Age-targeted control strategies for schistosomiasis–associated morbidity and childhood developmental impairment 2674 David Gurarie1 and Charles H. King2 Department; 2Center for Global Health and Diseases, Case University, Cleveland, OH RESULTS MODELS: TRANSMISSION-DISEASE-DEVELOPMENT Age CHRONIC DISEASE FORMATION Premises: 4 6 0.05 3 0.1 2 0.2 1 4 3 0.2 2 0 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Fig.3: Age-specific worm burden (dashed) and chronic damage (solid) with 4 possible disease resolution rates: linear case (left), nonlinear case (right) Worm Model Variables: w – (mean) burden; DL;DH – accumulated disease (for low/high risk groups); H,h – developmental index (weight, height, etc.) for normal and delayed growth, d=h/H - disability fraction (d=1 – ‘normal state’). All variables are functions of age a, and time t. Stationary transmission and therapy-control drives the system to a stable (endemic) equilibrium state, that obeys integro-differential equations: burden Low risk morbidity High 1.2 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 10 20 30 40 50 morbidity 5 0.8 4 0.6 3 0.4 2 0.2 1 60 risk 6 1 0.25 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 Fig.4: Worm burden (left) and chronic disease prevalence (center/right) for the 3 treatment cohorts of case I (shades of gray) vs. a completely untreated population (dashed). The low/high risk groups differ by their resolution rates. Year a wa = ha Treatment wa ; Infection + chronic disease (1) a Da L = r wa n L D L ; H H H a Da = r wa n D ; 0.1 1 0.3 Parameters: 5 1 0.35 a wa = ha Treatment wa ; Infection + early (2) d development a = g a f w 1 f w r a 1 d d 0.05 Accumulated damage Stationary human populations and transmission environment Age-dependent (behavioral) risk factors Genetic risk factors. Variability in immune response can affect infection levels, early development, and the accumulation/ resolution of chronic disease. Accordingly, populations are subdivided into low- and high-risk disease-development cohorts Child development accounts for natural growth, its inhibition by infection, and the potential for therapeutic remediation Age-targeted treatment strategies with complete or partial coverage of first treatment Year 6 6 5 5 20 % efficacy 4 Max morbidity Schistosomiasis has multiple adverse effects, including longterm chronic disease, and retardation of juvenile growth and development. W.H.O. advocates control strategy by periodic drug treatment of affected populations, focusing on school-age children as the highest risk group for infection. Such control programs have already began, but important questions remain: I) Given the nature of infection, its associated diseases, and the typical patterns of program participation, what are the optimal strategies for drug delivery to minimize community burden of disease in a resource-limited setting? II) What effect could drug treatment have on improving early childhood development? We address these problems by mathematical modeling that accounts for transmission in age-structured populations, the typical development of acute and chronic diseases, the long term effect of treatment on chronic disease, as well as the impact on early childhood development and growth retardation. Our analysis identifies such optimal control strategies, and shows the potential for a substantial reduction of both early (developmental) and late-term morbidity. Age Accumulated damage ABSTRACT 90 % efficacy 3 2 Low risk 1 0 5 15 20 25 treatment 20 % efficacy 90 % efficacy 4 3 2 Low risk 1 10 of first Max morbidity 1Math. 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Fig.5: Long-term chronic damage as a function of varying the initial treatment age of strategies II-III (including decreasing adherence), at two different cover levels of the first cohort: 80% of eligible population (left), and 50% (right). Black curves are high-risk, gray - low-risk morbidity groups. Two ‘high risk’ curves on each plot compare the results of risk screening tests at each of two sensitivity levels. Age Age – per capita force of infection (depends on community-wide 160 60 transmission and snail infection) 140 50 ha – age-dependent contact rates (determine worm establishment and 120 40 snail contamination). 100 30 80 r,n - disease accumulation and resolution, can be linear or nonlinear 20 60 10 function of w,D. g(a), r(a) – natural/ remedial growth rates, based on US (NCHS) data 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 f(w) – infectious inhibition function (0<f<1) Fig. 6: The US median and 3rd percentile (NCHS) growth curves vs. Kenyan S. 180 US 3rd percentile US median Best fit DE Height, cm US 3rd percentile US median Best fit DE Weight, kg 70 Treatment: 180 US median height - Boys US 3rd percentile height 160 Height in cm Kenya Sh median height 140 120 Programs with risk screening and stratified treatment delivery: (III) will apportion the treated/untreated fractions among risk groups based on their predicted risk. We maintain the same overall coverage rates as case (II), but a larger number of the high-risk fraction is treated, depending on efficacy of screening. 100 80 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age in Years Fig. 2: Abnormal growth curve of male children and teen-age boys in an S.haematobium-endemic area printed by Methods The results below combine mathematical analysis / solutions of (1)(2), and numeric codes implemented in Wolfram Mathematica 5. Age Age 1 1 0.95 0.98 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 Height deficit EARLY GROWTH RETARDATION Population is subdivided into treatment cohorts (with different protocols). We consider two scenarios: (A) blind selection of treatment cohorts, where both risk groups enter in proportion to their population fractions; (B) Prescreening to select high-risk individuals for more intense treatment (Fig. 6). Treatment strategies and adherence for blind selection: (I) Follow three realistic limited treatment cohorts: a. 60% of population treated at ages 6 and 12; b. 20% treated at age 6 only, c. remaining 20% go untreated (II) Field compliance levels for multiple treatment: 70% covered by first treatment go to second, 60% of those to a third one. We allow 2-year gap between sessions (recommended by WHO) and let timing of initial treatment vary from 1 to 30 years of age. Weight deficit Fig. 1: Typical age-prevalence, infection intensity, and chronic disease formation in S.haematobium-endemic areas haematobium data (orange dots), and the best-fit DE solutions. 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.7 0.9 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 Fig. 7: The possible effect of ‘near optimal’ treatment regimen on reversing the height/weight deficiencies associated with infection at 3 different program efficacies: 20%,50%,90% (orange dots – untreated Kenyan data) SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Mathematical models allow us to estimate the effects of agetargeted treatments on both late-term disease formation and early growth retardation. We find optimal strategies (initial age, regimen) that yield significant reductions of both. These can apply to identified high-risk groups or the general population. Pre-screening for risk produces little effect (over a lifespan) with high initial coverage, but grows in significance at lower participation/adherence levels. 1.Medley GF, Bundy DA, Am J Trop Med Hyg 1996;55:149-58. 2.Chan MS, Guyatt HL, Bundy DA., Medley GF, Am J Trop Med Hyg 1996;55:52–62 3.Gurarie D, King CH, Parasitology 2005;130:49-65