Last Revised: 10.2015 Prior Version: 7.2007 Board Meetings Introduction This policy outlines the operational activities and actions of the IRB of CWRU to comply with federal regulations on IRB functions and operations in the review of research. When is IRB approval required? The responsibility for initial determination whether an activity constitutes research involving human subjects rests with the investigator. The investigator should make this determination based on the federal definitions of “human subject” and “research.” Investigators may request a confirmation that an activity does not constitute human subjects research from the IRB Office. All requests must include sufficient documentation of the activity to support the determination. Determinations regarding activities that are either clearly or clearly not human subjects research, may be made by the IRB Manager. Determinations regarding less clear-cut activities will be referred to the IRB Chair, who may make the determination or refer the matter to the full IRB. Documentation of all determinations made through the IRB Office will be recorded and maintained. If a study involves “research” and “human subjects” as defined by 45 CFR 46, then investigators are required to submit an application to the CWRU IRB via the iRIS system for approval prior to any study procedures beginning - including the recruitment of study participants and the collection of data. Research studies involving human subjects for student theses and dissertations always require prior IRB approval. Data collected before approval is obtained is in non-compliance with University policy and cannot be used for research. The IRB will review and ensure that non-exempt research involving human subjects meets all required ethical and regulatory criteria for initial and continuing review and any modifications of approved research. The IRB may conduct their review using the follow review methods: Expedited Review Review by Convened IRB What are the roles of the IRB Office? The IRB Manager and HRPP staff are responsible for making determinations of exemption, screening protocols for necessary components before sending to IRB member(s), answering investigator questions, facilitating IRB review of protocols, maintaining records, providing required written documentation of IRB actions. The IRB Manager also serves as a member of the IRB Advisory Committee (IAC). If there are any questions about human study participants’ research or Case IRB procedures, please contact the IRB Office at or 216368-6925. Page 1 of 9 CWRU SBER IRB Policies and Procedures Last Revised: 10.2015 Prior Version: 7.2007 The federal regulations at 45 CFR 46.103(b)(2) and the Common Rule require CWRU to provide its IRB with sufficient meeting space and to support the IRB’s review and record-keeping responsibilities. The IRB shall include the administrative personnel to manage the processing of the application to the IRB and managers to establish operating procedures to promote consistency and efficiency. The staff receives mentoring and training on the job. They also participate in the CREC training program required of the IRB members and investigators. Additionally the IRB staff attends national meetings/conferences. Staff receives periodic performance evaluations at least on an annual basis by the Associate Vice President of Research Administration. Once an application has been submitted to the IRB office, when can research begin? No research may be initiated until the Case IRB has given a protocol full approval with no revisions. An investigator must wait to receive this approval in writing before initiating research. Verbal approval is not acceptable. Any data collected before obtaining written approval is in non-compliance with University policy and cannot be used for research purposes. IRB Meetings The CWRU social and behavioral IRB usually meets on the first Tuesday of each month. The agenda, along with meeting materials, is sent to IRB members five to seven days in advance of the meeting via iRIS. Once the agenda is finalized, an automated email is sent to the board members to notify them that the materials are posted. Protocols may be submitted to the IRB at any time via iRIS. Protocols that require Full Board review must be submitted to the IRB office at least two weeks before the next meeting (i.e., approximately the middle of the month before the meeting date). Deadline dates are listed on the CWRU IRB website. If an investigator does not submit a protocol requiring full board review before the monthly deadline date, the review will automatically be placed on the agenda for the following month’s meeting. It is important to keep the deadline dates in mind in order to avoid delays. Some protocols are delayed because they require multiple full board reviews due to protocols that require substantial revision or additional information. The IRB cannot approve protocols that are lacking required information or that are unclear. Careful preparation of the application by the investigator helps to avoid such delays. Protocols are not reviewed unless the submission is complete. All research not falling into an expedited, exempt or not human subject research category require full board review and approval (i.e., review and vote by a majority of members of the IRB at a convened meeting). Research involving children, the cognitively impaired, pregnant women, fetuses, and the educationally and economically disadvantaged may require full board review and approval. Other areas requiring full board review include initial and continuing review of research that is determined to involve greater than minimal risk, and any other continuing review, change requests or adverse event that the Chair or expedited reviewer requests receive full board review. Page 2 of 9 CWRU SBER IRB Policies and Procedures Last Revised: 10.2015 Prior Version: 7.2007 Except for unusual circumstances, each IRB member receives a copy of all full board meeting materials approximately five (5) days prior to the meeting. These materials include the complete initial/continuing review application or change request, as well as all other materials submitted with the application, which usually includes the following: attachments, correspondence with the IRB office and/or members, previous change requests, adverse event reports, and reports of unanticipated problems. The Case IRB Manager is responsible for tracking quorum and, in conjunction with the IRB chair, determines whether meetings are appropriately convened. Policy To comply with the federal regulations regarding human study participants in research (45 CFR 46), the Case IRB must consist of at least five (5) members. These members are appointed by the University’s Vice President of Research and Technology Management “…to promote complete and adequate review of research activities commonly conducted” at the University. In addition to faculty members with expertise in scientific areas, the IRB includes at least one member whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area. Also, at least one member must be from the community, and must not be affiliated with the institution. The IRB Office is responsible for ensuring that at each meeting at least one non-scientific member is present. The IRB may, in its discretion, invite individuals with competence in special areas to assist in the review of issues which require expertise beyond or in addition to that available on the IRB; these consultants, however, do not vote with the IRB. Reviewer System The IRB staff will assign a primary reviewer to each protocol based upon expertise. The IRB Office is responsible to ensure that at least one reviewer has the required scientific and scholarly expertise required to review the protocol. If the research involves prisoners, the IRB staff will assign a prisoner representative as the primary reviewer. If a primary or secondary reviewer with the appropriate scientific, scholarly, or cultural expertise and background is not available, the IRB office will seek out a reviewer within or outside of CWRU to serve as a consultant and utilize that person as the appropriate reviewer. The primary reviewer is responsible to review all materials in depth and present the research proposal at the convened meeting of the IRB. A secondary reviewer is responsible to review all materials in depth, substitutes for the primary reviewer if the latter is absent at the meeting, and otherwise provides an additional level of review and discussion. After the primary and secondary reviewers have presented their comments, all Board members discuss the documents received for review and add their comments. Page 3 of 9 CWRU SBER IRB Policies and Procedures Last Revised: 10.2015 Prior Version: 7.2007 Meeting Procedures The IRB Chair (or Vice-chair in the Chair’s absence) calls the meeting to order, once it has been determined that a quorum is in place (educational presentations may commence before a quorum is established). The Chair will check for and remind IRB members to recuse themselves from the discussion and vote by leaving the room where there is a conflict of interest. The IRB will review and discuss the IRB Minutes from the prior meeting. The IRB uses technology in its meetings to assist the Board in meeting regulatory requirements. As each study is considered/presented, appropriate sections of the IRB application, protocol/study design, consent forms and other documents are projected for members' information and discussion. The IRB reviewers’ comments pertaining to the review of the IRB submission can be viewed by the full board via the projected documents. The reviewers are also able to review any necessary checklist pertaining to the review of the IRB submission. The IRB reviews all submissions for initial and continuing review, as well as requests for amendments. The Primary and Secondary Reviewer present an overview of the research and lead the IRB through the completion of the regulatory criteria for approval in the “Institutional Review Board - Protocol Review/Initial Review” checklist. In order for the research to be approved, it must receive the approval of a majority of those voting members present at the meeting. Before closing the meeting, the Chair will ensure that the members have the opportunity to comment on the monthly report of the actions taken by the IRB using the expedited review procedures, which includes a listing of the approved protocols (new studies; continuing reviews; and amendments to approved protocols). Quorum and Voting A majority of IRB members including at least one member whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas must be present at a convened IRB meeting. A protocol must receive approval of a majority of the IRB members present at a meeting for it to be approved. The IRB Office staff is responsible for monitoring the members present at convened meetings to determine that the meetings are appropriately assembled and remain appropriately convened. When quorum is lost during a meeting, the IRB must not take further actions or votes until the quorum is restored. If the quorum cannot be restored, the meeting adjourns. Abstentions count toward the quorum but not toward the required voting majority. The Chair counts towards meeting quorum. Minutes of a Convened Board Meeting It is the policy of IRB that the minutes of a convened Board meeting will contain the relevant information as stipulated by federal regulations (45 CFR 46.115(a)(2)). Procedures for Documentation of IRB meeting Minutes: An IRB non-voting staff member will attend each committee meeting and will draft detailed notes to document the discussions and determinations of the Board for each agenda item. The Page 4 of 9 CWRU SBER IRB Policies and Procedures Last Revised: 10.2015 Prior Version: 7.2007 Minutes of each IRB meeting will document the separate deliberations, actions, and votes for each protocol undergoing initial or continuing review by the convened IRB, and the vote on all IRB actions including the number of members voting for, against, and abstaining. The minutes must be sufficient in detail to demonstrate: The IRB Chair, with the assistance of the IRB Manager, will confirm that quorum is present ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● before calling the meeting to order. The IRB Manager, will be responsible to ensure that the IRB meeting remains appropriately convened. The IRB Manager will document the time of arrival and departure for all IRB members and notify the IRB Chair if a quorum is not present. Minutes of IRB meetings will contain sufficient detail to show the presence of a quorum throughout the meeting. The attendance list shall include those members present at the beginning of the meeting. The minutes will indicate, by name, those members who enter or leave the meeting. The vote on each action will reflect the numbers of members present for the vote on that item. Members who recuse themselves because of conflict of interest are listed by name and the reason documented. Attendance at the meeting for each IRB action, to include: ○ If an alternate is present and who they are representing. ○ The initial and continued presence of a majority of members (quorum), including at least one non-scientist. ○ If a consultant is present for each protocol discussed, the minutes must document his or her attendance and protocol comments. ○ Attendance of unaffiliated member(s) is documented at convened meetings. If a Committee Member is excused from the meeting due to a conflict of interest during the discussion and vote on the study. The name of the committee member is also recorded. Actions taken by the IRB (e.g. approved; modifications required to secure approval; deferred; and disapproved The discussion of any controverted issues and their resolutions, and documentation of a consultant’s findings. If the IRB reviews research that involves categories of subjects vulnerable to coercion or undue influence, one or more individuals who are knowledgeable about or experienced in working with such subjects are present. The basis for required changes in research. The basis for disapproving research. The level of risk involved in the research (i.e., minimal or greater than minimal risk). The approval period for initial and continuing review. Justification for any change in study design or risk level for amendments, including those submitted with the continuing review. The vote on the actions including the number of voting “for; against; and abstaining.” In order to document the continued existence of a quorum, votes should be recorded in the minutes using the following format: Total = xx, For: xx, Against: xx, and Abstained: xx. Page 5 of 9 CWRU SBER IRB Policies and Procedures Last Revised: 10.2015 Prior Version: 7.2007 ● ● ● Determinations required by the regulations (e.g., waiver or alteration of informed consent; research involving pregnant women, human fetuses, or neonates; research involving prisoners; research involving children); and protocol specific findings justifying those determinations. Justification for deletion or substantive modification of information concerning risks or alternative procedures contained in any DHHS-approved sample informed consent document. When the suspension of an approved protocol is considered, documentation of the discussion on whether to allow for continued treatment of enrolled subjects must be included. Notice of Committee Reports The Notice of Committee is a monthly report of the actions taken by the IRB using the expedited review procedures; and includes a listing of the approved protocols (new studies; continuing reviews; and changes to approved protocols). Each month, the report is generated by the IRB staff and sent to all IRB members. Distribution and Approval of the Minutes Draft minutes will be prepared by the IRB staff and forwarded to the IRB for review. The Board members will receive copies of the minutes electronically. The minutes will be reviewed at a convened meeting of the Board. Any requested revisions will be discussed and incorporated in the minutes. The approval of the finalized minutes will be documented in the minutes of the meeting, along with documentation of the vote (i.e., the number of votes “for,” “against,” and “abstaining”) if it is not unanimous. Notification of Action and Review of Responses The IRB office reviews exempted protocols and sends investigators exemption notices via the electronic IRB system. However, the full IRB reviews all studies in need of full review and one or more IRB members review all studies eligible for expedited review. When Full and Expedited reviews involve major or minor modifications to secure approval, written notification of the IRB’s action, together with the reason(s) for its decision are provided to the Principal Investigator/Responsible Investigator. The results of IRB actions are conveyed in writing usually within one week of a convened IRB meeting at which the protocol was considered. Furthermore, when a primary reviewer (either through Full Board or expedited review) determines that additional modifications or clarifications are required, these are also forwarded in writing to the Responsible/Principal Investigator. All communications are sent by the IRB Administrative staff. The investigator must respond to all IRB requests and enquiries in writing or in person. When an investigator responds to the IRB actions, these correspondences are reviewed by the IRB members to determine whether the information provided satisfies the Board’s requests and the criteria for IRB approval. The information can be reviewed by expedited review (when the Page 6 of 9 CWRU SBER IRB Policies and Procedures Last Revised: 10.2015 Prior Version: 7.2007 investigator has agreed to the changes requested by the IRB or the protocol is eligible for review using the expedited procedure). Otherwise, the modifications are reviewed by the convened IRB. When the IRB disapproves a protocol, the Principal Investigator/Responsible Investigator is provided with written notification for the reason(s) for the disapproval; however, a detailed critique of the protocol is not provided. The investigator is instructed to contact the IRB office with any questions and may attend an IRB meeting to discuss the study. An investigator may rewrite and submit the study as a new protocol if they wish, but must take into account the Board’s concerns and reason(s) for the disapproval of the protocol. Investigators at IRB Meetings IRB meetings are not usually open to investigators. The IRB, in rare cases, may invite an investigator to attend during part of the discussion of his or her protocol to respond to questions from members of the IRB or provide additional information. The investigator would not be present during the final discussion about the protocol or the protocol vote. Visitors at IRB Meetings A visitor is anyone who is not a voting or non-voting member or the IRB, or an employee of the IRB Office or Office of Research Administration. Visitors may attend an IRB meeting with the approval of the IRB. The IRB reserves the right to allow a visitor to remain in the room during a vote or not. Visitors who attend meetings of the IRB must sign a Confidentiality Agreement. Copies of signed Confidentiality Agreements will be kept on file in the IRB Office. Institutional Oversight of Federalwide Assurance A complete copy of the current CWRU Federalwide Assurance (FWA) is maintained in the Office of Research Administration, and is available at the CWRU Research Administration website and office. The Vice President of the Office of Research and Technology Management has the ultimate responsibility for the institutional commitment made in the institution’s Federal Wide Assurance (FWA); and is the designated Signatory/Institutional Official (IO) for the Institution and the HRPP. The Institutional Official is appointed by; and reports to the Provost and President of CWRU. The IO is authorized to act for CWRU and, accordingly, the Vice President of the Office of Research and Technology Management is authorized to assure that CWRU complies with the terms of the FWA and is ultimately responsible for the review and conduct of human subjects’ research conducted or supported by CWRU. The Office of Research Administration possesses knowledge about the requirements of federal regulations, applicable state law, the institution’s Assurance, and institutional policies and procedures for the protection of human subjects. The CWRU Assurance is based on the following principles in order to safeguard the rights and welfare of human participants in research and other research activities. CWRU faculty, staff, and students, which comprise its schools, departments, divisions, and facilities, are subject to the Assurance and this policy. This includes any research for which an Assurance or another formal agreement (e.g., IRB Authorization Agreement) identifies the CWRU IRB as the IRB of Record. Page 7 of 9 CWRU SBER IRB Policies and Procedures Last Revised: 10.2015 Prior Version: 7.2007 CWRU agrees to uphold the ethical principles of The Belmont Report to all proposed research involving human participants. The ethical principles set forth in The Belmont Report are: o Respect for Persons: Recognition of the personal dignity and autonomy of individuals and special protection for those persons with diminished autonomy. o Beneficence: Obligation to protect persons from harm by maximizing anticipated benefits and minimizing possible risk of harm. o Justice: Fairness in the distribution of research benefits and burdens. CWRU further agrees to apply equivalent regulations such as the DHHS regulations (45 CFR 46), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), when applicable, to all research involving human participants regardless of funding. CWRU prohibits anyone including CWRU officials, investigators, employees, and sponsors from attempting to or using undue influence with the CWRU IRB, any of its members or staff, or any other member of the research team to obtain a particular result, decision, or action. “Undue influence” means attempting to interfere with the normal functioning and decision making of the CWRU IRB or to influence a IRB member or staff, or any other member of the research team outside of established processes or normal and accepted methods, in order to obtain a particular result, decision, or IRB action. If a CWRU IRB committee member, principal investigator, research participant, or other individual feels that he/she has been unduly influenced (e.g., coerced to participate, approve a study, or conduct a study), a report should be made to any HRPP staff member, who will ensure that it is relayed to the Associate Vice President for Research. Such reports will be reviewed, investigated, and, when appropriate, corrective actions will be taken. Appeals related to IRB policies and procedures (including investigator concerns or suggestions regarding the review process) may be reviewed by the CWRU IRB. [Element I.3.B] Responsibilities of the IRB under the Federalwide Assurance All information provided under the CWRU Assurance must be updated at least every 36 months, even if no changes have occurred, in order to maintain an active Assurance approved by OHRP. Amendments to the Assurance must be reported promptly (within 90 calendar days) to OHRP. This includes changes to IRB rosters and the addition or deletion of an IRB Chair or legally recognized entity related to CWRU. Changes in IRB membership are reported to OHRP by the Office of Research Administration. An IRB member can only be designated as “non-affiliated” if he/she and or his/her immediate family members do not have any affiliation (including past employment) with institutions within the Case HRPP. Institutional Review Board Advisory Committee (IAC) The Office of Research Administration, in conjunction with the CWRU IRB Advisory Committee (IAC) members, will identify new information that might affect the HRPP, including laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and emerging ethical and scientific issues. CWRU IAC members will disseminate this information to their HRPP administrators, investigators and their Page 8 of 9 CWRU SBER IRB Policies and Procedures Last Revised: 10.2015 Prior Version: 7.2007 research staff, and the IRB members and staff through written communication (i.e., IRB websites) or verbal presentations. The IAC will also determine whether the required Continuing Research Education Credit (CREC) Program should be revised based on any new information. Investigators are encouraged to monitor the IRB, CREC and HRPP Web sites for new postings. References and/or Regulatory Citations: 45 CFR 46 Belmont Report CWRU Website for Federalwide Assurance OHRP Assurance Information OHRP IRB Registration OHRP Policy Guidance Page 9 of 9 CWRU SBER IRB Policies and Procedures