Document 11222387

Field/Clinical/Internship Practice Requirements For PSY 544 I. Catalog Description: Continued supervised and expanded experiences involving consultation, evaluations, and interventions for academic and psychological problems of children in school and other settings. Introduces students to small group counseling experiences. II. Population Served: School Psychology Graduate Students III. Number of Required Field/Internship: Practicum IV: Evaluation and Intervention Students are expected to spend at least 75 hours at their practicum site for the semester IV. Required Activities: A. Students will develop skills in planning, implementing, and evaluating small group counseling cases. B. Students will broaden and fine tune their skills in psycho-­‐educational assessment and problem solving about appropriate interventions. C. Students will continue to enhance their efforts in self-­‐evaluation. V. How Activities Are Assessed: a. Assessment Cases evaluated according to: i. Completion of Preliminary Case Study Worksheet ii. Completion of Comprehensive Case Study Narrative iii. Grade on first draft of reports iv. Collection and Analysis of Benchmarking Data for Tier 1 b. Groups evaluated according to Groups Rubric: case management, outcomes for elementary students, treatment planning, intervention skills, supervision, & professionalism c. Submitted time logs d. Reaction to feedback 