PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Psychology and Counseling UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAM GUIDE Effective Fall 2009 Semester Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology The Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in Psychology is designed for the student who wishes to pursue the scientific study of psychology as part of a liberal arts education. It is also designed for students who wish to obtain a graduate degree in psychology. Beyond the minimum course requirements in psychology, the student takes courses in the liberal arts and in a foreign language in order to better understand the place of psychology in today’s international community. PSYCH 665 Psychology as a Profession II....................................................... 1 (Pre-req: PSYCH 165, 75 hours of coursework or permission of instructor) PSYCH 724 Physiological Psychology (Pre-req: At least junior standing) or PSYCH 698 Sensation and Perception (Pre-req: At least junior standing) ............ 3 Degree Core (Required) ............................................................................................. 6 PSYCH 275 Psychology of Adjustment ............................................................ 3 PSYCH 357 Educational Psychology ............................................................... 3 Electives in Psychology .............................................................................................. 6 Hours Common Core (Required) ........................................................................................ 24 PSYCH 165 Psychology as a Profession I ....................................................... 2 PSYCH 263 Developmental Psychology .......................................................... 3 PSYCH 389 Research Methods in Psychology I .............................................. 3 Students must meet requirements for certification to teach some other subject in the secondary schools in Kansas (second teaching field which replaces the requirements of a minor). Students must also complete all teacher education admission and course requirements. (Pre-req: MATH 113 or MATH 110 or MATH 126 or permission of instructor) PSYCH 392 Research Methods in Psychology II (Pre-req: PSYCH 389) ............ 3 PSYCH 394 Principles of Learning ................................................................... 3 PSYCH 463 Cognitive Psychology ................................................................... 3 PSYCH 571 Abnormal Psychology ................................................................... 3 PSYCH 665 Psychology as a Profession II....................................................... 1 (Pre-req: PSYCH 165, 75 hours of coursework or permission of instructor) PSYCH 724 Physiological Psychology (Pre-req: At least junior standing) or PSYCH 698 Sensation and Perception (Pre-req: At least junior standing) ............ 3 Degree Core (Required) ............................................................................................. 6 PSYCH 456 Introduction to Social Psychology or PSYCH 685 Psychology of Personality............................................................. 3 (Pre-reqs: PSYCH 389, junior-level status, or permission of instructor) PSYCH 761 History and Systems of Psychology ............................................. 3 (Pre-req: 9 hours of psychology) Electives in Psychology ............................................................................................ 6 Total hours in the major ........................................................................................ 36 Professional Education Requirements* PSYCH 155 General Psychology@@ ........................................................................ 3 PSYCH 263 Developmental Psychology** ................................................................. 0 PSYCH 357 Educational Psychology**,+ ................................................................... 0 CURIN 261 Explorations in Education*** ................................................................... 3 @,+ 479 Techniques of Teaching (_____) ................................................................. 3 SSLS 510 Overview of Education for Exceptional Students (or its equivalent) .......... 3 CURN 520 Middle and Secondary Reading+ ............................................................. 3 (Pre-reqs: Junior standing, grade of “C” or better in CURIN 261, B.S.Ed. degree declared, Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA, admission to Teacher Education or permission of Teacher Education office and instructor) Professional Semester**** ........................................................................................ 17 CURIN 458 Methods and Curriculum ............................................................... 3 (Pre-req: Admission to the professional semester or admission to student teaching during summer session) CURIN 462 Secondary and Middle Level Education ........................................ 2 (Pre-req: Admission to the professional semester) CURIN 464 Foundations of Measurement and Evaluation ............................... 2 Minor ......................................................................................................................... 20 A minor of at least 20 hours in some other field is required. Foreign Language..................................................................................................... 10 The B.A. requires 10 hours in one foreign language. General Education Requirements ....................................................................... 46-54 General Electives (to bring total to 124 hours ........................................................ ___ Total .................................................................................................................... 124 Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Psychology The Bachelor of Science in Education Degree with a major in Psychology is for persons interested in careers as teachers and, with further study, as college teachers or school counselors. It emphasizes human development, educational psychology and psychology of exceptional children. Along with the study of psychology, students pursue the coursework necessary to meet licensure requirements to teach some other subject in addition to psychology in the secondary schools of Kansas. The student must pass the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) prior to admission to teacher education. (Pre-req: Admission to the professional semester or admission to student teaching during summer session) CURIN 480 Supervised Teaching in the Secondary School ............................. 3 (Pre-reqs: PSYCH 263, PSYCH 357 and admission to the professional semester) CURIN 482 Supervised Teaching in the Secondary School ............................. 5 @ 579 Supervised Student Teaching and Follow-Up of Teachers ................... 2 (Concurrent enrollment in the professional semester is required) General Education Degree Requirements for Students Preparing to Teach Secondary School (see page 50 of PSU 2009-11 University Catalog) ........ 43-51 @@ General Electives (to bring total to 124 hours) .................................................... _____ Total ......................................................................................................................... 124 *See page 50 of PSU 2009-11 University Catalog) for professional education grade point requirements for admission to the professional semester. **Count toward requirements for the 36 hour psychology major. ***Recommended this course be taken in sophomore year. ****Applications for the professional semester must be made by March 15 for the fall semester and September 15 for the spring semester. @This course to be taken in the department of the student’s second teaching field. @@PSYCH 155 General Psychology satisfies 3 hours of the general education Health and Well Being requirement. +Must be admitted to Teacher Education to enroll in these classes. Hours Common Core (Required) ........................................................................................ 24 PSYCH 165 Psychology as a Profession I ....................................................... 2 PSYCH 263 Developmental Psychology .......................................................... 3 PSYCH 389 Research Methods in Psychology I .............................................. 3 (Pre-req: MATH 113 or MATH 110 or MATH 126 or permission of instructor) PSYCH 392 Research Methods in Psychology II (Pre-req: PSYCH 389) ............ 3 PSYCH 394 Principles of Learning ................................................................... 3 PSYCH 463 Cognitive Psychology ................................................................... 3 PSYCH 571 Abnormal Psychology ................................................................... 3 my documents\carol\winword\guides\undergrad packet\bachelor guide ba&bsed 08-20-09