TROY UNIVERSITY MASTER SYLLABUS SORRELL COLLEGE OF BUSINESS HRM 6601 Legal Environment of Employment Decisions Prerequisites Graduate standing. Description This course is designed to help the student understand the law as it applies to the management of human resources. Its coverage is aimed at preparing the managers of human resources to recognize legal problems, to know the legal impact of decisions on personnel matters and to be knowledgeable in general of the law as it might impact individuals in organizations. This is intended to be an introductory course in the MSHRM program. Objectives Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the concepts of employment at-will, implied contract, and wrongful discharge. 2. Describe the purpose and key points of major employment laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, ADA, OSHA, FMLA, FLSA, Polygraph Act, employment torts, USERRA, Immigration and Reform Act, Equal Pay Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Age Discrimination Act, Older Worker Protection Act, and the NLRA (overview). 3. Describe the major components of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures. 4. List and describe major judicial decisions and executive orders governing demographic discrimination, sexual harassment, affirmative action and condition-related discrimination. 5. Discuss legally-oriented strategies to manage workplace demographics and conditions, including special accommodation and affirmative action. 6. Differentiate between legal and ethical requirements in business conduct. 7. Relate various aspects of employee law to business objectives in an apt scenario. Purpose To provide a basic knowledge of employment law and to develop analytical and written skills appropriate to presenting convincing arguments within a legally cognizant, dialectical framework. Master Syllabi are developed by the senior faculty in each business discipline. This Master Syllabus must be used as the basis for developing the instructor syllabus for this course, which must also comply with the content specifications outlined in the Troy University Faculty Handbook. The objectives included on this Master Syllabus must be included among the objectives on the instructor’s syllabus, which may expand upon same as the instructor sees fit. The statement of purpose seeks to position the course properly within the curriculum and should be consulted by faculty as a source of advisement guidance. Specific choice of text and other details are further subject to Chair guidance. 15 June 2016 Master Syllabus: HRM 6601 2 Approved Text:* Bennett-Alexander, D. D., & Hartman, L. P. Employment law for business. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. Program SLOs Addressed by Assessment Component: None Assessments: The following materials are required in this course for assessment purposes. Assignment: None Assessment: None Student Engagement: Instructors in this course will add videos, movies, site visits, guest speakers, service learning projects, or other activities designed to engage students in experiential and active learning activities designed to improve skills and the application of knowledge within the business community. Optional Reference Materials:* Covington, R. N. Employment law in a nutshell. Eagan, MN: Thomson/West. Estreicher, S., & Harper, M. Employment Discrimination and Employment Law: Statutory Supplement. Eagan, MN: Thomson/West. * Note: The most recent edition is required unless otherwise specified. Troy University Faculty Handbook (2010): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space): 1. Course title 2. Course number + section 3. Term 4. Instructor 5. Prerequisites 6. Office hours 7. Class days, times 8. Classroom location 9. Office location + e-mail address 10. Office telephone 11. Course description, objectives 12. Text(s) 13. Other materials 14. Grading methods, 16. General supports criterion weights, (computer works, make-up policy, writing center) mid-term grade 17. Daily assignments, reports holidays, add/drop 15. Procedure, course & open dates, dead requirements day, final exam 18. ADA statement 19. Electronic device statement 20. Additional services, statements 21. Absence policy 22. Incomplete-work policy 23. Cheating policy 24. Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies)