Transfer to Masters (318.6 KB)


Application to Transfer to Masters Candidature

Candidate Name:

School / Institute:

Please advise the Masters by Research degree you wish to transfer to:

Are you currently in receipt of a scholarship? Yes or No

Student ID:

Information for candidates

This form is only for current University of Tasmania Research candidates

The maximum degree period for a Master’s degree is 2 years full time.

Applicants who, at the time of submission of this application, are in excess of 2 years (EFT) are advised that if the application is approved the thesis submission date advised will be final. No additional extensions to candidature beyond this date will be considered.

Scholarship holders: the maximum duration of your scholarship is advised in your scholarship conditions of award. Some scholarships are for doctoral candidature only and payments will cease following the transfer to Masters. Please check your scholarship conditions

Please note: If you have an external sponsor or an externally funded scholarship please provide evidence that the sponsor or scholarship provider has agreed to continue providing support following the transfer

Applications must include a detailed timeline for completion which includes a thesis submission date

International Candidates: Please be aware that changes to your enrolment may have tuition fee and / or visa implications. Please contact the Department of Immigration for information about your visa

The Dean of Graduate Research reserves the right to request additional information for this application

Please advise the reasons for the transfer (attach additional pages if required):

Please comment on the candidate’s suitability for doctoral study and the level of progress so far. Comment should also be made about the revised research plan. Attach additional pages if required.

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Supervisor support (attach additional pages if required):

Please comment on the candidate’s timeline for completion and the suitability of the project for Master’s candidature



Candidate - I have reviewed and updated my research plan with my supervisory team and;

I have attached a detailed completion plan for the submission of my thesis.

Signature: Date:

2. Supervisors the application to transfer to masters candidature is supported

Name (Print) Signature Date

3. Graduate Research Co-ordinator - I support the changes as proposed.

Name (Print) Signature Date

4. Head of School - The school is able to support the changes as proposed and has the appropriate resources for completion of Master’s candidature

Name (Print) Signature Date

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Please email the completed application and any attachments to:

Arts, Business, Law (ABL) Research Hub


Social Sciences

Tasmanian College of the Arts

Business and Economics

Australian Innovation Research Centre


Tasmanian Institute of Learning and Teaching


Mail: ABL Research Hub, Private Bag 84, Hobart, TAS,


Location: The Old Warden’s Lodge, Building 39, Sandy Bay

Domain Research Hub

Health Sciences

 Medicine

 Menzies Research Institute


Domain Research Hub, Private Bag 23, Hobart, TAS, 7001

Location: Medical Science 2 Building, 17 Liverpool Street,

Hobart TAS 7001

Cradle Coast Campus Research Hub

Institute for Regional Development (IRD)

Science, Engineering & Technology (SET)

Research Hub

 Land and Food

Architecture and Design

Biological Sciences

Physical Sciences

Engineering and ICT


Mail: SET Research Hub, Private Bag 55, Hobart, TAS, 7001

Location: Life Sciences Building, Room 352, Sandy Bay

Launceston Research Hub


Australian Maritime College (AMC): National

Centre for: o Marine Conservation & Resource

Sustainability o Maritime Engineering and

Hydrodynamics o Ports and Shipping (Maritime Business and International Logistics)


Mail: Launceston Research Hub, Locked Bag 1410,

Launceston, TAS, 7250

Location: Building A, Level 1, Room 176, Launceston


Mail: CCC Research Hub, Locked Bag 1410, Launceston,

TAS, 7250

Location: 16-20 Moorville Rd, Burnie, TAS, 7320

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies


Mail: IMAS Graduate Research, Private Bag 129, Hobart,

TAS, 7001

Location: 20 Castray Esplanade, Battery Point, TAS, 7004

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