Heat processing in infant formulas induces changes in copper tissue levels in suckling and weanling rats Running head: Processing infant formulas and copper bioavailability Sarria Beatriz* and Vaquero M. Pilar Departamento de Metabolismo y Nutrición Instituto del Frío (CSIC) C/José Antonio Nováis, 10 28040 Madrid Spain *Author for correspondence: Dr. Beatriz Sarriá Phone number: 00 34 91 549 00 38 ext. 295/292 Fax number: 00 34 91 549 36 27 Emails: beasarria@if.csic.es Key words: Copper, Maillard reaction, bioavailability, infant formula, food processing, lactulose, erythrocytes, liver 1 Abstract Aim: To assess the effects of dehydration, conventional-in-bottle-sterilization and ultra-high-temperature sterilization, involved in the manufacture of infant formulas on copper bioavailability in rats at two stages. Methods: Two-week-old suckling rats were fed a reconstituted powder (P1) and an in-bottle-sterilized liquid infant formula (SC1) in a drinking bottle for 7 days. Weanling rats were fed P1, SC1, another powder (P2), and a liquid UHT formula (UHT2) complemented with a standard rat diet. Intake, body weight and % copper absorption were calculated and whole body, serum, liver, skin and erythrocyte copper concentration were determined. Results: Food intake, body weight, and copper intake were reduced in suckling rats consuming SC1, but % copper absorption increased and whole body and tissue copper concentrations were unaffected, except for the erythrocyte copper concentration which was significantly higher compared to pups fed P1. In weanling rats, the only difference obtained was the significantly higher liver copper concentration in animals fed the diet containing P1 compared to the diets containing SC1 and UHT2. Conclusion: Consuming the in-bottle-sterilized infant formula induces high erythrocyte copper levels in suckling rats whereas the equivalent dehydrated formula induces elevated liver copper concentration in weanling rats. This is associated to the different Maillard Reaction Products (MRP) originated in the processing of each infant formula and to the development rat stage. 2 Introduction Infant formulas can provide either less copper than breast milk or substantially more depending on the manufacturer and type of formula but copper absorption from infant formulas is not as effective as that from breast milk [1,2] . The degree of heat treatment by which infant formulas are processed varies considerably both within and among brands [3,4] and this may affect copper bioavailability. Heat processing applied to dairy products induces the formation of Maillard reaction products (MRP) as well as alterations in proteins. Infant formulas obtained using high temperatures for extended periods of time present a relatively high content of MRP and denatured proteins which have low digestibility [4,5]. Because proteins are involved in mineral absorption, heat damaged proteins may affect copper bioavailability. In addition MRP might affect copper absorption or transport. In infant monkeys fed ready-to-feed infant formulas excessive heat treatment can have a pronounced negative effect on copper status [5]. The effects of processing infant formulas on calcium [6], zinc and iron [7,8] bioavailability have been studied in young rats and reported previously by our team. Developmental changes in copper absorption take place. Studies in rats indicate that the absorption and retention of copper can be particularly high in the neonatal period, and that it decreases by the time of weaning [2]. In suckling and weanling rats copper is absorbed in a concentration-dependant fashion, the saturable copper transport system becomes evident in early maturity [9,10,11]. Copper is stored in the liver during the intrauterine life and used to satisfy the metabolic needs in the suckling stage in addition to the copper provided by breastmilk or infant formula feeding. In the weaning process, when human milk or infant 3 formula is gradually replaced by semisolid foods, infants are nutritionally vulnerable. In this study, infant formulas produced using different heat processes were fed to suckling rats as the only source of food and to weanling rats mixed with a standard rat diet, in order to evaluate copper bioavailability and study development-related changes in several tissues. Subjects and methods Infant formulas and diets Commercially available infant formulas were used. A powder form (P1) and a conventionally in-bottle-sterilized liquid (SC1) infant formula (both first age formulas) provided by Nutricia, Zoetermeer (The Netherlands) and another powder (P2) and UHT-sterilized infant formula (UHT2) provided by Mead-Johnson, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) were used. P1 and SC1 contained (g/L): carbohydrate, 71; protein, 14; and fat, 36. P2 and UHT2 contained (g/L): carbohydrate, 70; protein, 15; and fat, 37. Two heat markers were analyzed [6] in P1, SC1, P2 and UHT2 respectively (g/L): lactulose 0.143, 4.56, 0.097 and 1.587; and furosine (index of early Maillard reaction products), 0.205, 0.105, 0.102 and 0.111. In the suckling rat assay, rats drank the infant formulas P1 (group IF-P1) and SC1 (group IF-SC1) from a bottle. The powder form P1 was reconstituted with deionized water to 127 g/ L (following the manufacturer’s instructions) in order to be used in liquid form. Copper levels were 0.58±0.02 and 0.63±0.03 mg/L (mean 4 standard error for five determinations) for the powder and liquid infant formula, respectively. In the weanling rat assay, all infant formulas from both manufactures (P1, SC1, P2, UHT2) were used in powder, for that reason SC1 and UHT2 were lyophilised, and complemented with AIN 76A diet (American Institute of Nutrition, 1977) (Dyets Inc., Bethlehem, PA, USA). Four diets, D-P1, D-SC1, D-P2 and DUHT2, were prepared by adding each infant formula to the AIN-76A in the proportion 40/60. One group of rats was fed exclusively AIN 76A as the control diet. The theoretical content of carbohydrates, protein and fat in the prepared diets was: 600, 160 and 140 g/kg, respectively. Copper levels were: 9.40.2, 8.90.1, 9.60.2, 10.10.3 and 10.00.2 mg/kg (mean standard error for five determinations) for the diets D-P1, D-SC1, D-P2, D-UHT2 and the control respectively. Animal assays Rat assays were approved by the Ethical Committee of the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Spanish Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT). Wistar rats were obtained from the animalarium of the Instituto de Nutrición y Bromatología (CSIC, Madrid) and housed in metabolic cages in an environmentally controlled room, maintained at 20-22oC, with a 12 h light-dark cycle and 55-70% humidity. The animals were randomly assigned to the dietary treatments. Suckling rat assay. Twenty-four two-week-old litter-mate, Wistar suckling rat pups (half males and half females; initial body weight 30.1±0.4 g, mean ± standard 5 error) were used. They could freely access the infant formulas in a drinking bottle during 7 days. Food intake and body weight were monitored. Faeces were dried, weighed and homogenized. On the 7th day, 6 rats from each group were anaesthetized using sodium pentobarbital (Abbott Laboratories, S.A., Madrid, Spain) and blood was drawn from the carotid artery into acid-washed (HNO3 10N) plastic vials and allowed to clot. Erythrocytes and serum were obtained after centrifugation for 15 min at 1000 g (J.P. Selecta S.A., Barcelona, Spain). A segment of dorsal skin and liver were removed, weighed and stored at -20ºC until analysis. The other 6 rats were sacrificed on the same day and their bodies were digested in 6N HCl, which was heated for one week, in order to analyze the whole body content of copper. Weanling rat assay. Sixty three-week-old litter-mate Wistar weanling rats, half males and half females, weighing initially 40.3±0.3 (mean ± standard error mean), were used. The rats were kept in metabolic cages for a 4-d adaptation period followed by a 7-d experimental period. They had free access to their respective diet and to ultrapure water, (Milli-Q plus, Millipore Iberica, S.A. Madrid, Spain). Body weight and food intake were monitored and during the last 7-d faeces were collected, dried, weighed and homogenized. Finally the rats were sacrificed and tissues were collected and bodies were digested as indicated in the suckling rat assay. Analytical techniques The infant formulas, diets, faeces, livers, skins, and erythrocytes were dry-ashed in a muffle furnace at 500° C. Ashes were dissolved in an acid solution (HCl/HNO3/H2O: 1/1/1; Suprapur, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Copper was 6 determined in all the indicated samples and serum by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin-Elmer 1100B Norwalk, CT, USA). Stock standard solutions of copper (1 g/L) were prepared from Tritrisol (Merck). Calibration solutions were prepared from the stock standard solutions by serial dilution with ultrapure water (Milli-Q plus), and a blank solution was also used. A pool of faeces was used as an internal control to assess precision. The interassay coefficient of variation for copper was 3.8%. Lyophilised Liver (certified reference material CRM 185; Community Bureau of Reference, Brussels, Belgium) yielded a value of 194±6 g/g for copper (mean ± SD of five determinations) (certified value 189±6 g/g). Statistical Analysis The data were analysed by the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test followed by the Bonferroni test. The level of significance was established at p<0.05. Data were processed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results In the suckling rat assay, food intake was significantly lower (p=0.0201) in IF-SC1 rats (10.8±1.1 mL/d) compared with IF-P1 (13.8±0.6 mL/d). Consequently, final body weight in the former group was significantly lower (26.7±0.4 and 29.5±0.3 g in IF-SC1 and IF-P1 respectively, p<0.001). Among weanling rats (table 1), food intake was analogous in the four groups of rats fed diets containing infant formula, although in all of them it was significantly lower than in the control. Body weight 7 evolution was similar in all five groups, except for D-SC1 which showed significantly lower body weight than the control group on day 4. Copper intake was lower (p=0.013) in IF-SC1 suckling pups compared to IF-P1 (table 2). However, copper absorption was not affected due to a relevant increase in the % absorption (p=0.010; table 2). In weanling rats, although the same trends were observed, the differences between D-P1 and D-SC1 were not significant. These two groups presented significantly lower copper intake compared to the control. All groups consuming infant formula showed a significantly higher % absorption than the control. No significant differences were observed in either body copper content or concentration in either the suckling and weanling rats. Serum copper was unaffected by the dietary treatments either in suckling or weanling rats (table 3). In the younger rats, the consumption of SC1 compared to P1 did not affect liver or skin copper levels but resulted in higher copper erythrocyte concentration (p=0.0034). In weanling rats serum, skin and erythrocyte copper levels were similar in all groups. However, liver copper concentration was significantly higher in D-P1 compared to D-SC1 and D-UHT2, as well as to the control (p<0.001). Discussion The infant formulas used in this study were commercially available and presented copper concentration within the regular infant formula range: 0.4-0.6 mg/L [3]. In the present study consumption of the in-bottle-sterilized infant formula SC1 induced lower food intake and body weight when it was given exclusively to 8 suckling rats [6,7]. There is limited data in the literature on infant formula palatability and the influence of consuming infant formulas containing different quantities of MRP on voluntary food intake. Some studies point to the lower body weight increase in animals and infants fed different infant formulas, but food intake was not monitored [5,11]. The SC1 formula contained high levels of lactulose, low levels of early MRP, and more denaturated whey protein than the P1 formula, and showed a brown colour what points to intense heat damage and the possibility that the Maillard reaction progressed yielding advanced products [4]. This composition may explain the reduced food intake and body weight observed specially in the suckling rats [8]. Copper intake was reduced in IF-SC1 pups as a consequence of voluntary food intake being lower in this group but apparent copper absorption was not affected due to an increase in the % absorption. Therefore, body copper was similar to that of the IF-P1 rat pups. In the weanling animals, copper absorption did not vary due to the infant formula consumed. Cordano et al [12] described the association between protein malnutrition and the incidence of copper deficiency. In the present work, IF-P1 and IF-SC1 pups showed similar whole body nitrogen concentrations at the end of the experiment (28.7±0.5 and 28.6±0.6 mg/g, respectively [13]. Previous results in weanling rats also indicate that protein utilization was only slightly affected, although nitrogen digestibility decreased in IFSC1 rats [4]. Accordingly, body copper was not affected in either experiment. In suckling rats copper concentration in the different tissues analyzed did not vary except erythrocytes copper which was higher in the IF-SC1 pups. High levels of iron, zinc and copper in erythrocytes have been associated with increased red cell membrane permeability due to membrane oxidation caused by elevated 9 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake [14, 15]. Both infant formulas contained exactly the same fatty acids (manufacturer information) and iron and zinc levels in red cells were unaffected [7,9]. However, it is known that certain Maillard Reaction products induce lipid peroxidation in vivo which can affect membrane phosholipids in erythrocytes [16], consecuently affecting erythrocytes function including decreased deformability [17] and altered permeability. Another hypothesis for the elevated erythrocyte copper concentration, is that Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase is increased in erythrocytes as an antioxidant mechanism. Although the mechanism is not known, results of the present study indicate that only copper distribution among tissues was affected since total body copper content and concentration tended to be lower in the IF-SC1 animals, as indicated before. Therefore, the indicated effect of the in-bottle-sterilized infant formula, when consumed as the only food by suckling rats, is copper specific and deserves further investigation in relation to oxidation status and membrane function. The results here presented concerning absorption efficiency and body copper concentrations in the suckling and weanling animals confirm the relatively high absorption capacity and body copper stores in the pups. Mistilis and Mearrick [18] described 100% absorption of an intragastric dose of 64Cu in 7-10 day old rat pups with subsequent decreases during the suckling period and even further during the weaning stage. According to Ehrenkranz et al [19], there is a significant correlation in copper absorption where the stable isotopic extrinsic tag method and the chemical balance technique are compared. Lönnerdal et al [20] obtained copper absorption values between 32% and 40%, depending on the dietary treatment, using 67Cu in 14-day-old rat pups. Olivares et al [21] described in young infants a high variability, from 46% to 95%, using 65Cu as a tracer and the faecal 10 monitoring technique, pointing to copper absorption not being down-regulated within the range of copper intake tested and to the trapping of copper in the intestine and an incomplete release through desquamation over the study period. The suckling rat mucosa retains a considerable fraction of absorbed copper but this fraction decreases considerably with increasing age [1,10] in agreement to the present study. In addition, the fact that food and copper intakes were reduced in the IFSC1 pups may have elevated copper absorption efficiency compared to the IF-P1 pups as a compensatory mechanism. However, other factors could be also responsible for enhanced copper absorption, such as the lactulose and/or MRP contents in this infant formula. We have previously reported that the IF-SC1 suckling rats increased % calcium absorption but not that of iron and zinc [6,7]. Other authors have also obtained an increase on the apparent absorption in different minerals associated with the presence of MRP [6, 22, 23, 24] indicating that the breakdown of the complexes formed between MRP and the mineral by the microflora in the colon, allows the metal to become available for absorption. The present results are in agreement with Delgado-Andrade et al [25], who observed increased copper absorption efficiency in rats fed a diet containing a mixture of glucose and methionine heated at 150º C during 90 min. These authors stated that the complexes formed might have other properties such as competing with inhibition factors for copper absorption, therefore enhancing the digestive process. Accordingly, the degradation of melanoidins in the large intestine may also play a role in the binding and/or release of other dietary components [26]. The effects of MRP on gut microflora may be similar to those of lactose and other poorly digestible carbohydrates [27]. Rats fed lactulose presented a higher retention of 11 iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc, which has been associated to their higher caecum bifid bacteria flora [28, 29]. It is known that copper concentration in liver, skin and erythrocytes is higher in suckling rats compared to weanling. Liver copper was reported to be highest in pups 9–16 days of age, in older pups both liver and small intestine 64Cu uptake was lower [1]. Klein et al [30] described similar copper changes during development in foetal and neonatal human liver. By the time of weanling, most of the dose of copper given is found in the caecum-colon (unabsorbed copper) and not in the small intestine or the liver [2]. The high liver copper concentration in the weanling animals that consumed powder infant formulas, particularly P1, may be attributed to the elevated content of early MRP. Other authors [31] have shown that there was an uptake of early Maillard reaction compounds into the cells of the liver, as well as kidneys and muscles. Accordingly, infant formula P1 contained twice as much furosine that the formula P2. Absorbable MRP with low molecular weight may be able to bind copper and increase liver copper storage. Studies on the influence of MRP obtained by heating glucose-lysine and methionine-lysine showed that early MRP and melanoidines have a chelating effect on copper [32, 33]. Moon et al [34] described that copper binds to soluble MRP in vitro. Delgado et al [25] also reported copper accumulation in various tissues. Our study shows that copper concentration in liver was higher in the D-P1 rats that consumed the infant formula with higher early MRP level but that this did not induce important changes in total body content. Nevertheless, a similar influence on copper liver was not observed in the suckling assay, in which the animals consumed exclusively infant formula. We 12 hypothesised that these products may have chelated to copper interfering with its mobilization from the liver which takes place during later stages of development. Faist and Erbersdobler [35] explained different metabolic transit mechanisms of premelanoidins and melanoidins by intestinal degradation by digestive and microbial enzymes, absorption of these compounds or their degradates, and tissue retention. Further experiments aimed at studying the metabolic pathway of Maillard reaction products need to be performed. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Spanish Commission of Science and Technology and The National Plan (projects ALI 96-0465 and AGL 2002-04411-C02-01 ALI). The authors thank Laura Barrios MD, for her statistical assistance and Santiago Navas for his help in editing this manuscript. References 1. Lönnerdal B, Bell JG, Keen CL: Copper absorption from human milk, cow’s milk and infant formulas using a suckling rat model. Am J Clin Nutr 1985; 42: 836-44. 2. Lönnerdal B: Copper nutrition during infancy and childhood. Am J Clin Nutr 1998; 67: 1046S-53S. 3. Hurrell RF, Berrocal JR, Neeser TF, Schweizer H, Hilpert H, Traitler H, Colarow L, Lindstrand K: Micronutrients in infant formula; in Renner E (eds): 13 Micronutrients in milk and milk-based food products. New York, Elsevier Science Publishers LTD 1989, pp. 239-303. 4. Sarriá B, López-Fandiño R, Vaquero MP: Protein nutritive utilization in rats fed powder and liquid infant formulas. Food Sci Tech Int 2000; 6 (1): 9-16. 5. 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Group Intake (µg/day) Absorption (µg/day) %Absorption/Intake Body copper Cu (µg) Cu (µg/g) Suckling rats IF-P1 7.9±0.3 4.2±0.2 53.6±3.2 117.2±6.5 3.9±0.2 IF-SC1 7.0±0.2 4.4±0.1 63.4±1.3 99.9±8.0 3.7±0.2 One-way ANOVA p=0.013 N.S. p=0.010 N.S. N.S. D-P1 82.0±4.4a 32.2±2.7 38.9±2.3a 222.5±18.2 2.6±0.2 D-SC1 78.4±3.0a 32.9±1.9 42.0±2.1 a 214.2±9.6 2.6±0.1 D-P2 87.3±3.1 32.4±3.0 36.8±2.9 a 213.0±8.7 2.5±0.1 D-UHT2 91.7±3.5 40.3±3.1a 43.7±2.5 a 196.0±8.3 2.4±0.1 Control 100.6±3.4 23.5±2.9 22.8±2.3 199.0±5.6 2.5±0.1 One-way ANOVA p<0.001 p=0.003 p<0.001 N.S. N.S. Weanling rats Values are means ± SEM (n=12 and n=6 for body copper parameters) Superscript a denotes significant difference with respect to the control group 20 Table 3. Cu (µg/ml) Cu (µg/g) Group Serum Liver Skin Erythrocytes IF-P1 0.6±0.1 18.0±2.9 6.9±0.5 7.8±2.1 IF-SC1 0.5±0.1 17.1±1.4 6.5±0.3 13.0±3.3 One-way ANOVA N.S. N.S. N.S. p=0.0034 D-P1 0.5±0.1 11.6±1.03a 2.3±0.1 5.0±1.3 D-SC1 0.4±0.1 6.2±0.4* 2.1±0.2 5.2±0.9 D-P2 0.4±0.1 9.3±0.4 1.9±0.2 7.9±2.1 D-UHT2 0.4±0.1 6.3±0.6* 2.1±0.2 6.4±1.1 Control 0.3±0.0 6.5±0.7 2.2±0.1 7.8±1.3 One-way ANOVA N.S. p<0.001 N.S. N.S. Suckling rats Weanling rats Values are means ± SEM (n=6) 21 Superscripts a and * denote significant difference with respect to the control and the P-1 group, respectively 22