PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY Third Year Teacher Job Performance Survey Third-Year Teacher: Middle Level, Secondary, or K-12 Certification Your Job Title: _______________________________________ Current Date: ______________ Teaching Field of the individual being appraised: ____________________________________________ (i.e. Art, Biology, Math, etc) Mark the grade level(s): _____ Middle/Jr. High School I. _____ High School _____ Elementary Please rate the teacher according to the following scale: 1 = Needs Experience (Incorrectly Demonstrated, Preparing or Unsatisfactory Performance) 2 = Developing Competence (Infrequently Demonstrated, Adjusting, or Weak Performance) 3 = Competent (Basically Demonstrated, Performing, or Proficient Performance) 4 = Showing Effective Competence (Consistently Demonstrated, Habitually Performing, or Effective Performance) 5 = Distinguished (Naturally Demonstrated, Personally Creating, or Outstanding Performance) ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE AREA RATING A. Professional Characteristics ________ The teacher demonstrates specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which illustrate a commitment to a dependable and professional demeanor, an underlying belief system that all students can learn and specific efforts that foster collaborative/caring relationships. B. Relationships with Students ________ The teacher demonstrates specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which portray a caring relationship with students, a positive rapport developed through enthusiasm and high student expectation. C. Instructional Planning ________ The teacher demonstrates specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which denote a strong knowledge base, an understanding of learning theory, an approach to outcomes-based instructional planning, an integrated lesson design, and a variety of instructional strategies to provide opportunities for all students to learn. D. Instruction ________ The teacher demonstrates specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which provide active student-centered instruction characterized by clarity, variety, and flexibility. E. Classroom Management ________ The teacher demonstrates specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which promote an orderly, safe classroom environment conducive to learning by providing clear rules and procedures which are taught, monitored and consistently reinforced. F. Evaluation ________ The teacher demonstrates specific attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviors which establish fair expectations, provide for multiple assessment opportunities, monitor progress in a timely fashion, provide feedback through multiple means, and collaborate with others to meet the needs of all students. OVER to NEXT PAGE Secondary 3E 1 II. Circle the number that best represents the teacher’s level of expertise. Outstanding Good Fair Poor Not Observed 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subject-Matter Competence Language Competency Technological Literacy Relations with Colleagues Writing Skills Communication Skills Willingness to work with all students Please explain any Fair or Poor ratings related to Subject-Matter Competence. III. Based on comparisons with teachers from other institutions, please rate PSU graduates: _____ better prepared _____ as well prepared _____ not as well prepared _____ no comparison available IV. Please respond to the following questions: A. What, in your opinion, are the strengths of this teacher? B. What, in your opinion, are the challenges this teacher faces in becoming or continuing to be a highly effective teacher? C. COMMENTS: Secondary 3E 2