DEPARTMENT OF TEACHING AND LEADERSHIP COLLEGE OF EDUCATION PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY FALL 2011 ______________________________________________________________________________ Course Number: EDUC 363-01 Title: Elementary School Social Studies Credit Hours: 3 Course Time Schedule: M-W-F 10:00-10:50 Instructor: Dr. Frank Miller Office Phone: 620-235-4493 Office: 112F Hughes Hall Office Hours: M-W-F 9:00-10:00 11:00-12:00 E-Mail: Tu-Th 9:30-11:00 12:30-1:00 _____________________________________________________________________________ I. COURSE DESCRIPTION The teaching of social studies with respect to objectives, methods, materials, and content using major constructs of the social science disciplines. Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of a variety of learners via learning styles, cooperative learning, multicultural education, multiple intelligences, and Bloom’s Taxonomy using the national and state social studies standards. This class is available for departmental honors credit (see course instructor for more information). II. PREREQUISITES Admission to teacher education is required. III. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE The purpose of this course is to provide elementary teachers with the necessary tools to develop appropriate social studies experiences for each of their students. IV. COURSE OBJECTIVES The teacher candidate will meet Kansas State Department of Education Standards for Early Childhood/Late Childhood (K-6) Licensure in the area of social studies as well as the following specific objectives: understand the nature of social studies as a field of study, the essential components of the discipline, and the purposes for which it is taught; know, understand, and use the major concepts and modes of inquiry from the social studies discipline to promote students’ abilities to function effectively in their social environment; demonstrate awareness and understanding of recent trends in social studies education; demonstrate knowledge of and ability to implement the diversity of curricular approaches available to social studies educators; develop materials and strategies that provide opportunities for creative and critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills; demonstrate an ability to design social studies lessons and units that are developmentally appropriate to the needs, values, and interests of a diverse group of students; consider individual learning styles in the development of methods and materials to enhance learning experiences of all children (special needs, minority, average, gifted); demonstrate the ability to integrate the social studies curriculum with other curriculum areas; utilize all available resources (test results, performance evaluation, student records, parent and student conferences, counselors, resource specialists, etc.) to assess the learning needs and capabilities of students and to modify instruction when necessary; demonstrate the ability to devise developmentally appropriate assessment activities, instruments and rubrics. In addition to the objectives listed above, the course will also address the following PSU Effective Teaching Skills Indicators: 1. Is dependable, flexible, and punctual. (See Attendance Policy on page 3.) 2. Maintains a consistently positive and professional demeanor. (See Professionalism Policy on page 3.) 12. Practices self-evaluation and reflection to enhance instructional effectiveness. 19. Develops clear short and long-term instruction plans (e.g., lesson plans, units, and/or modules) that include objectives, materials, activities, adaptations/modifications, and evaluation techniques based on the curriculum. 21. Selects materials and activities consistent with the objectives of the lesson and the students’ diverse abilities resulting in appropriate adaptations and modifications. 22. Has knowledge of and plans developmentally appropriate instruction. 23. Uses available technologies for planning and integration with other disciplines. 38. Uses available educational technologies for effective instruction. V. 2 REQUIRED TEXTS AND MATERIALS Chapin: Elementary Social Studies (7th ed.) Nystrom World Atlas Kansas Social Studies Curriculum Standards (Kg-6th Grade) VI. INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES • Handouts from instructor • Videos and other audio/visual media • Internet resources VII. TEACHING STRATEGIES Lecture and demonstration Reading in resource books and periodicals Discussion Cooperative learning projects and activities Guest speakers Student presentations Use of videos and other audio/visual media Multimedia presentations VIII. REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION A. ATTENDANCE Regular attendance and participation in class activities are essential for successful completion of this course. Students are expected to be in attendance for each class session except in case of emergency. In accordance with Curriculum & Instruction departmental policy, if a student has six absences (excused or unexcused), the course instructor reserves the right to drop the student from the course. If a student is allowed to remain in the class following the 6th absence due to extenuating circumstances, the final grade will be lowered one letter grade with the 6th absence and another letter grade for each subsequent absence. The department has adopted this policy in order to ensure that teacher candidates obtain the necessary background that will enable them to become effective educators. B. PROFESSIONALISM Teacher candidates are expected to maintain professional demeanor at all times. Examples of professionalism include showing respect by listening to the instructor and other class members when they are speaking to the class; participating in class activities and discussions; refraining from texting or working on other course assignments during class time; turning in course assignments on the due dates; arriving to class on time and staying for the entire class period, except in the case of emergencies. 3 C. ACADEMIC HONESTY Teacher candidates are expected to follow the PSU Academic Honesty Policy that addresses unethical acts associated with coursework or grades. Full text of this policy can be found on the Pittsburg State University web page. Course instructors will report suspected violations of this policy to the University Academic Honesty Committee for review and action. D. ACTIVITIES 1. Chapter quizzes and in-class written assignments –- 5 points will be deducted from final course grade for each assignment not completed. Students must be in attendance to receive credit for these assignments (50 points). 2. Social Studies Activity Presentation (10 points). 3. Social Studies Unit Plan (25 points). E. EXAMINATIONS There will be a final examination (take home) (15 points). F. SCORE POSTING AND GRADING Test scores and feedback will be provided to the students by the course instructor. Final course grades will be based on the following criteria: Chapter quizzes and in-class written assignments ----------- 50 points Social Studies Activity Presentation---------------------------- 10 points Social Studies Unit Plan ----------------------------------------- 25 points Final Exam (take home) ----------------------------------------- 15 points The grading system for final course grades will be as follows: A = 90-100 points B = 80-89 points C = 70-79 points D = 60-69 points F = 59 points or lower 4 IX. COURSE CONTENT Aug 22: Course Introduction Aug 24, 26, 29: Chapter 1 – The Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Aug 31, Sep 2: Chapter 2 – Planning for Social Studies Instruction Sep 7, 9, 12, 14: Chapter 3 – Instructional Strategies Sep 16: Virtual Class (class does not meet -- online assignment will be given in class) Sep 19, 21, 23: Chapter 4 – Using Multiple Assessments to Evaluate Students’ Learning in the Social Studies Sep 26, 28, 30, Oct 3, 5, 7: Chapter 5 – Aiding Our Students to Interpret History Oct 10: Virtual Class (class does not meet -- online assignment will be given in class) Oct 12, 14, 17, 19: Chapter 6 – Teaching Geography Oct 21: Fall Break! Oct 24, 26, 28: Chapter 6 – Teaching Geography (continued) Oct 31, Nov 2: Chapter 7: Teaching Economics Nov 4 Virtual Class (class does not meet -- online assignment will be given in class) Nov 7, 9, 11, 14, 16: Chapter 7: Teaching Economics (continued) Nov 18, 21: Chapter 8 – Teaching Civic Education Nov 18 - Social Studies Unit Plan due Nov 23, 25: Thanksgiving Holidays! Nov 28, 30, Dec 2, 5: Chapter 8 – Teaching Civic Education (cont.) Dec 7, 9: Multicultural Education Final Exam (take home) due on Dec 7