Pittsburg State University
Music Department
Music 431 Teaching Comprehensive Musicianship in Grades K-8
Textbooks: John Feierabend: The Book of Beginning Circle Games
John Feierabend: The Book of Fingerplays and Action Songs
Carl Orff-Gunild Keetman: Orff-Schulwerk Music for Children, vol. I
Gunild Keetman: Orff-Schulwerk Rhythmische Ubung
Materials: Notebook with dividers
Yamaha Soprano Recorder YRS-302BIII (Gorilla Bookstore)
Contact Information:
Dr. Deats, Assistant Professor, Elementary Music Education and Horn
210 McCray Hall, PSU Campus
Phone: (620) 235-4465
Office Hours: Posted on office door
Course Description: 3 hours. Teaching comprehensive musicianship in general and choral
music classes in grades K through 8, including curriculum, philosophy, and materials.
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce current music education trends and methodologies, including Kodaly, Orff,
Dalcroze, and Gordon.
2. To develop the repertoire, skills and abilities to teach elementary music through
participating in musical experiences.
3. To gain professional experience through lesson planning, peer teaching, observing music
teachers and/or participating in field teaching.
Course Requirements:
Students will demonstrate musical skills through singing, listening, moving, playing instruments,
improvising and reading music, completing written assignments and/or class presentations,
creating projects, participating in field teaching, and maintaining a notebook.
Course Grading Policy:
Homemade musical instrument: 10%
Cross-disciplinary lesson plan: 10%
MENC journal reports (2): 20%
Visual aids: 10%
Methodology chart: 10%
Classroom management project: 10%
Peer teaching and/or field teaching: 10%
Portfolio: 20%
Late assignments will be lowered a grade for each week they are overdue. Assignments will not
be accepted after the last week of class.
Attendance Requirements: Students enrolled in Music 431 practice professionalism, including
punctual attendance, preparation, and participation. Because Music 431 is a
participation/activity class and most coursework is done during class, a reduction in the semester
grade should be expected after missing more than the equivalent of one week of class. Three
tardies equal an absence. Students may be dropped from the class after missing more than the
equivalent of two weeks of class.
Written assignments are to be completed in a thorough, neat, and timely manner, according to
directions. Most assignments will be evaluated on a 3 point scale.
3= Excellent work. Student has surpassed the requirements of the assignment.
2=Satisfactory work. Student has met the requirements of the assignment.
1=Unsatisfactory work. Student has not met the requirements of the assignment.
Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities will be accommodated.
Academic Discipline and Expectations: Students are responsible for following the University’s
policies regarding academic discipline. Respect for all is expected. The classroom is a safe and
positive environment. Cell phones are not to be used during class except during emergencies.