READ 872

Spring 2012
Title: Methods and Materials in Remedial Reading
Course Numbers: READ 872-99 Online Dates: Jan. 17-May 11, 2012
Credit Hours: 3
Instructor: Carolyn R. Fehrenbach, PhD
Office Phone: 620-235-4483
Office: 112C Hughes Hall
Home Phone: 620-232-7720
Online Office Hours: All week Sunday through Friday 9:00 a.m to 11:00 p.m.
Office Hours in Hughes Hall: By appointment
This course is designed to present methods and materials used in remedial reading
instruction. Emphasis will be placed on correct use of specific methods and materials and
on proper selection of a method or material with a particular student. Information is
supplied through reading assignments and independent reading. The course is appropriate
for both elementary and secondary teachers.
READ 871 Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties or instructor permission.
A. The graduate reading program is designed to develop in teachers a greater
understanding of and competence in teaching literacy; a strong commitment to students
who are developing literacy skills; and a caring environment in which students can learn.
B. The purpose of this course is to provide reading specialist candidates with an
opportunity to study and practice a variety of remedial reading methods using appropriate
materials. Emphasis is given to developing a repertoire of strategies rather than relying
on one theory or method of teaching so that the reading specialist candidate can select
appropriate strategies and materials for individual children’s needs.
As a result of the course, candidates should, with a measurable degree of proficiency,
demonstrate knowledge and performance of the Kansas State Department of Education
Standards for Reading Specialist: Early Childhood through Late Adolescence/Adulthood,
Pre K-12.
Standard #2 The reading specialist demonstrates the use of a wide range of
instructional practices, approaches, methods and curriculum materials to support
reading and writing instruction.
Standard #4 The reading specialist demonstrates the use of instructional practices,
approaches and methods, curriculum materials, and the appropriate use of
assessments to create a literate environment that fosters effective reading and
writing instruction.
Note: Both of these texts are the same texts used in the concurrent Practicum course.
Crawley, Sharon J, 2012, Remediating Reading Difficulties, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Flynt and Cooter, 2004, Reading Inventory for the Classroom, Fifth Edition, Pearson,
Merrill Prentice Hall.
A. Professionalism
All assignments should be completed on time with high-quality content. Neatness, correct
spelling, and grammatical correctness are all considered in grading. All parts of an
assignment need to be completed.
Lessons copied from the Internet or other sources will not be accepted. This is
considered as plagiarism.
B. Academic Honesty Policy
Students are expected to follow the PSU Academic Honesty Policy which speaks to
unethical acts associated with coursework or grades. The full text of the policy is on the
web. The policy includes the following:
1. giving or receiving aid on examinations, preparations of notebooks, papers, and other
2. handing in the same work for more than one course without instructor permission;
3. plagiarism.
The full text of the policy can be found at at
C. Technical Help
If you are having technology problems, please contact Gorilla Geeks for assistance at or 620-235-4600.
Please plan your semester schedule by looking at the schedule ahead of time so your
assignments are turned in on time. All assignments are due by 12:00 midnight.
I will accept assignments early.
If you are in the Reading Specialist emphasis program, save backup copies of all
your assignments for the last Apprenticeship portfolio.
#1 Assignment: Home Page Update
Due Sunday, Jan. 22 by midnight 20 points
Please follow these instructions to update your Home Page:
Click on “Preferences” from the left sidebar > “Personal information”>
Type in the following information in the appropriate boxes and then submit:
About Me: Share any personal/professional information that will help us get to know
you. If you currently teach, tell us the grade level, school and town or city. To view
others’ home pages, click on the “Communicate” tab and click on “Course Roster.”
Text Unit Assignments
#2 Assignment
Due Sunday, Jan. 29 by midnight
30 points
Unit I: Emergent/Beginning Literacy Skills
1. Read pages 1-37. Discuss on a one-page word processed paper an idea you might use
with a young student related to the information given in this unit.
2. Watch the Early Readers PowerPoint. Reflect on your own early home environment
and discuss on a one-page word processed paper any factors relating to your own early
environment related to literacy.
#3 Assignment
Unit II: Word Analysis Skills
Due Sunday, Feb. 5 by midnight 20 points
1. Read pages 38-71. Discuss on a one-page word processed paper an idea you might use
with a young student related to the information given in this unit.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#4 Assignment (Lesson Plan #1)
Due Sunday, Feb. 19 by midnight 50 points
Unit III: Vocabulary
1. Select an activity from Chapter 8, 9, or 11 to implement in your classroom.
See the Lesson Plan Format to word process a lesson for this assignment. Include the
following information (a) Lesson Plan #1, (b) Grade level of the student(s) in school, (c)
Name of the vocabulary activity and page numbers in source (Crawley and Merritt text)
(d) Objective of the lesson activitity in text (See Writing Objectives under Lessons) (e)
Steps in implementation of activity, (f) Results of assessment of objectives, and (h) a
Reflection on how the strategy worked.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#5 Assignment
Due: Sunday, March 4 by midnight 50 points
Unit IV: Fluency
1. Read pages 112-113. Time a non-fluent reader in an appropriate passage from the Flynt-Cooter
text. Record the number of correct words per minute the student read. Compare your
student’s grade level rate with the charts on pages 111 of the Crawley text.
2. Read Pages 119-120. Google a Reader’s Theatre website. Report the name of the website and
the title of a Reader’s Theatre narrative that would be appropriate for your student(s).
Note: You do not need to copy the Reader’s Theatre script for me. GradMethodsSpg12.doc.p3
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#6 Assignment (Lesson Plan #2)
Due: Sunday, March 11 by midnight 50 points
Chapter 14: Fluency Miscues
The student selected for this assessment must be above kindergarten level in school
and needs to be identified as reading below grade level.
1. Read pages 122-132 in the Crawley text. Then ask the student to orally read a narrative
or expository passage from the Flynt-Cooter text. Record the page number of the passage
read. Follow along with the passage (Example, p. 214, Flynt-Cooter) writing the words on
the passage the student missed. Record the number of miscues of each type on the
miscue grid (Example p. 214, Flynt Cooter). Analyze the types of errors the student is
making and use that informatiion for developing the lesson explained below.
2. Select two corrective activities to implement with the student. Word process a lesson
with the following information: (a) Lesson Plan #2, (b) Grade level of the student in
school, (c) Names of two corrective strategies and page numbers in source (CrawleyMerritt) (d) Objective(s) based on types of miscues the student made(See Writing
Objectives under Lessons), (e) Steps in implementation of the strategies, (f) Results of
assessment of objectives and (g) a Reflection on how the strategies worked for the
student. (See Lesson Plan Format)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#7 Assignment (Lesson Plan #3)
Due: Sunday, April 8 by midnight 50 points
Unit V: Text Comprehension
1. Read Chapter 16 in the Crawley text.
2. Select a comprehension strategy to implement in your classroom. Word-process a
lesson that includes the following: (a) Lesson Plan #3, (b) Grade level of the student(s) in
school (c) Name of corrective strategies and page numbers in source (Crawley-Merritt
text), (d) Objective of your lesson (e) Steps in implementation of the strategies, (f)
Results of assessment of objective and (g) a Reflection on how the strategy worked. (See
Lesson Plan Format)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#8 Assignment (Lesson Plan #4)
Due: Sunday, April 22 by midnight 50 points
Unit VI: Study Skills
1. Read pages 209-214b in the Crawley text. Identify students in your classroom who read
too rapidly or too slowly. Identify a reinforcement activity to use for each type of student.
Word process a lesson with the following information(a) Lesson Plan #4 (b) Grade level
of the student(s) in school, (c) Names of reinforcement activies and page numbers of
activities in Crawley-Merritt text, (d) Objective of your lesson (See Writing Objectives
under Lessons) (e) Steps in implementation of the activities, (f) Results of assessment of
objective and (g) a Reflection on how the strategy worked. (See Lesson Plan Example)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#9 Assignment
Due: Sunday, April 24 by midnight 20 points
Unit IX: Diversity
1. Read pages 255-271 in the Crawley text.
2. Whether or not you have ELL students, think about the different types of diversity you
have within your classroom(s) (academic performance, ability, socio-economic status,
maturity level, native language, ethnicity, race, family makeup, etc.)
2. Word process a paper in narrative form on the types of diversity you see within your
classroom and address how you integrate teaching about diversity within your
classroom. Include a list of any materials, books, websites, themes, etc. you use for your
grade level.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#10 Assignment
Due: Sunday, May 6 by midnight 20 points
(Technology) Appendix H
1. Read pages A-63 toA-66.
2. Word process a paper in narrative form on how you integrate technology in your
classroom. (Examples: Elmo, SmartBoard, PowerPoints.) Include a list of some specific
sources or sites you use.
GradMethodsSpg12.doc, p5
(Continued on pages 6 and 7)
Lesson Plan Format
Reading Specialist Candidate’s Name:
Grade Level of Student(s):
Name of Strategy and Source:
(Text and Page Numbers or Website)
Objective of Lesson: (Write in measureable terms)
Steps in Implementation:
Results of Assessment of Objective:
(Must assess what is stated in
the objective)
Reflection: (What Worked/What Would Do Differently)
GradMethodsSpg12.doc, p6
Methods & Materials
Spring 2012
Assignment Due Dates
Tuesday, Jan. 17
Classes Start
Sun, Jan. 22
#1 Assignment: Home Page Update
20 points
Sun, Jan 29
#2 Assignment: Emergent Skills
30 points
Sun, Feb. 5
#3 Assignment: Word Analysis
20 points
Sun, Feb. 12
No assignment due
Sun, Feb. 19
#4 Assignment: Vocabulary (Lesson Plan #1)
Sun, Feb. 26
No assignment due
Sun, March 4
#5 Assignment: Fluency
50 points
Sun, March 11
#6 Assignment: Fluency Miscues (Lesson Plan #2)
50 points
March 17 – 25
Spring Break
Sun, April 1
No assignment due
Sun, April 8
#7 Assignment: Comprehension (Lesson Plan #3)
Sun, April 15
No assignment due
Sun, April 22
#8 Assignment: Study Skills (Lesson Plan #4)
50 points
Sun, April 29
#9 Assignment: Diversity
20 points
Sun, May 6
#10 Assignment: Technology
20 points
50 points
50 points
(Friday, May 11 End of Semester
Note: Assignments may be turned in earlier if it fits your classroom schedule better.