ENGL 384: Syntax Fall, 2015/1436 pages: 271 - 287 Covert = null = empty > silent constituent which have no overt phonetic form. Examples: 1. Empty T constituent. Page 271 - 275 a- African American slang: We playin' baseball. TP T' VP PRN T V We ᵠ playin' N baseball b- He gonna be there, I know he is. The auxiliary "is" appears in the second clause suggests that the first clause contains a null counterpart of "is" c- He was laughing and she -- crying. The auxiliary "was" has been omitted to avoid repetition > gapping d- He did enjoy syntax. (285) He enjoyed syntax. TP PRN TP T' PRN He T' He T di+d VP V enjoy T N syntax -d VP V enjoy N syntax e- Tag questions. Page 273 & 274 What is it? Positive or negative? Which auxiliary do we use in tags? f- Auxiliary vs. Causative verbs Auxiliary He had gone to Paris. Can be used in questions. Had he gone to Paris? Head of TP Can be Criticized > he'd gone to Paris. Ms. Rasha Ali Causative verb He had a specialist examine the patient. Can't be used in questions. Had he a specialist …..? Head of VP Can't be Criticized > he'd a specialist … Empty Categories 1 ENGL 384: Syntax Fall, 2015/1436 pages: 271 - 287 (291) [TP HE [T had] [VP [V gone] to Paris]] [TP HE [T ᵠ] [VP [V had] a specialist examine the patient]]. Page 275 g- Bare infinitive clauses. (292) I have never known [you to lie] I have never known [you lie] TP TP PRN You T' PRN T V To lie T' You T V ᵠ lie The overall conclusion to which our discussion leads us is that all clauses are TPs of the form subject + T + complement (with T being overt or covert, finite or infinitival). 2. PRO: the empty subject of infinitive clauses. Page 276 – 278 (296) We would like [you to stay] We would like [to say] < PRO TP T' VP TP T' PRN T V PRN T V We would like you to stay We would like PRO to stay The null subject PRO is controlled by the subject we. If the sentence has an auxiliary then the PRO become clear, example (298b) page 277 If there's a reflexive in a sentence but there's no subject then it's PRO, example (299) 3. Covert complements. Page 278 Do you think he will resign? He may. TP PRN He Ms. Rasha Ali T' T V May ᵠ Empty Categories 2 ENGL 384: Syntax Fall, 2015/1436 pages: 271 - 287 4. Empty complementisers. Page 278 – 281 a. Complementisers= word or morpheme to introduce a complement clause. If, that, for C = complementiser CP= complement clause If > interrogative that > declarative (304) We didn't know [if he had resigned] We didn't know [he had resigned] CP CP C If TP C PRN He ᵠ T' T Had TP PRN V He resigned T' T Had V resigned 5. Empty determiners. Page 283 – 285 & 287 D = determiner > articles & pronouns DP = determiner clause > the Italians, we brits. (318) That the Italians do love the opera. CP C TP That DP T' D The N Italians T do VP V DP Love D N The opera Read more examples in pages 284, 285 & 286 Exercise: Draw a tree for the followings 1. I walked under the tree. 2. He is hoping to win the race. 3. I doubt if she understand the situation. Ms. Rasha Ali Empty Categories 3