The Corporatization of the University UUP Technology and Intellectual

The Corporatization of the University
UUP Technology and Intellectual
Property Issues Committee
Karen Volkman
SUNY Plattsburgh
Glenn McNitt
SUNY New Paltz
Expansion of Postsecondary
Distance Education in the U.S.
• Distance Education at Postsecondary
Institutions 1997-98, published by the
National Center for Education Statistics is
still the definitive survey
• This survey indicates that 78% of public
4-year institutions and 62% of public 2-year
institutions offer distance learning courses
The Pie Chart on the Right Shows Enrollment in
Credit-Granting Distance Education Classes
Distance Education at Postsecondary Education Institutions:
1997-98 p. 31
Corporate America Also Tracks
University Distance Education
• International Data Corporation (IDC)
reports that in 2002 approximately 85% of
2-year and 4-year institutions will offer
distance education courses
• IDC refers to increased enrollments as the
“elearning market”
IDC Corporate Analysis on Market Potential
“Elearning” on Wall Street
• Some of larger distance education
corporations have graduated from venture
capital to publicly traded companies on U.S.
stock exchanges
• The Chronicle of Higher Education has
created a special index to track the
performance of these companies
Note that the “for profit” higher education
companies outperformed the S&P 500
Why? All companies showed significant
increases in enrollments; especially the
U. of Phoenix
The U. of Phoenix is part of the Apollo group.
This company outperformed the rest of the
for-profit index.
Distance Education by Category
• State or community college distance
education systems
• Course Management System Vendors
• Virtual Universities
• Corporate - University Joint Ventures
State or community college
• Mixture of non-profit and for-profit
• SUNY Learning Network (SLN), NYU
Online, and U of Maryland University
College are examples
• Typically accredited same as home system,
such as Middle States or North Central
Course Management System
• Vendors provide software platform
environments for faculty to build their
• The course environment simplifies
organization and faculty interaction with
students without having to know
• Generally don’t provide course content
• Examples: WebCT and Blackboard
Virtual Universities
Completely online institutions
Most faculty are part time
Many are aimed at working adults
Accreditation varies; some have North
• Often taught by practitioners; have more
practical training focus
• Examples are Capella U., U. of Phoenix,
and Western Governors University
Corporate -University Joint
• Content contracted through corporate entity
• Course offered through university
• Course content is provided in module
format for selection into course
• Typically content is created by faculty stars
• Teaching assistants can be subcontracted
through company to “monitor” course
Who Are the Corporate - University
Joint Ventures?
A Virtual Revolution: Trends in the Expansion of Distance Education p. 13
Watch the Work
Corporate -University
• Many of these ventures are new on the
• These ventures tend to approach at the
system level to gain entry
• They focus on large enrollment classes,
such as general education
• They contract with expert faculty to develop
various modules for a class
Watch the Work in Your
• Global Education Network (GEN)
approached SUNY Central this academic
• GEN wanted to provide courses to meet the
SUNY General Education requirements
• GEN distributed recruitment emails to
SUNY Faculty
– See recruitment email
GEN Deals with General
• GEN’s premise is that system wide entry
level courses are difficult to find enough
faculty to cover
• GEN assumes that there is less interest in
humanities courses offered via distance
• GEN contracts with five or six superstars to
assemble course content
NCES data doesn’t support a dearth of
humanities courses via distance education
Distance Education at Postsecondary Education Institutions:
1997-98 p. 39
What’s the Story Behind GEN?
• GEN was started by venture capitalist
Herbert Allen and Williams College
Professor Mark Taylor
• $20 million has already been invested
• GEN originally sought professors from
private elite liberal arts colleges to develop
• Few such institutions have signed on
GEN even seems to be interested in
marketing distance education via PBS
Corporatization of the University
What Core Values Do We Lose
Academic freedom
Academic work ethic
Freedom for research
Traditional university interaction
Wither Academic Freedom
If you’re not the “superstar”
Dinner Module menu to choose from
No creation of own class content
Simplified mass production
Loss of departmental control of curriculum
Loss of comparison to traditional class
based course
• Different standards of assessment
• Class can be contracted to outsider
Wither Academic Freedom
What Happens to Your Tenure?
• How can you be evaluated for teaching
someone else’s content?
• Different expectations of both you and your
students for the contract course
• Second class citizen of faculty
• Differing expectations of terminal degree
Wither Academic Work Ethic
• Faculty have no reason to be engaged
• Faculty have no opportunity to share
research with their students
• Subcontracted faculty are not part of
campus life; serving on governance and
other campus functions
• Department level work ceases to be relevant
Wither Freedom for Research
• Classes devolve into degree mills
• Devaluation of faculty scholarship
• Students miss opportunity to share and
participate in faculty research
• Enrollments, not scholarship are rewarded
• Practitioner level scholarship emphasis
• Devaluation of humanities scholarship
Wither the Traditional University
• No sense of engagement of peers
• Devaluation of university peer system of
department and faculty governance
• Reliance on outsiders to teach
• Loss of traditional interaction with students
both in class and at campus forums
• Loss of intellectual community
What Will Be the Condition of
the University?
What Risks Does Corporatization of
the University Ultimately Impose?
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