Request for Single IRB Review by Yale for another Institution

Request for Single IRB Review where Yale serves as IRB of Record for another Institution
920 FR 7a (2014-2)
This form is to be used when a Yale University investigator requests that Yale enter into an
agreement with another IRB to serve as IRB of record for another IRB.
Institution A: Yale University
Institution B: The Institution ceding IRB review.
When the form is completed, submit it by email to The HRPP will review it and
contact the non-Yale institution to determine whether single IRB approval is appropriate. Once
the decision has been made, the HRPP will contact the investigator regarding the decision.
Please note: The Yale IRB Contact Person is Monika Lau,; 203-737-5331.
Yale’s FWA number and IRB registration numbers are found on the HRPP website, IRB#1 is the Yale Social/Behavioral/Educational IRB, the Human
Subjects Committee. IRBs#2-5 are Yale Biomedical IRBs, the Human Investigation Committees.
Complete all fields
1. Yale Investigator Information
Yale Academic Appointment:
Campus Address:
Campus Phone:
2. Protocol Information
Study Title:
Funding Source:
Title of Grant:
Award Number:
Which Institution is the Primary Awardee?
Current IRB Approval Status:
Risk Level:
Greater than minimal
Project Summary: (Provide a summary of the project in lay terms, including project
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Research activities that will occur at Yale: (List all)
Direct recipient of federal funds
Recruitment of subjects
Consenting subjects
Intervention with subjects (state exact interventions)
Analysis of identifiable data
Analysis of de-identified data
Research activities that will occur at the External Institution: (List all)
Direct recipient of federal funds
Recruitment of subjects
Consenting subjects
Intervention with subjects (state exact interventions)
Analysis of identifiable data
Analysis of de-identified data
3. Projected Length of Study:
4. External Investigator Information
Academic Appointment:
Contact Information:
Campus Address:
Campus Phone:
Role in the Study: (Provide a description of the role and activities of the investigator at
the Institution ceding IRB review)
External Investigator CV
Human Subjects Protection Training certificate
HIPAA training certificate (if Yale School of Medicine, Yale School of
5. Reason for Seeking Single IRB Review(Provide a description of why an agreement for
single IRB review is requested)
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6. Describe the plan for supervision and monitoring of the external site.
7. Institution A Information
Institution Name: Yale University
FWA Number: FWA#00002571
OHRP IRB Registration Numbers:
IRB Contact Person: (this is the person at the IRB office who handles Authorization
Contact Person email address:
Contact Person phone number:
8. Institution B Information
Institution Name:
FWA Number:
OHRP IRB Registration Numbers:
IRB Contact Person (this is the person at the IRB office who handles Authorization
Contact Person email address:
Contact Person phone number:
I understand that
 if this request is approved, Yale University IRBs will be the IRB of record for
this study, responsible for conducting initial and continuing review of this
 the decision to cede IRB review is made jointly by both institutions and is not
a decision of the investigators;
 if the agreement is effected, the Yale IRB will have full responsibility for IRB
oversight of the protocol.
 if the agreement is effected , the relying institution remains responsible for the
conduct of the study at its site(s)
 an agreement is not approved until a formal IAA (Institutional Authorization
Agreement) is signed by the Institutional Official at both Institutions.
I agree to comply with all applicable requirements of the IRB of record, as well as all
requirements set out by the Yale IRB.
Signature of Yale investigator:
Printed Name:
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