Freedom Responsibility Contracts

Joint Activity 16
Freedom and Responsibility Contracts
The main goal of this activity is to demonstrate the critical link between teens having
freedom (privileges) and teens showing age-appropriate responsibility-taking. Materials
needed are giant post-its (one per parent or one per group depending on overall size
of group); markers, paper and pencils.
Break the participants into groups of 2-4 parent-teen pairs. If your group is
small, each parent and teen could have their own giant post-it to work with.
Have each group stand by a giant post-it that has been put on the wall. Give
each person in the group a different color marker. Instruct the participants to
draw a line down the center of their post-it. At the top of the left side have
them write the word “Freedom.” At the top of the right side, have them write the
word “Responsibility.”
Ask them to think about the “freedoms” or “privileges” the teens are wanting.
Ask them to list these freedoms down the left side of their post-its.
Next ask them to think of the “responsibilities” the teen should show for each of
the freedoms the teens are wanting.
For example, if the teen wants the freedom to stay out with friends until 11 p.m.
on Saturday night, what are the responsibilities that teen needs to show in order
to maintain that freedom. The responsibilities could include things like:
-always let parent know where s/he will be and a number where s/he can be
-always be home by the 11 p.m. curfew.
-complete chores before going out on Saturday night.
Have each group use the ideas on the freedom and responsibility contracts to
write a POEM or RAP about freedom and responsibility. When all groups are
finish, have them present their poem or rap to the full group.
Goes with Teen Goal 4 and Parent Goals 3 & 4
Joint Activity 16
Freedom and Responsibility Contract between:
_________________________ and ______________________________.
Teen’s name
Parent’s name
This contract should be written as a cooperative agreement between parent and
teen. On the left side of the contract, write down 1-3 responsibilities that the teen
will assume. For each responsibility provide a brief description. On the right side of
the paper, write down the freedom (privilege) that will be given for each
responsibility. Parent and teen should sign and date the bottom of the contract.
This agreement is good for 1 month and can be renewed if both parties are satisfied.
Teen’s signature________________________
Parent’s signature_______________________
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