King AbdulAziz University Faculty of Economics and Administration Health Services and Hospital Department Instructor Name Phone office Office Location E-Mail Course Section Lecture Location Days of Lectures Office Hours Semester Omar Zayyan Omar Alsharqi 68674 Cell Phone 0504669776 th 4 floor, Faculty of Economics and Administration Medical Records (HSA 470) Prerequisites ---------KA Building NO. 75 Hall NO. 302 Monday- Wednesday Times of Lectures 2:30- 15:50 A.M. SUN, TUS, THU from 10 -2:00 SUN, TUE from 12:20- 1:00 One Academic Year 2014 Course Description: It's an introduction to administration and health concepts and theories medical report administration in health organization and utilities. Course Objectives: 1. Knowing work procedures and policies in medical record department in all hospital department. 2. Knowing how to organize and develops medical record department. 3. Knowing the job description and medical record department requirements from man power association. Series Subject 1 Definitions and terminology. 2 General criteria. 3 Rules and bases. 4 Organization and tasks of medical record department. 5 Job description and medical record department requirements. 6 Work produces medical record department. 7 Basic medical forms 11 Final exam Week 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8,9 10,11 12, 13 14,15 16 Date of Exams: 1. The first and second period exam will be determined through semester. 2. Midterm Exam will be on Tuesday 22/12/1434. 3. Final exam will be determined in accordance with the dates of the university exams. Distribution of Marks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 15% for first period exam. 20% for midterm exam. 15% for second period exam. 40% for final exam. 10% for attendance and participations. Absence and Exam Policies: Attending lectures is an essential part of the educational process. The University policies will apply in the absence of which would not allow the student absent for 25% of the lectures to enter the exam. Important instructions: 1. Student should prepare the subject from the text book before the class meeting. 2. The course instructor’s will be proud to receive inquiries about course topics. 3. Exam questions focus on objective method exam such as True, falls, and MSQ. Text Book: Medical Records: Policies and Procedures Manual., By MOH. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006. Reference assistant: The Medical Record as forensic Resource., by Campion Quinn, Jones and Barlett Publishers, 2005. Philosophy of instructor in education: 1. Participation from every student in the educational process. 2. Participation in solving the case studies. 3. Follow-up newspapers for health topics.