COMPETENCY Information Literacy Resources (Online) Student Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________ Course Title: _________________________________________________ Reference #: _______________________________________ The following exercises are linked to the Guarini Library’s Information Literacy Tutorial on the home page. COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA N/A* 1. Formulates and defines an information need clearly arini/Instructions/ILTut orial/InfoNeed.htm A. Topic / keyword identification N/E** Developing No idea of topic / keyword and Some idea of topic / keyword how to phrase question B. Extent and depth of information needed Proficient No idea of extent and depth of information needed and how to phrase question Some idea of both extent and depth Accomplished Knows exactly what topic / keyword and phrase to use Clear idea of extent and depth 2. Knows information sources ini/Instructions/ILTutoria l/LibraryWeb.htm ini/Instructions/ILTutoria l/Glossary.htm * 1 2 A. Types1 No idea of types Some idea of types Knows all the types B. Formats2 No idea of formats Some idea of formats Knows all the formats Not Applicable ** No Evidence Primary vs. secondary, general vs. discipline-specific, popular vs. scholarly, current vs. historical, local vs. external sources, interlibrary loan etc. Print: book (encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, indexes, etc.), periodicals, AV, microform: Electronic: database, website, on-line catalogs, etc. 1 Undergraduate 7/03 Competencies 3. Constructs/implements effective search strategies ini/Instructions/ILTutorial /DatabaseSearch.htm A. Knowledge of information organization and how to look for materials B. Knowledge of searching tools3 C. Knowledge of search strategies4 or how to refine search N/A* N/E** Developing Proficient No knowledge Accomplished Knows about library Uses knowledge to classification system, etc., and how materials are organized No knowledge Does not know how to focus on searching topic Some knowledge Knows some strategies Knows searching tools and how to use them refine search Applies all strategies as relevant 4. Applies criteria for evaluating information ni/Instructions/ILTutorial/ Internet.htm A. Relevance B. Reliability / authority C. Timeliness Cannot judge relevance Accepts all information found Does not check for timeliness Can judge relevance Some idea which information is reliable Checks dates of information found Can distinguish gradations of relevancy Questions authority all the time Selects the most up-to-date information depending on the topic * Not Applicable ** No Evidence 3 Searching Tools: (Reference books above,), on-line catalog, library databases, Internet search engines and directories, etc. 4 Strategies: Boolean, proximity, nesting, truncation, etc. 2 Undergraduate 10/14/03 Competencies 5. Follows institutional guidelines which relate to access, information and copyright ini/Instructions/ILTutoria l/Bibliography.htm 6. Self-Assessment i/Instructions/ILTutorial/Ev aluation.htm N/A* N/E** Developing Proficient Has rudimentary understanding of plagiarism Identifies major weaknesses, and strengths with assistance 3 Understands plagiarism, and does not plagiarize; cites sources in proper format Synthesizes feedback from instructor and integrates with self-assessment Accomplished Obtains copyright permission, stores and disseminates text, data, images, and sounds within legal and institutional guidelines Utilizes self-assessment and feedback to determine means of modifying performance Undergraduate 10/14/03