Cardinal Classic Cross Country Invitational 28th Annual

28th Annual
Cardinal Classic
Cross Country Invitational
Saturday September 5th, 2009
Women’s 5kmMen’s 5kmAwards/ Results-
11:00 am
11:45 am
12:45 pm
Course: consists mainly of grass and trail with a few pavement crossings and bridge crossings. There is one
area that is passed over twice that is 50m of pavement. Course will be marked with flagging and white lines
on the ground. See Enclosed Maps
Men’s 5kmWomen’s 5km-
Mike Heymann (Plattsburgh)– 15:34
Toni Wiszowaty (Plattsburgh)– 18:26
Entries/ Roster Submission: Due by Wednesday September 2nd at 5:00 pm. Entries can be emailed to or faxed to 518-564-4155.
Entry Fee: $50.00 per gender/ team. $10.00 per individual if less than 5 individuals are on your team. Open
athlete registration will be accepted, at $10.00 per entry/ $15.00 day of race registration.
Packet Pickup: will be available at the start/ finish line from 9:00 am– 10:15 am on the day of the race.
Parking: will be allowed in the lot directly across the street from the start line (100 ft.)
Scoring: will be per NCAA with the top 5 place finishers per team and the top 7 displacing
Refreshments: will be available for coaches at packet pick-up and for all competitors following the raceoutside around the tent area
Awards: Awards will be given to the top team and the top 15 individuals in each race. In the event of
inclement weather, the awards ceremony will be held in the fieldhouse next to the course.
Locker Rooms: will be available in the fieldhouse.
Medical: a certified athletic trainer will be on site near the start finish area.
Results: will be posted within 30 minutes after the conclusion of each race and official copies will be
distributed to all coaches at the awards presentation and posted on the above meet website.
Meet Director
John Lynch