DEPT. OF PSYCHOLOGY AND COUNSELING College of Education Pittsburg State University Spring 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course #’s: PSYCH 895-03 Titles: Internship in School Counseling PSYCH 995-02 Advanced Counseling Internship Credit Hours: 3 Course Time Schedule: Mon. 6:00-7:30 pm (101 WH) Individual supervision TBA Instructor: Becky Brannock, Ph.D., LPC Office Phone #: (620) 235-4569 Professor Office: 205A Whitesitt Hall Office Hours: (M) 10-11 & 2-3 (T) None; Site Visits (W) 10-11 & 2-4 (TH) 1:30-4:30 (F) 10-11 & 2-3 Additional times by appt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. COURSE DESCRIPTION A. PSYCH 895: Supervised field experience in school counseling in elementary and secondary schools. B. PSYCH 912: Advanced supervised field experience in counseling. II. PREREQUISITES Before students may enroll in a counseling internship, they are required to have successfully completed (with a grade of A or B) an initial supervised counseling practicum and be recommended by the practicum supervisors and advisor as well as approved through the practicum/internship application process. III. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE The counseling internship is a post-practicum field experience that provides the student with extensive practice in the role and function of counselors in the school setting. The internship is intended to include all duties that a regularly employed entry level staff member would be expected to perform. Whatever level the student was engaged in with experiences in Practicum, the other level will be utilized for Internship. 1 IV. COURSE OBJECTIVES A. Upon completion of this course the student should be able to: 1. Demonstrate competence in assuming an entry-level counseling position in an elementary or secondary school. Included are all aspects of a counselor’s job such as administration, utilization of theory in case and crisis management, consulting, handling paperwork, organization, counseling, working with multicultural and special needs students, as well as selecting, administering and interpreting assessment tools, etc. Specific requirements are described in the Manual for Practicum in School Counseling. 2. Develop personally as a facilitative-therapeutic agent (caring, congruence, authenticity, potency, openness to feedback and supervision, etc.). 3. Become as proficient as possible in the following two areas or hierarchal levels of actual counseling with students: a. Basic relationship and communication skills-Demonstrating the ability to use basic relationship factors and a facilitative attitude as well as the ability to skillfully communicate these relationship conditions to students in order to facilitate student exploration, change, and growth. Theoretical concepts will be utilized as related to the counseling interview, included in career exploration activities and enhancement of student environment. b. Developmental counseling skills-Demonstrating the ability to identify, intervene in, and help promote the growth of clients in a variety of developmental areas by utilizing personality and learning theory in educational and life settings. This area or level assumes a holistic, positive wellness model of human nature. c. Intensive counseling and beginning therapeutic skills-Demonstrating the ability to work with clients who have some types of concerns or dysfunctioning which are more long-term and more strongly and seriously self-defeating than are the developmental difficulties described in level b. This includes skills in administering and reporting of test and evaluative data, and skills in the consultative process. 4.Understand the utilization and importance of referral sources within the community setting. V. REQUIRED TEXT Kottler, J. Editor.(2002). Counselors Finding Their Way. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association. 2 VI. INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES A. Resources for Comprehensive Counseling Program Development: American School Counselor Association. (2005). 2nd edition. The ASCA national model: A framework for school counseling programs. Alexandria, VA: ASCA. B. Reading from professional journals: Professional School Counseling The Journal of Counseling and Development VII. TEACHING STRATEGIES A. Individual supervisory sessions B. Group discussions/supervision C. Tape critiques (video or dvd for final tape) D. Guest speakers (when applicable) VIII. REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUTATION A. General Requirements (NOTE: Whatever the primary level of experiences engaged in for Practicum, the other level will be utilized for Internship.) 1. Accumulate a minimum of 50 clock hours on site for each credit hour of enrollment. 2. Conduct a minimum of 15 hours (preferable more) of direct client contact for each credit hour of enrollment. 3. Engage in a minimum of 30 hours of group work and guided classroom activities and 15 hours of individual counseling. 4. Engage in all or as many of the regular duties of an entry level counselor as possible, always performing in the most professional and ethical manner possible. 5. Submit a log documenting counseling and institutional activities and hours. 6. Meet with the faculty internship instructor for individual supervision periodically throughout the semester, and with the class in group supervision weekly. During individual supervision sessions, bring a tape to be critiqued, interview notes for the tape and the current week’s journal sheet. 7. Carrying student liability insurance is required. Forms are available in the department office or from the instructor. 8. Membership in the student’s regional and state counseling associations are required. Kansas students may join Southeast Kansas Counselor Association (SEKCA), Missouri students may join Southwest MO School Counselor Association (SMSCA), and Oklahoma students may join their respective regional association. National membership is also strongly encouraged. 9. Maintain an e-mail account. 3 B. Specific Requirements See the Manual for Internship in School Counseling. C. Evaluation 1. All minimum hour requirements must be met, all assignments completed on time, and responsible professional and ethical behavior must be demonstrated as prerequisites to the earning of a passing grade. 2. See the Manual for Internship in School Counseling for specifics on how grades are determined according to general and specific requirements. Additionally, an Internship Requirement Summary is attached to this course syllabus. IX. COURSE CONTENT See the Manual for Internship in School Counseling for a detailed description of course content, recommended reporting forms, final evaluation from supervisors, and the Pittsburg State University Internship in Counseling Agreement that must be completed by the intern and signed by the field supervisor, the principal, and the university supervisor. 4 INTERNSHIP COURSE SCHEDULE-Spring 2010 (Group meeting time: Bi-weekly on Mon. evenings 6:00-7:30 p.m. with individual supervision times scheduled throughout the semester) JAN. 18: NO CLASS; Martin Luther King holiday JAN. 25: Introduction & Organization FEB. 8: Counselors Finding Their Way (CFTW) Parts I-IV FEB. 22: CFTW Parts V-VIII MAR. 8: Guest Speaker; Jr. High Counselor. MEET AT 4:30 WITH PRACTICUM CLASS! MAR. 22: CFTW Parts IX-XI NOTE: This week marks the midterm point in the semester! APR. 5: Field Trip to Children’s Center at 921 E. 34th, Joplin. MEET THERE at 4:30. APR. 19: Final Activity. Portfolio’s due by next Mon. night even though we’re not meeting for class. MAY 10: MANDATORY FINAL MEETING TIME; Semester Feedback & Evaluation. (MEET at 5:00 p.m. Location TBA). 5 NAME:______________________________________ DATE:___________________ INTERNSHIP REQUIREMENT SUMMARY Completed: Points: 150 Hours Total (Mandatory) Elem/Sec? ____________ ____________ 15 Hours of Individual Counseling (20pts.) ____________ ____________ 30 Hours Group & Classroom Activities (20 pts.) ____________ ____________ Tape Reviews-best video/dvd tape with interview notes (50 pts.) ____________ ____________ Consultation & Coordination Roles (10 pts.) ____________ ____________ Updated Referral List-visit at least one new site (20 pts.) ____________ ____________ Completed Folders with Interview Notes and Staffing Information for 2 Students (30 pts.) ____________ ____________ 5 Article Reviews-attach note card summary to journal article (10 pts.) ____________ ____________ Student Improvement/Achievement Team Meeting Summary (20 pts.) ____________ ____________ Testing Schedule (10 pts.) ____________ ____________ School Counselor Visitation (20 pts.) ____________ ____________ 3 Page Typewritten Internship Experience Summary (20 pts.) ____________ ____________ Organization of Portfolio (20 pts.) ____________ ____________ Instructor Estimate of Counseling Skills and Openness to Supervision (100 pts.) ____________ TOTAL: (350 pts. possible) ____________ GRADE: End of Program Feedback? yes/no On-site Supervisor’s Evaluation? yes/no Professional Membership? yes/no Multicultural Competency Checklist? yes/no 6 ____________ ____________ ____________ Final Evaluation Form? yes/no Knowledge Base Form? yes/no Liability Insurance? yes/no INTERNSHIP SUPERVISION JOURNAL Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________ Cumulative Total Hrs (150 req.): __________________________ Level: _____________ Individual Counseling Hrs (30 req.): ________________________ Group/Classroom Guidance Hrs (15 req.): ___________________ JOURNAL ENTRIES FOR WEEK OF:_______________________________________