YALE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARDS Request for Single IRB Review where Yale serves as IRB of Record for another Institution 920 FR 7a (2014-2) This form is to be used when a Yale University investigator requests that Yale enter into an agreement with another IRB to serve as IRB of record for another IRB. Institution A: Yale University Institution B: The Institution ceding IRB review. When the form is completed, submit it by email to HRPP@yale.edu. The HRPP will review it and contact the non-Yale institution to determine whether single IRB approval is appropriate. Once the decision has been made, the HRPP will contact the investigator regarding the decision. Please note: The Yale IRB Contact Person is Monika Lau, monika.lau@yale.edu; 203-737-5331. Yale’s FWA number and IRB registration numbers are found on the HRPP website, http://www.yale.edu/hrpp/. IRB#1 is the Yale Social/Behavioral/Educational IRB, the Human Subjects Committee. IRBs#2-5 are Yale Biomedical IRBs, the Human Investigation Committees. Complete all fields 1. Yale Investigator Information Name: Yale Academic Appointment: Campus Address: Campus Phone: Email: 2. Protocol Information Study Title: IRB# Funding Source: Title of Grant: Award Number: Which Institution is the Primary Awardee? Current IRB Approval Status: Approved Pending Risk Level: Minimal Greater than minimal High Project Summary: (Provide a summary of the project in lay terms, including project goals) Page 1 of 4 Research activities that will occur at Yale: (List all) Direct recipient of federal funds Recruitment of subjects Consenting subjects Intervention with subjects (state exact interventions) Analysis of identifiable data Analysis of de-identified data Other: Research activities that will occur at the External Institution: (List all) Direct recipient of federal funds Recruitment of subjects Consenting subjects Intervention with subjects (state exact interventions) Analysis of identifiable data Analysis of de-identified data Other: 3. Projected Length of Study: 4. External Investigator Information Name: Academic Appointment: Institution: Contact Information: Campus Address: Campus Phone: Email: Role in the Study: (Provide a description of the role and activities of the investigator at the Institution ceding IRB review) Attach: External Investigator CV Human Subjects Protection Training certificate HIPAA training certificate (if Yale School of Medicine, Yale School of Nursing) 5. Reason for Seeking Single IRB Review(Provide a description of why an agreement for single IRB review is requested) Page 2 of 4 6. Describe the plan for supervision and monitoring of the external site. 7. Institution A Information Institution Name: Yale University FWA Number: FWA#00002571 OHRP IRB Registration Numbers: IRB Contact Person: (this is the person at the IRB office who handles Authorization Agreements): Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: 8. Institution B Information Institution Name: FWA Number: OHRP IRB Registration Numbers: IRB Contact Person (this is the person at the IRB office who handles Authorization Agreements): Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: I understand that if this request is approved, Yale University IRBs will be the IRB of record for this study, responsible for conducting initial and continuing review of this protocol; the decision to cede IRB review is made jointly by both institutions and is not a decision of the investigators; if the agreement is effected, the Yale IRB will have full responsibility for IRB oversight of the protocol. if the agreement is effected , the relying institution remains responsible for the conduct of the study at its site(s) an agreement is not approved until a formal IAA (Institutional Authorization Agreement) is signed by the Institutional Official at both Institutions. I agree to comply with all applicable requirements of the IRB of record, as well as all requirements set out by the Yale IRB. Signature of Yale investigator: Printed Name: Page 3 of 4 Signature: Date: Page 4 of 4