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LIB101BB (Bentley) Assignment: September 6, 1999



Our purpose in these assignments and exercises is to become familiar with the library's databases and services. You have, in your tours seen the various collections and service points in Feinberg. Now, we use the

Electronic Search Services to launch other aspects of information gathering.

You will be assisted in class today by Melanie Singer, a teaching Assistant in the library. Questions can also be directed to me at



Sign-in on the class roster which Melanie will have with her.


Using the ESS (log on at the computers in the classroom) I want you to search both General and Specialized databases on the topics of:

"Labor Day" and "Rockwell Kent" (See the attached sheets for turning in to Melanie or to me, no later than 4PM, Thursday, September 9, 1999.


Remember we meet next week, Monday, September 13, 1999, at he

Rockwell Kent Gallery in the library at 2pm SHARP.

Assignment/In-class exercise

LIB101BB (Bentley)

September 6, 1999 due BY 4PM 9/9/99

(Your Name-ESSENTIAL!!!)

(If you worked in a group, list the others you worked with. This is fine with me, as long as each of you contribute: Groups can be no more than 4 though)

1. GO TO THE Electronic Search Services Page of the Library's website:

In the Basic Services,

Use the Wilson Omni-file and search the subject "Labor Day"

How many articles are there?

Select one article that deals with Current Labor issues. Write the citation for that article here:

2.Now, use the Britannica On'one and search for Labor Day :

What is there:

Now search under Rockwell Kent and what do you find?


On to the Specialized Data Bases:

Use Biography Index, what is available under a) "Rockwell Kent" and b) what is available under "Mother Jones?"


Now, go to the OPAC (the library's catalog)

Remember, using the "title" search mode, how many titles are available for "Labor Day" and for "Rockwell Kent"

Then, use the Subject Heading for the same topics: What do you find?


And finally, using the site, can you find any infomration on the Art Galleries and Museum here and specifically, anything on the kent exhibit? Please note the particualars here.


Have a good week. This assignment is to be handed in (at my Office, FL319

no later than 4pm Thursday, September 9.

LLIB101BB Assignment for September 6, 1999 p.2
