effective school libraries help students. School Libraries
Worldwide, 11(1), 89-110.
TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C. (2005). Student learning through Ohio school
libraries, Part 2: Faculty perceptions of effective school libraries. School Libraries
Worldwide, 11(1), 89-110.
TODD, R. (2004). Interventions that matter: Student learning through effective
school libraries. Synergy, 2(1), 32- 41.
TODD, R. (2003). “Adolescents of the Information Age: Patterns of Information
Seeking and Use, and Implications for Information Professionals. School Libraries
Worldwide. 9(2), 27-46.
TODD, R. (2003). “From technological determinism to the social construction of
technology” Information Technology, Education and Society, 4(2), 3-7.
TODD, R. (2003). “School Libraries and Evidence: Seize the Day. Begin the
Future”. LMC (Library Media Connection), 22 (1), Cover, P. 12-17.
SOUTHON, G. & TODD, R. (2002). Knowledge management in three organizations:
An exploratory study. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
TODD, R. (2001). "From evidence to action: Integrating information technology into
learning" Computers in New Zealand schools. 13(2), August, P. 13-18.
SOUTHON, G. & TODD, R. (2001). "Library and information professionals and
knowledge management: conceptions, challenges, conflicts". Australian Library
Journal. 50(3).
TODD, R. & SOUTHON, G. (2001). "Educating for a KM future: Perceptions of
library and information professionals". Australian Library Journal. 50(4).
TODD, R. & KALLENBERGER, N. (2001). "Challenging the boundaries of graduate
education for information professionals in Australia: Real world learning for a virtual
information world". Australian Library Journal. 49(4). P. 54-71.
TODD, R. (2000). "Accessing networked information: research, issues and
implications". The New Review of Information Networking. Volume 6. P. 61-79.
SOUTHON, G, & TODD, R. (2000). "Knowledge management: Education for the
knowledge age". Education for Library and Information Services: Australia. 17(3). P.
TODD, R. (2000). "Negotiating the Web: Language, Critical Literacies and
Learning". Information Technology, Education and Society. 1(1). P. 81-98. ISSN no.
1037-616X (James Nicholas Publishers).
TODD, R. (1999). "Utilization of heroin information by adolescent girls in Australia:
A cognitive analysis" Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 50(1).
P. 10-23.
TODD, R. (1999). "Back to our beginnings: Information utilization, Bertram Brookes
and the Fundamental Equation of Information Science". Information Processing &
Management. 35. P. 851-870.
TODD, R. (1999). "Information, technology and learning: collaboration critical"
Computers in New Zealand Schools. 11(3). P. 5-10.
TODD, R. (1998). "WWW, Critical literacies and learning outcomes". Teacher
Librarian, 26(2). P. 16-21. Also reprinted in: Query: The Journal of the Saskatchewan
Reading Council. Spring 1999. 28(3). P. 5-12.
TODD, R (1998). "Information literacy in a technological age: from information
surfers to information seekers". National Education Matauranga Whanui. Issue 2.
Information Technology. Wellington: New Zealand Educational Institute. P. 28-31.
ISSN: 11744227
YERBURY, H. & TODD, R. (1998). "Flexibility and autonomy in learning about
information". Journal of Education for Library and Information Science: Australia.
15(1), May. P. 5-15.
DOW, J. & TODD, R. (1997). "Educating Teacher-Librarians for the 21st Century".
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science: Australia. 14(1), May. P.
TODD, R. (1997). "Teacher-Librarians and information literacy: Getting into the
action" School Libraries Worldwide. 3(2), July. P. 33-44.
BRUCE, H. & TODD, R. (1995). "Indicators of assumptions and orientation that
underpin in the reference process". Australian Academic and Research Libraries,
26(4), December 1995. P. 217-228.
TODD, R. (1995). "Information literacy: philosophy, principles and practice". School
Libraries Worldwide, 1(1). P. 54-68.
TODD, R & KIRK, J. (1995). "Concept mapping in information science". Education
for Information, 13(4). P. 333-347.
TODD, R. (1995, Winter). "Integrated information skills instruction: does it make a
difference?" School Library Media Quarterly, 23(2). P. 133-139. (Selected by the
American Library Association Continuing Education Committee of Library
Instruction Round Table as one of 20 outstanding publications for 1995).
TODD, R. (1994). The collection of library statistics for supplier evaluation: A userfriendly guide" Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory. 18(1). P. 61-66.
TODD, R. (1993, September). "Subject access - what's it all about? Some research
findings". Cataloguing Australia. 19(3-4). P. 259-267.
TODD, R. (1992, October). "Information load and choice behaviour: an experimental
study of high school students when selecting books in a school library." Library and
Information Science Research, 14(4), 447-464.
Other Journal Articles (Non-Refereed):
TODD, R. (2007). School Libraries for the Future. Scan, 26 (1), 30-31.
TODD, R. (June 2006). Ross to the Rescue - Rutgers’ Ross Todd’s
Quest to Renew School Libraries. School Library Journal, Cover, p 4447. Available at:
TODD, R. (2006). School Librarians Supporting Thinkers for the future. Scan, 25
(4), p.23-29.
TODD, R. (2006). School Librarians Supporting Student Achievement. Scan, 25(1),
TODD, R. (2006). It’s All About Getting A’s. Update Magazine, 5 (1-2), 34-36.
Available at:
TODD. R. (August 2006). "School Libraries & Best Practice". Scan. 25 (3). P.28.
TODD. R. & Heinstrom, J. (August 2006). "Uncertainty & Guidance: School
Students’ Feelings, Study Approaches, and Need for Help in Inquiring Projects".
Scan. 25 (3).
TODD. R. (May 2006). "Students as Information & ICT Users". Scan. 25 (2). P.1819.
TODD, R. with Assistance from C. Kuhlthau (2006). From Information to
Knowledge: Charting & Measuring Changes in Students’ Knowledge of a Curriculum
Topic, Information Research Journal.
TODD, R. (2005). Ross Todd’s Letter from America. Orana, 41 (1), 9-10.
TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C. (2005). Listen to the voices: Ohio students tell their
story of school libraries, Knowledge Quest, 33(4), 8-13.
TODD, R. (2005). “School libraries play major role in helping students learn”.
Connections. (SCIS: Schools Cataloguing Information Services). Issue 53, p. 4.
TODD, R. (2005). “Knowing and showing how school library programs help students
learn”. IASL (International Association of School Librarianship), Vol. 13 (3), p. 11.
TODD, R. (2004). “Be still and listen to the voices”. Insights from the SLAV
Conference Proceedings. Scan, 23 (2) May 2004, p.2, 45.
TODD, R. (2004). How effective are effective school libraries? Students’
perspectives from Ohio. Orana, 40(1), 9-21.
TODD, R. (2004) Study confirms role of libraries in learning. Access, 18 (1), 15-16.
TODD, R. (2004). The Leading of Learning & Evidence-based Practice – Part 2.
Scan, 24(4), 33.
TODD, R. (2004). Teacher-Librarians & the Leading of Learning. Scan, 24(3), 34.
TODD, R. (2004). Study confirms role of libraries in learning. Access, 18 (1), p. 1516.
TODD, R. (2004). Ross Todd’s Letter from America. Orana, 40 (3), 14-15.
TODD, R. (2004). Ross Todd’s Letter from America. Orana, 40 (2), 9-10.
TODD, R. (2004). Ross Todd’s Letter from America. Orana, 40 (1), 27-28.
TODD, R. (2004). Learning through information technology: Insights from ‘Student
Learning Through Ohio School Libraries’ research study. Scan, 23(3), 29-35.
TODD, R. (2003). “School Libraries and Evidence: Seize the Day, Begin the Future.”
Library Media Connection, 22(1), 12 – 18.
TODD, R. (2003). “School Libraries Empowering Learning: The Australian
Landscape.” Knowledge Quest (AASL), 31(5), 27-31.
TODD, R. (2003). “Evidence-Based Practice: Difference, Intervention and
Transformation” Scan. 22(4), 30-37.
TODD, R. (2003). Ross Todd’s Letter from America. Orana, 39 (3), 9-10.
TODD, R. (2003). Ross Todd’s Letter from America. Orana, 39 (2), 26-27.
TODD, R. (2003). Ross Todd’s Letter from America. Orana, 39 (1), 9-10.
TODD, R. (2003). “Irrefutable Evidence: How to Prove You Boost Student
Achievement.” School Library Journal, 52-54.
TODD, R. (2002). "Evidence based practice II: Getting into the action". Scan, 21(2),
2002, P. 34-41.
TODD, R. (2002). Ross Todd’s Letter from America. Orana, 38 (2), 16-17.
TODD, R. (2002). "Evidence-based practice I: The sustainable future for teacherlibrarians". Scan, 21(1), P. 30-37.
TODD, R. (2001). "A sustainable future for teacher-librarians: Inquiry learning,
actions and evidence". Orana. 37(3), P. 10-20.
TODD, R. (2001). "Sustainable leadership and dancing the knowledge dance". For
Your Information. 5(4), Spring, P. 4-6.
TODD, R. (2001). "Pathways to the future: Knowledge construction and evidencebased practice" Connections. (SCIS: Schools Cataloguing Information Service). Issue
39, P. 1-2, 8.
TODD, R. (2001). "Building a knowledge-sharing culture" Connections. (SCIS:
Schools Catalogue Information Service). Issue 37, P. 1-3.
TODD, R. (2001). "School library media specialists leading the knowledge dance".
Connecticut Educational Media Association Update. December, P. 19-22.
TODD, R. (2000). "Teacher Librarians at the millennial crossroads: Gloom, doom or
boom?" A special millennium edition of: Teacher & Librarian. December 2000. P
TODD. R. (2000). "Students, the search process and electronic information
environments". Scan. 19(1). P. 26-30.
TODD, R. (1999). “Information, Technology & Learning: Collaboration Critical”.
Computers in New Zealand Schools, November 1999, Vol. 11 (3), p. 5-10.
TODD, R. (1999). "Transformational leadership and transformational learning:
Information literacy and the World Wide Web". Bulletin of the National Association
of Secondary School Principals. 83 (605), March. P. 4-12. (Canadian Journal)
TODD, R. (1999). "Reading the future: Knowledge management: 1 Background and
key concepts". Scan. 18(1). P. 42-46.
TODD, R. (1999). "Reading the future: Knowledge management: 2 Processes and
practices". Scan. 18(2). P. 41-47.
TODD, R. (1999). "Reading the future: Knowledge Management: 3 Ideas,
technologies and resources". Scan. 18(3). P. 34-37.
TODD, R. (1999). "Reading the future: Knowledge Management 4: Towards a
community of learning". Scan. 18(4). P. 43-46.
TODD. R. (1999). "Knowledge management: Utilising the knowledge capital of a
learning community". Access. 13(3). P. 11-14.
TODD, R. & O'CONNELL, J. (1999). "Teachers as learners: transformational
leadership and autonomous learning in an electronic age". Scan. 18(3). P. 41-47.
TODD, R. (1999). "Adolescents and drugs: Responsive information services in
schools and libraries". Orana. 35(3), November. P. 32-42.
TODD, R. (1999). "Commentary: On libraries, librarians and the service ethic: Old
habits die hard". Access. 13(4). P. 9-10.
TODD, R. (1999). "Reconceptualising the search process in electronic information
environments". Web site: #2:
TODD, R. (1999). "Research: Priorities for the profession". inCite 20(4). P. 10.
TODD, R. (1998). "Who decides whether pornography is in the public interest?".
inCite. 19 November 1998. P. 10.
TODD, R. (1998). "From surfing to searching: Learning activities with search
engines". School Libraries in Canada, 18(1). P. 3-4.
TODD, R. (1998). "From net surfers to net seekers: Critical literacies and learning".
AFMLTA Information Bulletin. (Australian Federation of Modern Language
Teachers' Associations). P. 2, 3-5.
TODD, R. (1998). "Moving forward: Teacher-librarians creating the new
millennium". Scan. 17(2). P. 43-46. Also reproduced in: EdNA Project: Train-theTrainer Manual. Canberra: Australian School Library Association, 1998.
TODD, R. (1998). "From surfing to searching: learning activities with search
engines". School Libraries in Canada. 18(1). P. 3-4.
TODD, R (1997). "Search engines: making them work for you". Scan. 16(4),
November. P. 28-31.
TODD, R. (1997). "Research Reports - the work of Ross Todd". Compiled by Carrie
Lowe with comments by Ross Todd. Big6 Newsletter
TODD, R. (1997). "Commentary: I.T. and learning: a never-ending beginning".
Access, 11(1). P. 11-14.
TODD, R. (1997)"From student to information professional". inCite. 8, September. P.
McNICHOLAS, C. & TODD, R. (1996). "New kids on the box: is it worth the
Investment". In refereed Research Column 4. Scan, 15(4), November 1996. P. 40-42.
TODD, R. (1996). "The case for a Director of Information Services" in "Forum:
Opinions on the future of the teacher-librarian and school library services". Orana.
32(3). P. 196-198.
TODD, R. (1995). "Shape the vision: focus on learning" Orana, 31(1). P. 36-46.
TODD, R. (December 1995). "Use enterprise not FUDGE". Teacher & Librarian.
120. P. 1, 4.
MACKINNON, G., BARBER, A. & TODD, R. (1995). "Teacher-Librarians make a
difference". Education. P. 13, 25.
TODD, R. & MCNICHOLAS, C. (1995). "Multimedia: just feature creep and
interruptivity? The kids have their say". Scan. 14(4). P. 34-38.
TODD, R. (1995, February). "Multimedia and the three wise monkeys". Scan, 14(1).
P. 26-32
TODD, R. (1994, February). "Dreams and Dynamics: ASLA XIII / IASL 22
Conference Roundup". Scan, 13(1). P. 6-7.
TODD, R. (1994). "The 1990s: rearranging the jigsaw pieces or creating the picture?
A holistic model of information provision for schools. Scan. 13(2), May. P. 27-35.
TODD, R. (1994, October). "Lost and found in Infospace". Ad Lib. 20(3). P. 11-13,
TODD, R. (1994, April). "Information literacy and learning: Report of Australian
research". IASL Newsletter, 23(2). P. 3-6.
TODD, R. (1994). "Information literacy and learning: report of Australian research".
The Medium (Saskatchewan School Library Association), 34(1). P. 21-23. (Reprint
from IASL Newsletter, 23(2))
TODD, R. (1994, June). "Information literacy and learning: IASL Report of
Australian research". Manitoba School Library Association Journal, 21(4), P. 12-16.
(Reprint from IASL Newsletter, 23(2))
TODD, R., LAMB, L., & MCNICHOLAS, C. (1993, March). "Information skills and
learning: some research findings". Access, 7(1). P. 14-16.
TODD, R. (1993, July). "Lifelong learning and information skills: dreamtime or
reality?" Scan, 12(3). P.17-23.
TODD, R. (1995). "Shape the vision: focus on learning" Orana, 31(1). P. 36-46.
SIVANESARAJAH, Y., MCNICHOLAS, C., & TODD, R. (1993). "Making sense
of science: An information skills approach. Science Education News. 42(4), Spring. P.
TODD, R., & CRAM, L. (1992, December). "Schools of Library and Information
Services". InformSA, 1(2). P. 5.
TODD, R. (1992, November). "Teacher librarians and the new millennium". Scan,
11(4). P. 27-29.
TODD, R. (1992, October). "Academic Indexing: what's it all about?" The Indexer,
18(2). P. 101-104.
TODD, R. (1992, May). "Awareness ... Reaction ... Response ... be in it". Scan, 11(2).
P. 33-34.
TODD, R., McNICHOLAS, C., & SIVANESARAJAH, Y. (1992). "The CIA and
US: changing information awareness, useful strategies". In Students as independent
learners, (pp. 136-140). Toowong, Qld.: School Library Association of Queensland.
"Evolution, not revolution: working to full school participation with information with
information skills". Access. 6(1). P. 16-20.
TODD, R., & MCNICHOLAS, C. (1992, November). "Global concerns: local
strategies: establishing a whole school, cross-curricular information skills
programme". The School Librarian, 40(4). P. 129-131. (UK Journal).
TODD, R., McNICHOLAS, C., & SIVANESARAJAH, Y. (1991). "The CIA and
US: changing information awareness, useful strategies". Scan, 10(4). P. 22-26.
TODD, R. (1991). "The pursuit of excellence and effectiveness: a matter of vision".
Scan, 10(2). P. 13-15.
TODD, R. (1990). "Guaranteeing our future: some strategies for implementing the
'Information skills through the library' telecourse". Teacher and Librarian, No. 99. P.
Cited Papers:
(2006). “Toward a Model of the Everyday Life Information Needs of Urban
Teenagers, Part 1: Theoretical Model” by Agosto, E. E. & Hughes-Hassell, S.
JASIST (Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology),
Vol. 57, No. 10, p. 1396. (Cited from: TODD, R. (1999) Utilization of heroin
information by adolescent girls in Australia: A cognitive analysis. JASIST, 50, 1023.)
(2006). “Student Learning in the Information Landscape”. Education Review Office,
The National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, NZ, p.7.
(July 5, 2006). “Bibliotecas nao sao so para encontrar informacao, mas par ensinar a
pensar. Cultura Publico, Quatra-Feira. (Cited from: (2005). “Praise for Gill St.
Bernard’s Library Research Program”. GSB (The Magazine of the Gill St. Bernard’s
School), Winter 2005, p. 10.)
(April 2006). "Our Knight in Shining Armor: Professor Ross Todd’s Quest to
Improve Libraries is Inspirational." School Library Journal, p.44-47. Available at: (Cited from: TODD,
R. (2006) Interview, (2005) Report of the Delaware School Library Survey, and
(2004) OELMA Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries.)
(2006). "Student learning through Australian School Libraries; Part 2: What Students
Define and Value as School Librarian Support" by Lyn Hay. Synergy, Vol. 4 (2),
p.28. (Cited from: TODD, R. (2004) Learning through Information Technology:
Insights from Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries Research Study. Scan,
23, p. 29-39 and Todd, R. and Kuhlthau, C. OELMA accessed February 17, 2000.)
(March 6, 2006). "Enough Already: Blazing New Trails for School Library
Research." ALA (American Library Association) AASL (American Association of
School Libraries) School Library Media Research. (Cited from Interview with
Todd). Available at:
(2006). “Cyber Worship in Multifaith Perspectives” by Dr. Mohamed Taher,
Scarecrow Press. (Cited from: TODD, R. (2006) Presentation "Educating for a
Knowledge Management Future", Table 1.)
(2006). “How do birds sing? School Libraries in the Age of Information: an
international view” by S. Markless & D. Streatfield. British Education Index.
(2006). "Learning for Life." FYI, Winter 2006. (Cited from: TODD, R. &
GORDON, C. (August 2006). "Authentic Learning: An Inquiry-Based Approach"
Presentation at the Moorabbin Hemisphere Center, Australia).
(February 6, 2006). “Recruiters Focus on Future Librarians” by Wilford S. Shamlin.
Courier-Post, p.8A.
(2006). “Information Literacy in the Classroom: Secondary School Teacher’s
Conceptions: Final Report on Research funded by Society for Educational Studies”
by Professor Dorothy A. Williams & Caroline Wavell. Research Report 15, p. 6, 4651. (Cited from: TODD, R. KUHLTHAU, C. (2004) OELMA Student Learning
through Ohio School Libraries AND TODD, R. (1999)).
(2006). Scholastic Research Foundation Paper, p.18-19. School Libraries Work.
(January 2006). "Overwhelming Evidence" by Eric Oatman. School Library
Journal. (Cited from: TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C. (2004) OELMA Student
Learning through Ohio School Libraries AND TODD, R. (Winter 2005) Gils St.
Bernard Study.)
(2005). “School Libraries Work” Review by Pam Remington-Lane. Available at: (Cited from: TODD, R. &
KUHLTHAU, C. (2004) OELMA Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries.)
(2005, November/December). "Building the Effective School Library Media Center
Using the Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries Research Study" by
Nancy Everhart and Debra Kay Logan in Knowledge Quest, 34(4), 51-54. (Cited
from: TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C. (2004) OELMA Student Learning through Ohio
School Libraries.). Available at:
AND TODD, R. (October 21, 2005) "Learning in Ohio School Libraries: Get Real &
Make It Real" Presentation at the Institute for Library & Information Literacy Events,
Kent State University. Available at:
(2006, Summer). "Knowledge Management Education for LIS Professionals: Some
Recent Perspectives" by Maryann Sarrat Zaden, Afsaneh Hazeri & Bill Martin.
Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, Vol. 47 (3). ISSN 07485786 (Cited from: (2000) "Library & Information Professionals and Knowledge
Management" by Gary Southon & Ross Todd)
(2005). “Ohio Study – How One Child Learns” by Gail Dickinson, Teacher
Librarian, October 2005, p. 16. (Cited from: TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C. (2004)
OELMA Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries.)
(2005). "From the Editor's Desk" by Marianne Punshon. FYI, p. 2. (Cited from:
TODD, R. (2005) "School Libraries: Productive Pedagogy & The Leading of
Learning" Presentation at SLAV Conference).
(October 2005). “Keeping up with the research linking school library programs to
achievement” and “Delaware & Ohio Research Studies”. Teacher Librarian, p. 3031, 33.
(April 2005). “Improving Literacy Through School Libraries Program of No Child
Left Behind: Tips for Writing a Grant Proposal." Teacher Librarian, 38-40. (Cited
from: TODD, R. (2002) "Evidence-based practice: The Sustainable Future for
Teacher-Librarians" Scan, 21 (1) p. 30-37 AND TODD, R. (2002) "Evidence-based
practice: Getting into action" Scan, 21 (2), p. 34-41.)
(2005). “Student learning through Australian School Libraries. Part 1: A statistical
Analysis of students’ perceptions” by Lyn Hay, Synergy, Vol 3 (2) p 17-29. (Cited
from: TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C. (2004) OELMA Study: Learning through Ohio
School Libraries AND TODD, R. (October 10, 2003) Findings: Student Learning
through Ohio Schools.)
(2005). “Want More Influence? Use Research” by Meg McCaffrey, School Library
Journal, Leadership Summit Special Report, June 2005, p,7.
(2005, April). “‘SLJ’ Summit: Building Bridges” by Debra Lau Whelan and Kathy
Ishizuka. School Library Journal, April 2005, p.16. (Cited from: Interview)
(2005). “Praise for Gill St. Bernard’s Library Research Program”. GSB (The
Magazine of the Gill St. Bernard’s School), Winter 2005, p. 10. (Cited from: TODD,
R. (2003) Gill St. Bernard Research Project).
TODD, R. (2004). “13,000 Kids can’t be wrong: A new Ohio study shows how
school libraries help students learn” by Debra Lau Whelan. School Library Journal,
February 2004, Cover, 46-50. (Cited from: TODD, R. (2004) OELMA Student
Learning through Ohio School Libraries.)
(2004). "Making the familiar strange." by Carol Gordon. Synergy, Vol 4 (2). (Cited
from: TODD, R. (2004). Report of the Delaware School Library Survey, New
Brunswick, CISSL.)
(2004). “Cracks in the halls of learning” by Margaret Cook, The Age, April 26,
2004. Available at: (Cited from:
TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C. (2004) OELMA Student Learning through Ohio
School Libraries.)
Cited with C. Kuhlthau in: (2004). “ CISSL in President’s Message”., Bookmark, The
Newsletter of the Educational Media Association of New Jersey, Vol 33 (10), p.2.
(2004). “Turning theory into practice in the classroom” by Shirley Melissas and
Lesley Burgess. Synergy, 2(2), 32- 41. (Cited from: TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C.
(2004) OELMA Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries)
(2004). “Libraries called key” in Reading Today, Feb/March 2004. (Cited from:
TODD, R. (August/September 2003) Library Media Connection)
(2004). “Ross Todd Reveals Major Study for School Libraries”. Ontario Library
Association, Super News, January 31, 2004. (Cited from: TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU,
C. (2004) OELMA Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries.)
(2004). Lightning in a Bottle by Editor Evan St. Lifer. School Library Journal,
February 2004, Cover, p.13. (Cited from: TODD, R.& KUHLTHAU, C. (2004)
OELMA Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries)
(2004). “An Introduction to CISSL” by Ruth Toor. School Library Workshop, Fall,
(2004). “Literacy and the Role of the School Library” by Mary k. Lewis, School
Leader, Sept/Oct. 2004, p. 27, 30, 60, 63. (Cited from: TODD, R. & KUHLTHAU, C.
(2004) OELMA Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries.)
(May 2004). "From the Editor" by Sally Rasajah. Scan, Vol. 23 (2). (Cited from:
TODD, R. (2004) "Be Still & Listen to the Voices: From Research to Practice" SLAV
Conference Presentation)
(May 2004). "Quality Teaching mentoring beginning teachers at Merriwa Central
School by Robyn Dorney & Margaret Cary. Scan, Vol. 23 (2). (Cited from: TODD,
R. (2002) "Evidence-based practice: The Sustainable Future for Teacher Librarians."
Scan, Vol. 21 (1), p. 30-37 AND TODD, R. (2002) "Evidence-based practice:
Getting into Action." Scan, Vol. 21 (2), p. 34-41.)
(March 2004). "Developing an Information Literacy Policy & Program" by Julie
Cass. Access, Vol. 7 (1), p. 14-16. (Cited from: TODD, R. Lamb, E. & McNicholas,
C. (2004) "Information Skills & Learning: Some Research Findings".)
(2003, April). "The Evidence Everyone Wants" and "Irrefutable Evidence" by Evan
St. Lifer. School Library Journal, Cover, p. 52-54.
(2003, April 23). “Rutgers Opens Center to Study School Libraries”. Education
Week on the Web. Available at: (Cited from: TODD, R. (2003)
CISSL Interview).
(2003). “Breaking Down Barriers”. International Association of School Libraries
Conference, Education Indaba the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education and
Culture, p. 9.
(2003, Fall). Student Learning Through Ohio School Libraries by 2003 OELMA
President Suellyn Stotts. Ohio Media Spectrum, Vol. 55 (2), p. 2-3.
(May 2003). A Show of Strength by Gary Hartzell. School Library Journal, May
2003, p.45.
(2002). “The School Library & Learning in the Information Landscape”. National
Library of New Zealand: Guidelines for New Zealand Schools, p.8-9, 19.
(2002). “The Pedagogically Working School Library: A Picture of the Danish School
Library” by Tom Jorgensen. Summer 2002.
Reviews of Research:
Hay, L. (2006). "Student Learning through Australian School Libraries Part 2: What
Students Define and Value as School Library Support." Synergy Vol. 4 (2) p. 28 38. Cited Todd, R. (2004). "Learning Through Information Technology: Insights
from Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries." Research Study in Scan 23
(3) p. 29-35 and Todd, R. & Kuhlthau, C. (2004). "Student Learning through Ohio
School Library Research Project" OELMA available at:
Boyce, S. (2006). "Review of Todd's Presentation - New Victorian Essential
Learning Standards (VELS)". Synergy Vol. 4 (2) p. 3-4.
Gordon, C. A. (2006). "Making the familiar strange." Synergy Vol. 4 (2) p. 39.
Cited Todd, R. (2004) Report of the Delaware School Library Survey 2004, New
Brunswick, NJ: CISSL.
Bogel, G. (2006). "School Libraries Play an Active, Transformational Role in
Student Learning & Achievement". Evidence Based Library & Information Practice
Vol. 1 (4) p. 49-53. Cited Todd, R. "Student Learning through Ohio School Library:
A Summary of the Ohio Research Study" OELMA December 15, 2003.
Impact of Todd's Research:
Ontario's Teacher Librarians' Toolkit (2006). Available at:
Conference Proceedings:
TODD, R. (2005). "Information Leadership in a Culture of Change." Selected
Papers from the 34th Annual Conference of the International Association of School
Librarians (IASL) & the 9th International Forum on research in School
Librarianship. Hong Kong, China. ISBN 1-896861-30-8
TODD, R. (2004). From information to knowledge: The key to constructing
communities of learning and literacy”. In J. Bales and K. Bonnano (eds.)
Constructing communities of learning. ASLA Online Conference Proceedings.
ASLA, Zilmere, Qld, 7-21.
TODD, R., KUHLTHAU, C., & TEPE, A. (2004). 13,000 students tell their story:
“Yeah, the school library rocks”. In: P. Moore et al (eds.) From Aesop to e-book:
The story goes on…. Selected papers from the 33rd Annual conference of the
International Association of School Librarianship and the 8th International Forum on
Research in School Librarianship. Erie, PA: IASL, 94-108.
TODD, R. (2003). “Student learning through Ohio school libraries: A summary of the
Ohio research study”. Paper presented at the OELMA Conference, 15th December,
2003. Available at :
TODD, R. (2003). "Humanizing Information Technology from Ideas to BITS and
Back." Paper presented at ASIS&T 66th Proceedings. Proceedings Editor, Vol. 40.
October 19-22, 2003. ISBN 1-57387-197-4
TODD, R. (2003).“Learning in the Information Age School: Opportunities, Outcomes
and Options” International Association of School Librarianship Annual Conference,
Durban, South Africa. July 9, 2003. Available at:
TODD, R. (2003). “Information seeking and subject access for knowledge
construction” IN “www AND information Retrieval, & WWW and Libraries”
Proceedings of the “Libraries in the Digital Age” Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia,
May 25-30, 2003.
TODD, R. (2002). "School librarians as teachers: Learning outcomes and evidencebased practice". Paper presented at the International Federation of Library
Associations and Institutions Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. 20th August,
2002. Part of Panel Presentation "Developing Librarians as Teachers" Available at:
TODD, R. (2001). "Transitions for preferred futures of school libraries: knowledge
space not information place; connections, not collections; actions, not positions;
evidence, not advocacy". International Association of School Librarianship Annual
Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 8th-12th July, 2001. Available at:
TODD, R. (2001). "Libraries in a learning community: crossroads, convergence and
challenge". Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the International
Association of Technological University Libraries. Delft University of Technology
Library, Delft, Netherlands, 28th May - 1st June, 2001. Delft: University of
Technology Library, December 2001. [CD-Rom]
TODD, R. (2001). "Building a knowledge sharing culture in schools: Knowledge
management in action". In: L. Hay, K. Hanson, & J. Henri (Eds.) New millennium,
new horizons: Information services in schools 2000 Online Conference Proceedings.
Wagga Wagga, NSW: Centre for Studies in Teacher Librarianship, Charles Sturt
University, P. 40-45.
TODD, R. & SOUTHON, G. (2000). Knowledge management: Education for
information professionals in the Age of the Mind. In Knowledge Innovations:
Celebrating our heritage, designing our future" Edited by D. Kraft. Proceedings of the
63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science. Annual
Conference, Chicago, 12-16th November, 2000. Volume 37, Medford, NJ:
Information Today. P. 502-518. ISBN 1 57387 108 7
TODD, R. (2000). "Information Literacy: concept, conundrum and challenge". In. Di
Booker (ed.) Concept, Challenge, Conundrum: From Library Skills to Information
Literacy. Proceedings of the Fourth National Information Literacy Conference 3-5
December 1999. University of South Australia. Adelaide: University of South
Australia Library 2000. P. 25-34.
TODD, R. (2000). "Information literacy in electronic environments: fantasies, facts,
futures". In: IATUL Proceedings: Virtual Libraries, Virtual Communities, Volume
10, 2000. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the International Association
of Technological University Libraries, held at Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane, Queensland 3rd-7th July, 2000. (CD ROM)
TODD, R. & SOUTHON, G. (2000). "Knowledge management: key to partnerships,
learning outcomes and resourcing a learning community" In: E Howe (Ed).
Developing information literacy: Key to the future: Reading - Partnership Information. Papers presented at the Fourth International Forum on Research in
School Librarianship and Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference, August 2000.
29th Annual IASL Conference, Malmo, Sweden. Seattle: IASL, P. 143-154.
TODD, R. (2000). "Knowledge management and its future for schools: hype, hope or
humbug". In: L. Hay & J. Henri (Eds). Enter the millennium: Information Services in
schools. For Information Services In Schools (ISIS) 99 Online Conference. Wagga
Wagga, NSW. Centre for Studies in Teacher-Librarianship, Charles Sturt University,
P. 230-237.
HOUGHTON, J., POSTON-ANDERSON, B, & TODD, R. (1999). "From obsession
to power: changing the face of librarians". In: Adelaide 98 Pathways to knowledge.
Australian Library and Information Association 5th Biennial Conference and
Exhibition, 25-28th October 1998. Conference Proceedings. Canberra: ALIA, 1999.
P. 313-318.
TODD, R. (1999). "Knowledge management: resourcing a learning community". In:
Bytes, Books and Bollards by the Bay: Information Management for the Third
Millennium. 16th Biennial Conference of the Australian School Library Association,
Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria. Richmond, Vic.: School Library Association of
Victoria. P. 336-347.
SOUTHON, G. & TODD, R (1999). "Knowledge Management: A social
perspective". In: KNOW '99: Deciphering Knowledge Management. Vol 2.
Proceedings of KNOW '99 Conference, Sydney, November 1999. Sydney: Faculty of
Business, University of Technology. P. 290-301. ISBN: 1-86365-688-X
TODD, R. (1998). "From net surfers to net seekers: the www, critical literacies and
learning outcomes". In: Education for All: Culture, Reading and Information.
Selected Papers. Edited by S. Shoham & M. Yitzhaki. 27th International Conference
of the International association of School Librarianship, Ramat-Gan, Israel, July 510, 1998. Tel Aviv: Bar-Ilan University, 231-241.
TODD, R. (1997). "Meeting drug information needs of adolescents". In: L. Lighthall
& K. Haycock. (eds). Information rich but knowledge poor? Emerging issues for
schools and libraries worldwide. Research and professional papers presented at the
26th annual conference of the International Association of School Librarianship held
in conjunction with the Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada. University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada July 6 -11, 1997. Seattle, Wn: International
Association of School Librarianship, 1997, P. 97-117. ISBN 1-89086-21-9 (Refereed
conference paper)
TODD, R. (1997). "Providing effective information services". Paper presented ay the
ACEA Virtual Conference.
TODD, R. & MCNICHOLAS, C. (1997). "Electronic information and learning
organisations" In: Information online & on disc 97: Proceedings of the Eighth
Australasian Information Online & On Disc Conference and Exhibition. Sydney
Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney Australia. 21-23 January 1997. Sydney:
Information Science Section, Australian Library and Information Association. P. 363373.
TODD, R. (1996). "Information literacy research: charting the landscape and moving
beyond the littoral zone". In Di Booker (ed) Learning for life: Information literacy
and the autonomous learner. Proceedings of the second national information literacy
conference conducted by the University of South Australia Library 30 November - 1
December 1995. Adelaide: University of South Australia Library, 1996. P. 49-60.
TODD, R. (1997). "Information utilisation: a cognitive analysis of how girls utilise
drug information based on Brookes' Fundamental Equation K[S] + DI = K[S + DS]".
In P. Vakkari, et. al (eds) Information Seeking in Context. London: Taylor Graham.
P. 351-370. Proceedings of the 2nd Information Seeking in Context Conference,
University of Tampere, Finland, July 1996.
TODD, R. (1996). "How students evaluate Internet information services". In Lyn Hay
& James Henri (eds). A meeting of the minds: Information Technology in Education
Conference. Belconnen, ACT: ASLA Press, 1996. P. 157-159.
YERBURY, H. & TODD, R. (1996). "Learning beyond the familiar zone". In Clare
McBeath & Roger Atkinson (eds) The Learning superhighway: new world? new
worries? Proceedings of the 3rd International Interactive Multimedia Symposium.
Perth, WA, January 21-25, 1996. Canning Ridge, WA: Promaco Conventions, 1996.
P. 431-438.
TODD, R. (1995). "Beyond 2000: Multimedia, information literacy & learning".
Plenary Address. In: Libraries - Lighthouses for Literacy and Learning. Conference
Papers. Hunter Region Teacher Librarians' Annual Conference. 4-5 August, 1995.
Newcastle: Hunter Region Library Management Committee.
TODD, R. (1995). "See no evil, hear no evil, interact no evil?" in Sustaining the
vision: a selection of conference papers. 24th International Association of School
Librarianship Conference, 17th - 21st July, 1995. Worcester, Worcester College of
Higher Education, UK. P. 8 - 16.
TODD, R., PARKER, J., & YERBURY, H. (1994). "Knowledge representation and
multimedia knowledge base design: methodology for alignment". In C. McBeath, &
R. Atkinson, Proceedings of the 2nd International Interactive Multimedia
Symposium, Perth, W.A., 1994, January. P. 543-548. Perth: Promaco Conventions
Pty. Ltd.
TODD, R. (1994). "What research will be required to lead and support the future
information professional?" In. Treasure Mountain Research Retreat 5: Future
scenarios for school library media programs. Edited by D. Barron, B. Grover, D.
Loertscher. Castle Rock, Co.: Hi Willow Press, 1994. 136-144.
TODD, R., & BRUCE, H. (1993). "Cultural dimensions in reference services: is there
unity in diversity?" In: M. Maynard, Infobridges: Linking Australia to Asia.
Proceedings of the Second National Reference and Information Service Section
Conference, University of the Northern Territory, Darwin, 1993, July. P. 85 - 95.
Darwin: Australian Library and Information Association.
TODD, R., ELLIS, M., & KALLENBERGER, N. (1993). "When inward is outward:
laying a foundation for responsive information services in schools". ASLA X111
IASL 22 Dreams and Dynamics: Selected Papers Conference Proceedings, St Peter's
College, Adelaide, 1993. P. 257-271. Australian School Library Association.
TODD, R., & KIRK, J. (1993). "Information literacy: changing roles for information
professionals". In D. Booker, Proceedings of the Information Literacy - The
Australian Agenda Conference, Adelaide, 1992, December 2. P. 126-135. University
of South Australia Library.
TODD, R., LAMB, E., & McNICHOLAS, C. (1993). "The power of information
literacy: unity of education and resources for the 21st century". In Towards the 21st
century: books and media for the millennium: Selected papers: International
Association of School Librarianship 21st Annual Conference, Queens University,
Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1992, July. P. 19-34. Kalamazoo, Mi.: International
Association of School Librarianship.
TODD, R., & McNICHOLAS, C. (1993). "Information literacy: dynamics and
directions". Australian School Library Association X111 Biennial Conference / 22nd
Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship: "Dreams and
Dynamics": Selected Papers Conference Proceedings, St Peter's College, Adelaide,
1993. P. 87-97.
TODD, R. & PARKER, J. (1993). "Tapping into author / end-user knowledge
structures: a user-based classification warrant for database development". Paper
presented at the American Society for Information Science mid year conference.
Knoxville, Tennessee.
TODD, R., McNICHOLAS, C., & SIVANESARAJAH, Y. (1991). "Evolution, not
revolution: working to full school participation with information skills". Proceedings
of the Twelfth Biennial Conference of the Australian School Library Association,
Leura, NSW, 1991, October. P. 116-125.
Other Forms of Publication:
Guest Editor July 2004 Issue School Libraries Worldwide (Refereed Journal)
Guest Editor August 2003 Issue Information Technology, Education and Society
(Refereed Journal)
Guest Editor September 2002 Issue Information Technology, Education and Society
(Refereed Journal)
Guest Editor November 1999 Issue: Orana (Refereed Journal of School and
Children's Librarianship, published by the Australian Library and Information
1996+: Editor of refereed "Research Column" in Scan, published by the Department
of School Education, NSW, (Division of Libraries and Information Literacy) and
distributed nationally. Each featured research report is preceded by editorial
commentary, and followed by abstracts of research reports written by Editor.
Commentaries date from: Research Column 1, Scan, 15(1), 1996. Editorial, from this
edition to Research Column Scan, 21(2), 2002, Editorial, currently in publication
Content Consultant to development team for the book: H. Vickers: "Making the Net
returns worthwhile: Information Skills and the Internet". Sydney: New South Wales
Department of School Education Training and Development Directorate, 1996. ISBN
0 7310 8269 9
Content Consultant to Advisory Committee for "School-based training program for
teacher-librarians K-12" 4 modules: Library Planning, Educational Program,
Management, Professional Development. Sydney: New South Wales Department of
School Education Training and Development Directorate, 1996. ISBN 0 7305 6064 3
Research Directions:
My research primarily focuses on the engagement of people and their information worlds,
and how this interaction can be understood to facilitate professional action and change,
and make a difference to individuals, organizations, societies and nations. Drawing on an
intellectually diverse and rich multidisciplinary base, it focuses on the interconnectedness
of people, information and knowledge, the development of creative and responsive
information and knowledge infrastructures that can make a difference to individuals,
social groups, institutions and organizations, and facilitate professional action and
change. Against this broad backdrop, my continues to specifically focus on the
transformative role of school libraries in 21st century schools, their integral role in the
learning fabric of schools, and their role in ongoing school improvement and reform.
My research has three interrelated foci:
1. Understanding how children learn and build new knowledge from
information. This includes information seeking and use, knowledge
construction and representation, and charting changes in knowledge;
2. Information utilization for learning. This includes understanding how school
librarians and classroom teachers can more effectively empower student
learning; and how the development of information and critical literacies
through guided inquiry and constructivist learning approaches lead to the
development of deep knowledge and understanding;
3. Evidence-based practice for school libraries. This centers on understanding
the transformative role of professional practice founded on a strong evidence
base, welding together research, experience, insights and systematic measures.
It embraces evidence for practice, evidence in practice, and evidence of
Research Grants (Rutgers University):
2006 – 2007. Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Office of Commonwealth
Libraries. “School Administrator’s Support for School Libraries: The Impact on
Student Achievement”. $80,000. Ross Todd, Carol Gordon and Ya-Ling Lu.
2006. Kent State University Institute for Library and Information Literacy Education
(ILILE). “School Librarian – Classroom Teacher Instructional Collaboration”.
$30,000. Ross Todd and Jannica Heinstrom.
2005 – 2006. Rutgers University: The President’s Program for Research in Service
to New Jersey: “The Impact of School Libraries on Student Learning in Abbott
Schools of NJ”. $10,000. C. Kuhlthau. R. Todd & M. Winston.
2004 - 2006. Delaware: Governor’s Task Force on School Libraries. “School
Libraries Infrastructure” and “Student Learning through Delaware School Libraries”.
$50,000. R. Todd and C. Kuhlthau.
2003 – 2005. Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National
Leadership Grants for Libraries. “Impact of School Libraries on Student Learning”.
$220,549 R. Todd, C. Kuhlthau & N. Wacholder.
2003 -2005. Ohio Educational Library Media Association / State Library of Ohio.
“Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries” $80,000. R Todd & C. Kuhlthau.
Completed Research Projects (2002-2004):
Evidence-Based Practice in Australian School Libraries. Commenced May 2002,
completed September 2003. Basis for Key note address at the International
Association of School Librarianship in Durban, South Africa, July 2003; and journal
“Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries” Commenced in October 2002 and
completed December 2004. This research explores the multi-dimensional
relationship between an effective school library program and student learning
“Information Utilization for Learning through the School Library” Commenced
September 2002. Phase 1: 50 Grade 9 students at Gill St Bernards School,
Gladstone, NJ. Phase 2: 30 Grade 11/12 psychology students. Data collection
complete, formal presentation of findings made to Gill St. Bernards School
September 2004
Research Grants (Previous to Rutgers)
All Grants are for the Calendar Year (which is same as Australia’s academic year).
External to UTS
Single Discipline
1998-2000: $35,000. Principal Investigator: Catholic Education Office (Parramatta
Diocese, Sydney, Australia) Contract research with Celeste McNicholas, (Director of
Information Services, Marist Sisters’ College, Woolwich). “Evaluation of school library
information collections and services”
1996: $5,000 Principal Investigator. Marist Sisters College Action Research: Integration
of information technology into student learning: case studies. With Celeste McNicholas,
Marist Sisters' College, Woolwich, NSW, Australia.
External to UTS
1999-2000: $28,000. Co-Investigator (30%) News Limited Australia / UTS Institute for
Interactive Multimedia Development of custom front-end for News Limited’s webenabled archive of news content for school students, based on adolescent information
behaviour framework, and adolescent case study research..
Internal to UTS
Single Discipline
2000: $8000. Co-Investigator (50%) UTS Internal Research Grant: “Knowledge
management in industry – conceptualising the knowledge environment”.
1999: $2000. Principal Investigator. Department of Information Studies, UTS. Seeding
funding: “What is this ‘something’ that is ‘information’? Adolescents and everyday life
concerns with drugs”.
1999: $3000. Co-Investigator (50%) Department of Information Studies, UTS. Seeding
Funding: “Knowledge management perspectives of the information profession”.
1996: $8,000. Co-Investigator (50%) Large Internal Research Grant UTS. "What is
the information of the information society: Conceptions of information” with Associate
Professor Hilary Yerbury.
1993: $3,645. Principal Investigator. UTS School of Information Studies Research
Grant: "Instructional effectiveness of a conventional content-approach and an integrated
content-information skills approach to Year 7 science education: a group comparison"
1992: $1520. Principal Investigator. UTS Internal Research Grant: UTS "Indexers and
their theories in action: determining the subject of documents"
1992: $1200. Co-Investigator (50%) UTS Internal Research Grant: "An information
professional's assumptions about the user: developing and measuring behavioural
indicators". Joint research with Harry Bruce.
1991: $4900 Principal Investigator. UTS Vice-Chancellors Development Fund
"Concept Mapping in Information Science": Project to enhance student learning through
application of concept mapping techniques.
1996: $21,500 UTS Development Grant: Co-Investigator (30%) Development of Web
Site for Institute for Interactive Multimedia based on information seeking behaviours of
UTS academics and support staff, and undertaken through and information consolidation
research methodology. (Based on Saracevic’s work at Rutgers University)
1995: $11,000. Co-Investigator (50%) UTS Vice-Chancellor’s Development Fund:
Development of Interactive Multimedia CD ROM: "What is information?" With
Associate Professor Hilary Yerbury and Institute for Interactive Multimedia (UTS).
Instructional learning package
1993: $3600. Co-Investigator (50%) UTS Centre for Sound and Image Research Grant:
"Designing and developing a hypermedia database prototype based on a target group's
cognitive model of a specific subject area" Joint research with Joan Parker & Wendy
April 16, 2007. (Invited) Presentation: “Because the Internet is Not a Library! – The
Guided Inquiry Process”. Presented with Dr. Carol Kuhlthau and Pam Chesky of the
Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (CISSL), Rutgers University, at
the Computers in Libraries 2007 22nd Annual Conference, Arlington, Virginia.
March 30, 2007. (Invited) Presentation: "Part 1: If We Venture Beyond Information
Literacy, What Do We Find?" Presented at the New England Educational Media
Association (NEEMA) Conference and Co-Sponsored by Massachusetts School Library
Media Association (MSLA) & CISSL with Support from Follet Library Resources &
Scholastic, Boston, Massachusetts.
March 26, 2007. (Invited) Keynote Address: "If Information Literacy is the Solution,
What is the Problem? If Information Literacy is the Problem, What is the solution?"
Presented at the Librarians Information Literacy Annual Conference LILAC 2007,
Manchester, England. Available at:
March 23, 2007. (Invited) Plenary Session: "Modeling the Zones of Intervention".
Presented at the School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV) "Inquiring Minds!
Approaches to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards" Conference, Melbourne,
March 2, 2007. (Invited) One Day Seminar: “Leading Learning through the School
Library: A Guided Inquiry Approach.” Presented through Syba Signs Professional
Development Seminars and Supported by School Libraries and Information Literacy
Unity, NSW Department of Education and Training. Cockle Bay Wharf, Sydney,
January 12, 2007. (Invited) Presentation: "Get Smart: School Libraries & The Leading of
Learning", "Implementing Guided Inquiry in the School". Presented at the 2007
"Council Rock Deep Smarts" Teachers Reaching Teachers District Wide Professional
Development In-Service Program, Council Rock School District, Holland, PA.
November 4, 2006. (Invited) Conference Summary: "Learning in the 21st Century:
The Role of the School Media Program." Presented at the 2006 School Library
Journal Leadership Summit, Chicago, IL. Available at:
October 30, 2006. (Invited) Presentation: "Learning Starts with You: Productive
Pedagogy through the School Library." Presented at the New Jersey Association of
School Librarians (NJASL) Fall Conference "school Libraries: Where Learning
Starts" in Long Branch, NJ.
October 3, 2006. (Invited) Address: “School Libraries Work!” Presented at the
School Libraries Work: How to Make it Happen! Convention given by The New
York Library Association & Scholastic Inc. to New York State Assemblywomen,
State Senators, Dignified State Education Department Directors, American
Association of School Librarians President, School Library Journal Editor-In-Chief,
and other Library & Education Dignitaries, New York, NY.
September 29 & 30, 2006. (Invited) Seminars: “Dr. Ross Todd: A Review of the
Ohio Study” and “School Libraries Work!” Winning Over Your Principal and School
Board Members”, Presented at the Kentucky Library Association (KLA) and the
Kentucky School Media Association (KSMA) Joint Conference “A Century of
Change: From Carnegie to Gates”, Louisville, KY.
September 21, 2006. (Invited) Seminars: “Ban Those Dinosaur Units: Implementing
Independent Research Through Guided Inquiry” and “The Leading of Learning
Through the School Library.” Presented at The Scottish Learning Festival, Glasgow,
August 8 & 10, 2006. Introductory Address: “School Libraries and the VELS: Great
Minds at Work!” Workshop: “An Inquiry-based Approach.” Presented at the SLAV
Authentic Learning Conference in Moorabbin, Melbourne, Australia.
July 4, 2006. (Invited) Keynote Address: “From Learning to Read to Reading to
Learn: School Libraries, Literacy & guided Inquiry.” Presented at the 35th Annual
Conference of the International Association of School Librarians (IASL): The
Multiple Facets of Literacy, Lisbon, Portugal.
May 29, 2006. Invited Speaker: “From Information to Knowledge – Learning in
Digital Age Schools.” Presented at the Libraries in Digital Age (LIDA) Conference,
Dubrovnik, Mijet, Croatia.
April 28, 2006. (Invited) Keynote Address: “Designing & Transforming Learning
Through the School Library”. Workshops: “Learning Through the School Library: 21
Strategies to Demonstrate Learning” and “Authentic Research & Authentic Learning
through Information Technology”. Presented at the RIEMA Conference, Providence,
April 4, 2006. (Invited) Address: "Windmill Librarians, Revolting Librarians and
WeMatter Librarians". Presented to Beta Phi Mu at the Scholarly Communications
Center in the Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
March 29, 2006. (Invited) Preconference Address: “Guided Inquiry: A Framework
for Learning Through the School Library”. Presented at East Asia Regional Council
of Overseas Schools (EARCOS) Teachers’ Conference, Edsa Shangri-La, Manila.
March 3, 2006. (Invited) Keynote Address: “Making School Libraries Part of School
Reform”. Workshop: “From Information to Knowledge; Managing the Infoglut and
Leading School Reform”. Presented at the New England Educational Media
Association Leadership Conference, Boston, MA.
November 21, 2005. Training Seminar: “Research to Reality: Helping School
Libraries Enhance Student Learning”. Presented to the President’s Program for
Research in Service to New Jersey’s Abbott District School Libraries, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ.
November 17 – 20, 2005. Workshops: “Without School Libraries, Children are Left
Behind”. “Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave: Authentic Research & Authentic
Learning Through Information Technology”. “Learning Through the School Library:
Evidence-Based Practice”. Presented at the European council of International
Schools (ECIS) at the World Forum Convention Center, in The Hague, The
October 21, 2005. (Invited) Closing Address: “Designing & Transforming Learning
Through The School Library”. Presented at the OELMA Ohio School Libraries:
Dynamic Agents of Learning Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
October 6-9, 2005. (Invited) Joint Address: “School Libraries Work: Winning Over
Your Principal and School Board Members.” Presented with Terrence Young Jr. at
the 12th National Conference and Exhibition of the American Association of School
Libraries (AASL), Pittsburgh, PA.
September, 2005. (Invited) Closing Keynote: “Building the Team for Information
Literacy.” Presented at the Department of Defense Educational School Systems
(DDESS) Conference, Peachtree City, VA.
August 19, 2005. Professional Development Series Speaker with C. Gordon:
“Learners as Authentic Researchers Productive Pedagogies and the School Library”.
School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV), Carlton, VIC.
July 12, 2005. Conference Papers: “School Librarians and Educational Leadership:
Productive Pedagogy for the Information Age School”. 34th Annual conference of the
International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) and the 9th International
Forum on Research in School Libraries , Hong Kong, China.
July 4, 2005. (Invited) Presentation: "Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave:
Information Technology and Learning in the Information Age School". ACTSS
Conference "Education in Action" Charters Towers, Qld, Australia.
June 19, 2005. (Invited) Address: “Information Literacy: Taking Action and Making
a Difference”. School Library Association 2005 Weekend Course entitled
“Knowledge is Power: Creating the Information Literate School”. University of
Surrey at Guilford, UK.
June 17, 2005. (Invited) Keynote address: “Information Literacy and Inquiry
Learning: The Heart of the School Library”. School Library Association 2005
Weekend Course entitled “Knowledge is Power: Creating the Information Literate
School”. University of Surrey at Guilford, UK.
May 6, 2005. (Invited) Luncheon address. New York Library Association, School
Library Media Association Spring Conference, Melville, NY.
April 28, 2005. Research Report Results from IMLS “Impact of School Libraries on
Student Learning.” CISSL-IMLS International Research Symposium, New York, NY.
April 14, 2005. (Invited) Keynote address: “Information Literacy.” Sino-Foreign
Basic Education Conference, Beijing, China.
March 30, 2005 Presentation: "The impact of school libraries on student learning".
Rutgers School of Communication, Information and Library Studies Research Day,
New Brunswick, NJ.
March 18-19, 2005. (Invited) Distinguished Panelist: “Empowering Learners,
Advancing the Profession”. School Library Journal 2005 Leadership Summit, New
York, NY.
January 27, 2005. (Invited) Keynote address: “Creating effective school libraries:
Dynamic, actions and outcomes.” Library Leadership Academy, Clifton Springs, NY.
January 14, 2005. (Invited) Presentations: “Quality learning and productive
pedagogy: Moving beyond information literacy.” Annual Leadership Conference
“School library odyssey: The interconnectivity of learning” New England
Educational Media Association, Boston, MA.
December 3, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address with A Tepe and G Geitgey: “Findings
from the Ohio study.” 26th Fall conference Educational Media Association of NJ, East
Brunswick, NJ.
November 11, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: "Be Still and Listen to the Voices:
From Research to Practice." Michigan Association for Media in Education 31st
Annual Fall Conference. Traverse City, MI.
October 27, 2004. (Invited) Special Guest Address. Shore regional high school
Russell T. Olivadotti Information Center, West Long Branch, NJ.
October 21, 2004 (Invited) Keynote address: "Student learning in Ohio School
Libraries: Get Real and Make it Real." Ohio Educational Library Media Association
Conference 2004. Columbus, Ohio.
October 17, 2004. (Invited) Featured address: “Windmill librarians, revolting
librarians and we-matter librarians.”, The Maine Libraries Conference. Augusta, ME.
October 7, 2004. (Invited) Presentation: “13,000 students tell it like it is: Be still and
listen to the voices.” Washington Library Media Association. Bellevue, WA.
October 4, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: “The impact of school libraries on
student scores.” Youth Services Forum – Workshop XIV “A day of hot topics and
issues in library services to children and young adults”. Manalapan, NJ.
October 1, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: “Preferred futures for learning and
school libraries.” GrandSLAM conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.
September 22, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: “Impacto de programmas de
competencia informacional na aprendizagem” 111 Seminario Biblioteca Escolar
Espaco de Acao Pedagogica, Federal University of Minas Gerias, Belo Horizone,
August 25, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: “Learning in the information age school:
Actions, Outcomes and Evidence” Empowering 21st century students, Chesapeake
High school, Baltimore, MD.
August 19, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: “The Inspiration – School Libraries,
Productive Pedogogy and the Leading of Learning”. Hemisphere Centre, South Road
Moorabbin, Melbourne, Australia.
August 12, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: “Student Learning through Ohio School
Library Research Study.” Lakeshore Northeast Ohio Computer Association Executive
Breakfast. Cleveland, OH.
August 11, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: “Student Learning through Ohio School
Library Research Study.” North Ohio Library Association School Library
Symposium. Youngstown, OH.
July 26, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: “Without school libraries, children are left
behind.” Libraries Leading Learning conference of the Association of Independent
Schools Teacher-Librarians Conference. Sydney, Australia.
July 25, 2004. (Invited) Plenary Address: “Through the eyes of a child: Learning in
the Information Age School.” Executive Leadership Conference “The 7-10
curriculum A new look” Association of Independent Schools. Sydney, Australia.
June 19, 2004. (Invited) Conference presentation with A. Tepe: “To read or not to
read: That is the question.” International Association of School Librarianship Annual
Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
May 29, 2004. (Invited) Presentation: “Digital library services for children : 13,000
students tell their story.” Libraries in Digital Age “Human information behaviour &
competences for digital libraries”, Mljet, Croatia.
May 14, 2004. (Invited) Presentation: “School of Communication, Information, and
Library Studies: A case study.” Center for Organizational Development and
Leadership, New Brunswick, NJ.
April 29, 2004. (Invited) Presentation: “Student Learning through Ohio School
Libraries: The Ohio Research Study.” State Library Board Meeting, Columbus, OH.
April 28, 2004. (Invited) Presentation: “Student Learning through Ohio School
Libraries: The Ohio Research Study.” The Ohio School Libraries Celebration
OELMA, Columbus, OH.
April 21, 2004. (Invited) Featured address: “School libraries: Making them a class
act.” Broome-Tioga BOCES School Library system Annual Librarian/Administrator
Breakfast. Binghamton, NY.
March 19, 2004. (Invited) Keynote address: “Be still and listen to the voices: From
research to practice.” School Library Association of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.
March 19, 2004. (Invited) Plenary address: “Walking the talk: Stepping into the
future.” School Library Association of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.
March 1, 2004. (Invited) Presentation: “Impact of School Libraries on Student
Learning”. Federal Grants Awards Ceremony for Innovative Library Projects,
Trenton, NJ.
January 30, 2004. (Invited) Spotlight address: “School libraries: making them a class
act” Ontario Library Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
January 24, 2004. (Invited) Faculty address: “Yeah, the school library rocks: 13,000
students have their say”. Alberta University, Edmonton, Canada.
November 2, 2003. (Invited) Day workshop: “Making them a class act: Maine School
Libraries and Evidence-Based Practice” Maine School Library Association, Augusta,
November 1, 2003. (Invited) Address: “Without school libraries, children ARE left
behind” Massachusetts School Library Association Conference. Boston, MA.
October 16, 2003. (Invited) Keynote Address: “Student learning through Ohio School
Libraries”. Ohio Educational Library Media Association Conference, Columbus,
August 7, 2003. (Invited) Regula Lecture (in honor of Congressman Regula):
“Learning in the information age school: Actions, Outcomes and Evidence.” Institute
for Library and Information Literacy Education, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.
July 9, 2003. (Invited) Keynote Address: “Learning in the Information Age School:
Opportunities, Outcomes and Options” International Association of School
Librarianship Annual Conference, Durban, South Africa.
Available at:
June 7, 2003. (Invited) Workshop: “School Libraries and Evidence – Based Practice:
Dynamics, Strategies and Outcomes.” Western Australia School Library Conference.
Perth, Australia.
June 7, 2003. (Invited) Keynote address: “Authentic Research and Authentic
Learning Through School Libraries.” Western Australia School Library Conference.
Perth, Australia.
June 6, 2003. (Invited) Keynote address: “School Libraries – Making Them a Class
Act” School Library Conference, Western Australia. Perth, Australia.
May 26, 2003. Presentation: “Information Seeking and Subject Access for
Knowledge Construction” Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) Conference,
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
May 17, 2003. (Invited) Keynote address: “Rabbits on the Swim Team: Authentic
Inquiry, Authentic Assessment and Authentic Learning” ACTSS Conference
“Roadworks II Paving Pathways to Pedagogies” Charters Towers, Qld, Australia.
May 16, 2003. (Invited) Keynote address: “Developing Information, Technical and
Critical Literacies for Effective Student Learning.” ACTSS Conference “Roadworks
II Paving Pathways to Pedagogies” Charters Towers, Qld, Australia.
May 16, 2003. (Invited) Address: “Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave: Information
Technology and Learning in the Information Age School” ACTSS Conference
“Roadworks II Paving Pathways to Pedagogies” Charters Towers, Qld, Australia.
April 9, 2003. (Invited) Address: “Preferred Futures for School Libraries”. Danish
Association of Municipal Librarians, Nyborg, Denmark.”
March 27, 2003. (Invited) Major address: “Evidence-based Practice: Raising the Bar”
Conference of the New England Educational Media Association, Nashua, NH.
February 10, 2003. Presentation: “Libraries and Evidence-based Practice” New Jersey
Library Association, Luncheon Speech. New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick,
December 3, 2002. (Invited) Address: "Libraries, Literacy and Learning: Does It
Make a Difference to Learners?" The 2002 Christa McAuliffe Technology
Conference. New Hampshire School Administrators Association (NHSAA). Nashua,
October 28, 2002. Workshop: “School Librarians and Student Learning Outcomes:
Charting the Evidence”. Educational Media Association of New Jersey. Cherry Hill,
NJ. With Carol C. Kuhlthau.
August 20, 2002. Panelist presentation: "School librarians as teachers: Learning
outcomes and evidence-based practice". International Federation of Library
Associations and Institutions Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. 20th August,
2002. Part of Panel Presentation "Developing Librarians as Teachers"
August 17, 2002. Keynote address: "Culture, School and the School Library" Danish
University of Education Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
August 13, 2002. Keynote address for the Denmark School Library Association /
Pedagogical Center of Albertslund.
August 5, 2002. Workshop: "Teacher Librarians and Student Learning Outcomes:
Charting the Evidence". International Association of School Librarianship
Conference "School Libraries for a Knowledge Society" Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
August 2, 2002. (Invited) Keynote Address: "Assessing the evidence: Connections
and actions". Conference of the School Library Association of Victoria, in association
with the Australian Library and Information Association Schools Victoria. 2nd
August, 2002, Melbourne, Australia.
June 31, 2002. Presentation: "School librarians and evidence-based practice:
Concepts, Conundrums and Challenges". Treasure Mountain 10 Research Institute. A
Conference and Research Forum on Assessment of Student Achievement and
Information Literacy Education with emphasis on Children and Youth in a
Multicultural Context. Excelsior Springs, Missouri June 30-July 1.
May 24, 2002. (Invited) Keynote Address: "School Libraries: Rearranging the Jig
Saw Pieces or creating the picture: a holistic model of information provision for
schools". Summit on School Libraries. Ontario Library Association. Valhalla Inn and
Conference Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
May 13 - May 20, 2002. (Invited) Training program for School Library Association
(UK). Training program in London (May 13th), Cardiff (May 14th), Dublin (May
16th), Manchester (May 17th), Glasgow (May 20th). Title: "School libraries in the
information age: meeting the challenges".
April 22, 2002. (Invited) Research Presentation. "Information literacy instruction for
print and electronic information environments: Does it make a difference to learners?
Boras University, Boras, Sweden.
April 20, 2002. (Invited) Address: "Preferred Futures for School Libraries:
Connections, Actions, Outcomes and Evidence". Pedagogical Institute, Malmo
University, Malmo, Sweden.
April 19th, 2002. (Invited) Keynote Address: "Transitions for preferred futures for
School Libraries: Connections, Actions, Outcomes, and Evidence". The Swedish
National Agency for Education Conference "Room for Language: School and
Library" Linkoping, Sweden.
April 18, 2002: (Invited) Address: "Information Literacy Instruction for Print and
Electronic Environments: Does it make a difference to learners"? Librarians Seminar
at Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden.
December, 2, 2001. (Invited) Keynote Address. "Rabbits on the swim team:
Sustainable futures for school library media specialists". Educational Media
Association of New Jersey (EMANJ) Fall Conference Libraries Linking Information
to Knowledge", Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
November 18, 2001. Workshop with Kuhlthau, C.: "From web surfing to web seeking"
American Association of School Librarians Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
November, 4, 2001. Presenter and Panelist: "Is KM really dressed up in sexy clothes?" in
conference strand "Knowledge management as contested grounds". American Society for
Information Science & Technology Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA. October,
2001. PhD Colloquium Presentation: "Information Utilization: Concepts, Conundrums,
Challenges". Rutgers University. SCILS, New Brunswick, NJ.
October 1-4, 2001. Workshop: "Knowledge management: From chaos to action". ASLA
XVII 17th Biennial Conference, Twin Waters Resort, Ocean Beach, Queensland,
October 3, 2001. (Invited) SCIS Oration. "The smart school: KM working for your
future" 17th Biennial Conference of the Australian School Library Association. Twin
Waters Resort, Ocean Beach, Queensland, Australia. Available at:
August, 2001. Workshop: "Careers in Information Technology and Informatics.”
Rutgers University. Douglas College Center. Douglas Project for Rutgers Women in
Math, Science and Engineering. New Brunswick, NJ.
July 25, 2001. (Invited) Opening Address" "Information utilization: The state of the
field". National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (US). Conference:
Dissemination of Occupational Health and Safety Information. Cincinnati, Ohio,
July 12, 2001. (Invited) Keynote Address: International Association of School
Libraries. (IASL) Auckland, New Zealand. Title: "Transitions for preferred futures of
school libraries: Knowledge space, not information place Connections, not collections
Actions, not positions Evidence, not advocacy". Web address:
June 2, 2001: (Invited) Keynote Address: International Association of Technological
University Libraries. (IATUL) Delft University of Technology, Delft, Holland. Title:
"Libraries in a learning community: crossroads, convergence and challenge".
April 2001: (Invited) Major Address: "The role of the Library in the Information Age
School" Alberta Library Association, Jasper, Canada.
February, 2001. Workshop: "Adolescents and drugs". Rutgers University. LISSA
(Library and Information Science Student Association) SCILS, New Brunswick, NJ.
November 2000: (Invited) Featured presentation: "Oh what a tangled web we weave:
Real world learning for virtual information environments"; "Frontiers of learning:
Creating effective information-knowledge environments in schools". The European
Council of International Schools Annual Convention Nice, France.
November 2-3, 2000: (Invited) Presentation: "Information as power: School library
Media Centers and Learning". Connecticut Educational Media Association
Conference, Cromwell, Connecticut, USA.
November 2-3, 2000. (Invited) Presentation at Principals' Breakfast: "Information as
power: School library Media Centers and Learning" Connecticut Educational Media
Association Conference. Cromwell, Connecticut, USA.
November 2000: Conference Presentation: “Knowledge Innovations: Celebrating
our heritage, designing our future”. “Knowledge management: Education for
information professionals in the Age of the Mind” American Society for information
Science and Technology Annual Conference. Chicago, USA.
November, 2000. Workshop: “From web surfing to web searching”. School Library
Association of Queensland. St Joseph’s School, Gregory Terrace. Brisbane, Australia.
October, 2000. Forum debate: “Research is airy fairy nonsense and of no use to the
information profession”. ALIA Research Forum “Survival, Improvement, Innovation:
How research makes good practice, how practice makes good research”. Canberra,
October 23-26, 2000. Presentation: “The library and information profession in Australia.
The educators experience”. Australian Library and Information Association Biennial
Conference 2000: The Information Profession in the Twenty First Century. Canberra,
October, 2000. Full day of professional development: “Learning for the information
age: technology, literacies, and outcomes”; “Research and search strategies for effective
learning”. Geelong College, Geelong, Australia.
August 2000. (Invited) Address: “Information literacy: curriculum embedded
approaches”. University of Western Sydney, Centre for Academic Development and
Flexible Learning. Sydney, Australia.
August, 2000. Invited Presentation: “Critical literacy in the age of technology”. NSW
Central Coast Group of the Australian College of Education. Toukley NSW.
July 3-5, 2000. Presentation: “Creating a knowledge sharing community – strategies and
issues”. School Library Association of Queensland Annual Conference: Frontiers of
Learning”. Redcliffe, Qld, Australia.
July, 2000. School Library Association of Victoria. Keynote Address: “Transforming
learning through action research: information and critical literacies”. Monash
University, Melbourne.
July 2000. Presentation: “Interrogating the research help desk: Focus or Dead Centre”
Part of a one day workshop “to investigate re-fashioning the research help environment at
UTS libraries” UTS Librarians Development Day, UTS.
July, 2000. Professional Development: “Enhancing student research and the world wide
web” and “Research and search strategies for effective learning”. Ivanhoe Girls
Grammar School, Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia.
June, 2000 Introduction & Conference Summary: "Group Reporting". Knowledge
Management in the Trenches Conference. Mecure Grand Hotel, Sydney.
June 2000. Full day workshop: Knowledge Management. Australian Library and
Information Association, Adelaide.
June, 2000. Presentation to school staff: "Critical Literacies and the WWW”. Terrigal
High School, Terrigal, NSW, Australia.
June 2000. Keynote address: “Oh what a tangled web we weave: Real world learning
for virtual information environments”. Association of Independent Schools, Australia
annual conference: Powerhouse Museum, Sydney.
May 2000. UTS Harris Street Series with Dr. Gray Southon: “Knowledge Management
– a conceptual approach”. Report on ongoing Knowledge Management research.
Sydney, Australia.
April, 2000. Keynote address and workshops: “From information surfers to savvy
searchers: becoming a guru in the digital world” and “Learning, literacies and leaders:
transforming learning for the millennium”. School Library Association. Annual
Conference “The New Millennium, the New Literacies”. Alice Springs, Northern
Territory, Australia.
March, 2000. Professional Development Day: “Enhancing student research and the
world wide web” and “Research and search strategies for effective learning”. Caulfield
Grammar School Extension Services. Melbourne, Australia.
March 2000. Professional Development Day: “Knowledge Management in learning
communities” Mackay and District educational Centre, Mackay, Queensland.
December 3-5, 1999. Plenary Address “Grounding information literacy in a stronger
theoretical framework” 4th National Information Literacy “Concept, challenge,
conundrum: from library skills to information literacy” University of South Australia,
Adelaide, Australia.
December 1-2, 1999. Address. “ALIA Board of Education and Professional
Education”. Forum: “Reflective Practice: Library and Information Studies Education
for the Future”. University of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia.
November 1999: Keynote Address. “Learning, literacies and computer-based
technologies: Collaboration is critical”. Computer-based Technologies Focus School
Project. Department of School Education, NSW.
November 26 - 27, 1999: Conference Presentation With Dr Gray Southon:
“Knowledge management: A social Perspective”. KNOW ’99 Deciphering
Knowledge Management. UTS Knowledge Management Conference. Hotel
Intercontinental, Sydney, Australia.
October 8, 1999. (Invited) Keynote Address and Roundtable: "Information literacy in
tomorrow's schools: Library media programs and student achievement". New
England Educational Media Association - Leadership Conference, University of
Boston, Boston, USA.
September 29, 30-October 1, 1999. (Invited) Keynote Address and workshop:
"Curriculum Integration of Learning Technologies" National Library of New
Zealand; Christchurch College of Education. Christchurch and Timaru, New Zealand.
September 17, 1999. Keynote Address: “Information and Critical Literacies: Key to
learning Outcomes” Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Focus Day: Technology and the
Curriculum” University of Newcastle, Australia..
August 20-21, 1999. Keynote Address: “Knowledge Management: Creating a dynamic
information environment for learning” Seventh Catholic Secondary Teacher Librarians’
Conference. “Lifelong Literacy and Learning”. North Sydney, Australia.
July 30, 1999. Keynote Address: “Critical Literacies: Collaboration Critical”
Conference of the History Teachers Association Victoria, and School Library Association
of Victoria. University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
June 18-19, 1999. Keynote Address: “Information and knowledge: the keys to
transforming learning for the Millennium”. MANTLE (Newcastle and District Teacher
Librarians Association) “Turning the tide: New Directions for the New Millennium.
University of Newcastle, Australia.
June 5, 1999. Keynote Address: “Literacies and the WWW: Making the net returns
worthwhile” Annual Conference for RIVPAT: Riverina Professional Association of
Teacher Librarians. Albury, NSW.
April 16, 1999. Address “Emerging issues and trends in information management and
Librarianship – focus on Knowledge Management” Architects, Construction, and
Consulting Engineers Specialists Services (ACCESS) Librarians Group. Symposium
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
April 1999. Daylong Seminar: “Information and Critical Literacies and Learning” For
teaching faculty at Salesian College, Chadstone, Melbourne, Australia.
March 26, 1999. Keynote Address: “WWW, Literacies and Learning” State Library of
NSW Conference. Wagga Wagga Public Library, NSW, Australia.
February 1999: Daylong Seminar: “Information and Critical Literacies and Learning”
North Coast Teacher-Librarians Collegiate. NSW Byron Bay, Australia.
January 18-19, 1999. Featured Speaker: “Knowledge management: resourcing a learning
community”. 16th Biennial Conference of the Australian School Library Association.
Deakin University, Geelong, Australia.
October, 1998. Presentation: "Research Needs of Librarianship and Information
Science" Forum "Library and Information sector: distinctive or dispensable?", Board of
Education. Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) 5th Biennial
Conference "Pathways to Knowledge" Adelaide, S.A. Australia.
October, 1998. Conference Presentation with Jan Houghton, Barbara PostonAnderson: "From obsession to power: changing the face of Librarians". ALIA 5th
Biennial Conference "Pathways to Knowledge" Adelaide, S.A. Australia.
September 1998. Keynote Address: "From Web crawlers and net surfers to net seekers:
the WWW, critical literacies and learning outcomes" Queanbeyan District Library
Education Network: Forum Information Technology: Linking the Learning Community.
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
September 1988. Speaker and Workshop Leader: "Partners in action: the library
resource centre in the school curriculum". In-service Catholic Secondary Teacher
Librarians' Association.
September 1998. Presentation to Faculty and Students: "Issues for school library media
programs and services: an international perspective". Center for Library and Information
Services, University of Maryland, College Park, USA.
September 1998. (Invited) Public Address: "Learning, literacies, and the World Wide
Web: Making the Net returns worthwhile. Northwest Pennsylvania Association for
Educational Communications and Technology (NPAECT). Erie, Pennsylvania, USA.
July 1998 Conference Presentation: “Information and critical literacies: Making the
Net returns worthwhile". International Research Forum International Association of
School Librarianship Conference, Tel Aviv.
June 1998 Keynote Address: "Cyberspace, cyberkids and cyberlearning"
Conference: 1998 HSC Summit. Maximising the mix: Internet, Information Literacy
and HSC Students. State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
June 1998. (Invited) Professional Development Courses for National Library of New
Zealand. "Information literacy for teachers with Library Responsibilities and School
Librarians' "Information literacy applications and implications for the classroom";
"Information literacy for classroom teachers"; "Information literacy for school
principals". 3 days for Principals, Teacher-Librarians, Classroom Teachers and Public
Librarians. Christchurch College of Education, Christchurch New Zealand.
May 1998 Keynote Address: "Information, literacy and learning" School Library
Association of Victoria Conference "Information, literacy and learning", University of
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.
May 1998. (Invited) Two day Professional Development Program: 2 workshops and
Public Address: "Towards the Millennium: Literacies and learning in an I.T. Age"
School Services, National Library of New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand.
May 1998: (Invited) Keynote Address: "Towards the millennium: Learners, literacies
and the I.T. age"; Workshops: "From Net surfers to Net seekers" and "To research or
not to research - What is the question? What is the answer?" South Canterbury
Principal's Association Conference "Learning in the information age", Timaru, New
April 1998. Presentation: "Graduate outcomes, university education and the
professions": Symposium on Teaching and Learning: The place of core skills and
graduate outcomes at the University of Newcastle: Enhanced adaptability, flexibility,
and employability? University of Newcastle. Newcastle, Australia.
March 1998. Seminar: "From Net surfers to Net Seekers: the WWW, critical literacies
and learning outcomes" Caulfield Grammar School. Melbourne, Australia.
March 1998. Two day Conference - all sessions. Information literacy for the 21st
Century". For the School Library Association of the Northern Territory Darwin,
Northern Territory.
January 1998. Two day Staff Development Program: "Learners, Literacies and the
World Wide Web" with Celeste McNicholas. Charters Towers State High School,
November, 1997 Keynote Address: "Information literacy: achieving outcomes"
School Library Association of Victoria Conference, Gippsland Grammar School, Sale,
Victoria, Australia.
October 1997. Address: "Developments and initiatives in education and training in
Library and Information Science, and related areas, Australia and overseas" ALIA Board
of Education Forum "Leading the profession into the 21st Century: Library and
Information Services Education" Canberra, ACT, Australia.
October 1997. Address to whole school Faculty: "Learning, literacies and the WWW".
Melbourne Girls Grammar School. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
October, 1997. (Invited) Keynote Address: "Information literacy: myths and realities"
New Zealand Library and Information Association Conference, Wanganui, New Zealand.
October, 1997. (Invited) Public Address: "Information technology, learning and
literacies: making the net returns worthwhile" National Library of New Zealand,
Palmerston North, New Zealand.
September 1997. Seminar to whole school Faculty: "Research and information literacy
skills" Tintern Grammar School, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
August 1997: Presentation: "Literacy for the future: constructing meaning in an
information world" NSW State Literacy Conference, Department of Education, NSW,
Airport Hilton, Sydney, Australia.
August 1997. Workshop: "Information Skills Continuum" Catholic Education Office
Parramatta Diocese. Primary Teacher-Librarian's Seminar. Parramatta, Australia.
August 1997 Workshop: "Leadership and the teacher-librarian: creating tomorrow
today" Catholic Secondary Teacher-Librarians Conference "Minders, Mentors or
Magicians? Teachers at the Crossroads" , Bowral, Australia.
August 1997: Address to whole school Faculty: "Making the Net returns worthwhile"
Caulfield Grammar School, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
August 1997: Opening Address: "Integration of Information Technology into
Learning". SDA Case Seminar for Computer Co-Ordinators and Teacher-Librarians
Wahroonga, NSW, Australia.
July 1997. Conference Presentation: "Meeting the drug information needs of
adolescents" International Association of School Librarianship. Conference Vancouver,
July 1997: Presentation: "Information literacy: the BIG picture" 1997 School-based
Training Program for Teacher-Librarians K-12. NSW Department of School Education,
Sydney, Australia.
June 1997. Keynote Address: Towards 2000: student learning and the digital
classroom". Newcastle Catholic Education Office, Conference for Teacher-Librarians,
Catholic University, Newcastle, Australia.
May 1997. Keynote Address: "Learning unlimited: From challenge to certainty into the
21st Century" Catholic Primary Teacher-Librarians Conference "Booking into the 21st
Century - Sites Unlimited", Terrigal, NSW, Australia.
May 1997. Keynote Address: "Focus on the Learner: Curriculum strategies for
independent learning with technology" ALIA School Libraries Section Seminar, John
Paul College, Frankston, Melbourne Victoria, Australia.
April 1997. Keynote Address: "Oh what a tangled web we weave: The World Wide
Web and student learning". International Baccalaureate Teacher-Librarians Conference
Mosman, NSW, Australia.
April 1997. Keynote Address: "Educational leadership in an Information Age: sink or
swim with I.T.?; workshop: "The finer points of information literacy" Queanbeyan
District Library Education Network: Forum "Leaders, Learning and Libraries - our
January 1997. Conference Presentation, with Celeste McNicholas: "Electronic
information and learning organisations". Information Online and On Disk 97
Conference, Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia.
December 1996 Daylong Staff Development Program "A preferred future: information
literacy and Methodist Ladies' College". Methodist Ladies' College, Melbourne:
Melbourne, Australia.
November 1996. Presentation: "Learning, information literacy and the digital
classroom". Faculty Development Day, Bethlehem College, Ashfield, Australia.
November 1996: Presentation: Introduction to concept mapping. UTS Counselling
Service. Sydney, Australia.
October 1996: Round Table presentation: "Flexible Learning" and "What is information"
multimedia package. UTS Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Teaching Round
October 1996: PhD Presentation: "Information utilisation: a cognitive analysis of how
girls utilise drug information based on Brookes' Fundamental Equation K[S] + ∆I = K[S
+ ∆S]". Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences The Harris Street Series, UTS.
October 1996: Presentation with H. Yerbury: "Learning beyond the familiar zone".
Institute for Interactive Multimedia UTS Multimedia Development Forum Sydney,
October, 1996. Opening Address: "Kids on the Net: pleasures and pitfalls". Parent
Teacher Meeting, Barker College, Hornsby, Australia.
October, 1996. Panel presentation: “Skills of information literacy and outcomes
education" Teacher-Librarians Seminar, pre-ALIA Biennial Conference. Melbourne,
October, 1996. Presentation with Julie Dow: "Educating teacher-librarians for the 21st
century" at the ALIA Board of Education meeting with Educators. Melbourne,
October, 1996. Keynote address: "The influence of technology on learning: what does
this mean for teaching of information literacy in schools today?". "Teacher Librarians
remaining part of the equation". For the Association of Independent Schools of Victoria
Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
September 1996. Address: "Information literacy: what it means to the learner and the
role of the librarian". Group Seminar "Focus on learning and information literacy".
ALIA NSW TAFE (Technical and Further Education) Australia.
September, 1996. Presentation "CD-ROMs: availability and evaluation" at Seminar
"CD-ROMs in the Library" Multimedia Series by School of Information, Library and
Archives Studies, University of New South Wales, Australia.
August 14-16, 1996. Conference Presentation "Girls and drug information: an
exploration of Brookes' Fundamental Equation of Information Science" at
Information Seeking in Context Conference in Tampere, Finland.
July, 1996. Presentation: "Oh what a tangled web we weave: the World Wide Web and
student learning". NSW Computer Education Group Conference "Shaping the wisdom of
Oz". Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia.
July 1996. Full day workshop with Celeste McNicholas. Sponsored by SLAQ, QSITE,
and Cairns T-L Network. "Bats aren't bugs: integrating information technology into the
curriculum". Cairns, Australia.
July 1996. Presentation "Principles of information literacy" at ALIA Reference and
Information Services NSW Seminar "Teaching information skills in the cyberage", State
Library of NSW, Sydney, Australia.
June 1996. (Invited) 2 days of presentations and workshops on Information Literacy and
Multimedia for the Open Polytechnic, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
June 19 -21, 1996. 3 days of presentations and workshops: "Getting real about
information literacy" for the National Library of New Zealand "School Libraries 2000
Program". Day sessions in Wellington, Dunedin and Christchurch New Zealand.
June 1996. Workshop "World Wide Web and information literacy" 5th Biennial
Conference, School Library Association Queensland "Information, Imagination,
Innovation". Brisbane, Australia.
May, 1996. Keynote address: "Students, learning and the digital classroom".
Workshop: "All that glitters is not gold: getting the best learning returns from electronic
information". North Coast Region Regional Teacher-Librarians' Conference,
Coolangatta, Qld. Australia.
March 12-13,1996. Presentation with Celeste McNicholas: "Information technology and
learning outcomes: Is it worth the effort and investment?" Information Technology in
Education Conference "Electronic networking and Australasia's schools" Sydney,
March 1996. Keynote address: "Information literacy, the Internet and the virtual school".
Australian School Library Association (NSW) Seminar at Wollongong "The Internet for
teachers" Australia.
March 1996: UTS Electronic Publishing Seminar "The future of academic publishing"
Presentation with S. Alexander "Issues of information access and content". Sydney,
January 1996. Presentation: "Learning for the information age". Faculty Development
Day, St. Luke's Grammar School, Dee Why. Australia.
January 1996. Presented day long seminar: Getting real about information literacy".
"Summer Institute" Department of Information Studies, UTS: Continuing Professional
Development Program.
January 21-25, 1996. Conference Presentation with Hilary Yerbury: "Learning beyond
the familiar zone" at the 3rd International Interactive Multimedia Symposium: The
Learning superhighway: new world? new worries? Perth, WA.
November 30 - December 1, 1995. Presentation: "Information literacy research: charting
the landscape and moving beyond the littoral zone" at the Second national information
literacy conference: "Learning for life: Information literacy and the autonomous learner"
3rd National Information Literacy Conference conducted by the University of South
December 1995. Presentation: "Role of the library in teaching information skills"
TAFE Seminar on information literacy. Sydney Institute of Technology. Australia.
November, 1995. Keynote Address: "Information technology, multimedia and
learning". Faculty Development Day, Asquith Girls High School, Australia.
October, 1995. Keynote Address. SDA Librarians Case Meeting. "Multimedia and
learning" Wahroonga, NSW, Australia.
October, 1995. Keynote address: "Information literacy as the key to successful
learning". Faculty Development Day, Pymble Ladies College. Australia.
October 1995. Workshop: Multimedia and student learning" Catholic Secondary
Teacher Librarians Association: Annual Conference. Coffs Harbour, Australia.
October, 1995: Workshop: Concept mapping: a workshop for new concept mappers.
UTS Centre for Learning and Teaching. Sydney, Australia.
October, 1995: Teaching Roundtable With Hilary Yerbury. "Bringing everyday life into
the classroom" UTS Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Teaching
Development Committee. Sydney, Australia.
September 1995. Keynote address: "Information, information literacy, information
technology, and learning". Teacher Librarian Professional Development Day - Goulburn
Group, Australia.
August 1995: Workshop. Professional Update. A.L.I.A. School Libraries Section NSW
Group. (Monte Sant Angelo College) Sydney, Australia.
August 1995. Keynote Address: Hunter Region Library Association Conference.
"Beyond 2000: multimedia, information literacy and learning". University of Newcastle,
Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
August 1995: Workshop: Concept Mapping. Western Region Teacher-Librarians
Biennial Conference. Dubbo, Australia.
July 1995: UTS Tertiary Orientation and Preparation Course for International fee-paying
students: Co-ordinator and workshop leader: 2 workshops. "Some TIPS for success at
university: Tertiary Information Processing Skills". Sydney, Australia.
July, 1995. Conference Workshop: "See no evil, hear no evil, interact no evil". :
International Association of School Librarianship, Worcester UK.
June 1995. Keynote address and workshops: "Implementing information skills across
the curriculum"; "Multimedia and learning: implications for schools". National
Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
June 1995. Keynote address: "Beyond 2000: Integrating information skills and
information technology into the curriculum". Principals' Conference, National Library
of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
June 1995. Keynote address and workshops: "Beyond 2000: Information literacy as
the key to successful learning", "Multimedia and learning: implications for schools"
(Workshop x 2), Auckland School Library Association, New Zealand.
June 1995. Keynote address and workshops: "Implementing information skills across
the curriculum"; "Multimedia and learning: implications for schools". National
Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
June 1995. Keynote Address: "Information literacy and the art of surfing". Australian
Library and Information Association (School Libraries Section NSW Group). Marist
Sisters College, Woolwich, NSW.
June 1995: Workshop: "Concept Mapping Applications". (Barker College). Association
of Independent Schools Teacher-Librarian Network. Sydney, Australia.
April 1995. Keynote Address: "The potential of Multimedia: its appeal for young users
and its implications for information professionals". Australian Library and Information
Association (Children and Youth Services Section NSW), State Library NSW.
January 1995. Keynote Address: "An information literacy framework for learning".
Faculty Development Day: Masada College, Sydney, Australia.
November 1994. Keynote address: "Information literacy and learning". Independent
Schools, State Library of NSW, Australia.
November 1994: Conference Presentation: "What research will be required to lead
and support the future information professional?" Treasure Mountain 5 Research
Retreat, Indianapolis, Indiana.
October 1994: University of NSW Seminar Address: "See no evil, hear no evil, speak
no evil: how to evaluate multimedia". Multimedia: how to invest in learning and not pay
for technology. Sydney, Australia.
October 1994: Workshop With Elizabeth Hazel: "Monitoring students' understanding
with concept mapping". . UTS: Centre for Learning and Teaching. Sydney, Australia.
September 1994. Keynote Address: "Lost and found in Infospace". ALIA Professional
Development Day for teachers and teacher-librarians. Orange NSW, Australia.
August 1994. Keynote address: "Information literacy and future directions for schools".
Christian Community Schools Library Conference, Australia.
August 1994: UTS: Excellence in Teaching Award Presentation: "Teaching: the
information superhighway or building infobridges?" Sydney, Australia.
July 1994: UTS: Tertiary Orientation and Preparation Course for International feepaying students: Co-ordinator and workshop leader: 2 hour presentation. "Some TIPS
for success at university: Tertiary Information Processing Skills". Sydney, Australia.
April 4-7, 1994. Presentation of paper: "The challenge of information literacy: a catholic
secondary school's response". National Catholic Educational Association - 91st Annual
Convention and Exposition. Anaheim, USA.
March 1994: Presentation of research paper: Maryland University, Washington DC,
USA College of Library and Information Services
January 1994. Presentation of paper: "Knowledge representation and multimedia
knowledge base design: a methodology for alignment". 2nd International Interactive
Multimedia Symposium 1994. Perth, Western Australia.
December 1993. Presentation and Workshop (with J. Kirk): "Information literacy:
changing roles for information professionals". Information Literacy - The Australian
Agenda Conference, Adelaide, 1992.
November 1993. Symposium Presentation with J. Kirk: "Enhancing student learning - a
co-ordinated approach " and "Concept mapping and the development of theoretical
knowledge". "Holistic model for the development of student autonomy: a case study"
with H. Yerbury. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference – Perth
November 1993. Conference Presentation: "Subject access - what's it all about?
Some research findings". ALIA - 10th National Cataloguing Conference Fremantle.
November 1993. Section Seminar - Sydney: "Concept mapping and monitoring student
learning". ALIA - School Libraries. Sydney, Australia.
September 1993. Presentation of two workshops "Information literacy - dreams and
dynamics" and "When inward is outward: laying a foundation for responsive information
services in schools". International Association of School Librarianship – Adelaide.
Sydney, Australia.
September 1993. Presentation of paper: "Infobridges": "Cultural dimensions in
reference services: is their unity in diversity?" State Library of New South Wales:
Reference and Information Services Section, ALIA RAISS Conference, Australia.
August 1993: UTS Presentation: : "Green Bans, hypermedia and cognitive models".
School of Information Studies Research Brown Bag Series Sydney, Australia.
August 1993: Presentation: "Common Room Series" Human-Computer Interaction
research in Information". UTS Faculty of Social Sciences Sydney, Australia.
July 1993. Presentations: "Infobridges": "Cultural dimensions in reference services: is
their unity in diversity?" Reference and Information Services Section, ALIA RAISS
Conference, Darwin, Australia.
May 1993. Keynote address and workshop: "The changing face of education: a time to
reflect, respond and celebrate" and "Lifelong learning and information skills: the
challenge, the principles and the practice". Riverina Professional Association of TeacherLibrarians, Australia.
May 1993. Conference Presentation of refereed paper with Joan Parker: "Tapping
into author / end-user knowledge structures: a user-based classification warrant for
database development". American Society of Information Science Mid-Year
Conference Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
May 1993: Presentation: "Techniques for monitoring students' understanding". UTS:
Centre for Learning and Teaching: Concept Mapping in Information Science. Sydney,
April 1993: Presentation: Presentation to Master of Applied Science in Information
class: "Indexers and their theories in action". UTS School of Information Studies
Sydney, Australia.
March 1993. Keynote address: "Information skills across the curriculum: realities,
research and roles". Metropolitan North Region Teacher Librarians Regional
Conference, Australia.
February 1993: UTS Tertiary Orientation and Preparation Course for International feepaying students: Co-ordinator and workshop leader: 2 hour presentation. "Some TIPS
for success at university: Tertiary Information Processing Skills". Sydney, Australia.
February 1993: Presentation: "Assessment practices in the School of Information
Studies" Presentation of findings and issues arising out of this research. UTS Teaching
Development Day, School of Information Studies. Sydney, Australia.
February 1993. Address and Plenary: "Information skills and information technology
across the curriculum". Teaching staff Entrance High School, Australia.
February 1993. Address: "Information skills and an informed society". Sydney Church
of England Grammar School, teaching staff, Australia.
November 1992. Keynote address: "Teacher librarianship: actions for a sustainable
future". New South Wales Teachers Federation, Australia.
October 1992. Address and workshop In-service: "Please sir, I want some more".
Australian Library and Information Association (School Libraries Section), Australia.
October 1992. Address and workshop: "Information skills: the facts of the matter".
2nd Catholic Secondary Teacher Librarians' Conference Monte Pio Conference
Centre, Maitland.
October 1992: Workshop presentation: "Techniques for monitoring students'
understanding" UTS Centre for Learning and Teaching: Concept Mapping in
Information Science. Sydney, Australia.
September 1992: Presentation: "The power of information literacy: unity of education
and resources for the 21st century". UTS School of Information Studies Research Brown
Bag Lunch. Sydney, Australia.
July 1992. Keynote address: "The power of information literacy: unity of education and
resources for the 21st Century". 21st International Association Of School Librarianship.
Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
July 1992 Address: "Concept mapping: making sense of it". Teaching Retreat UTS:
School of Information Studies. Sydney, Australia.
May 1992. Address and workshop. "Information skills: a key competency for learning an alternative model for implementation". Full day in-service for teacher librarians:
CEO Parramatta: Diocesan Secondary Key Learning Area Day, Australia.
February 1992. Full day in-service for curriculum coordinators, subject coordinators and
classroom teachers. "Information skills: a key competency for learning". CEO
Parramatta. Sydney, Australia.
October 1991. Address and Workshop: "Evolution, not revolution: working to full
school participation with information skills". 12th Biennial Conference: Australian
School Library Association.
August 1991. Address and workshop. "The C.I.A. and U.S. school wide practice
commitment to information skills". In-service: Australian Library and Information
Association (School Libraries Section). Australia.
May 1991. Address: "The collection of library statistics with a view to supplier
evaluation: a user friendly guide". ALIA Acquisitions Section NSW: Supplier
Performance Evaluation Seminar, University of Western Sydney (Hawkesbury)
August 1990. Workshop for Academic Staff, UTS Centre for Learning & Teaching:
"Concept Mapping". Sydney, Australia.
June 1990. Address: "Information skills: strategies for total school participation". Inservice Broken Bay Diocese Teacher Librarians, Australia.
May 1990. Speaker: In-service: "Implementing the Information Skills Policy". Catholic
Secondary Teacher Librarians' Association, Australia.
November 1989. Workshop Leader: "The teacher librarian and CPPT" and "Copyright
update". In-service: Catholic Secondary Teacher Librarians' Association. Sydney,
October 9 -11, 1989. Keynote Address: "Teacher librarianship into the information age".
Christian Community Schools Library Seminar Vaughan College, Australia.
July 1989. Presentation at Research Forum Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education:
"The effects of varying information loads on the choice behaviour of students when
selecting books in a school library". Sydney, Australia.
April 1989. Workshop leader In-service, Catholic Secondary Teacher Librarians'
Association ASCIS / ACIN / NCIN Online demonstration. Sydney, Australia.
September 1988. Speaker and Workshop Leader: "Partners in action: the library
resource centre in the school curriculum". In-service Catholic Secondary Teacher
Librarians' Association.
September 1987. Guest Speaker: "Educating for an information society". Department of
Information Studies Information Evening, Kuring-gai CAE. Sydney, Australia.
September 1986 Guest Speaker: "A career in teacher librarianship". Department of
Information Studies Information Evening, Kuring-gai CAE. Sydney, Australia.
June 1986. Address :"Teaching resource skills in the context of curriculum". CEO
Teacher Librarians' In-service, Australia.
1997-2000 Consultant for Catholic Education Office, Parramatta. Assessment of school
libraries and development of Diocesan funding models. Sydney, Australia.
1998 Australian Library And Information Association. Secondary analysis on Image of
the Information and Library Profession. Canberra, Australia.
1995-6 UTS: Institute for Interactive Multimedia. Design and development of WWW
site for Institute for Interactive Multimedia. S. Alexander, Athula Ginige, and Ross Todd
Sydney, Australia.
1995 R. Todd, Kuring-Gai Municipal Council, Gordon, Sydney. Development program
in classification and indexing.
1993 R. Todd & S. Edwards. Archives Authority of New South Wales: design and
implementation of a user study. Sydney, Australia.
1993 R. Todd & J. Parker UTS Insearch: Phase 1: Diagnostic Phase: Insearch
Information System Project. Sydney, Australia.
1992 The Human Face of Coal. Information adviser for joint 2NUR FM / Lake
Macquarie City Council project on oral history of coal mining in the Hunter Region.
Newcastle, Australia.
1991 R Todd. Council of the City of Sydney Records and Archives Office
"Developmental programme: theoretical and technical skills of classification and
indexing". Sydney, Australia.
1991 R Todd & A. Hall "Database of research and training materials" for School of
Management Accounting, University of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia.
1990-91 Yerbury, H., Edwards, S., & Todd, R. "Planning information services to the
business community". City of Hurstville Council. Sydney, Australia.
1990-91 M. Browne, H. Vickers, R. Todd. "Analysis of job advertisements for positions
in the information industry" Australian Library and Information Association. Canberra,
2006 – 2009 New Jersey Center for the Book Board Member. Web site:
2005-2008 Appointed Member of the American Association of School Librarians
(AASL) School Library Media Research (SLMR) Editorial Board. Web site:
2006+ Editorial Advisor for Evidence Based Library & Information Practice web site
Member of Editorial Boar for Synergy, Journal of the School Library Association of
Victoria (SLAV).
2002 + Columnist "Letter from America" Column reports on School Library
Developments in the USA, for Orana (Refereed Journal of School and Children's
Librarianship, published by the Australian Library and Information Association).
2001+: Appointed Member of Advisory Board of School Libraries Worldwide (Refereed
Journal of the International Association of School Librarianship) web Site:
1996-2000 Member of Editorial Advisory Board for Orana (Refereed Journal of School
and Children's Librarianship, published by the Australian Library and Information
1996+ Editor of refereed "Research Column" in Scan, published by the NSW
Department of Education and Training, (Division of School Libraries and Information
Literacy) and distributed nationally. Each featured research report is preceded by
editorial commentary, and followed by abstracts of research reports written by Editor.
Commentaries date from: Research Column 1, Scan, 15(1), 1996 to present issue.
Membership in Professional Organizations
Associate of the Australian Library and Information Association (AALIA)
Member of the American Society for Information Science & Technology
Member of the Educational Media Association of New Jersey (EMANJ)
Member of the Association for Library and Information Science Education
Member of the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
Member of the American Library Association (ALA)
Member of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
Member of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology
Committee Appointments and Assignments
External to Rutgers University (from 2001)
Chairperson, American Association of School Librarians, International Relations
Committee: July 1, 2004-June 30, 2005.
Appointed Member, American Association of School Librarians, International
Relations Committee: July 1, 2002-June 30, 2004.
Programme Committee, Information Seeking In Context Conference, Lisbon
Portugal (September 2002)
External to the University of Technology, Sydney (to 2000)
 Deputy Chair, Board of Education, Australian Library and Information Association:
1998-2000. Responsibilities included: Undertaking course accreditation visits to
Australian universities offering formal undergraduate and postgraduate courses in
librarianship, school librarianship and information studies; Identifying research
needs for the profession and establishing collaborative mechanisms between ALIA,
universities and industry to further research agendas; Developing Continuing
Professional Development strategies, including CPD certification; and Representing
the Association in key industry and government forums.
Elected Member, Board of Education, Australian Library and Information
Association: 1996-1997
Editor, Australian Library and Information Association: School Libraries Section
Newsletter, NSW Group 1994
President, Australian Library and Information Association: School Libraries
Section, NSW Group: 1996
Information Literacy Committee, Australian Library and Information
Association: 1995 - 2000
Australian Research Council (Department of Employment, Education, Training
and Youth Affairs) ARC Grant and Research Fellowship applications assessor:
Committee for University Teaching and Staff Development. Referee for
assessing Australian National Teaching Development Grants 1993 - 1997.
Australian Consumer Health Forum: information privacy representative on the
Health Communication Network Project Pilot Panel for the Commonwealth
Department of Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Affairs.
International Professional Appointments: 1997-2000.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) External Monitor for the Bachelor of
Applied Science (Information and Library Studies) at the Open Polytechnic of New
Zealand (TOPNZ): 1998-2000. The role involved three visits annually to the
institution, and meeting with the institution’s management teams and course delivery
unit, and focused on: Ongoing appraisal of provider’s quality management systems
in all aspects as they relate to the provision of the course; Ensuring quality
management systems are effective and that the approved course maintains specified
industry and educational standards; Identifying and resolving substantive issues
affecting standards or the integrity of the course; and Monitoring the delivery and
evaluation of the course.
Vice-President (Special Interest Groups) International Association of School
Librarianship: 1997-1999
Canadian School Library Association Research Committee: 1994-1999
Research Committee, International Association of School Librarianship (IASL):
Manuscript Review
 Information Seeking In Context Conference, Lisbon Portugal (September 2002)
 Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology
 School Libraries Worldwide
 Australian Library Journal
 Information Technology, Education and Society
 Australian Academic and Research Libraries
 Orana
External Evaluation for Faculty Promotion and Tenure for:
 University of Georgia
 University of Canberra
 Charles Sturt University
 University of Sydney
 University of Technology, Sydney
University Activities
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
University Wide
 Academic Adviser, Henry Rutgers Scholars, Rutgers College
Presentation on Information Technology and Informatics Undergraduate Major,
for Trustees Advisory Committee, 29th January 2002, Winants Hall, Queens
Rutgers University Graduate School New Brunswick. Presentation “Motivating
Students in the Classroom”. TA Orientation, 2002, 2003
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
 Director, Undergraduate Major in Information Technology and Informatics (July
 Member, Information Technology Committee (2001+)
 Faculty Adviser, Information Technology and Informatics Council (Student
 Member, Chairs and Directors Council (July 2002+)
Department of Library and Information science
 Member, LIS Curriculum Committee (2002 +)
 Director, CISSL - Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries
University of Technology, Sydney (prior to 2001)
 Member, Academic Board: January - June 1993; July-December 1998
 Member, UTS Teaching Resources Management Committee: 1998-1999
 Member, Faculty HSS Research Committee: 1998-2000
 Member, Faculty HSS Teaching Development Committee: 1992 - 1998
 Member, Reference Panel: UTS BELL PROJECT: Being an Effective Lifelong
Learner:1999 -2000
 Member, Faculty HSS Technology Advisory Committee: 1997-2000
 Member, Faculty HSS Research Degrees Committee: 1997-2000
 Member, Faculty HSS Board 1998-2000
 Member, Faculty HSS Marketing Committee: 1997-2000
 Alternate Standing Head, Department of Information Studies: 1996-97
 Member, Faculty HSS Undergraduate and Graduate Course Work Committee:
1995, 1996, 19997-2000
 Member, Advisory Board, Australian Centre for Independent Journalism: July December, 1995
 UTS Faculty HSS Library Liaison: 1992 - 1993
 Convenor, School of Information Studies Professional Relations Committee,
1991 - 1993
 Member, Faculty HSS Outstanding Students Committee 1991 - 2000
 Member, School of Information Studies Resource Management Committee:
1991 - 1992
 Member of UTS Advisory Committee for Student Learning Centre 1991-1993
Dissertations directed and assessed
I have supervised (as principal supervisor and co-supervisor), PhD theses, Master of
Arts (by Thesis) and coursework major projects in the Master of Arts in Information
I have been external examiners for PhD, Master's research and honours theses in
Australia, South Africa and USA.
Research theses assessed include:
“Internationalisation of the University: Implications for the academic library”
(Monash University). (PhD). Carolyn M. McSwiney:
“The effect of Web-enhanced and Traditional Instruction on the Information Literacy,
Self-efficacy and Transition to University of Beginning Undergraduates”. (University
of Western Australia) ( PhD). Beverley Oliver.
“Analysing and coordinating the conceptual structures of the information professions
(a domain oriented approach) (University of New South Wales) (PhD)
“An exploration of factors influencing the development of discrimination in film
viewing” (University of Sydney) (PhD)
“Utility of hybrid multimedia in communicating speculative science research to
industrial developers” (University of Sydney) (M. Design)
“An investigation of student learning outcomes when an information literacy model is
applied to subject content” (University of Technology, Sydney) (M.A.)
“Fee-based information services for business: an investigation of requirements”
(Queensland University of Technology) (M.A.)
“Project work as a vehicle for information literacy development in disadvantaged
schools” (University of South Africa) (M.A.)
“Information seeking behaviour of women wishing to enter the building and
construction trades’ (M.A.)
“Siteseeing on the World Wide Web: web user behaviour, webometrics, and
implications for information retrieval” (B.A. Honours)
"Meaning making: A study of teachers' perspectives of the information search
process" (M.A.)
Current PhD and Research Masters dissertations under supervision:
“Information structures for large hypermedia systems” PhD (Jointly with Faculty of
Engineering, UTS)
“Information literacy and gifted and talented students” PhD (UTS, jointly with
Faculty of Education)
“Reading choices of teenage girls from families of non-English speaking
backgrounds: A study of Vietnamese-Australian and Greek-Australian young
women” PhD (UTS)
“The concept of client group – social construction, discourse and information
behaviour” (PhD (UTS)
“Information conceptualisation and use in flexible learning environments:
implications for academic libraries and information services” (M.A. thesis)